AirSpeed 5000 API EN

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AirSpeed 5000 API Guide

Copyright: (c) 2008-2012 Avid Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

This document contains confidential and proprietary information. Usage and dissemination of this
information is governed by the applicable non-disclosure agreements.
AirSpeed 5000 API Guide P/N: 9329- 65226-00 Rev A Date: 4/26/12

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page i


Table of Contents
OVERVIEW .................................................................................................................................................. 1

CHANNEL CONTROL AND COMMAND BASICS ................................................................................ 2

Formatting ....................................................................................................................................................... 2
Response .......................................................................................................................................................... 2

CONFIGURATION COMMANDS ............................................................................................................. 3

Initialize ........................................................................................................................................................... 4
GetConfigInfo ................................................................................................................................................. 5
GetHardwareStatus .......................................................................................................................................... 7
Disconnect ....................................................................................................................................................... 8

TRANSPORT CONTROL COMMANDS .................................................................................................. 9

PlayCue ......................................................................................................................................................... 10
UnloadCuedClip ............................................................................................................................................ 11
LoadPlayList ................................................................................................................................................. 12
CuePlayListItem ............................................................................................................................................ 13
RecordCue ..................................................................................................................................................... 14
Shuttle............................................................................................................................................................ 16
Play ................................................................................................................................................................ 17
Continue ........................................................................................................................................................ 18
Record ........................................................................................................................................................... 19
Pause.............................................................................................................................................................. 20
Eject............................................................................................................................................................... 21
Stop................................................................................................................................................................ 22
SetInOut ........................................................................................................................................................ 23
Jog ................................................................................................................................................................. 24
GoTo.............................................................................................................................................................. 25
SetRecordDur ................................................................................................................................................ 26
GetStatus ....................................................................................................................................................... 27
GetSystemStatus ............................................................................................................................................ 29
GetInputStatus ............................................................................................................................................... 30
GetTC ............................................................................................................................................................ 31

DATABASE CONTROL COMMANDS ................................................................................................... 32

GetClipList .................................................................................................................................................... 33
GetPlayLists .................................................................................................................................................. 34
GetPlayListInfo ............................................................................................................................................. 35
SetPlayListAttributes ..................................................................................................................................... 36
CreatePlayList ............................................................................................................................................... 37
DeletePlayList ............................................................................................................................................... 39
RenamePlayList............................................................................................................................................. 40
AddClipToPlayList........................................................................................................................................ 41
RemoveClipFromPlayList ............................................................................................................................. 42
Transfer (to Interplay) ................................................................................................................................... 43
Create Proxy .................................................................................................................................................. 44
GetProxyStatus .............................................................................................................................................. 45
GetTransferStatus .......................................................................................................................................... 46
GetTransferList ............................................................................................................................................. 47
DeleteClip ...................................................................................................................................................... 48

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page i

GetClipData ................................................................................................................................................... 49
SetClipData ................................................................................................................................................... 51
GetChangeList ............................................................................................................................................... 52
GetGenericTemplate...................................................................................................................................... 53
GetGenericTemplateIds ................................................................................................................................. 54
GetGenericDefaultTemplateId ...................................................................................................................... 55

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page ii

The AirSpeed 5000 API is a TCP/IP socket based protocol used to control and query the AirSpeed 5000 server. The commands
are sent and received using XML (Extensible Markup Language) formatting.
The following items apply:
• TCP/IP available ports (59451-59456) (max of 10 connections per port)
• XML Info: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>.
• Only one XML command may be sent at a time.
• The major XML commands are formatted as tags “elements”.
• Many of the “element” commands have corresponding “attribute” data.
• All XML references to “TC” are the formatted STRING Time Code (HH:MM:SS:FF) (; if Drop Frame). Most attribute
type of “TC” will also allow the same attribute name with ‘i’ preceding it as an INT representation of the Time Code
For example, “StartTime=TC” will also allow “iStartTime=iTC” represented as an INT.
The “TC” STRING will be searched for first, and if found, the “iTC” should not be sent. It will be ignored.
• There are three command categories (Configuration, Transport and Database).
• STANDARD is the video standard name. Valid names are:

Note: All references to VITC also pertain to ancillary time code (ATC) as well.

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page 1

Channel Control and Command Basics
Controlling an AirSpeed 5000 server via API begins with establishing a connection to the server. The available connection ports
are 59451 – 59456 for channels 1-6 respectively. There can be up to 5 separate connections per port. Multiple connections on the
same port will run synchronously, with only one command processed at a time.
If no data is received on the AirSpeed 5000 server for 60 seconds, then the connection will automatically be closed by the
AirSpeed 5000 server.
Each connection port (59451-59456) will default to a corresponding channel number (1-6). Only ports with corresponding
channels that have hardware connected will be activated.
Note: Some Transport commands such as Play Cue, and Record Cue take longer to process than Status commands.

All commands are formatted using XML data packets with the following major tags.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<AMS><Configuration></Configuration></AMS> Configuration commands
<AMS><TransportControl></TransportControl></AMS> Transport Control commands
<AMS><DatabaseControl></DatabaseControl></AMS> Database Commands
Note: The terminating XML tag “</AMS>” will not be followed by a NULL.
Note: The client can only send one of the major tags at any one time.

All XML commands will respond when the command is completed with the following:
<AMS><Reply Status=”STATUS” Msg=”MESSAGE” ErrNum=”N” /></AMS> Message response

The STRING attribute “Status” is the Reply Status

OK – No error
ERROR – Error Occured
WARNING – Warning

The STRING attribute “Msg” contains the warning or error message. This attribute will not exist if the “Status” = “OK”.

