D&D5e - Brancalonia - The Daily Jinx #0

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- Sponsored by Biondino Tonic -

the tord-boyaux sherry that makes damsels merry

The Daily Jinx

The dispatch most

widespread throughout theKingdom
Spring 1020
Hear ye, readers, criers and listeners,
Condottieri, Leaders, and Knaves of all kinds,
Ladies, women of common and noble birth, damsels and old frumps,
gentlemen and plebeians, peasants, magnates and beggars,
and you too, beloved children, bastards and street urchins, scions, heirs and orphans:,

In your magnificent palace, splendid city, remarkable village, we are proud to announce an absolute preview throughout the Kingdom of
the complimentary issue of the free, astonishing and inimitable publication,

The Daily Jinx

From today, The Daily Jinx will be the dispatch most widespread throughout the Kingdom’s cities and regions – not to mention the only
one – reporting news of public interest, curiosities, Bounties and useful information for job-seeking Knaves and Companies.

Henceforth, from Falcamonte to Zagara, from Ausonia to Tasinnanta, and even in the free cities of the Gray League, of Tesseratto,
Mortecarlo and Constantinaples, couriers on horseback and mail-boats from all over the Kingdom will reach your palaces, squares and
dives, and distribute these expertly bound, illustriously illustrated and most useful papers, to the delight of young and old.

Behold the index of our lofty contents:

Pag. 3 Brancalonia Bagatelles Pag. 10 Old Barbanera’s Almanack
Pag. 5 Postalmarket Pag. 12 Sister Altomanna’s Recipe
Pag. 3 Poor Friar's Ephemeris - Spring 1020 Pag. 14 Salty Sailor’s Misfit Tales
Pag. 8 The Most-wanted Bounty Pack of Cards

Do not miss Number 0 of the most notorious (and unique) news dispatch of the Kingdom!
The Daily Jinx 0 is written, woodcut and printed by:

Project Management: Samuel Marolla English Translation, Editing and Proofreading (Game rules): Epic
Creative Direction: Mauro Longo Party Games; English Translation, Editing and Proofreading
Content Creation: Mauro Longo, Davide Mana, Lorenzo Ladogana, (narrative): Sarah Jane Webb
Max Castellani and Andrea Macchi Artwork: Lorenzo Nuti, Alessandro Ballucchi, Andrea Casciaro and
International version: Davide Mana and Mauro Longo Fabio Porfidia
Editing: Masa Facchini Layout and Graphics: Matteo Ceresa

Based on Italian tradition, folklore, history, landscapes, fiction, and pop culture, Brancalonia is a Campaign Setting for the 5th Edition of the most famous role-playing game ever.
Brancalonia is a game by Acheron Games
Regno di Taglia, Fratelli di Taglia, and Penumbria were created by Jack Sensolini and Luca Mazza (Ignoranza Eroica).
Copyright © 2020 Acheron Games. All rights reserved.
Brancalonia is a product of the authors’ imagination: any reference to existing personalities, organizations, places, names or events is purely fortuitous.
Italian edition © 2020 Acheron Games
The Daily Jinx

selection of news, tips and codswallop gathered by our authors from missives and
official proclamations from every corner of the Kingdom.
For the benefit of Condottieri who wish to engage their Knaves in such matters.

Registration for the Mavarian College is open

-P iccadora -

The Royal Mavarian College of Abracalabria has reopened its doors to new Practitioners. The
Magnificent Mavarian has declared that this year’s class will consist of as many as 13 students,
in the hopes that at least half a dozen will survive to the end of this year’s Novitiate.
Admission requirements provide for some well-defined arcane ingredients to be handed over to
the Chancellery. These have been communicated to us, in case anyone amongst our esteemed
readers should wish to enroll:

• Seahorse’ass (quantum satis);

• one bunch of Swine’s Snout, with perfectly-preserved infructescences;
• one Pantegan tail (items shall not be returned);
• one bag of Sidonian spore powder;
• one spicy Felino (or Wolf-Felino) salami, whose rough chilli component must be equal to
12 parts out of 10;
• one Barrelopod from the Emerald Crust;
• thirteen feathers of Emperor Foioncus, each a different color.

As a side note, we report that many bands, guiscards and adventurers are currently heading
for Sibara, apparently in order to place themselves at the service of noblemen flocking there
to enroll their scions. In fact, a black market of arcane components is said to be flourishing in
Ad Arcanarum Hau
stum et
the city. The Sibara Guards Chief also reports a number of protests among the local Pantegan Seminarium Mavarum
community; however, these have declined rapidly over the past weeks, as have the members of
the community itself.

The Daily Jinx

Bold young heroes wanted for the Thing

- G alaverna -

Rumors have it that under the big old bridge spanning the Rio Stocco, on the way to the
village of Marenga in Galaverna, thrives a “Thing” whose lust for human flesh is second only
to its cunning.
What the Thing may be, and whether it be spirit or beast or humanoid, is not known, since
those who saw it never returned to tell, to the detriment of trade throughout the valley. For
this reason, and in consideration of the approaching season when streets reopen after Winter,
the united board of magnates of Marenga offers food, lodging and gold to the brave who will
dare take on the Thing and rid the Stocco of its voraciousness. They will also grant victorious
adventurers all the loot that the Thing has accumulated over the last year, consisting of armor
and swords, rings, teeth of gold, and much more.
The Marenga Chamber of Commerce in Galaverna assumes no responsibility for damages,
deaths and cripplings that could result from this undertaking, nor does it intend to bear the
costs of sawbones, herbalists and morticians.
A one-to-ten part transit fee will apply to the survivors’ emoluments.
The Chamber is also anxious to declare that this proposal is not aimed at feeding foreign
mercenaries to the Thing, as many gossips are implying.

