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From: Patrick Kelly

To: Content Director

Date: 10/04/2023
Subject Line: Folding a T-Shirt Usability Testing
Dear Content Director,

We have conducted the usability test on the How to Fold a T-Shirt website.
Overall, the tests went well, with the three subjects finding the website to be very
simple yet thorough. After testing I have determined that a few changes need to
be made by recommendation of the subjects who tested..
 Added in the beginning to lay shirt face down.
 Numbered list added to go along with the pictures.
 Headings added that show there is more explanation below the images.

Once the changes shown in the following memo have been approved, we will
perform another usability test on the effectiveness of the website’s changes.

Patrick Kelly
Date: 10/5/2023
To: Content Director
From: Patrick Kelly
Subject: Folding a T-Shirt Usability Results
Action Required: View updated Folding T-Shirts webpage
Distribution List: Content Director, Online Content Team
Hello all. I am writing to inform you of the results of our usability test for the How
to Fold a T-Shirt website. I have also included a request for approval for some
changes that should be made on the website. I was able to test the website on
October 3rd with three different users. This test provided information which I
utilized to make changes to the website.
Users were overall very pleased with the website and its effectiveness. There
were a few changes I made in the mockup linked to improve effectiveness. Users
added that they thought that more directions could be added to better direct the
user through the website. They also added that a numbered list would probably
be better to clearly outline each step. I have included some recommendations in
order to modify the website according to the observations.
Finding 1
 The uUser was not aware thatdidn’t realize there was more explanation
below the given information at the top. The user had been under the
impression they had finished the task when reaching the final step at the
top of the document..
SolutionRecommendation 1
 In order to fix this problem I would consider aAddinged directional arrows
to site. I believe these arrows along with further explanation should show
the user where to find more there is more detail below.
Finding 2
 The user commentated that the website was a bit hard to navigate based
on a lack of numbering for each step of the task. They said that aAddinged
lists could help the user navigate the steps better.
SolutionRecommendation 2
 In order to clarify this issue I’d consider adding nNumbers added to each
step to ensure clarity of the user of what to do when..
The users for the website to be easy to use and simple. They found the images to
be very useful in explaining how to correctly fold the shirt. As they went through
the website, they made a few comments.
 The first user said there should be more labels added because he was not
aware of the explanations provided below the images at the bottom of the
 All three users agreed that the images were very useful and provided
enough information to complete the task with ease.
 Both users found the website to be useful for someone who needs
assistance in folding their T-Shirts.

In conclusion, we have taken the results from the usability test to improve the
layout of the How to Fold a T-Shirt website. This includes numbered steps and
more navigation features to make users aware of everything the website includes.
I hope that these changes can help the users make the most of the website.

After evaluation I think it is important for a few changed to me made to the
website. I would add directional arrows and other guidance tools to the website
in order to make it easier to navigate. Finally, I would add numbers to each step
to ensure the user of the order to complete each action to finish the task.

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