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 Q1-what are Reflex action? Explain reflex arc.

Q2-what are the major parts of the Brains? Mention the functions of each.

Q3-How does chemical coordination take place in animals?

Q4-(a) Name the various plant hormones.q

(b)Give physiological effects of hormones on plant growth and development.

Q5-How does nervous tissue Cause action?

Q6-Do the plants have a nervous system? If no, then how plants perform the function of control and

Q7-What are the different types of movements in plants? Describe them giving one example each.

Q8-What are endocrine glands? Show the position of different endocrine glands in our body.

Q9-Write any three characteristics of Hormones.

Q10-How does our body responds when adrenalin is secreted in the body?

Q11-Define Phototropism, Geotropism, Hydrotropism, Chemoteropism?

Q12-Distinguis between : (a) estrogen and progesterone

(b) auxins and gibberllins

(c) exocrine and endocrine glands

(d) cerebrum and spinal cord

Q13-whar are voluntary and involuntary actions? Give reasons.

Q14-Pituitary glands is often called a master gland.Why?

Q15-Name the hormone required for thefollowing:

(a) Functioning of memory gland

(b) Regulation of calcium and phosphate in blood
(c) Lowering of blood glucose
(d) Development of moustache and beard in human male.

Q16-What is autonomic nervous system?

Q17-Name the Hormone secreted by thyroid,parathyroid and pancreas.

Q18-List the functions of testosterone and estrogen.

Q19-Write name of three hormone secreted by the pituitary gland.

Q20-Nervous and hormonal system together perform the function of control and coordination in human
beings. Justify yhe statement.

Q21- What are meanings? What are their functions? Name the fluid, which is filled in between meanings.

Q22-Differnce between Dormancy and breaking of Dormancy?

Q23-How does tropism help in movement?

Q24-What do you understand by CNS? Explain.

Q25-Draw a flow chat to show the classification of nervous system in various parts.

Q26-What is synapse? What happen at the synapse between two nurones? How atre the messages carried?

Q27-Who detect smell and taste in our body?

Q28-What is the function of thyroxin hormone?

Q29-Function of hypothalamus, pituitary gland and cerebrum?

Q30-Name the part which controle blood pressure, Salivation and vomiting control?

Q31-Function of gustatory receptor.

Q32-Selfe governing nervous system and its function.

Q33-Function of CNS and its way of functioning?

Q34-Brain is the highest coordinating center in the body.Explain.

Q35-Explain Receptor and its role?

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