The INT attribute “ErrNum” contains an error value, along with the description of the error in the “Status” attribute. The
attribute “ErrNum” will not exist if the “Status” = “OK”
1 – Command Error
2 – System Error
3 – XML format error
4 – System BUSY

Note: Many commands will send additional tagged information along with the OK response

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page 2

Configuration Commands
The Airspeed 5000 API provides several convenience commands for requesting configuration information from the AirSpeed
5000. These commands are defined as the major tag <Configuration> and are typically sent during the initialization sequence, but
may be sent at any time.

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page 3

This command is used to verify the connection between the client and the server, and retrieve information about the channel.


<Initialize />


Attribute Parameters
Not applicable.

Return Tag Elements and Attributes

VER is the STRING value of the current version of AirSpeed 5000
<ChnInfo ChnNum=”N” CanRecord=”false” />
The INT attribute “ChnNum” is the channel number being controlled.
The BOOL attribute “CanRecord” is true if this is a record channel, else false.

This command can be used to verify communication with the channel.

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page 4

This command is used to get system configuration information.




Attribute Parameters
Not applicable.

Return Tag Elements and Attributes

N is the INT value of the number of channels available.

STANDARD is the system video standard.

STANDARDS are a list of compatible video standards delimited by ‘;’.

BOOL is true if drop frame, false if not drop frame.

TYPE = 1 (GEN1, 2 (GEN2).

MODE = “Standalone”, “Team” or “Interplay”.

BOOL is true if proxy recording is enabled, false if proxy recording is not enabled.

BOOL is true if transfer engine is enabled for auto transfers, else false.

<Channel Num=”N” Name=”NAME” VidStandard=”STANDARD” …/>
“ChnInfo” contains a list of “Channel” Tags.
There is one Channel Tag returned for each Channel.
The INT attribute “Num” is the actual channel number.
The STRING attribute “VidStandard” is the channel video standard.

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page 5

The STRING attribute “Name” is the name of the channel.
The STRING attribute “VitcPlay” is the VITC playback line number
The BOOL attribute “ProxyRecordingEnabled” is “true” if proxy recording is enabled.
The STRING attribute “VitcRecord” is the VITC record line number.
The STRING attribute “OutputFormatBehavior” is the output format behavior:
FIXED – No format conversions.
UDX – Up / Down / Cross convert.
SWITCH – Switch the actual output standard.(on the fly)

Not applicable.

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page 6

This command is used to get system hardware status.


<GetHardwareStatus Verbose=”false”/>


Attribute Parameters
This is an optional BOOL attribute. If this is true then the return error message “Msg” is to be verbose. The default is

Return Tag Elements and Attributes

STRING is “OK” if there are no errors, “ERROR” if there are errors.

STRING is a description of the hardware error, if Verbose=true then the description is verbose. If HardwareStatus=OK
then this tag is not returned.

Not applicable.

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page 7

This command is used to disconnect the client from the server.


<Disconnect />


Attribute Parameters
Not applicable.

Return Tag Elements and Attributes

Not applicable.

If the command is successful, it will send the normal “OK” response and then the server will immediately disconnect from the
client. The client will have to reestablish socket communication to control the channel.

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page 8

Transport Control Commands
These commands are used to control the transport for the selected channel.

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page 9

This command is used to cue a clip for playback.


<PlayCue ID=”ClipID” In=”TC” Out=”TC” AutoPlay=”false” ShowFirst=”true” EjectFirst=”true” TcRef=”REF” />


Attribute Parameters
This is a required STRING attribute. This is the ID of the clip that is to be cued for playback.
This is an optional STRING attribute to set the beginning TC location for the clip play. The default is to cue to the
beginning of the clip.
This is an optional STRING attribute to set the end TC location for the clip play. The default is to play to the end of the
This is an optional BOOL attribute indicating if the system is to show the first frame on the output channel for the cued
clip. The default is false.
This is an optional BOOL attribute indicating if the system is to eject the cued clip if has not currently active. The default
is false.
This is an optional BOOL attribute indicating if the cued clip is to automatically start playing when the currently playing
clip completes. If no clip is currently playing, then this flag is ignored. The default is false.
This is an optional STRING attribute indicating if the time code calculations are to be referenced on the Output
channel’s video standard, or the clips video standard. The default is OUTPUT
REF = OUTPUT – Use the channel’s output video standard (Default)
REF = CLIP – Use the active clip’s video standard.
This is an optional BOOL attribute indicating that the ID is the name of a sequence to be loaded. If this is set to true then
the attributes “In” and “Out” are ignored. The default is false.

Return Tags
Not applicable.

This command puts the channel in Play mode, if it is currently in Record mode.
The ShowFirst=”true” attribute will not take affect if the PlayCue command is issued while a clip playing.

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page 10

This command is used to unload a clip that is cued for playback.




Attribute Parameters

Return Tags
Not applicable.

This command will unload a clip that is cued for play back.

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page 11

This command is used to load an already created play list for playback.


<LoadPlayList Name=”Name” StartItem=”0” ShowFirst=”true” EjectFirst=”true” TcRef=”REF” UpdateToDisk=”true” />


Attribute Parameters
This is a required STRING attribute. This is the Name of the Play List to be readied for playback.
This is an optional INT attribute indicating the item number to start playing from in the Play List. The default is 0 (first
This is an optional BOOL attribute indicating if the system is to show the first frame on the output channel for the cued
clip. The default is false.
This is an optional BOOL attribute indicating if the system is to eject the cued clip if has not currently active. The default
is false.
This is an optional STRING attribute indicating if the time code calculations are to be referenced on the Output
channel’s video standard, or the clips video standard. The default is OUTPUT
REF = OUTPUT – Use the channel’s output video standard (Default)
REF = CLIP – Use the active clip’s video standard.
This is an optional BOOL attribute indicating that changes made to loaded play list will be updated to disk. The default
is true.