Very honorable albeit

unlucrative engagement

- A lazia -
The Marquise Marcolfa of Torre Borraccia – first of her
name, by the grace of Saint Baldino, Lady of the village of
Castronuovo and surrounding lands, vineyards and villas
– urgently seeks a team of fearless people prepared to place
their arms and swords at her service to avenge a cruel wrong-
doing. For too long, the Marquise has tolerated the insults
and threats of Count Leopoldo of Malanatica, a.k.a. the
Hunchback, vassal of the Lords of Constantinaples. Where
courtesy is defunct, philosophy defeated, and the law silent,
let blades and gallantry speak!
Present yourselves outside mealtimes.

Note from the scribbler: there is no doubt that Leopol-

do the Hunchback offended Madonna Marcolfa exceedingly.
Having wooed her at length with gifts of flowers, baskets of
cherries and mandolin-strumming troubadours, he then bol-
ted, swift as a wolfhound, having assessed the Marquise’s cof-
fers to be meager indeed.
Hence the Hunchback’s heart had hammered not for the
love sung by poets, but for a reckoner’s misinformed greed.
Be warned, Knaves all, that what chilled the loins of the
Hunchback could bode ill for your Band as well. Not a plug-
ged coin is to be had here. Hence, agree to be paid in booty,
or in any other way, and may a martial saint smile down upon
your endeavor.

The Daily Jinx

naves and Condottieri! Behold Postalmarket: an extraordinary service that these
pages now feature, in addition to news reports and adventurous narrative: as from
today, you may order, through The Daily Jinx, a choice of junk, knickknacks and
bric-a-brac, which will be delivered to you AT NO ADDITIONAL COST, even in
the most meaningless and forgotten corners of the Kingdom, in the most remote
hideouts of your Bands, in the most sordid and despicable Dives, Jailhouses and
Dungeons you choose to patronize!
Behold this issue’s list of rubbish, complete with specifications and reference measurements:

Saddle of the Damsel in Distress Extravaganza Extract

Description: Invented by the brigand Cinquina Description: Watch out, Knaves! Straight out of the
d’Oltrefossa to teach the unwary that there’s no such a Analchemic Distilleries of Aiccaroif, here are Mrs.
thing as a damsel in distress in the Kingdom. Through Vanvera’s most famous vials of liquid Extravaganza.
a convenient mechanism hidden in this saddle, it’s Today, we have a special offer for y’all!
possible to make the horse rider fall sideways, pretending Effect: When you use a potion of Extravaganza Extract,
a situation of apparent distress. The saddle shifts back you become subject to the effects of the Fairy Godfather’s
again through the same marvelous mechanism, allowing respect (mediocrity recedes from Extravaganza, and
the rider to return to sit normally. the Fairy Godfather likes the extremes). If the d20 roll
Effect: You can use the saddle to pretend to be in result is 18, 19, or 20, an ability check, an attack roll,
difficulty. Doing so gives you advantage on a Charisma or a saving throw is considered a success (in the case of
(Deception) check. an attack, a critical hit). If the d20 roll results is 1, 2
Weight: 22 lb or 3, an ability check, an attack roll, or a saving throw
Price: 30 Big Pieces is considered a failure. The duration of the effect is
variable (1d4 hours). Under the influence of the extract,
all colors around you become iridescent, and all sounds
become sweeter and more melodic. For this reason, you
Matador’s Tongue have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks, and
Description: This long and supple leather whip is used -5 to your passive Wisdom (Perception) score.
by Penumbrian Matadors to keep the beasts at bay and Weight: 1 lb
perform incredible stunts. Price: 20 Big Pieces
Statistics: 1d4 slashing, finesse, reach, special.
Special: You can use a Matador’s Tongue whip to
gain advantage in Strength (Athletics) and Dexterity
(Acrobatics) checks. You can also use Wisdom (Animal
Handling) instead of Charisma (Intimidation) when
trying to intimidate beasts.
Weight: 3 lb
Price: 4 Big Pieces
The Daily Jinx

Spring 1020



e amazed, beloved lady-readers! Be astonished, gentlemen listeners! Owing to the
collaboration of the famous Friar Laorentius Vulpinius Riddle, former spokesman
for the Horoscopal Conference of the Kingdom, we hereby inaugurate a
section dedicated to prophecies, horoscopes and assorted astromancy!
Behold the forecasts and ephemerides of this Spring of 1020.

