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1 Haritaya bakıp metinleri okuyunuz ve kişilerin gittikleri yerleri kutulara yazınız.

1) Go straight ahead and turn left into West Street. It is opposite the cafe.

2) Go straight ahead. Turn right into East Street. It is on your right, next to the bakery

3) Go straight ahead and turn right into East Street. Then turn left into Pine Street. Go past the car park. It is
on your right, opposite the grocery.

2 Resimlerin altına uygun dersleri yazınız. 1 YAZILI HOCAM

3 Boşlukları between, next to, near, opposite ile doldurunuz.

• The Theater is …………… the Supermarket.

• The Toy Shop is ……………… the Barber’s.

• The Train Station is ……………… the Restaurant.

• The Bookshop is ……………… the Restaurant and shoe shop.

• The Cinema is ……………… the Theater.

• The Bakery is …………… the Butcher’s.

4 Boşlukları between, in, on, in front of, behind, under, near uygun olanlar ile doldurunuz. 2 YAZILI HOCAM

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