Return Tags
Not applicable.

This command puts the channel in Play mode, if it is currently in Record mode.
The ShowFirst=”true” attribute will not take affect if the PlayCue command is issued while a clip playing.

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page 12

This command is used to cue a clip for play back in already loaded Play List.


<CuePlayListItem CueItem=”0” ShowFirst=”true” />


Attribute Parameters
This is an optional INT attribute indicating the item number to cue in the Play List. The default is 0 (first item).
This is an optional BOOL attribute indicating if the system is to show the first frame on the output channel for the cued
clip. The default is false.

Return Tags
Not applicable.

The play list will automatically cue the next event as it plays the Play List Sequence. This command is only required to change
the next cued item.
The ShowFirst=”true” attribute will not take affect if the PlayCue command is issued while a clip playing.

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page 13

This command is used to cue a clip for recording.


<RecordCue ID=”ClipID” Name=”Clip Name” Len=”TC” OverWrite=”false”

EjectFirst=”false” TimeCodeSrc=”SYSTEM” />





Attribute Parameters
This is a STRING attribute. This is the ID of the clip that is to be cued for recording
If this attribute does not exist, the AirSpeed 5000 will automatically assign a new ID.
This is an optional STRING attribute TC length to record the clip. The default (0) is to record until a STOP command is
This is an optional BOOL attribute indicating if the clip already exists it may be deleted first. The default is false.
This is an optional BOOL attribute indicating that the channel should be ejected before the cue is initiated. The default is
This is an optional STRING attribute defining the record timecode source. The default is SYSTEM; Options are:
SYSTEM: Use the AirSpeed 5000 System setting
NONE: No Timecode Source, starts at 0
TOD: Timecode source is Time of Day
VITC: Timecode source is VITC

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page 14

Passed Tags

This is an optional STRING tag containing the record template XML data. This TAG will be formatted as a CDATA

This is an optional STRING tag containing the proxy record template XML data. This TAG will be formatted as a
CDATA section:

This is an optional STRING tag containing the destination template XML data. This TAG will be formatted as a
CDATA section:

Return Tags
The STRING tag ID is name of the clip cued for recording

This command puts the channel in Record mode if it is currently in Play mode.

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page 15

This command is used to shuttle an active clip.


<Shuttle Speed=”1.0”/>


Attribute Parameters
This is an optional FLOAT attribute indicating play speed. The allowable speed ranges are (-10.0 to 10.0) A negative
value will play in reverse. The default is 1.0 indicating play forward at normal speed.

Return Tags
Not applicable

Not applicable.

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page 16

This command is used to play the cued item. If nothing is cued, this command will return an error.


<Play Speed=”1.0” StartTime=”TC”/>


Attribute Parameters
This is an optional FLOAT attribute indicating play speed. The allowable speed ranges are (-10.0 to 10.0) A negative
value will play in reverse. The default is 1.0 indicating Play Forward at normal speed.
This is an optional STRING attribute for the start time TC (time of day). The default is to start immediately.

Return Tags
Not applicable.

Not applicable.

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page 17

This command is used to continue playing an active paused clip.




Attribute Parameters
Not applicable.

Return Tags
Not applicable.

Not applicable.

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page 18

This command is used to record a clip cued for record.


<Record StartTime=”TC”/>


Attribute Parameters
This is an optional STRING attribute for the start time TC (time of day). The default is to start immediately.

Return Tags
Not applicable.

Not applicable.

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page 19

This command will pause the Active Id that is playing. If there is a cued clip, but no active ID, this command causes the cued clip
to become active, and its first frame appears paused on the output.




Attribute Parameters
Not applicable.

Return Tags
Not applicable.

Not applicable.

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page 20

This command ejects the Active Id that is either cued, playing or recording and puts the channel in Play mode




Attribute Parameters
Not applicable.

Return Tags
Not applicable.

Not applicable.

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page 21

This command will stop the Active Id that is either playing or recording. If it is playing, then the Active ID will be ejected. If it is
recording, then the ActiveID will be stopped and the AirSpeed 5000 will remain in Record mode. Issuing this command in
Record mode when there is no active clip causes the channel to enter Play mode.




Attribute Parameters
Not applicable.

Return Tags
Not applicable.

Not applicable.

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page 22

This command will Set the In/Out for a clip that is currently cued for playback.


<SetInOut In=”TC” Out=”TC” TcRef=”REF” />


Attribute Parameters
This is an optional STRING attribute for the new TC in point. The default is to leave unchanged.
This is an optional STRING attribute for the new TC out point. The default is to leave unchanged.
This is an optional STRING attribute indicating if the time code calculations are to be referenced on the Output
channel’s video standard, or the clips video standard. The default is OUTPUT
REF = OUTPUT – Use the channel’s output video standard (Default)
REF = CLIP – Use the active clip’s video standard.

Return Tags
Not applicable.

Not applicable.

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page 23

This command jogs the active clip.


<Jog FrameCnt=”N”/>


Attribute Parameters
This is an optional INT attribute for the number of frames to jog. A negative number will jog in reverse. The default is to
jog one frame forward.

Return Tags
Not applicable.

Not applicable.

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page 24

This command positions the ActiveID to the passed location.


<GoTo Location=”N” TcRef=”REF” />


Attribute Parameters
This is an STRING attribute for the location to position the Active Clip to.
This is an optional STRING attribute indicating if the time code calculations are to be referenced on the Output
channel’s video standard, or the clips video standard. The default is OUTPUT
REF = OUTPUT – Use the channel’s output video standard (Default)
REF = CLIP – Use the active clip’s video standard.

Return Tags
Not applicable.

Not applicable.

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page 25

This command changes the recording clip’s record duration.