The Moon of the Mouflon T he Moon of the Quinotaur

The first Spring Moon is that of the Mouflon, a Fire and Ma- The second Spring Moon is that of the Quinotaur, a vile aqua-
sculine Sign, associated with the color Tetanus Red, the Rusty tic beast that haunts the seabed off the coast of Quinotaria,
Iron of Knives, Anduja Salami and Rough Chilli. Patron of the region it was named after. This is a Water and Masculine
Swordfighters, of Condottieri and of the Furious, Protector of Sign, associated with the color Bile Green, with the Oxidized
Beasts. All animals, male or female, rendered horny by Spring, Bronze of overused anchors, and with soil, slime, and rotten
are blessed by the Mouflon. asparagus. Patron of Prophets of Doom, Sinkers, Dracians
Those born under the Mouflon Moon are generally instin- and Morgants, Protector of Aberrations and Gorgons. All the
ctive, daring and quick- tempered; in Companies, Mouflons most deformed and abject beasts and monsters of the Seven
strive to take on a thousand tasks at once, failing in most of and a Half Seas, swamps and marshes are blessed (or, to be
them. This often draws piqued looks from envious knaves, honest, cursed) by the Quinotaur.
with consequent broken cart wheels, damaged saddles, and Those born under the Quinotaur Moon are advised to leave
opponents being tripped into heaps of manure. their comfort zone and not be afraid to face even physical
change; to plunge without fear into the ocean of possibilities;
Trivia: True to the “heard-headed” nature of their sign, to dive deep into the sea of the
​​ unknowable and to embrace
Mouflons seem to top the list of Borgo Patacca’s capital their deepest and most aberrant selves.
sentences, with over twenty-five Company leaders born You mustn’t be afraid. You mustn’t: everyone else must.
under this sign claimed every year by Mastro Molla, the local
executioner. It is rumored that even the monsters who spend Trivia: famous among those born under the Quinotaur Sign
winter in torpor in their lairs, such as the Bavalisks and the is Ligurio Machiavelli from Fioraccia, Mandrake Prince,
Bigats, come awake under the Mouflon Moon. illusionist, politician, guiscard and charlatan, the best-known
among the mysterious Plant-Men who infest the Kingdom.
Also, we cannot fail to mention that, in 1020, the Moon of
the Quinotaur brought to all regions in the Kingdom the evil
Crown Plague, which reaped many victims, forcing Knaves,
Bandits and Bounty Brothers, wherever they came from, to
abandon campaigns, contracts, sieges, abuses, jobs, fairs and
festivals of all kinds to avoid contagion.

The Daily Jinx

The Moon of the Twinettes The Twinettes are undisputed champions of meaningless pro-
mises, of prose for its own sake, and of Secret Dreams, mostly
When the Moon enters the Sign of the Twinettes, we are well aimed at duping their latest partner in love. Frivolous in the
into Spring and heading for Summer. A dual Air Sign, Mascu- extreme, they live in the moment, basking in the early summer
lin and Feminine at once, of a capricious and remarkable natu- sun, and laughing at saucy songs, jokes and limericks. However,
re, the Twinettes are associated with the Ivory-ish White color the dual nature of the Twinettes also induces them to be un-
characteristic of paintings by standoffish, penniless artists; their friendly, bipolar, and with a forked tongue: they are impudent
lucky pudding is blancmange with manna, honey, and milk. and unrepentant liars.
The Twinettes are Patrons of Marionettes, Supersticians, Wol-
f-Cats, Harlequins and charlatans of all kinds; of courtiers, arti- Trivia: The Draconian Kingdom’s Soccer Championship
sts, models, vagabonds, wayfarers, adventurers, beautiful ladies begins under the Twinettes, while the Penumbrian
and fops; of hermaphrodites, androgynes and abs-of-wood; as Championship generally starts at the end of autumn. Come
well as of all those who change sex, appearance, gender and on, Biscioni!
appetites for necessity, pleasure, or need. They are also Patrons
of the Turquoisies and of the Celestials.
Those born under the celestial banner of the Twinettes – lovers
embracing in the astral vault – are often destined for the path
of Extravaganza or, in the absence of the Gift or of adequate
abilities, for the simple and traditional career of the scoundrel.


BountyPack Cards

ere’s no worse rogue than he who double-crosses other Bounty Brothers and
conducts himself like a traitor.
This section features the most abominable selection of scapegallowses, jailbirds and
cannon fodder that roam the Kingdom, to be captured and brought back to the
executioner for a few turns of rope or a good old-time summary execution.
Owing to these traitors’ deeds and misdeeds, Knaves of the Brotherhood are authorized and
legitimated to chase, capture and rough up these villains, without fear of being disgraced in turn.

Today we introduce you to Marcantonio Crossetti, jack

of clubs in the Kingdom’s deck of Most-Wanted Bounty
Playing Cards.
Known among his Guiscard rivals as “the Mathemage”,
this Gifted was born years ago on a Saturnine day of a Ser-
pent Moon, subsequently removed from the calendar “to
make the numbers work”, or the whole ephemeris would
have gone to pot. Of unknown age for this very reason,
and with a sculpted physique and a keen mind, Crossetti
formed his body and spirit by lifting and sifting through
the (in every sense) cumbersome tomes of Pythagon, the
ancient draconian philosopher famous for his five-point-se-
quence of punches theory.
After selling to the guards the Band he served in, because
they never managed to split up stolen goods or dives’ bills
properly, the Mathemage became unpopular with the King
of Clubs, who officially sanctioned his Infamy.
Physical discipline and an analytical mind have enabled
him to blend magic, math and combat into a strange and
exotic style of brawl.

