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Good afternoon, my name is Adrian Garcia and I am 17 years old.

am currently studying a degree in emergency coordination at the
Hesperides School in Cartagena. Where we have one of the best
English teachers in the region. My interest in emergencies was born at
the time I was watching the highest-grossing movie of all, "The
Impossible," where my head couldn't stop asking itself questions...
Some of them are: What would I do in a situation like that? And what
could I do to prevent something of such magnitude? since I finished
my studies in high school I opted for this degree to resolve all my
questions. My future is uncertain I think that talking about
expectations now is a little early, at the end of the day my studies have
not been focused on this, therefore I do not have the same basis as the
rest of my classmates, but in the future I may not work on this all my
life, but yes. a good stage

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