Capstone Proposal Final 1

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Sayjin Dhaliwal December 6th, 2023

Mr. Green, Block A

The Capstone strand I’ve chosen is the Product strand.

The title for my project proposal is a Horror Short Story

My Inquiry question is that I wonder how well I will be able to tell a story that I have
rushed and cut short while still keeping it as a coherent and enjoyable story.

My Rationale/Context for pursuing this topic is that I’ve never written a book or
story of any kind and so I thought it would be an interesting challenge because I saw
other students also work on a book for their capstone in the initial presentation about

My background in this field of inquiry is lacking considering I was planning on

adding illustrations into the book as well but I have run out of time to draw them, so
the only familiarity I’d have with this project has been abandoned.

My potential career connections: I want to be a writer of some kind in the future,

whether that be a script writer for movies or an author. I have a strong desire for
storytelling and being able to convey strong emotions through written word and

The core competency connections: Creative thinking, Communication, Personal

and Cultural Identity are the subject areas that will be connected to my project
through being able to understand my personal values, being able to acquire,
interpret, and present information, as well as being able to generate ideas.

My Capstone presentation medium was going to be a physical copy of my book

but I’ve also ran out of time to send my manuscript to a publisher to get it printed. I
will instead be using a powerpoint presentation.
Description of my capstone project: I will present a horror short story about a man
named Jayden Amana as he investigates a missing person’s case as someone
outside of the law. The book contains very brutal and descriptive acts of violence
which might not be school appropriate but I feel like I handled them with respect and
without romanticising these acts that occur to people everyday. The story has
themes of guilt and loneliness which are especially becoming more problematic in
the real world as loneliness is a quite widespread feeling. Although this story covers
these topics, it doesn’t try to tell the reader how to fix them or live with them, it shows
the consequences of chasing after someone just to not be alone. The act of
essentially sacrificing yourself just to not be abandoned is what this story is about.
The infested hive monsters add to this desperation as Jayden is faced with these
terrifying monsters from literal hell, and yet he doesn’t stop. After evading fanatical
cult members and various infested, he goes to hell itself to find his friend to find his
friend alive but unwilling to come with him, rendering all his actions useless.
This was the original plan but I have to cut it short for the sake of time, but I
have to cut the story in half and scrap the illustrations I planned for it. I now plan to
keep the story much more concise and simple.

Resources/Skills needed: All I need is a laptop or some other device to write on.

Community connections: I did talk to an old art teacher/mentor of mine who helped
me work through the initial stages of characters, settings, etc.

Project limitations: The biggest limitation is time, I wish I had the time to work on
this until after winter break.

Other considerations: I may have to cut out even more of the “graphic content” for
the sake of keeping this project appropriate for school, even if it means to neuter the
impact of certain parts.

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