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A Course Module for Students

Burauen Community College

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R.R.Pedere ‖ Human Rights Education

Human Rights
A Course Module for Students

Burauen Community College

Written and Designed by

Ronalee R. Pedere, RCrim

Faculty – College of Criminal Justice Education

R.R.Pedere ‖ Human Rights Education

R.R.Pedere ‖ Human Rights Education

Human Rights Education

A Course Module for Students

Burauen Community College

Printed in Burauen, Leyte

© 2023

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R.R.Pedere ‖ Human Rights Education



Human Rights Education



A. History of Human Rights
1. The Magna Carta
2. Petition of Rights
3. Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
4. The Geneva Convention
5. The United Nation




A. Freedom Vs. Rights
B. Classification of Human Rights
C. Types of General Human Rights
D. State’s Inherent Power
E. Basic Principle of Human Rights
F. Human Rights-Based Policing
G. Human Rights Desk Basic Operational Procedures
H. Ten International Human Rights Standards for Law


I. Legal Aspects of Human Rights Education

A. Constitution Vs. Bill of Rights

R.R.Pedere ‖ Human Rights Education

B. Branches of the Government
C. The 1987 Philippine Constitution, Article III Bill of Rights
D. Prisoner’s Rights
E. Miranda Rights
F. Rights of a Child in the Philippines
G. Magna Carta of Women “An Act Providing for the Magna Carta
of Women
H. Republic Act 9262 “Anti-Violence Against Women and Their
Children Act



A. Definition of International Humanitarian Law
B. International Humanitarian Law in Philippine setting
C. Fundamental principles in International Humanitarian Law
D. Civilian and Combatants

R.R.Pedere ‖ Human Rights Education


Human rights are the essential rights and freedoms that belong to every
person, from birth until death. They apply no matter where you’re from,
what you think or how you select to measure your life. Rights cannot be
removed though it will be restricted specifically, if a person breaks the law,
or if the interest is for national security. This course is designed to help the
students understand human rights, the value of human rights, and take
responsibility for respecting, defending and promoting human rights. All
throughout this course, it will study about the history of human rights, the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), also, as other key human
rights treaties. In studying human rights, it will help the students
understand the history, importance of rights to the society, and therefore
the sorts of human rights violation. This learning course explores the notion
of human rights and the educational practices of human rights, including
legal instruments, the educational work of human rights organizations and
activists, and the ways of advocating for human rights. It’s a summary of
the methodologies of human rights education while covering the range of
civil and political rights, economic and social rights, and women’s rights and
their expression in the educational curriculum. Also, it focuses on human
rights education as a wayof working towards the materialization of the
cosmopolitan ideals of justice and peace. At the end of the course module,

R.R.Pedere ‖ Human Rights Education

the student’s knowledge and understanding of human rights concepts and
their ability to use this data to their own professional context. They will be
measured by their ability to interpret the significance of the topic. Thus, to
simply analyze the given situation on how the students promote human
rights to the next generation. As a capstone project of the students, they
should also be exposed to experiential learning, in which, they are going be
requested to observe and perform tasks in a real-life situation such as
making a short video on how they are going to portray human rights.

R.R.Pedere ‖ Human Rights Education

R.R.Pedere ‖ Human Rights Education
relations between the federal charter of rights or declaration of
government and states. It also rights. In most cases, it is
allows certain powers to the entrenched, but some extreme
federal government and sets out needs may make it entrenched,
the distinction between them and like when a natural behavior of an
those within the state individual is regarded to be a
governments. Besides, it sets the threat to other people.
central government as the
supreme over the county and state Purposes of Bill of Rights
governments in countries with Its main purpose is the
such systems of governments protection and upholding of the
respectively. rights of citizens against
infringement from the
Purposes of Constitution government, private citizens, or
Without a constitution, a public officials. It also explains to
country would be “ruleless”. the citizens their rights, what they
Without the rule of law, no single are to observe in regards to their
person will say what is to be done. fellow country people, as well as
Whether it is a written or how to ensure their rights are
unwritten one, its existence is protected.
non-debatable. It functions
include: Examples of Rights Contained in a
Bill of Rights
 Provision of scope for good The most basic rights
governance. contained in any Bill of Rights
 Establish a perfect union include:
 Ensure domestic tranquility a. Right to life.
 Ensure domestic tranquility b. The freedom of speech
 Setting out the doctrine of and expression.
separation of powers. c. Right to privacy.
 Establish justice d. Freedom of religion,
 Promote the general welfare belief, opinion, and conscience.
for the citizenry e. Freedom from servitude,
slavery, and forced labor.
f. Right to human dignity.
Definition of Bill of Rights g. Equality and freedom
A Bill of Rights is a formal from discrimination.
declaration or assertion of both
the legal and civil rights that Other rights are based on
citizens of any country, federation, each application. As an illustration,
or state enjoy. It is also called a there are consumer, academic,

