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ME 2,17 - He AT 1PANSFE2


CLEANN Pre2 vequired, Prsut in

writiny thr {ull yraclr |00turn fur

barcl Cuectnis, cunp(tteuss preienttion.

Usíny what was {lit cur's

milrs qellon fur his tvip kilomets pr liire?
miles pir qutlon : : 325 mpg

02 Km

1) 4 rtain (urr printer un pr int 12 payes per ninute DrteMMe this printtr's vtput in pays
pur dey

-|| : 120 P9 per. hr

: 20 P9 24 kk
11,2rO puyes pek cleay
) An eVrey humun heurt heuts D tineS per minte- f qve owtruye Prrson Iives to 4ht uyt of s,
hyw mans timeS does he CAVtvuyt hturt beelt na

G0 beuts Jmin 2,71 314,246 btuts per. ite

4) lvocd sUycar lkvels oe meusure milliqr of qlcost pen ceeilibre of blod voluiwt f a ptrton't
S00c uyur kver weusred

-1-2% grcims / litre

h Cin 42 hr |
speec Cur
. per nttres lur!
n kilenns
prr going
in it is fust low Mnes If in km 75
traels ur )A
q14um .
yur fwtprink
own Cupposey onbyilt iS il t yWe
ot flur) qruand is ot
(ureu prit" 'fwt fiust's orclilanc 2uniny loel 1)A
n| 5
-4144n 0
yu? l448 4000 yurds
ft ooco 4 :
Mees cubie
yurd (ubic Volum it's Find curyo b)
cose? Urpet 4ne wil mUch How urd square Pr
MeasureS corr Ceupet
to buyiny ar 46u 5)
q)the (argest cínyle nuyn dianoncl funcl (otiun Drmondi wigs 3100 curits
Üne curet iS quivalent of 20 grams

diumond milliqrams

3106 caratS


wrighs 22
(:37 (oS

metuu bu lic

nuitC mentel 4eMpcreture ucit

(ojnfurtu blr.
- women tt CA
slight(y metubo li'e men
btcuus dt
feucture like di ff ereuce in huscle muss, buy siz, hur inonc caetivity tell.
LL clo¢niny pluys CA
how wt prrceive enui nmentel lrpereatwe
lin cUld wtuthr, wcuriny íngulcting icyVS weuFe WUrler by

tvuppiny buciy liect. lu hot wecynr

lightweight, rrct he ble fubics Cuh help
by altuw inq heut to csca pt

I) Hew does neat trangr eliffer fron scicnce

eet trunstr uncl hermocdynumtCs avc closeiy iciHeet but
diffrnUs cspts
heut. tHeut runsfr moremeult of Aecat
piace Lo anutlr, likt now a hot pan heuts yut
Suwwneliny cair- wnile qhermoolync ics,
oHller hen trpleres tne loroacr prinapes qorerniny cuir,wrt, anel heet
Systtwni put it simply 4uint of
ercianyt lheut
of ue Wtlt MUrcnuE, ohiit uevmo "why" uvcl 'w-t"
Lo lu) heut runsfr:
is cirivh by ne temprte liffeence bwen
ryiors hottr

,SeeEny utrmal cquitibriym

vdtyt potttel differece

iecticul cruit . 4's ue furee 4uat pushes
huyn cwncluctur

tike i liuicl cr quS, (s drin 5y

of hiqntr prssre
Creutiny Slowink of it ike wutt (low iny

hiqh pon to a low point Punp

(netiy presture

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