<SetRecordDur Dur=”N” />


Attribute Parameters
This is an STRING attribute for the new duration of the recording clip.

Return Tags
Not applicable.

There must be a clip recording or cued for recording on the channel for this command to be valid.

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page 26

This command gets the status of a channel.


<GetStatus TimeCode=”TYPE” InputStatus=”false” TcRef=”REF”/>


Attribute Parameters
This is an optional STRING attribute indicating the TC time is to be returned. The default is to return all time code types.
TYPE = ABSOLUTE - Return the absolute time code.
TYPE = ZEROBASE – Return the zero based time code as if the clip started at zero.
TYPE = REMAINING – Return amount of time remaining on clip.
TYPE = FRAMECOUNT – Return the zero base time code as if the clip started at the in point.

This is an optional BOOL attribute indicating if the Input Status is requested as well. The default is (false) to not return
the Input Status.

This is an optional STRING attribute indicating if the time code calculations are to be referenced on the Output
channel’s video standard, or the clips video standard. The default is OUTPUT
REF = OUTPUT – Use the channel’s output video standard (Default)
REF = CLIP – Use the active clip’s video standard.

Return Tags
<StatusInfo Ctrl=”IDLE” RecMode=”” Active=”ID” Name="Name" Cued=”ID”
Pos=”TC” iPos=”N”
Off="TC" iOff="N" Frame="TC" iFrame="N" Rem="TC" iRem="N" Dur="TC" iDur=N />
The STRING attribute “Ctrl” is the “Active clip” status. The valid “ctrl” responses are:
IDLE – No Active Clip
PAUSED – Active Clip paused
PLAYING – Active Clip Playing
SHUTTLING – Active Clip Shuttling
JOGGING – Active Clip Jogging
VARIPLAY – Active Clip Variable Playing
RECORDING – Active Clip recording
CUED – Active Clip is cued for playback (first frame is being shown) or record.
DONE – Active Clip played to end
ERROR – Last cue operation failed (will stay in this state until another cue is issued)

The BOOL attribute “RecMode” is true if in Record mode, false if in Play mode.

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page 27

The STRING attribute “Active” is the ID of the Active Clip. This attribute will not exist if there are nocurrently active
The STRING attribute "Name" is the name of the Active Clip.
The STRING attribute “Cued” is the ID of the Cued Clip. This attribute will not exist if no clip is currently cued
The STRING attribute “Pos” is the selected TC position for the Active clip. This is the ABSOLUTE timecode if
“TimeCode” was not set.
The INT attribute “iPos” is the selected INT position for the Active clip. This is the ABSOLUTE timecode if
“TimeCode” was not set.
The STRING attribute “Off” is the zero based offset TC for the Active clip, if Timecode was not set.
The INT attribute “iOff” is the zero based INT offset TC for the Active clip if Timecode was not set.
The STRING attribute "Frame” is the frame count TC for the Active clip if “Timecode” was not set.
The INT attribute “iFrame” is the frame count INT offset TC for the Active clip if “Timecode” was not set.
The STRING attribute “Rem” is the remaining TC for the Active clip if “Timecode” was not set.
The INT attribute “iRem” is the current INT remaining TC for the Active clip if “Timecode” was not set.
The STRING attribute “Dur” is the duration TC for the Active clip.
The INT attribute “iDur” is the INT duration TC for the Active clip.

STANDARD is the channel’s current video standard.

<InputStatus Video=”” VITC=”” /> returned ONLY if InputStatus=true

The STRING attribute “Video” returns ”Present” or “Missing”
The STRING attribute “VITC” returns ”Missing” or “HH:MM:SS:FF”:

<PlayList Name=”Name” ActivePos=”n” CuePos=”n” PlayoutControl=”Follow”

Pos=”TC” iPos=”N” Dur=”TC” iDur=”N”
/> returned ONLY if playing item is part of a playlist
The STRING attribute “Name” returns the name of the active playlist
The INT attribute “ActivePos” returns the position of the active item in the playlist (-1 if none)
The INT attribute “CuePos” returns the position of the cued item in the playlist (-1 if none)
The STRING attribute “PlayoutControl” returns the start control of the cued clip (if clip is cued)
The STRING attribute “Pos” is the zero based TC for the position in the Play List.
The INT attribute “iPos” is the INT zero based for the position in the Play List.
The STRING attribute “Dur” is the total duration TC for the Play List.
The INT attribute “iDur” is the INT total duration for the Play List.

If the “Cued” attribute exists, then a clip is cued for playback or record
If the Ctrl attribute is CUED, then a clip is active and cued and its first frame is being shown on the output.
If the “Active” attribute does not exist then the status is IDLE

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page 28

This command gets the status of an AirSpeed 5000 server.


<GetSystemStatus DiskMode=”MODE” />


Attribute Parameters
This is an optional STRING attribute indicating return type for the disk information. The default is to return the disk
information in SECONDS.
MODE = FRAMES - Return the disk information in frames.
MODE = SECONDS - Return the disk information in seconds.
MODE = MINUTES - Return the disk information in minutes.
MODE = HOURS - Return the disk information in hours.
MODE = BYTES - Return the disk information in bytes.
MODE = MEGABYTES - Return the disk information in megabytes.

Return Tags
<SystemInfo Total=”” Remaining=”” TOD=”” Reference=”” ConfigSerialNumber=””/>
The INT attribute “Total” is the total disk space returned in MODE units:
The INT attribute “Remaining” is the remaining disk space returned in MODE units:
The STRING attribute “TOD” is the current TOD ”Missing” or “HH:MM:SS:FF”
The STRING attribute “Reference” is the current reference. Reference Returns:
The INT attribute “ConfigSerialNumber” is the number of times the Settings Database has been modified since startup

Not applicable.

