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Allison Wright

Service Journal
Service Type: Professional

For my final service journal, I volunteered at the Oklahoma Society of Clinical Oncology
(OSCO) fall conference titled OSCO Presents BEST OF ASCO. ASCO stands for the American Society
of Clinical Oncology. This free event was in-person and hosted several speakers from around the nation
highlighting the latest research in oncology. Hematologists, oncologists, nurses, pharmacists, physician
assistants, and other health care professionals specializing in oncology were welcome to attend and earn 4
hours of continuing education.
I arrived at 7am to assist with registration and directing exhibitors to their designated tables.
There were many tables with representatives from pharmaceutical companies hoping to discuss treatment
options with physicians. It was interesting to watch their interactions. I also enjoyed seeing how all the
reps knew each other and that they had their own community even though they all came from different
corners of the country. Once the event started at 8am, I was encouraged to sit in and listen to the
speakers! It was very interesting, however I could barely understand much of it as a majority of the
presentations discussed advanced research on current and new treatments for specific cancers. Although
most of the information went over my head, it was a great experience. I listened as other physicians asked
the presenter questions which led to a room discussion. One man in particular sat taking notes during
every presentation. I admired how no matter how many years you have been practicing, these doctors are
still willing to learn the new research for the sake of their patients, even if what they’re doing is working.
This made me reflect on my own career and motivations. I was a radiation therapist for 6 years thinking
this was the career of my dreams and I wanted to do this for the rest of my life. Then I hit a point where I
wanted more, I wanted change, and I wanted to advance my knowledge in the field that I love which is
radiation oncology. This conference inspired me to continue learning and pushing myself even as I get
closer to graduation, because graduation can be seen the end of all this work when in fact it is the
beginning of so much more learning. That is what’s so beautiful about our field. It’s so ingrained with
technology that there will always be something new to learn and a new skill to master.
During intermission, snacks and coffee were provided for all in attendance. At this time, I was
asked to go around and, on behalf of OSCO, thank all the exhibitors for coming and spending their time
with us. Below are photos from the conference. The first photo is our first speaker discussing an Asian
study with patients undergoing treatment for gastric cancers. The second photo is the atrium with all the
exhibitor tables. The third photo is me in a conference room with my badge. I had a great time meeting
new people who work in the field. I even met a lady who used to work with a physician in my clinic! It
never ceases to amaze me just how small the world is.

OSCO Event Website: Oklahoma Society of Clinical Oncology (

Allison Wright

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