The Daily Jinx

Marcantonio Crossetti Marcantonio Crossetti

Medium humanoid (Gifted), lawful neutral (Heavy-Hitter)
Armor Class 12 (15 with Magic Armor)
Armor Class: 12 (15 with Magic Armor)
Hit Points 42 (6d8)
Moves and Beating Attacks:+10
Speed ​​30 ft
Whacks: 6
Moves: Carry-over to you, Five times five, The
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Pythagonistic school, Your remainder, son!
12 (+1) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 17 (+3) 12(+1) 11 (+0)
Move Slot: 5
Special: Crossetti has the Iron Jaw brawl feature.
Saving Throws Dex +5, lnt +6
Skills Arcana +6, History +6 "Carry-over to you". As a reaction, Crossetti
Senses passive Perception 11 can turn an enemy attack against the enemy
Languages Draconian, Vernacular itself through a mysterious effect of paragnostic
Challenge 3 (700 XP) mathematics that nobody really understands. The
attacker takes the Whack or any effect of the Move
Spellcasting. Crossetti is a 6th-level spellcaster. targeting the Mathemagus.
His spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC
"Five times five" (Ace in the Hole). Crossetti can
14, +6 to hit with spell attacks). Crossetti has the
use this technique to invoke a tremendous number
following wizard spells prepared:
of magic hands that start slapping anyone who
is not his ally. Any creature affected by this Move
Cantrips (at will): Light, Magic Hand, must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, taking a
Prestidigitation, Shocking Grasp Whack on a failed save.
1st level (4 slots): Detect magic, Grease, Magic "The Pythagonistic school". Crossetti adds his
Armor, Shield Intelligence modifier to attack rolls during a Brawl
(Already included and at no slot costs).
2nd level (3 slots): Blindness/Deafness, Misty Step " Your remainder, son!". As a bonus action
3rd level (3 slots): Counterspell, Hypnotic Pattern, Crossetti can make a beating.
Vampiric Touch

Magic Influence. Augury (once every long rest),

Detect Magic (once every long rest), Guidance
(Cantrip at will).
Mathemagic. Whenever Crossetti casts a spell,
he can alter the spell’s duration, range, number of
targets, or damage as if using a 1 higher-level spell
slot. It can change only one of these values ​​at a
Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach
1.5 m. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) bludgeoning damage.
Fists. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 1.5 m.
Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) bludgeoning damage.


T he Kingdom is full of fools and faint hearts;
and yet every knave has courage enough to bear the misfortunes,
and wisdom enough to manage the affairs of his accomplice.

n aid of foreigners, pagans, and assorted ignoramuses, uninformed of the simplest
and most widely-known facts of the Kingdom’s Ephemeris and Calendar, we have
decided to introduce some very useful compendiums of facts admittedly common and
well-known, but suitable for summaries.
In this useless and belated schooling enterprise, The Daily Jinx that you are holding – or
that the crier is reading you, you morons – enjoys the collaboration of old Barbanera, the
most famous Jinx of the Kingdom, whom it was named after.
Celestial events, lunar phases, ephemerides, great events of the calendar year, tips for
military campaigns and life in the den, trivia, proverbs, anecdotes, empirical recipes, and
forecasts, yet always possible and sometimes come true: this is Old Barbanera’s Almanack.
The Almanack’s first compendium deals with the mundane timetable of days, weeks and
moons of the Kingdom, which differs from the Sacred Calendar of the Creed.

The Lunatic Year Therefore, a year is generally composed of four seasons:

Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter; there are those –
Having recently established that the world is round and fortunately few – who add a Fifth Season, the Mala Tem-
that the stars surround us in concentric spheres, astrologers pora, to the reckoning.
and sages sanction that the year begins at the New Moon Scholars and assholes will then count Thirteen Moons,
immediately following the Spring Equinox, with the Luna- which are both months and horoscopic signs, although
tic First, the craziest day of the Thirteen Moons , also cal- some farmers prefer to divide the year into nine fourty-day
led “Year’s Head”. Deficit days between the Equinox and Months, and some followers of the Creed into even weir-
the Lunatic First make up a special Moon, called “of the der twelve thirty-day ones.
Serpent”, which lengthens or shortens each year depending
on celestial events and, if necessary, slithers here and there Each of these divisions is then divided into three decades,
among the other months, as does the legendary snake Mer- or in weeks of nine, eight, seven, six, five, or four days,
cedonius among other constellations in the sidereal sphere. depending on who does the math. Let’s just say that one
Aside from this Thirteenth Sign, on the Lunatic First the normally tries to go with the Alazial 7-days week and have
Moon enters the sign of the Mouflon and our lunar year done with it.
begins. Each Moon lasts about twenty-eight or thirty days:
this adds up to three hundred and sixty days in the year,
give or take a few days, between two Spring Equinoxes.
However, all this is accompanied by days of surplus and
deficit, recalculations, extensions and shortenings of all
sorts that only academy professors are able to decipher.