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page 29

This command gets the input channel status


<GetInputStatus” />


Attribute Parameters
Not applicable

Return Tags
<InputStatus Video=”” VITC=”” />
The STRING attribute “Video” returns ”Present” or “Missing”
The STRING attribute “VITC” returns ”Missing” or “HH:MM:SS:FF”:

VITC values are only available while recording

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page 30

This command gets the Time Code of a channel.


<GetTC Mode=”TYPE” TcRef=”REF”/> />


Attribute Parameters
This is an optional STRING attribute indicating the mode of the time code to be returned. The default is ABSOLUTE.
TYPE = ABSOLUTE - Return the absolute time code.
TYPE = ZEROBASE – Return Zero based time code.
TYPE = REMAINING – Return amount of time remaining on clip.
TYPE = FRAMECOUNT – Return the zero base frame count of the current position.

This is an optional STRING attribute indicating if the time code calculations are to be referenced on the Output
channel’s video standard, or the clips video standard. The default is OUTPUT
REF = OUTPUT – Use the channel’s output video standard (Default)
REF = CLIP – Use the active clip’s video standard.

Return Tags
<TCinfo Pos=”TC” iPos=”N” FrameRate=”N” DropFrame=’true”/>
The STRING attribute “Pos” is the current/remaining TC position for the Active clip.
The INT attribute “iPos” is the current INT position for the Active clip.
The INT attribute “FrameRate” is the frame rate for the time code returned.
The BOOL attribute “DropFrame” is true if time code is in drop frame mode.

Not applicable.

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Database Control Commands
These commands are used to interface to the AirSpeed 5000 database.

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page 32

This command is used to get a list of the clips IDs and minimal information from the database.


<GetClipList ResetList=”true” NumClips=”50” MinList=”false” />


Attribute Parameters
This is an optional BOOL attribute indicating whether the clip list is to be reset to the beginning. The default is true. Set
this to false to retrieve subsequent items in the list.
This is the optional INT attribute indicating the number of clips to retrieve at one time. The allowable range is 1-50, and
the default is 50.
This is the optional BOOL attribute indicating the GetClipList will only return the clip ID. This makes for faster clip
name retrieval. The default is “false”.

Return Tag Elements and Attributes

<TotalClips />
This is only sent back when the “ResetList” attribute is set to true. This value is the total number of clips currently in the
database at the time of the ResetList command..
<NumClips />
The number of clips retrieved. When this number is less than the passed “NumClips” value, the end of the clip list has
been reached.
<Clip ID=”ClipID” In=”TC” iIn=”N” Out=”TC” iIn=”N” />
“ClipInfo” contains a list of “Clip” Tags.
There is one Clip Tag returned for each Clip retrieved.
The STRING attribute “ID” is the actual clip ID.
The STRING attribute “In” is the mark in TC.
The INT attribute “iIn” is the mark in frame count.
The STRING attribute “Out” is the mark out TC.
The INT attribute “iOut” is the mark out frame count.

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page 33

This command is used to get a list of the Play Lists IDs and minimal information about each Play List.


<GetPlayLists ResetList=”true” NumPlayLists=”50” MinList=”false” />


Attribute Parameters
This is an optional BOOL attribute indicating whether the list of play lists is to be reset to the beginning. The default is
true. Set this to false to retrieve subsequent Play Lists.
This is the optional INT attribute indicating the number of Play Lists to retrieve at one time. The allowable range is 1-50,
and the default is 50.
This is the optional BOOL attribute indicating the GetPlayList will only return the Play List Name. This makes for faster
clip name retrieval. The default is “false”.

Return Tag Elements and Attributes

<NumPlayLists />
The number of Play Lists retrieved. When this number is less than the passed “NumPlayLists” value, there are no more
Play Lists.
<PlayList Name=”PlayListName” NumClips”N” >
<Clip ID=”ClipID” Index=”N” In=”TC” iIn=”N” Out=”TC” iIn=”N” />
“PlayList” contains the name of the Play List and a list of the “Clip” Tags.
There is one “PlayList” Tag returned for each PlayList retrieved
The STRING attribute “Name” is the name of the Play List
The INT attribute “NumClips” is the number of clips in the Play List (Only returned if MinList is false).
There is at least one “Clip” Tag returned for each PlayList retrieved (Only if MinList is false)
The STRING attribute “ID” is the Clip Name
The INT attribute “Index” is the index of the clip in the Play List (0 – (numClips-1)).
The STRING attribute “In” is the mark in TC.
The INT attribute “iIn” is the mark in frame count.
The STRING attribute “Out” is the mark out TC.
The INT attribute “iOut” is the mark out frame count.

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page 34

This command is used to get the Information about a Play List .


<GetPlayListInfo Name=”Name” Index=”N” />


Attribute Parameters
This is a required STRING attribute indicating name of the Play List.
This is the optional INT attribute indicating the index of the item of interest. If this is -1 then all items in the Play List are
returned. The default is -1.

Return Tag Elements and Attributes

<PlayListInfo Name=”PlayListName” DiaplayName=”name” Loop=”false” NumClips”N” >
<Clip ID=”ClipID” Index=”N” In=”TC” iIn=”N” Out=”TC” iIn=”N”
VideoStandard=”Standard” Status=”OK” />
“PlayListInfo” contains the name of the Play List, Number of clips returned, and a list of the “Clip” Tags.
The STRING attribute “Name” is the name of the Play List
The STRING attribute “DisplayName” is the display name of the Play List
The BOOL attribute “Loop” is true if the Play List is set for Looping
The INT attribute “NumClips” is the number of clips returned
A “Clip” Tag is returned for each clip retrieved
The STRING attribute “ID” is the Clip Name
The INT attribute “Index” is the index of the clip in the Play List (0 – (numClips-1)).
The STRING attribute “In” is the mark in TC.
The INT attribute “iIn” is the mark in frame count.
The STRING attribute “Out” is the mark out TC.
The INT attribute “iOut” is the mark out frame count.
The STRING attribute “VideoStandard” is the Video Standard of the clip.
The STRING attribute “Status” is the Status of the Clip

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page 35

This command is used to set the attributes of a Play List .