R.R.Pedere ‖ Human Rights Education

veteran’s, taxpayer, homeless A constitution is a stand-
rights among others. Any violation alone document stipulating
of the rights and freedoms the rules of the and while a
guarded by the constitution under Bill of Rights is housed by
the Bill of Rights offering leads to the constitution.
proceedings before a court of law.
Relationship Between The constitution governs the
Constitution and the Bill of structures of the
Rights governments and the whole
The constitution is the citizenry while the Bill of
mother of all rules. It contains Rights only concerns itself
amendments, by-laws, and any with the rights of the people.
other constitutional changes. As
such, it contains the Bill of Rights Constitution vs. Bill of Rights:
and guards them wholesomely. Comparison Table

Difference Between Constitutions

Constitution and Bill of Rights Fundamental principles and
1. Function established precedents a
A country’s constitution state, organization, or any
establishes the structures other entity has passed to be
and functions of each arm of followed.
the government of the land. Outlines how government
A Bill of Rights stipulates the FUNCTION arms function, basic rules
rights and freedoms each civil officials should follow,
citizen is entitled to from the and rights and limitation if
government and other citizens.
citizens. The constitution An independent body housing
describes each of the roles ENTITY different rule
and responsibilities of the
arms of the government and
citizens while the Bill of Bill Of Rights
rights describes the rights MEANING A formal declaration or
and freedom of the people. assertion of the legal and
The constitution limits the civil rights that citizens of
power of the government any country enjoy.
while the Bill of Rights FUNCTION List the rights every citizen is
grants authority to the entitled to and how the
people. government and other5
people should protect them.
2. Position
R.R.Pedere ‖ Human Rights Education
ENTITY It is housed by the Philippines as the highest judicial
constitution. body.
1.Executive Branch
Even when it is not easy to The executive branch is
establish the differences between headed by the President who
the two, it is common knowledge functions as both the head
that they are not similar. Their of state and the head of
functions are different too government. The president
although they all point to what is also the Commander-in-
should be or should not be done. Chief of the Armed Forces of
Most governments have ensured the Philippines. The
such areas are included in their president is elected by
schools’ curriculum to educate popular vote to a term of six
their citizenry. years. The president, then,
appoints (and may dismiss)
his/her cabinet members
Branches of the Government whom he/she presides over.
The Philippine government The executive seat of
takes place in an organized government is administered
framework of a presidential, officially from Malacañang
representative, and democratic Palace—also the official
republic whereby the president is residence of the president—
both the head of state and the in Manila. The President may
head of government. This system no longer run for re-election,
revolves around three separate unless he/she becomes
and sovereign yet interdependent president through
branches: the legislative branch constitutional succession and
(the law-making body), the has served for no more than
executive branch (the law- four years as president. The
enforcing body), and the judicial second highest official, the
branch (the law-interpreting vice-president is first in line
body). Executive power is to succession should the
exercised by the government president resign, be
under the leadership of the impeached or die in office.
president. Legislative power is The vice-president usually,
vested in both the government though not always, may be a
and the two-chamber congress— member of the president's
the Senate (the upper chamber) cabinet. If there is a vacancy
and the House of Representatives in the position of Vice
(the lower chamber). Judicial President, the President will
power is vested in the courts with appoint any member of
the Supreme Court of the Congress (usually a party
R.R.Pedere ‖ Human Rights Education
member) as new Vice 3. Judiciary Branch
President. The appointment The judiciary branch of the
will be validated by a three- government is headed by the
fourths vote of Congress Supreme Court, which has a Chief
voting separately. Justice as its head and 14
Associate Justices, all appointed
by the president on the
2.Legislative Branch recommendation of the Judicial
The remainder of the House and Bar Council. Other court types
seats are designated for sectoral of courts, of varying jurisdiction
representatives elected at large around the archipelago, are the:
through a complex "party list" Lower Collegiate Courts
system, hinging on the party a. Court of Appeals
receiving at least 2% to 6% of the b. Court of Tax Appeals
national vote total. The upper c. Sandiganbayan
house is located in Pasay City, Regular Courts
while the lower house is located in a. Regional Trial Courts
Quezon City. The district and b. Metropolitan Trial Courts
sectoral representatives are c. Municipal Trial Courts
elected with a term of three years. d. Municipal Trial Courts in
They can be reelected but they are Cities
no longer eligible to run for a e. Municipal Circuit Trial
fourth consecutive term. The Court
senators are elected to a term of Muslim Courts
six years. They can be reelected a. Sharia District Courts
but they are no longer eligible to b. Sharia Circuit Courts
run for a third consecutive term.
The House of Representatives may
opt to pass a resolution for a The 1987 Philippine
vacancy of a legislative seat that Constitution, Article III: Bill of
will pave way for a special Rights Under The 1987
election. The winner of the special Philippine Constitution, Article
election will serve the unfinished III: Bill of Rights are the
term of the previous district following:
representative; this will be
considered as one elective term. Section 1. Right to due process
The same rule applies in the of law and equal protection “No
Senate however it only applies if person shall be deprived of life,
the seat is vacated before a liberty or property without due
regular legislative election. process of law, nor shall any
person be denied the equal

