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Kubernetes Professional

Become a certified Kubernetes administrator or developer and gain the expertise to deploy,
manage, and scale containerized applications using Kubernetes. This comprehensive course
covers all the key concepts and skills required to confidently administer Kubernetes clusters,
troubleshoot common issues, and optimize performance.

Key Highlights:
● Earn a prestigious certification in Kubernetes administration
● Learn to deploy, manage, and scale containerized applications
● Master the skills required to get CKA or CKAD certification

What you will learn:

● Learn Kubernetes architecture and components
Understand the various components of a Kubernetes cluster and gain insights into the
overall architecture.
● Deploy applications on Kubernetes
Learn how to package, deploy, and manage applications using Kubernetes, ensuring
efficient utilization of resources.
● Manage Kubernetes clusters
Gain hands-on experience in cluster management, including scaling, upgrading, and
securing Kubernetes clusters.
● Troubleshoot common issues
Develop the skills to identify and resolve common issues that may arise in Kubernetes
deployments and clusters.
● Optimize Kubernetes performance
Learn techniques to optimize the performance and scalability of Kubernetes clusters for
optimal application delivery.

Description: 1
Key Highlights: 1
What you will learn: 1
Curriculum: 3
1. Cluster Architecture, Installation & Configuration 3
2. Workloads Management 4
3. Deploying and Scheduling Applications 5
4. Storage 6
5. Services & Networking 7
6. Security Basics 8
7. Troubleshooting 9
Contact Information: 10

1. Cluster Architecture, Installation & Configuration

This course covers a wide range of topics related to setting up and managing a Kubernetes
cluster. Here is a brief description of each content:

● Understand core concept and architecture: This section provides an overview of the
core concepts and architecture of Kubernetes, including its components, how they
interact, and how they work together to manage containerized applications.
● Use Kubeadm to install a basic cluster: This section covers the use of Kubeadm, a tool
that simplifies the process of setting up a basic Kubernetes cluster. You will learn how to
install and configure Kubeadm, as well as how to use it to create a cluster.
● Manage a highly-available Kubernetes cluster: This section covers the management of
a highly-available Kubernetes cluster, including the use of multiple master nodes and
etcd clusters to ensure high availability and fault tolerance.
● Perform a version upgrade on a Kubernetes cluster using Kubeadm: This section covers
the process of upgrading a Kubernetes cluster to a newer version using Kubeadm. You
will learn how to plan and perform an upgrade, as well as how to troubleshoot any issues
that may arise.
● Implement etcd backup and restore: This section covers the implementation of etcd
backup and restore, which is essential for ensuring the integrity and availability of the
data stored in etcd. You will learn how to perform backups and restores, as well as how
to troubleshoot any issues that may arise.
● Understand API and API deprecations: This section covers the Kubernetes API and its
deprecations. You will learn about the different versions of the API, how they evolve over
time, and how to migrate from deprecated API versions to newer, more stable versions.

Overall, this course provides a comprehensive introduction to the architecture, installation, and
management of a Kubernetes cluster.
2. Workloads Management

This course covers a wide range of topics related to managing containerized applications in a
Kubernetes cluster. Here is a brief description of each content:

● Define, build and modify container images: This section covers the process of defining,
building, and modifying container images. You will learn how to create Dockerfiles, use
build tools such as Docker and Buildah, and modify existing images to meet your needs.
● Understand Pod design patterns (e.g. sidecar, init, daemonset, multi-container,
statefulset, etc): This section covers the different Pod design patterns that are
commonly used in Kubernetes. You will learn about sidecar containers, init containers,
daemonsets, multi-container Pods, statefulsets, and more.
● Understand and Use ConfigMaps: This section covers the use of ConfigMaps in
Kubernetes. You will learn how to create and use ConfigMaps to store configuration data
for your applications.
● Understand the primitives used to implement probes and health checks: This section
covers the primitives used to implement probes and health checks in Kubernetes. You
will learn about liveness probes, readiness probes, and startup probes, as well as how to
configure them for your applications.
● Understanding and defining resource requirements, limits and quotas: This section
covers the process of defining resource requirements, limits, and quotas for your
applications in Kubernetes. You will learn how to specify CPU and memory requirements
for your Pods, set resource limits to prevent resource contention, and use resource
quotas to manage resource usage within a namespace.
● Discover and use resources that extend Kubernetes (CRD): This section covers the use
of Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) in Kubernetes. You will learn how to create and
use CRDs to extend the functionality of Kubernetes by adding custom resources to your