<SetPlayListAttributes Name=”Name” DisplayName=”DisplayName” Author=”Author” Loop=”false” />


Attribute Parameters
This is a required STRING attribute indicating name of the Play List.
This is an optional STRING attribute indicating display name of the Play List (default is none).
This is an optional STRING attribute indicating the Author the Play List (default is none).
This is an optional BOOL attribute indicating if the Play List is to be looping. The default is false.

Return Tag Elements and Attributes

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page 36

This command is used to create a new Play List.


<CreatePlayList Name=”Name” DisplayName=”name” Author=”Author” Loop=”false” NumClips=”N” OverWrite=”false”

TcRef=”REF” >

<Clip ID=”ClipID” Index=”N” In=”TC” iIn=”N” Out=”TC” iIn=”N” PlayoutControl=”Follow” />



Attribute Parameters
This is a required STRING attribute indicating name of the Play List.
This is an optional STRING attribute indicating display name of the Play List (default is none).
This is an optional STRING attribute indicating the Author the Play List (default is none).
This is an optional BOOL attribute indicating if the Play List is to be looping. The default is false.
This is an optional INT attribute indicating the number of clips in the Play List. If this value is 0 then an empty Play List
is created. The Default is 0.
This is an optional BOOL attribute indicating if the Play List already exists it may be deleted first. The default is false.
This is an optional STRING attribute indicating if the time code calculations are to be referenced on the Output
channel’s video standard, or the clips video standard. The default is OUTPUT
REF = OUTPUT – Use the channel’s output video standard (Default)
REF = CLIP – Use the active clip’s video standard.
There should be “NumClips” number of Clip Tags (one for each clip in the Play List).
The required STRING attribute “ID” is the Clip Name
The required INT attribute “Index” is the index of the clip in the Play List.
The optional STRING attribute “PlayoutControl” is the start control for the Clip
The options are: “Follow”, “Manual” (Default is Follow)
The optional STRING attribute “In” is the mark in TC. (Default is database value)
The optional INT attribute “iIn” is the mark in frame count. (Default is database value)
The optional STRING attribute “Out” is the mark out TC. (Default is database value)
The optional INT attribute “iOut” is the mark out frame count. (Default is database value)

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page 37

Return Tag Elements and Attributes
<PlayListInfo Name=”PlayListName” NumClips”N” >
<Clip ID=”ClipID” Index=”N” In=”TC” iIn=”N” Out=”TC” iIn=”N” />
“PlayListInfo” contains the name of the Play List, Number of clips returned, and a list of the “Clip” Tags.
The STRING attribute “Name” is the name of the Play List
The INT attribute “NumClips” is the number of clips returned
A “Clip” Tag is returned for each clip retrieved
The STRING attribute “ID” is the Clip Name
The INT attribute “Index” is the index of the clip in the Play List (0 – (numClips-1)).
The STRING attribute “In” is the mark in TC.
The INT attribute “iIn” is the mark in frame count.
The STRING attribute “Out” is the mark out TC.
The INT attribute “iOut” is the mark out frame count.

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page 38

This command deletes a Play List.


<DeletePlayList Name=”Name” Force=”false” />


Attribute Parameters
This is the required STRING attribute name of the Play List to be deleted.
This is the optional BOOL attribute if set to true will elect the clip if it is active on the channel.

Return Tag Elements and Attributes

Not applicable.

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page 39

This command renames a Play List.


<RenamePlayList Name=”Name” NewName=”Name” NewDisplayName=”Name” />


Attribute Parameters
This is the required STRING attribute name of the Play List to be renamed.
This is the required STRING attribute is the New Play List name.
This is the optional STRING attribute is the new display name (default is to use current display name)
This is the optional BOOL attribute if set to true will elect the clip if it is active on the channel.

Return Tag Elements and Attributes

Not applicable.

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page 40

This command is used to add a clip(s) to a Play List.


<AddClipToPlayList Name=”Name” NumClips=”1” Replace=”false” TcRef=”REF” >

<Clip ID=”ClipID” Index=”N” In=”TC” iIn=”N” Out=”TC” iIn=”N” PlayoutControl=”Follow” />



Attribute Parameters
This is a required STRING attribute indicating name of the Play List.
This is an optional STRING attribute “PlayoutControl” defining the start control for this Clip. The options are:
“Follow”, “Manual” (Default is Follow)
This is an optional BOOL attribute indicating if the added clip is to replace the existing clip at the “index” location. The
Default is false.
This is an optional INT attribute indicating the number of clips to be added “index” location. The Default is 1.
This is an optional STRING attribute indicating if the time code calculations are to be referenced on the Output
channel’s video standard, or the clips video standard. The default is OUTPUT
REF = OUTPUT – Use the channel’s output video standard (Default)
REF = CLIP – Use the active clip’s video standard.
There should be “NumClips” number of Clip Tags (one for each clip to add).
The required STRING attribute “ID” is the Clip Name
The required INT attribute “Index” is the index location to add the Play List.
The optional STRING attribute “In” is the mark in TC. (Default is database value)
The optional INT attribute “iIn” is the mark in frame count. (Default is database value)
The optional STRING attribute “Out” is the mark out TC. (Default is database value)
The optional INT attribute “iOut” is the mark out frame count. (Default is database value)

Return Tag Elements and Attributes

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page 41

This command is used to remove a clip(s) from a Play List.