The Daily Jinx

Irrespective of the number of days composing it, each Saturnine: this day only exists in certain Moons and ei-
week is also divided into auspicious and inauspicious ght-day weeks, when astrological tables admit it for reasons
days, whose names are derived from ancient and forgotten best known to themselves. A day of sadness and shadow, Sa-
draconian divinities: turnine is suitable for dark conspiracies and witchcraft, as well
as for throbbing, percussive music. Alternatively, the sixth day
Lunatic: the day of madmen and of angry outbursts, not of the six- or seven-day week is the Sabbatic, when nothing
recommended for starting new enterprises that are not crazy. is done from morning to night, and witches gather around
Whatever the number of days of the weeks considered by be- walnut trees and crossroads.
lievers and non-believers, these always start with a Lunatic,
when nobody wants to go back to work or do anything at all. Uranic and Plutonic are erratic and intercalary days, de-
dicated to the twin cities of Urania and Plutonia, and ap-
Martial: a good day for weapons, sieges, boarding races, and pear at random in certain months and years of connection
campaign scuffles. Some poets of the past used to write their and adjustment.
ironic and scathing verses only on this day, giving life to the In the long run, nobody ever remembers them… they
“Martial Epigrams” genre, still in use today. merely serve to fill in ten-day weeks for heretics who count
days thus.
Mercurial: a day dedicated to science, alembics, and cle-
verness, but also to transformism and changes. Those born But all almanacs agree on the last day of the week: Solarist.
on Mercurial in the Moon of the Twinettes are often Gifted, Like Sabbatics, Solarists are for celebrating, but in a more in-
turncoats, frauds and side-changers. timate manner, almost each for themselves. It must be said
that Solarist did not exist in the Draconian Calendar: it was
Jovial: a day of eating and drinking binges, and pleasures invented by the Creed, elected as the holy day par excellence,
of the flesh, on which it is difficult to be sad. Jovial is the day and dedicated to the Godhead, the one and only ruler of he-
that everyone tries to bring into their calendars. aven and earth.

Venerable: a day dedicated to wisdom, to closing the week’s

business, and to the high philosophy of life. In Penumbria,
this is called Venereal, and is rightly dedicated to the pleasu-
res of the flesh and diseases of the same.

D Martial
B Jovial
A Sabbatic
Saturnine Plutonic w
Lunatic Venerable Solarist
d Mercurial

S A ltomanna’ s ister
Offered by

Th Marauder’s Inn

aring chefs, cooks, herbalists and miraculists, landlords of dives, inn-keepers and
publicans, with much imagination and empty larders: behold the page this dispatch
offers you, thanks to the collaboration of Sister Altomanna, celebrated pantry
angel of the Convent of Saint Polenta in Tingoli, to help you on a thousand occasions
from today to all eternity. Not potions and concoctions purchased by mail order, but
recipes, cooking secrets, and new ways of preparing and serving monsters, beasts and
other magical ingredients!

Working with herbs, knowing how to mix them, extract The tonic thus obtained is crystal-clear, its flavor unrivaled
tinctures, or add them to potions, tonics, spirits and cordials, is amongst magic potions and aperitifs, and in medication lore.
no joke, and the difference between soup and potion, magic and Thus prepared, it faithfully follows the recipe for the Blond
cooking ingredients, delicacy and portentous arcane discovery, (though the latter contains many other herbs whose exact nature
is merely a matter of dosage, components and processing. is secret), and causes neither colic nor malaise: you may partake
of it before luncheon, brawl or combat, in glasses administered
Hence we begin this column with an exceptional recipe, with intervals of a quarter of an hour.
combining herbal medicine, alchemy and tavern-keeper skil-
ls: thanks to our “benefactor”, Blond Cordial – the tord-boyaux Biondino Tonic
sherry that makes damsels merry – we can now spread the recipe
of this outstanding, all-occasion tonic.
Cost Weight
In water saturated with alchemical frisson, and once the
mixture is ready (for which 5 to 6 hours are required), dissolve 20 Coins 0,5 lb
the sugar at cold temperature, add tincture, filtered through
paper, of the following ingredients: Brewbarb, 2 oz; dry Wol- When you drink this Tonic, you regain 1d4 + 1 hit points and
fsbane leaves, 3 oz; Snoozy Berries, 1 oz; Stitch Leaf, 1 oz; reduce your exhaustion level by 1.
Saint Curatorial berries, half an ounce; Groggy mushroom, Additionally, you gain temporary inspiration that vanishes
half an ounce. 10 minutes after using the Tonic, even if not expended.
The Biondino Tonic remains stable for a week; after that,
Then add, to your taste, aromas of previously-distilled and it loses all its beneficial effects, becoming a simple yet
fermented Zagarian essences: the original Blond cordial delicious soft-drink.
foresees lemon, limonastrium or beatricottum, while the
green, orange, red and brown variants are obtained from Note: you can get all Biondino recipe ingredients at any
essences of oranges, serinducts, scolas, and other citrus fruits. local apothecary or herbalist for half the sale price of the To-
nic. You must have Proficiency with the herbalism kit or with
Finally, project into each bottle or vial a formula of Light as the artisan’s tools (alchemist’s supplies or brewer’s supplies) to
an activator, then swiftly cork, tie and wrap up. prepare the Biondino Tonic with the ingredients.