R.R.Pedere ‖ Human Rights Education

protection of the law”. The right to seizures of whatever nature and
life as protected by due process of for any purpose shall be
law, means something more than inviolable, and no search warrant
mere animal existence. The or warrant of arrest shall issue
prohibition against its deprivation except upon probable cause to be
without due process extends to all determined personally by the
the limbs and faculties by which judge after examination under
life is enjoyed. The right to liberty oath or affirmation of the
as protected by due process of complaint and the witness he may
law, denotes not merely freedom produce, and particularly
from physical restraint such as describing the place to be
imprisonment. It also embraces searched and the person or things
the right of man to use his to be seized.” The scope of the
faculties with which he has been protection under this section are
endowed by his Creator subject the persons which it applies to
only to the limitation that he does everybody, to citizens as well as
not violate the law or the rights of aliens in the Philippines, whether
others. And, the right to property accused of crime or not. The
as protected by due process of houses, the protection is not
law, may refer to the thing itself or limited to dwelling houses but
to the right over thing. It includes extends to a garage, warehouse,
the right to own, use, transmit and shop, store, office, and even a
even to destroy, subject to the safety deposit vault. Also, the
right of the State and of other papers, that include sealed letters
persons. The Constitution states and packages in the mail which
that no person shall be deprived of may be opened and examined only
life, liberty or property without due in pursuance of a valid search
process of law. The subject of warrant.
depravation of life made more Section 3. Right to privacy “(1)
significant by the abolition of The privacy of communication and
death penalty and protection of correspondence shall be inviolable
the unborn from conception. The except upon lawful order of the
due process of law hears before it court, or when public safety or
condemns, which proceeds upon order requires otherwise
inquiry and renders judgement prescribed by law. (2) Any
only after trial. evidence obtained in violation of
Section 2. Right against this or the preceding section shall
unreasonable searches and be inadmissible for any purpose in
seizures “The right of the people any proceeding.” Privacy of
to be secured in their persons, communication and
houses, papers and effect against correspondence is also an
unreasonable searches and expression of the right to privacy.
R.R.Pedere ‖ Human Rights Education
Invasion of communication and to information on matters of public
correspondence is one kind of concern, and freedom of religion.
search. However, the subject of Freedom of expression is accorded
search is not a tangible object but the highest protection in the Bill of
an intangible one, such as rights since it is indispensable to
telephone calls, text messages, the preservation of liberty and
letters, and the like. These forms democracy. The limitation of this
of communication and section is that the right is not
correspondence may be intruded absolute. It must be exercised
into by means of wiretapping or within the bounds of law, morals,
other means of electronic public policy and public order, and
eavesdropping. What the with due regard for other’s rights.
constitution prohibits is Thus, obscene, libelous and
government intrusion, by means of slanderous speeches are not
wiretapping or electronic protected by the guarantee. So
eavesdropping, into the privacy of are seditious and fighting words
communication without a lawful that advocate imminent lawless
court order or when public safety conduct. Freedom of speech is the
and order does not demand. As a right afforded to a person to be
rule, the government cannot able to speak his or her mind
intrude into the privacy of without fear that the government
communication and will censor or restrict what they
correspondence. The exceptions have to say, or will retaliate
are: (a) when the court allows the against them for expressing
intrusion, and (b) when public himself. People are often confused
safety and order demands. by this concept, however, thinking
Section 4. Freedom of expression that they can say anything that
“No law shall be passed abridging pops into their heads without
the freedom of speech, of repercussion. Just because you are
expression, or the press, or the allowed to say whatever you want
right of the people peaceably to does not mean that you will not
assemble and petition the suffer consequences as a result –
government for redress of it just means that the government
grievance.” Freedom of expression cannot violate your right to do so.
