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Morality and God’s Love

Unit 4 Final Performance Task – Research Paper

The following is a list of the enduring understandings for unit 4. Demonstrating your grasp of at least one of
these understandings will be essential to successfully completing your chosen final performance task
• The Fifth Commandment calls us to respect and protect all human life, from conception to
natural death, because all human life is sacred, created by God for eternal life.

• The Sixth and Ninth Commandments call us to a life of chastity, using the great gift of
sexuality for the nuptial and generative ends God intended.

Directions: Write a Research Paper

Write a four-page research paper (1000 words), 12 point TNR font, double spaced. Include proper school
writing guidelines header, title and MLA citations page on one of the issues addressed in this unit of study:
abortion, euthanasia, genetic engineering, stem cell research, suicide, just war, the death penalty, chastity,
pornography, prostitution, cohabitation, adultery, artificial contraception, artificial means of conception, or a
topic related to personal heath. Topics will be assigned to you by Mrs. Lutz and you need to verify two
primary research Catholic sources you will use by Monday 4/24 for 2 points.
Follow these steps:
1. Review each of the issues presented in this unit, and decide on one issue you would like to address in
greater depth.
2. Examine the course textbook readings and class PPT notes that address this issue, and write down
questions you need to pursue to more fully understand the issue.
a. Define your topic
b. Find the current reason why it is justified and promoted in society and science. Find the
reasoning and arguments used by the public in general to justify the use and practice of this
behavior or technology.
c. Identify current statistics and data.
d. Explore what the Church says about this in what it agrees and disagrees with.
e. This is not an opinion paper, but a research and connection of seeking the truth in both the
science, practice and Church teaching.
3. Identify reliable sources of information that can add to your understanding of the issue, and search them
for opinions, facts, and statistics.
a. Include both secular and Catholic resources
b. Secular sources need to be use and found through web searches will lead you to articles
and statistics related to your issue. Be sure to use multiple verified scientific data through
sources such as (these are optional secular resources to consider – more can be found) :
i. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
ii. Pew Research Center

© 2021 Saint Mary’s Press

Live Jesus in Our Hearts Series Document #: TX006718
Unit 4 Final Performance Task Options

iii. Guttmacher Institute

iv. Scientific America, Psychology Today, any official and verified published data
related to your topic of study. – Use Media Fact Checkers to double check sources.
*Note LEFT-CENTER BIAS These media sources have a slight to moderate liberal bias. They often publish
factual information that utilizes loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by appeals to
emotion or stereotypes) to favor liberal causes. These sources are generally trustworthy for information but
may require further investigation. Overall, we rate the Guttmacher Institute Left-Center Biased based on
their liberal position for support of reproductive rights while at the same time utilizing minimal bias in
presentation. We also rate them High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing and for being a resource
for credible IFCN fact-checkers.

c. Be sure to research official Catholic teaching for pertinent documents on the issue using
documents from CCC and at least two or more Catholic sources (so three or more
sources overall mandatory):
i. the Vatican website
ii. the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) website
iii. National Catholic Bioethics Center website
iv. The Catechism of the Catholic Church

4. Write an outline of your paper based and a rough draft of your research, noting how at least one of the
enduring understandings applies to your issue. * Outline and first two pages of rough draft are
due 5/8 for 10 points
5. Rewrite and edit a final copy, including a works cited page listing the resources you have used in official
MLA format (not just a website link)

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Live Jesus in Our Hearts Series Document #: TX006718

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