The Daily Jinx


Gather round, young misfits. Tonight I will tell you the story of Captain Spaventa,
of Rosaspina, his belle, and of Phantasm of the Sea who killed them both!

The Phantasm of the

Sea of ​​Shadows
The Phantasm of the Sea of Shadows is the first of Bran- The Misfit Tale
calonia’s Misfit Tales, a collection of short adventures ser-
ving as the starting point for very simple Jobs, between Ausonian quartermasters narrate that Captain Spaventa
one main scenario and the next, maybe; or as an encoun- was an arrogant and self-absorbed officer who considered
ter during a voyage; or as an interlude between different himself a great lady-killer, when in fact he was a mediocre
episodes of a campaign. navigator, a modest businessman and a habitual consumer of
mercenary love. However, there was one thing that set him
In particular, Salty Sailor’s Misfit Tales are all set across apart from average long-standing captains like himself: his
the Kingdom’s Seven and a Half Seas and can be used ennobling love for the beautiful Rosaspina. The fair damsel
for Misfittery enterprises, under the command of Cap- was the daughter of the wealthiest ship-owner in Guistown,
tain Edwige the Bewiskered (see the “A Fistful of Hops” and Spaventa, who worked for the gentleman, had long
adventure, to be published). been accumulating money and wealth in order to marry her.
Between ups and downs, when almost at the height of his

The Daily Jinx

commercial enterprises, Spaventa, en route to Gibralcanda,

attempted one last, highly profitable deal that should finally
have secured him wealth and admiration: a cargo of silver for
the war, shipped by the Emir to Ausonia’s nobility.
During this journey, however, the Phantasm of the Sea –
who haunted the western waters – saw him from the waves
and fell in love with him. Jealous of Rosaspina, and in order to
have him all to herself forever, the Phantasm wrecked his ship
and sank the entire cargo. Crazed with fury, Spaventa threw
himself overboard to fight the perfidious Phantasm and lost
his life in the stormy sea. Across the sea, in Borgo Guiscardo,
Rosaspina learned what had happened, threw herself off a cliff
and vanished in turn, swallowed by the waves.
Since then, the cursed ship has been owned by the Phan-
tasm, and emerges on the day of the shipwreck, once every
thirteen moons, near the Fang of Bitchfish.
The silver of the Emir of Gibralcanda is still in its hold, and
at the helm is Captain Spaventa’s eternally-tormented ghost,
trying in vain to reach Guistown before his belle kills herself
for him. His dream lasts only a few hours, and at dawn the
sailing ship sinks back into the waves...

The Secret
Reality is very different from the silly legends of Ausonian
boatswains. Captain Spaventa was not in love with the
magnate’s daughter; indeed, there is no ship-owner’s daughter
in this story. Rosaspina was actually his ship, an exceptional
sailboat with an incredible peculiarity: her figurehead was
made of Turquoise Wood, and she was a sentient helmswoman
intended to sail the ship in the best possible manner... a
veritable experiment ordered by the ship-owner himself to
assess its effectiveness before extending it to other vessels.
The only one on board to know this secret was Spaventa, who
gradually began to spend many hours at the bow, chatting and
joking with the figurehead. For this reason, the ship slowly
fell in love with the captain, but for Spaventa this mutual
attraction could never lead to anything stable, or to a future
together. One day, during the silver shipment (which actually
did take place), Spaventa let slip to Rosaspina that, with this
last trip, he would become rich and retire to the mainland.
Crazed with jealousy, Rosaspina did something atrocious: she
threw herself against the Fang of Bitchfish, shattered against
the rocks and caused the ship to sink. She let go of the crew The silver, on the other hand, is real: if the Knaves manage,
but ensnared Spaventa in the rigging, and the two sank to the one way or another, to solve the crazy love story between the
seabed together. figurehead and the braggart captain, they will be able to leave
Now Rosaspina is the Phantasm of the Sea. The ship that with the ingots that have not slipped into the sea from the
emerges is wholly imbued with her sad and angry will; wai- gash in the hull. There are 1d8 + 2 silver bars, each worth 500
ling, she resides in the hold with the silver, and the ghost of Silver Coins.
Spaventa is subject to her will and forever bound to the ship.
The only way to restore peace to Spaventa and Rosaspina is
to find the remains of the two nutters’ bodies in the waters
around the Fang of the Bitchfish, bring them back on board,
or burn them together.