has four aspects, to wit: (a) Section 5. Freedom of religion
freedom of speech; (b) freedom of “No law shall be made respecting
expression; (c) freedom of the an establishment of religion, or
press; and (d) freedom of prohibiting the free exercise
assembly. Nonetheless, the scope thereof. The free exercise and
of the protection extends to right enjoyment of religious profession
to form associations or societies and worship, without
not contrary to law, right to access discrimination or preference, shall
R.R.Pedere ‖ Human Rights Education
forever be allowed. No religious of abode may be impaired or
test shall be required for the restricted when there is a “lawful
exercise of civil or political rights.” court order”. The right to travel
Freedom of religion has two may also be restricted in interest
aspects, the freedom to believe, of national security, public safety,
and the freedom to act on one’s or public health or when the
belief. The first aspect is in the person is on bail, or under a
realm of the mind, and as such it watch-list and hold departure
is absolute, since the State cannot order.
control the mind of the citizen.
Thus, every person has the Section 7. Right to information on
absolute right to believe or not to matters of public concern “The
believe in anything whatsoever right of the people to information
without any possible external matters of public concern shall be
restriction by the government. The recognized. Access to official
aspect refers to the externalization records, and to documents, and
of belief as it is now brought out papers pertaining to official acts,
from the bosom of internal belief. transaction, or decisions, as well
Since it may affect peace, morals, as to government research data
public policy, and order, the used as basis for policy
government may interfere or development, shall be afforded the
regulate such aspect of the right. citizen, subject to such limitations
The second aspect is expressed in as may be provided by law.” This
section 5, that we have the free section states that we have the
exercise and enjoyment of right to embrace all public records.
religious profession and worship However, it is limited to citizen
without discrimination. only without prejudice to the right
Section 6. Right to abode and to of aliens to have access to record
travel “The liberty of abode and of of cases where they are litigants,
changing the same within the and exercise of this right is limited
limits prescribed by law shall not by law. After all, there are
be impaired except upon lawful limitation such as all public records
order of the court. Neither shall related to national security and
the right to travel be impaired other records which are
except in the interest of national confidential in nature cannot be
security, public safety, or public given to anybody who request for
health, as may be provided by it
law.” The liberty to abode includes
the right to choose one’s residence Section 8. Right to form
and to leave it whenever one associations “The right of the
pleases. But there are limitations people, including those employed
under this section such as, liberty in the public and private sectors,
R.R.Pedere ‖ Human Rights Education
to form unions, associations, or a client by which the latter will pay
societies for purposes not contrary 5% of the value of the monetary
to law shall not be abridged.” claim, a subsequent law which
Freedom to organize or to be a deprives the lawyer of the said
member of any group or value is arbitrary and
association, union or society and unreasonable since it is destructive
to adopt the rules which the of the inviolability of contracts,
members judge most appropriate and therefore invalid as lacking of
to achieve their purposes. due process.
However, there is limitation in
forming an association, as long as Section 11. Right to free access
the purposes must not be contrary to courts and quasi-judicial bodies
to law. “Free access to the courts and
quasi-judicial bodies and adequate
Section 9. Right to property legal assistance shall not be
“Private property shall not be denied to any person by reason of
taken for public use without just poverty.” Free access is a right
compensation.” The Supreme covered by the due process clause,
Court ruled that the right to earn a because a person, regardless of
living is a part of one’s right to life. his status in life, must be given an
In addition, the right to own or opportunity to defend himself in
possess property is subject to the the proper court or tribunal.
police power of the State and to Nonetheless, the right is place in a
inherent the power of the State to separate provision to emphasize
take private property to public use the desire for constitutional
upon payment of just protection of the poor. Besides,
compensation. The latter is known poverty is not a reason to deny
