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School uniforms could solve many problems in shools. With uniforms

children would not be able to wear brands and that would stop
competition about who wears the most expensive clothes and shoes.
Children would wear uniforms which will make getting ready easier and
quicker. School uniforms will make communication between students
because there won’t be any differences between them. With uniforms
teachers could easily recognise who goes to school and who is in school
as a visitor or a possible threat. Everyone would me the same and
nobody would feel left out.
With school unforms children will not be able to wear what they like
and that would limit their self-expression. School uniforms could be
expensive for some parents. Keeping uniforms clean and nice takes
time and money. As an example, parents with three or more children
have to buy at least six uniforms and keep them clean. Without
uniforms younger kid could wear clothes from the elder kid. School
uniforms may take focus from the bigger, educational problems. School
uniform may be uncomfortable for some children, some of school
uniforms may have limited sizes and that will affect children’s
School uniforms can be useful but they do not solve all the problems.
Students, parents, teachers and other school staff should talk about
wearing uniforms and solving all problems. Whether children wear
uniforms or not, all problems must be solved.
Modern world requires a lot of technology and computer usage. There
are many good and bad opinions on computers. We use computers for
education, researches… Computers are main source of information.
People use computers for business, contacting many companies for
jobs, talking with friends and family, finding new friends… whole world
is connected with computers and internet. Computers can also help
people relax and rest with games and Youtube videos. We can also
make money with computers- we can sell and buy things we want.
Everything has their bad sides so do computers. Spending too much
time in front of it is not for our eye site. Sometimes we go in the “black
hole” of the internet and we sit too much looking at our screen.
Computers can be invasion of privacy and the reason for that is
companies that use too much of our personal information. A good
computer costs a lot of money and some people cannot afford it.
Internet could also cause a lot of insecurities and people can become
depressed and anxious.
There are many positive and negative sides of computers but we must
be careful while using them.

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