The Daily Jinx

The Job The helm

The helm’s wheel is completely unhinged from the
This adventure takes place entirely on board the Rosaspina, transmission, and the stern shaft is jammed and tilted
on the night of the New Moon of Piscecorn, and on the completely to port. Thus, the sailing ship can only rotate
seabed around the Fang of Bitchfish. By chance, or because forever around the Fang of the Bitchfish. What seems like a
they are out to grab the silver, the Knaves’ ship finds itself problem – if the Knaves believe the legend – is actually the
at the perfect time near the rock of the shipwreck where, at will of the Phantasm and of the Captain. Trying to mend the
midnight, the Rosaspina emerges from the sea. stern and the helm in order to head to any other destination
The Condottiero can stage the Job’s events in the logical order will only arouse Rosaspina’s fury.
of his choice. In any case, at the break of dawn, the Rosaspina If the Knaves approach the helm, it is there that the Captain
will return to the seabed for another year... will manifest himself (use the specter statistics), eternally
intent on rotating the rudder back and forth, obviously to no
Climb aboard effect. He is not hostile to begin with, and by talking to him
To get on board and begin the adventure, the Knaves can try you may garner some additional details on the matter, but he
to approach the ship with a rowboat and climb the starboard won’t be very forthcoming.
side of the ship with a successful DC 12 Strength (Athletics)
check. PCs could also jump on board from the deck of The Captain’s Cabin
their vessel, or politely ask for a gangway or a ladder with a This is one of the ship’s best-preserved places, and almost
successful DC 14 Charisma (Persuasion) check; in this case, completely waterproof. Too bad that a whole year on the
the spectral Captain will unroll one of the two. seabed fills it with icy water every time; when the intrepid
In any case, along the side of the ship, the characters can see Knaves open the door, a cascade of water will wash over them.
the bronze plate where the ship’s name should be; however, the The door can be forced with a successful DC 20 Strength
plaque is wholly covered with incrustations and unreadable. A (Athletics) check, unlocked with a successful DC 16 Dexterity
character who tries to climb the side to clean up the plate can check using thieves tools, or opened with the Captain’s Key,
learn the name of the ship: "Rosaspina". located on Spaventa’s skeleton.

The wreck
The Rosaspina falls apart and, immediately after its Inside, there are chests and watertight drawers. In one of
appearance, it’s visibly wet and slippery and covered in salt, these there is also the well-preserved Logbook. By studying
algae, and seashells. There is nothing special on board, and this, you may discover that:
everything looks ruined, spoiled by the decades spent on the
bottom of the sea, apart from the elements described below. • Rosaspina is not a person but the name of the ship;
By examining the ship’s deck, with a successful DC 14 • Spaventa always refers to a “She”, who helps him in
Intelligence (Investigate) check, the Knaves can understand navigation, but also harasses him somewhat;
that walking on it can be difficult. The deck of the Rosaspina • The cargo of silver is properly stored on board, in the hold;
is considered difficult terrain. An unaware creature that moves • The last page explains that “She” got angry with him and is
on it for the first time in a turn must make a successful DC now heading straight for the rocks... “She seems completely
8 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check or fall prone to the ground on insane!”
a failed check. Furthermore, the ship’s structure is precarious,
and it is easy for rotten wood to break under the excessive If the Knaves read the Logbook and still don’t understand a
weight of the largest Knaves. The same thing happens in the thing, the Captain will appear, and sadly explain what really
case of climbing on the only tree left, completely decadent. happened.
In the Cabin there are also some Navigator Tools in good
Malefic Rigging condition, a map of a mysterious “treasure of the Bigat” (or
A malicious and evil will still permeates the ropes and the the map of a different treasure, if you have already played The
rigging used to hold and drown the Captain: if a character Treasure of the Bigat adventure) and the Key to the Hold.
comes into contact with them, revives their fury (malefic
rigging; see appendix).
The figurehead
Leaning out from the prow, you will notice the shattered
remains of the figurehead. A knife incision at the junction
says “Spaventa and Rosaspina” with a heart pierced by a
boarding saber.

The Daily Jinx

Lower Decks Conclusion

The decks are damp and rotting and there is nothing to
retrieve. If the Condottiero so desires, a giant octopus will There are essentially three ways of solving this Job, other than
have taken lodging on the lower decks, thus causing the death and failure.
Knaves a bit of trouble.
• The stupid one: fighting the Phantasm and the Captain
Cargo hold until they’re defeated and exiled from the world for a year.
The cargo hold door is still locked and armored. It can be PCs can quickly take the silver ingots and escape before the
forced with a successful DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check, ship sinks, but they have only three rounds to do so. During
unlocked with a successful DC 16 Dexterity check using the first round, water pours in, the ship tilts and rapidly
thieves tools, but the right key is in Captain Spaventa’s cabin. begins to collapse. All characters must succeed on a DC 10
Inside the cargo, there is a large hole facing a wall of water Dexterity (Acrobatics) check or fall prone to the ground.
that does not swallow the whole sailing ship just because it During the second round, abundant quantities of water
is kept out by Rosaspina’s dark powers. A character who sees enter from the several holes of the keel and the hull, and the
the leak can understand that the entire ship does not sink DC Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to keep moving rises to
only thanks to the confined powers with a successful DC 12. During the third round, the ship has almost completely
13 Intelligence (Arcana or Investigation) check. Across the sunk, and characters need to swim in order to move; at
room, there are some remaining silver ingots (the rest of the the end of the round, the Rosaspina sinks completely. Any
treasure went lost decades ago, down the deep blue sea), and character left inside disappears into the depths together
the confined itself (confined; see appendix). with the cursed vessel.
• The smart one: recovering and setting on fire the remains of
The Fang of Bitchfish Rosaspina and Captain Spaventa, thus eradicating the ghostly
This sea stack is treacherous and dangerous for common ship’s curse forever. In this case, too, the boat immediately
ships, but the ghost ship can approach it without problems. begins to sink (see the previous point regarding the round-
Just beneath the surface, amongst the rocks and underwater based escape).
spikes, there are the skeleton of Spaventa and of the broken • The goody-goody one: recovering the remains of Rosaspina
figurehead, enveloped in green seaweed. In a last attempt to and Captain Spaventa, and let the ghosts recognize them..
save himself, or perhaps a final gesture of love and repentance, making it clear that the Captain truly loved the Figurehead.
Spaventa reached the broken figurehead, embraced her, and Now that they are both aware of being spirits with a ship of
they drowned together. To approach their wretched remains, their own, they can leave their curse behind and forever sail
the Knaves must immerse themselves in the icy water and on the Sea of ​​Shadows, on the routes of love.. In this case,
swim. If the Condottiero so wishes, he can also introduce the there is no hurry to collect the treasure and go back to the
Bitchfish herself... namely, an old giant octopus (it could be Band’s boat.
the same one lodging in the Lower Decks, or its “mother”).
... Fair winds and following seas!