as the right of eminent domain. the person the right to access the
courts. This section is one of the
Section 10. Non-impairment of rights of accused, it is to have
contracts “No law impairing the adequate legal assistance. The
obligation of contracts shall be accused must have the right to
passed.” This is the so-called enter the courts or any quasi-
contract clause, which seeks to judicial bodies.
restrain substantial legislative
impairment of, or intrusion into, Section 12. Right of person under
the obligation of contracts. What custodial investigation “
the clause guarantee is the (1) Any person under investigation
integrity of contracts against for the commission of an offence
undue interference by the shall have the right to be informed
government. For example, if a of his rights to remain silent and
lawyer enters into a contract with to have competent and
R.R.Pedere ‖ Human Rights Education
independent counsel preferably of investigation was not informed of
his own choice. If the person his constitutional rights (Miranda
cannot afford the services of Warning). This enumeration of
counsel, he must be provided with rights above may be invoked
one. These rights cannot be during custodial investigations.
waived except in writing and in Custodial investigation refers to
the presence of counsel. any questioning initiated by law
(2) No torture, force, violence, enforcement officers after a
threat, intimidation, or any other person has been taken into
means which vitiate the free will custody. The rights are available
shall be used against him. Secret when the person interrogated is
detention places, solitary, already treaded as a particular
incommunicado, or other similar suspect and the investigation is no
forms of detention are prohibited. longer a general inquiry into an
(3) Any confession or admission unsolved crime. However, during
obtained in violation of this this stage, no complaint or
Section 17 hereof shall be criminal case has been filed yet.
inadmissible in evidence against As such, the person suspected to
him. (4) The law shall provide for have committed a crime is not yet
penal and civil sanctions for an accused, since no case was
violations of this section as well as instituted against him. During
compensation to and rehabilitation custodial investigations, suspects
of victim of torture or similar are identified by way of show-ups,
practices, and their families.” The mug shots, and line ups. Show-
purpose of the right is that the ups are done by bringing the lone
provision emphasizes on the duty suspect face-to-face with the
of law enforcement officers to witness for identification. Mug
treat properly and humanely those shots are performed by showing
under investigation. It recognizes photographs to witnesses to
the fact that the environment in identify the suspect. And in line
custodial investigation is ups, the witness identifies the
psychologically, if not physically suspect from a group of persons.
coercive in nature, so that law
enforcers should be reminded of Section 13. Right to bail “All
the sanctity of individual rights persons, except those charged
and the limitation on their means with offenses punishable by
of solving crimes. In fact, as far as reclusion perpetua when evidence
the present provision is concerned, of guilt is strong, shall, before
the “presumption of regularity” of conviction, be bailable by
official acts and the behavior of sufficient sureties, or be released
police or prosecution is not on recognizance as mat be
observed if the person under provided by law. The right to bail
R.R.Pedere ‖ Human Rights Education
shall or be impaired even when innocent until the contrary is
the privilege of the writ of habeas proved, and shall enjoy the right
corpus is suspended. Excessive to be heard by himself and
bail shall not be required.” A bail is counsel to be informed of the
the security required by a court nature and cause of the
and given for the provisional or accusation against him, to have a
temporary release of a person who speedy, impartial, and public trial,
is in the custody of the law to meet the witness face to face
conditioned upon his appearance and to have compulsory process
before any court as required under to secure the attendance of
the conditions specified. For witness and the production of
instance, a person arrested and evidence in his behalf. However,
detained for the offense of after arraignment. Trial may
homicide may post a bond for his proceed notwithstanding the
temporary release on the condition absence of the accused provided
that he will appear in the court that he has been duly notified and
during the trial or when the court his failure to appear is justifiable.”
so requires. Probational release This deals with the rights of the
through bail is corollary to the accused. It contemplates a