<RemoveClipFromPlayList Name=”Name” Index=”N” NumClips=”1” / >


Attribute Parameters
This is a required STRING attribute indicating name of the Play List.
This is a required INT attribute indicating Index in the PlayList of the clip to remove.
This is an optional INT attribute indicating the number of clips to be removed starting at “Index” location. The Default is
1. If NumClips is greater than 1 then “NumClips” clips will be removed from the PlayList starting at “Index”. Note if
NumClips=-1 then all the clips following “Index” are removed

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page 42

Transfer (to Interplay)
This command transfers a clip to Interplay.


<Transfer ID=”ClipID” />


Attribute Parameters
This is an STRING attribute ID of the clip to be transferred.

Return Tag Elements and Attributes

Not applicable.

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page 43

Create Proxy
This command creates a proxy for an existing clip.


<CreateProxy ID=”ClipID” />


Attribute Parameters
This is an STRING attribute ID of the clip that you want to create a proxy from.

Return Tag Elements and Attributes

Not applicable.

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page 44

This command gets the proxy status for a clip.


<GetProxyStatus ID=”ClipID” />


Attribute Parameters
This is a STRING attribute ID of the clip of interest.

Return Tags
The STRING attribute STATUS is the current proxy status of the clip.
The STRING attribute is formatted as “N%” and is only returned if the status is “Transcoding”.

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page 45

This command gets the transfer status for a clip.


<GetTransferStatus ID=”ClipID” />


Attribute Parameters
This is a STRING attribute ID of the clip of interest.

Return Tags
The STRING attribute STATUS is the current disk transfer status of the clip.

<TransferInfo … /> This only is returned if the Transfer Information Exists

The STRING attribute “TransactionID” is this transaction ID
The STRING attribute “TransferType” is the transfer type (Ingest or Playback)
The STRING attribute “State” State = (Running, Completed, Error, Paused, Pending, Cancelled)
The INT attribute “PercentDone” is the percent complete for this transaction
The STRING attribute “ErrorMessage” Error string if State=Error
The STRING attribute “Updated” is the HH:MM:SS since this transaction last updated

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page 46

This command gets information about recent transfers.




Attribute Parameters
Not applicable.

Return Tags


The STRING attribute “VideoID” is the clip name for this transaction.
The STRING attribute “TransactionID” is this transaction ID.
The STRING attribute “TransferType” is the transfer type (Ingest or Playback).
The STRING attribute “State” State = (Running, Completed, Error, Paused, Pending, Cancelled).
The INT attribute “PercentDone” is the percent complete for this transaction.
The STRING attribute “ErrorMessage” Error string if State=Error.
The STRING attribute “Updated” is the HH:MM:SS since this transaction last updated.

Note: The transfer list only retains transfer information for those transfers updated within 10 hours of the
GetTransferList request. Also, the transfer list only retains up to 1000 transfers.

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page 47

This command deletes a clip.


<DeleteClip ID=”ClipID” />


Attribute Parameters
This is an STRING attribute ID of the clip to be deleted.

Return Tag Elements and Attributes

Not applicable.

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page 48

This command retrieves clip data. This command also clears out the change list data.


<GetClipData ID=”ClipID” GetPaths=”false” GMT=”true” />


Attribute ParametersID
This is a STRING attribute ID of the clip of interest.

Return Tag Elements and Attributes

This is the optional BOOL attribute. Set to “true” for Greenwich Mean Time, Set to “false” for “Local Time”. The
default is “true”.
This is the optional BOOL attribute. Set to “true” to retrieve the UNC paths to the media. The default is “false”.
<ClipData ID=”ClipID” … />
The STRING attribute “ID” is the required clip Video Id (media Id).
The STRING attribute “Name” is clip name.
The STRING attribute “Category” is clip category.
The STRING attribute “User” is clip user.
The STRING attribute “Memo” is clip memo.
The STRING attribute “Master” is the sub clip’s master clip ID (only returned for sub clips).
The BOOL attribute “Protect” is true if clip is protected.
The BOOL attribute “Aspect16X9” is true if clip is 16:9 aspect ratio.
The INT attribute “LoopCount” is current looping count (-1 indicates looping is unavailable on this clip)
The Options are: 0 indicates do not loop, 1 to 999 indicates to loop count, 1000 indicates loop forever
The INT attribute “TcSrc” is the time code source type.
The Options are: 0=ATC/VITC, 1=BaseTC, 2=LTC, 3=TOD
The STRING attribute “LoopIn” is the Loop In TC where each loop will start after the completion of the initial loop.
The STRING attribute “Codec” is the name of the recording codec.
The FLOAT attribute “BitRate” is the bit rate that the clip was recorded at
The STRING attribute “AudioStream<N>” is the type of audio for stream (N=1-8), no tag if stream doesn’t exist
The STRING attribute “ProxyAudioStream<N>” is the proxy audio for stream (N=1-8), no tag if stream doesn’t exist
The STRING attribute “In” is the mark in TC.
The STRING attribute “Out” is the mark out TC.
The STRING attribute “Base” is the base TC.
The STRING attribute “VideoStandard” is the Video Standard of the clip.
The STRING attribute “Len” is the clip length TC.
The STRING attribute “”RecordLen” is the TC total recorded length of the clip.
The STRING attribute “CreationDate” is the date the clip was created (YY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS).
The STRING attribute “ModificationDate” is the date the clip was last modified (YY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS).
The STRING attribute “MobID” is the MobID of the clip.
The STRING attribute “SourceID” is the SourceID (IE tape ID).
The INT attribute “HF” is the Head Frame TC location (-1 if no head frame exists)

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page 49

The STRING attribute “TransferStatus” is the current transfer status of the clip.

