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1. Why is a calendar necessary to help families in Sri Lanka?

a) Because they have bad time management

b) Because they need to be more organised
c) Because they have problems with family communication and alcohol abuse
d) Because they need to teach children how to be on time

2. What was important for women factory workers?

a) That the factories were close to their homes so they can balance work and
b) They wanted very high rates of pay
c) They needed to have children with them at work
d) The work had to be easy and non-physical

3. What was the blood test for?

a) Detecting cancer
b) Finding why people are ill
c) Identifying depression
d) Diagnosing serious illnesses

4. Which of the following statements is true?

a) It is difficult to measure the number of people in Manila

b) Manila's population has increased more than predicted
c) The population of Manila is too high
d) Manila is not as highly populated as other cities

5. Which of the following was not part of the scientist's mission?

a) To investigate what could be done if another asteroid hits the Earth

b) To find the origin of life on Earth
c) To investigate if life came from asteroids
d) To try and find why asteroids come to Earth
1. Family Calendars

Robyn Williams: So it's just a sheet of paper with columns?

Fiona Roberts: Yes, that simple. A column for each member of the family where they
put a tick against a smiley face or a sad face or an angry face, and the idea is really to
get the children, if they are old enough, to fill it in, for members of the family. And it's a
device to get families talking about their emotions and to try and deal with behaviours
or issues that affect them and the other members of their family.

Robyn Williams: So why do they need a calendar to do this, why can't they just talk to
each other, as you said?

Fiona Roberts: I think we have to bear in mind that rural Sri Lanka is quite a male
dominated country, and often the relationships between a man and his wife are quite
formal compared to what we might expect. And also, if the husband drinks, the time to
confront him isn't when he's drunk, it's the next day when he's sober or later on. So this
calendar is kind of a device to help the discourse and the communication within the

2. Women Factory Workers

Jean Jenkins: Women being able to balance the dual demands of their lives, their
domestic responsibilities and their ability to work full-time - most of these workers
worked full time - [umm] so the proximity of the factory to their homes was a big factor
in allowing them to work and accommodate childcare.

Laurie Taylor: Just a few minutes walk away?

Jean Jenkins: Just a few minutes walk away, ten minutes for some people. It was also
predictable work, it had, you know, a clear timeframe [umm] it was seen as secure
work as well so people could plan - people had some sense that their lives had, you
know, a purpose and some future.

3. A New Type of Blood Test

Mark Porter: American researchers have come up with a blood test that can identify
depression. The story made the headlines in a number of papers. The daily mail

"Scientists have devised the first blood test capable of diagnosing major depression in
Well, have they? Psychologist Claudia Hammond presenter of Radio 4's 'All in the
Mind' is here as is our resident psychiatrist Dr Max Pemberton. Max, the press reports
have somewhat oversimplified the story haven't they?

Max Pemberton: Yer, that's right. I mean it sounded initially really exciting, that you
could have blood tests that would be somehow picking up, you know, some chemical or
something [urm] that would give you a definitive diagnosis of depression, and actually
that's not what's really going on here [umm] it's much more complex.

4. The City of Manila

Lynne Malcom

In the year 2000 it was predicted that the population of the Philippines would double
within 29 years.

That rate has slowed slightly, but Metro Manila - of which Manila is a part, is one of the
most populous urban sprawls in the world.

Its growth has been rapid, it's an ethnically diverse city, with a history of foreign
colonisation, and it's a place of real economic extremes. Getting actual figures for this
urban population isn't easy.

5. Asteroid Studies

David Fisher

Just a few kilometres from downtown Tucson in southern Arizona, a plain, brown,
windowless building sits in seemingly featureless suburbia. There is no hint that inside
scientists are planning a space mission which could help answer some of the big
questions; how did life begin on Earth? And, just as much of life was wiped out when
an asteroid hit the planet 65 million years ago, what could be done if this was likely to
occur again?

Well, there is such an asteroid out there. It could hit the Earth, albeit in 170 years time,
and this same asteroid could help answer the first question about whether life was once
seeded on Earth from asteroids.

1. C.
2. A.
3. C.
4. A.
5. D.

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