The Daily Jinx

The Phantasm of
the Sea of Shadows

Rosaspina has rigid features, hands locked on her hips, and

stiff movements. She also appears only up to the torso, while
the underlying part looks like nothing but broken wood.
At first, noticing the Knaves’ intrusion on the ship, she is
surprised, then huff and irritation seem to take over. Howe-
ver, if treated in an accommodating way, she is ready to loosen
up a bit, revealing her side of the story, as well as a way to try
and break the curse that binds her to Spaventa. Of course, the
Phantasm of the Sea of Shadows will go after anyone trying to
take the silver ingots against her will, without sparing herself.

Medium undead, neutral evil
Armor Class 14
Hit Points 94 (12d8 + 40)
Speed 0ft., fly 60ft. (hover)


6 (-2) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 17 (+3)

Damage Resistances acid, fire, lightning thunder;

bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from
nonmagical attacks
Damage Immunities cold, necrotic, poison
Conditions Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
frightened, grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned,
prone, restrained, unconscious
Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 12,
Languages Vulgar
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)
Incorporeal Movement. The confined can move Life Drain Touch. Melee Spell Attack: +5 (+1 per
through other creatures and objects as if they were Magnitude level) to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature.
difficult terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it Hit: 16 (4d6+2) necrotic damage.The target must
ends its turn inside an object. succeed on a DC 13 + Magnitude level Constitution
Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the saving throw or its hit point maximum is reduced
confined has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well by an amount equal to the damage taken. This
as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on reduction lasts until the creature finishes a long
sight. rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit
Confined Weaknesses. The confined has the point maximum to 0.
following flaws: Spectral Drowning. Each creature within 10 feet
• Bound. The confined area of influence is limited of the confined must make a successful DC 13
to a specific territory (its lair), such as a village, + Magnitude level Dexterity check or begin to
a valley, or a forest. The confined cannot cross suffocate as if it was out of breath or choking. A
the boundaries of its lair nor manifest any power creature can repeat the saving throw at the end
outside of them. of each of its turn. If a creature’s saving throw is
successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is
• Mortal Remains. If the mortal vestiges of the immune to the confined’s Spectral Drowning for
confined are found and burned or obtain a worthy the next 24 hours.
burial, the confined is destroyed.
• Long-awaited Peace. If peace is given to the
confined by righting the wrong that torments it,
the confined disappears forever.

The Daily Jinx

Magnitude indicates the power level of the confined. The hi- Malefic Rigging
gher the Magnitude, the greater the resistance, the power, and Large undead, neutral evil
the strength of the manifestation’s unique capabilities. Armor Class 3 (natural armor)
For each Magnitude level, the confined gains a unique Hit Points 103 (10d10 + 48)
power, chosen from the list of powers of the confined. Addi- Speed ​​15 ft.
tionally, the confined adds the Magnitude level to its saving
throws DC and its attacks. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
18 (+4) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 5 (-3) 10 (+0) 5 (-3)

Lair Actions
Skills Stealth +2
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the confined
Condition Immunities blinded, deafened
takes a lair action to cause one of the following effects; the Senses blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius),
confined can’t use the same effect two rounds in a row: passive Perception 10
Languages ​​-
• The confined calls forth the spirits of creatures that died in Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
its lair. These apparitions materialize and attack one creature
that the confined can see within 60 feet of it. The target must azioni
succeed on a DC 13 + Magnitude level Constitution saving Multiattack. The malefic rigging makes two slam
throw, taking 10 (3d6) necrotic damage per Magnitude attacks. If both attacks hit a Medium or smaller
target, the target is grappled (escape DC 13), and
level on a failed save, or half as much damage on a success.
the malefic rigging uses its Entangling Ropes on it.
The apparitions then disappear.
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
• The confined summons an undead present in its lair
one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage.
(Captain Spaventa or the ghost of a dead man on the
Pescecagna rock). Entangling Ropes. The malefic rigging envelops
a Medium or smaller creature grappled by it. The
• The confined can cast the Bestow Curse spell (no
entangled target is restrained and it must succeed
concentration required), to a creature it can see within 120 on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw at the start
feet of it (saving throw DC 13 + Magnitude level). of each of the malefic rigging's turns or take 13
(2d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage. If the malefic
rigging moves, the wrapped target moves with it.
Malefic rigging can only envelop one creature at a
time. If the malefic rigging moves, the entangled
target moves with it. The malefic rigging can have
only one creature entangled at a time

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