Return strings:
ID xxx Does not exist
Transfer Done
Transfer Error
Transfer Paused
Transferring Out
Transferring In
Transfer Request
Ready To Transfer

The STRING attribute “IngestStatus” identifies the clip ingest method (“Recording” or “Copying”), and status (“Done”).
The STRING attribute “CopyStatus” identifies the clip copy status. This will only exist if there is a copy status.
The STRING attribute “Origin” identifies the origin of the clip (“Local” if recorded locally or “Remote“ if the clip was
not recorded locally).
The STRING attribute “ProxyStatus” is the current proxy status of the clip.

Return strings:
No Proxy

<TransferInfo … /> This is only returned if the Transfer Information Exists

The STRING attribute “TransactionID” is the transaction ID.
The STRING attribute “TransferType” is the transfer type (Ingest or Playback).
The STRING attribute “State” State = (Running, Completed, Error Paused, Pending, Cancelled)
The INT attribute “PercentDone” is the percent complete for this transaction.
The STRING attribute “ErrorMessage” Error string if State=Error.
The STRING attribute “Updated” is the HH:MM:SS since this transaction last updated.

<Paths Clip=”path” … /> This is only returned if “GetPaths” is true

The STRING attribute “Clip” is the UNC path to the media file.
The STRING attribute “RawHeadFrame” is the UNC path to the raw head frame JPG file. (only returned if file exists).
The STRING attribute “Proxy<1,2,..N>” is the UNC path to the Proxy files. (Only Returned if file exists)

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page 50

This command retrieves clip data.


<SetClipData ID=”ClipID” … />


Attribute Parameters
The STRING attribute “ID” is the required clip Video Id (media Id).
The STRING attribute “Rename” is the new Video Id (media Id) name
The STRING attribute “Name” is clip name.
The STRING attribute “Category” is clip category.
The STRING attribute “User” is clip user.
The STRING attribute “Memo” is clip memo.
The BOOL attribute “Protect” is true if clip is to be protected.
The BOOL attribute “Aspect16X9” is true if clip is 16:9 aspect ratio.
The STRING attribute “In” is the mark in TC.
The STRING attribute “Out” is the mark out TC.
The STRING attribute “Base” is the base TC.
The STRING attribute “Len” is the clip length TC.
The INT attribute “LoopCount” is current looping count
The Options are: 0 indicates do not loop, 1 to 999 indicates to loop count, 1000 indicates loop forever
The STRING attribute “LoopIn” is the Loop In TC where each loop will start after the completion of the initial loop.
The STRING attribute “MobID” is the MobID of the clip.
The STRING attribute “SourceID” is the SourceID (IE tape ID).

Return Tag Elements and Attributes

Not applicable.

This command only changes the clip data fields for the passed attributes. All other clip data fields will remain the same.

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page 51

This command is used to get a list of the database changes in the order that they occurred. Note that the command GetClipData
will clear out the changed list.


<GetChangeList NumChanges=”50” />


Attribute Parameters
This is the optional INT attribute indicating the number of database changes to retrieve at one time. The allowable range
is 1-50. The default is 50.

Return Tag Elements and Attributes

<NumChanges />
The number of changes retrieved. When this number is less than the passed “NumChanges” value, the end of the
database change list has been reached.
<Change TYPE=”ChangeType” ID=”ID” NewID=”NewID”/>
“ChangeList” contains a list of “database change” Tags.
There is one Change Tag returned for each database change, they must me processed in order of return.
The STRING attribute “TYPE” is the type of change notification.
ADD = Added clip
DELETE = Deleted clip
MODIFY = Modified clip.
RENAME = Rename clip.
PL_ADD = Added Play List
PL_DELETE = Deleted Play List
PL_MODIFY = Modified Play List.
PL_RENAME = Rename Play List.
The STRING attribute “ID” is the ID of the item changed.
The STRING attribute “NewID” is new ID and is only returned if the TYPE=RENAME
Note: Renamed items could also have been modified and should be treated as such

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page 52

This command is used to get the generic template data used for recording of clips.


<GetGenericTemplate TemplateType=”type” RequestType=”type” ID=”id” />


Attribute Parameters
This is the type of template requested. Valid types are “Record”, “Destination”, and “User”.

This is the request type. Valid request types are “VideoID”, “TemplateID”, “TemplateName”.

This is the ID/Name of the requested template, depending on the request type.

Return Tag Elements and Attributes

The actual template data returned in a CDATA Section.

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page 53

This command is used to get a list of the entire template IDs by “type”.


<GetGenericTemplateIds TemplateType=”type” ByID=”true” ByName=”false” PresetsOnly="false" />


Attribute Parameters
This is the type of template requested. Valid types are “Record”, “Destination”, and “User”.

If this is “true” then the template IDs are returned (the default is true).

If this is “true” then the template Names are returned (the default is false).

If this is “true” then only built-in templates are returned (the default is false).

Return Tag Elements and Attributes

<Template ID=”data” Name=”data” />
<Template ID=”data” Name=”data” />

List of the template IDs/Names..

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page 54

This command is used to get the default template ID and template name for a channel or Video Standard


<GetGenericTemplateId TemplateType=”type” Channel=”num” VideoStandard=”VideoStandard” />


Attribute Parameters
This is the type of template requested. Valid types are “Record”, “Destination”, and “User”.

This is the selected channel for the default ID.

The STRING attribute “VideoStandard” is the Video Standard of the default template.

Valid Video Standard names include the following:




Return Tag Elements and Attributes

<Default ID=”data” Name=”data” />
The default template ID and Name for the passed channel

AirSpeed 5000 API Guide Page 55

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