Overall, this course provides a comprehensive introduction to managing workloads in a

Kubernetes cluster.
3. Deploying and Scheduling Applications

This course covers a wide range of topics related to deploying and scheduling applications in a
Kubernetes cluster. Here is a brief description of each content:

● Understand deployments and how to perform update and rollbacks (e.g. rolling,
blue/green or canary): This section covers the use of deployments in Kubernetes,
including how to perform updates and rollbacks using different strategies such as rolling
updates, blue/green deployments, and canary releases.
● Understand pod placement rules, taints and affinity: This section covers the rules for
placing Pods on nodes in a Kubernetes cluster, including the use of taints and tolerations
to control which nodes a Pod can be scheduled on, as well as node and pod affinity to
influence scheduling decisions.
● Know how to scale applications: This section covers the process of scaling applications
in a Kubernetes cluster, including the use of horizontal pod autoscaling to automatically
adjust the number of replicas based on resource usage.
● Understand Jobs and CronJobs: This section covers the use of Jobs and CronJobs in
Kubernetes. You will learn how to create and manage Jobs to run batch processes, as
well as how to schedule Jobs to run at specific times using CronJobs.
● Use of manifest management and common templating tools like Helm and Kustomise:
This section covers the use of manifest management tools such as Helm and Kustomize
to manage the deployment of applications in a Kubernetes cluster. You will learn how to
use these tools to create templates for your application manifests, making it easier to
deploy and manage your applications.
● Manage Node Maintenance: This section covers the process of managing node
maintenance in a Kubernetes cluster. You will learn how to drain nodes for maintenance,
as well as how to cordone nodes to prevent new Pods from being scheduled on them.

Overall, this course provides a comprehensive introduction to deploying and scheduling

applications in a Kubernetes cluster.
4. Storage

This course covers a wide range of topics related to managing storage in a Kubernetes cluster.
Here is a brief description of each content:

a. Understand storage classes, persistent volumes: This section covers the use of
storage classes and persistent volumes in Kubernetes. You will learn how to
create and use storage classes to define different types of storage, as well as
how to create and manage persistent volumes to provide persistent storage for
your applications.
b. Understand volume mode, access modes and reclaim policies for volumes: This
section covers the different modes, access modes, and reclaim policies for
volumes in Kubernetes. You will learn about the different volume modes (e.g.
Filesystem, Block, Object), the different access modes (e.g. ReadWriteOnce,
ReadOnlyMany), and the different reclaim policies (e.g. Retain, Recycle) that can
be used to control how volumes are used and managed.
c. Understand persistent volume claims primitive: This section covers the use of
persistent volume claims (PVCs) in Kubernetes. You will learn how to create and
use PVCs to request storage from a storage class, as well as how to bind PVCs to
Pods to provide persistent storage for your applications.
d. Know how to configure applications with persistent storage: This section covers
the process of configuring applications with persistent storage in Kubernetes.
You will learn how to use PVCs and volumes to provide persistent storage for
your applications, as well as how to configure your applications to use this

Overall, this course provides a comprehensive introduction to managing storage in a Kubernetes

5. Services & Networking

This course covers a wide range of topics related to managing networking and services in a
Kubernetes cluster. Here is a brief description of each content:

● Understand host networking configuration on the cluster nodes: This section covers the
host networking configuration on the cluster nodes. You will learn how to configure the
network interfaces on the nodes, as well as how to set up routing and firewall rules to
control traffic between the nodes.
● Understand connectivity between Pods: This section covers the connectivity between
Pods in a Kubernetes cluster. You will learn how Pods communicate with each other
within a node and across nodes, as well as how to use network policies to control traffic
between Pods.
● Understand ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer, Headless service types and endpoints:
This section covers the different service types and endpoints in Kubernetes, including
ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer, and Headless services. You will learn how to create
and use these service types to expose your applications to the network, as well as how
to use endpoints to route traffic to your Pods.
● Know how to use Ingress controllers and Ingress resources: This section covers the use
of Ingress controllers and Ingress resources in Kubernetes. You will learn how to create
and use Ingress resources to expose your applications to the internet, as well as how to
configure Ingress controllers to route traffic to your services.
● Know how to configure and use CoreDNS: This section covers the configuration and use
of CoreDNS in a Kubernetes cluster. You will learn how to set up CoreDNS as the DNS
server for your cluster, as well as how to configure it to resolve service names and
provide DNS-based service discovery.
● Choose an appropriate container network interface plugin: This section covers the
selection of an appropriate container network interface (CNI) plugin for your Kubernetes
cluster. You will learn about the different CNI plugins available, their features and
capabilities, and how to choose the right one for your needs.

Overall, this course provides a comprehensive introduction to managing networking and

services in a Kubernetes cluster.
6. Security Basics

This course covers a wide range of topics related to managing security in a Kubernetes cluster.
Here is a brief description of each content:

● Manage role based access control (RBAC): This section covers the use of role-based
access control (RBAC) in Kubernetes. You will learn how to create and manage roles and
role bindings to control access to resources in your cluster.
● Understand ServiceAccounts and SecurityContexts: This section covers the use of
ServiceAccounts and SecurityContexts in Kubernetes. You will learn how to create and
use ServiceAccounts to provide identity for your Pods, as well as how to use
SecurityContexts to control the security settings for your Pods and containers.
● Understand authentication, authorization: This section covers the concepts of
authentication and authorization in Kubernetes. You will learn how Kubernetes
authenticates users and service accounts, as well as how it authorizes access to
resources using RBAC and other mechanisms.
● Create and Use Secrets: This section covers the use of Secrets in Kubernetes. You will
learn how to create and use Secrets to store sensitive information such as passwords,
keys, and tokens, as well as how to securely provide this information to your
● Manage admission control: This section covers the use of admission controllers in
Kubernetes. You will learn how admission controllers can be used to enforce policies
and validate requests before they are processed by the API server.
● Demonstrate basic understanding of NetworkPolicies: This section covers the basics of
using NetworkPolicies in Kubernetes. You will learn how to create and use
NetworkPolicies to control traffic between Pods, as well as how to use them to enforce
network security policies in your cluster.

Overall, this course provides a comprehensive introduction to managing security in a Kubernetes

7. Troubleshooting

This course covers essential topics for troubleshooting issues in a Kubernetes environment.
The course is divided into several main sections:

a. Evaluate cluster and node logging: This section covers the basics of cluster and
node logging in Kubernetes. You’ll learn how to access and interpret log files, as
well as how to use tools such as kubectl logs and journalctl to view and manage
b. Understand how to monitor applications: In this section, you’ll learn how to
monitor the performance and health of your applications in Kubernetes. You’ll
discover how to use tools such as kubectl top to collect and visualize metrics, as
well as how to set up alerts to notify you of potential issues.
c. Manage container stdout & stderr logs: This section covers the management of
container logs in Kubernetes. You’ll learn how to access and view the stdout and
stderr streams of your containers, as well as how to configure log rotation and
retention policies.
d. Troubleshoot application failure: In this section, you’ll learn how to troubleshoot
common issues that can cause application failure in Kubernetes. You’ll discover
how to use tools such as kubectl describe and kubectl logs to diagnose
problems, as well as how to apply best practices for troubleshooting application
e. Troubleshoot cluster component failure: This section covers the troubleshooting
of cluster component failures in Kubernetes. You’ll learn how to diagnose issues
with components such as the API server, etcd, and kubelet, as well as how to use
tools such as kubectl get events and kubectl describe to identify the root cause
of failures.
f. Troubleshoot networking: The final section of the course covers the
troubleshooting of networking issues in Kubernetes. You’ll learn how to diagnose
problems with network connectivity between Pods, services, and external
resources, as well as how to use tools such as ping, traceroute, and nslookup to
troubleshoot network issues.
By the end of this course, you’ll have a solid understanding of troubleshooting in a
Kubernetes environment and be able to effectively diagnose and resolve issues in your cluster.

Contact Information:
Phone / WhatsApp: 8291-624489 / 7039-624489



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