right to be presumed innocent and scenario where a case has already
a means of immediately obtaining been filed against a person, in
liberty. During the duration of contrast to custodial investigations
release, the accused is given the where a case may not have been
chance to prepare his defense, and filed yet. The case filed is a
thus level the playing field for the criminal case, in which the parties
parties. Worth emphasizing is the are the “People of the Philippines”
reason why those charge with and the “accused.” The People of
offenses punishable by reclusion the Philippines is the complainant,
perpetua and against whom while the accused is the person
evidence of guilt is strong, are not formally charged of a crime or
allowed to bail. Under such offense punishable by law. A case
circumstances, there is is said to be criminal when it
improbability of appearance, and involves the prosecution of a crime
bail merely becomes an by the State and the imposition of
instrument of evading the law. liability on erring individuals. It
highlights the relation of the
Section 14. Right of the accused individual and the state, with the
“(1) No person shall be held to state having the right to inflict
answer for a criminal offense punishment to an offender once
without due process of law. (2) In his guilt is proven beyond
all criminal prosecutions, the reasonable doubt. The real
accused shall be presumed offended party or victim in a
R.R.Pedere ‖ Human Rights Education
criminal case is the State or the can invoke the said rights under
People of the Philippines, and not the proper circumstances.
the private complainant. This is
because what has generally been Section 15. Writ of habeas
violated is the law of the corpus “The privilege of the writ of
Philippines which provides habeas corpus shall not be
protection to the people and suspended except in cases of
guarantees peace and order in the invasion or rebellion when the
land. Violation of the law poses public safety requires it.” Writ of
danger not just to a private habeas corpus is a written order
person, but to the people as a issued by the court directed to a
whole, and is a threat to the person detaining another
sovereignty of the State. The commanding him to produce the
accused, who is the person body of the prisoner at a designed
charged in a criminal case, is time and place, with the day and
pitted against the State. With all cause of his capture and
its machineries, manpower, and detention, to do, to submit to, and
almost unlimited sources of to receive whatever court or judge
money, the State is placed in an awarding the writ shall consider in
advantaged position. To level his behalf. When a person is
therefore the playing field, the illegally confined or detained, or
Constitution provides for when his liberty is illegally
numerous rights of the accused restrained, he has the
and of persons under constitutional right to file a
investigation. Justice demands petition of habeas corpus. Should
that they should be given a the court find out that the person
fighting chance against the most is illegally confined or detained, he
powerful institution, which is the shall be immediately released from
State. Under the Rules, criminal detention. The privilege of habeas
proceedings start from corpus is suspended in cases of
arraignment up to the rendition of rebellion or invasion. This is in
final judgment by the court. order to meet the exigencies in
Arraignment refers to that stage of such cases. Aside from the writ of
the criminal proceeding when the habeas corpus, the writ of amparo
information is read to the accused is another available remedy to any
to which he pleads guilty or not person whose right to life, liberty,
guilty. The proceeding continues and security has been violated or
until a final judgment is entered threatened to be violated by an
by the court. The judgment is final unlawful act or omission of a
when there is nothing for the court public official or employee, or of a
to do but to execute it. Thus, private individual or entity. This
during this duration the accused remedy is especially available in
R.R.Pedere ‖ Human Rights Education
cases of enforced disappearances there an instance that you cheated
and extrajudicial killings. on your wife?” the right may be
invoked by a timely objection to
Section 16. Right to speedy the incriminating question. If no
disposition of cases “All person objection is raised, then the
shall have the right to a speedy answer may be used as evidence
disposition of their cases before all against the witness for the proper
judicial, quasi-judicial, or criminal charge.
administrative bodies.” Unlike the
right to speedy trial which applies Section 18. Right against
only in criminal proceedings, the involuntary servitude “(1) No
right to speedy disposition of person shall be detained solely by
cases may be invoked in all cases, reason of his political beliefs and
whether judicial, quasi-judicial, or aspirations. (2) No voluntary
administrative. Thus, right to servitude in any form shall exist
speedy disposition of cases is except as a punishment for a
broader than right to speedy trial. crime whereof the party shall have
been dully convicted.” This
Section 17. Right against self- provides that no person should be
incrimination “No person shall be detained solely by reason of his
compelled to be a witness against political beliefs and aspirations,
himself.” This constitutional nor should involuntary servitude in
guarantee is better known as right any form exist, except as a
against self-incrimination. The punishment for a crime. The first
right allows a person not to part of the provision deals with the
answer an incriminating question. right not to be detained by reason
An incriminating question is one solely of political beliefs and
that if answered renders a person aspirations. This is essentially
liable for an offense. However, it is embodied in the freedom of
only when the incriminating expression but with emphasis on
question is put to a witness stand the prohibition against
that the right may be invoked. The incarceration of “political
right, nonetheless, is not self- prisoners.” The second part deals
executing. It is not automatically with the right against involuntary
operational once an incriminating servitude. Involuntary servitude
question is asked. It must be refers to the compulsory service of
properly invoked by objecting to another or simply modern-day
an incriminating question. For slavery. The right is based on the
example, when a witness is egalitarian principle of democracy
subjected to direct examination by which prescribes equality of
the opposing party, and the everyone in law, and on humanity
opposing counsel asked “was which prevents degradation of
R.R.Pedere ‖ Human Rights Education
human dignity through enforced inflicted. Neither shall death
labor. Slavery is an ancient penalty be imposed, unless, for
practice of treating man as a compelling reasons involving
commodity under the complete heinous crimes, the Congress
power of the master. This has hereafter provides for it. Any
never been practiced in the death penalty already imposed
Philippines, but has its remnants in shall be reduces to reclusion
modern forms of enforced labor perpetua.
and peonage. Enforced labor (2) The employment of physical,
happens when a person is psychological, or degrading
unlawfully compelled to work punishment against any prisoner
against his will; it is involuntary or detainee or the use of
and to a certain extent resembles substandard or inadequate penal
slavery. When a person, because facilities under subhuman
of poverty or lack of money, works conditions shall be dealt with by
for another in payment of his debt, law.”
the same is prohibited by the A fine is excessive when it is
present guarantee even if the unreasonable and beyond the
service is rendered voluntarily. limits prescribed by law. The
This voluntary service in payment amount of the fine is said to be
of debt is called peonage. While it unreasonable if the court does not
appears voluntary, peonage is take into consideration certain
prohibited because the person is standards, such as the nature of
forced to work by the the offense, and the circumstances
circumstances of his indebtedness, of the person punished by fine.
although not by his creditor. The imposed fine may never go
However, involuntary servitude beyond the statutory prescription,
may be allowed under the otherwise it is unlawfully
following instances: (a) as excessive. A punishment is cruel
punishment for crime; (b) in the when it is shocking to the
case of personal, military or civil conscience of mankind and it
service in defense of the State; involves prolonged suffering and
and (c) in compliance to a return- agony to the person punished. For
to-work order issued by the a penalty to violate the
Department of Labor and constitutional guarantee, it must
Employment. be so flagrant and oppressive so
as to be degrading to human
Section 19. Right against dignity, and it must be
excessive fines and cruel unreasonably disproportionate to
punishments “(1) Excessive fines the nature of the offense as to
shall not be exposed, nor cruel, shock the senses of the
degrading or inhuman punishment community. The mere severity of a
R.R.Pedere ‖ Human Rights Education
penalty does not make the penalty may only be imposed by
punishment cruel or inhumane, for Congress in the commission of
as long as it is within the limits heinous crimes and for compelling
provided by law. As one maxim reasons. Heinous crimes are
states, “even if the law is harsh, it crimes which are so flagrant and
is still the law (dura lex sed lex).” evil so as to be shocking to the
A penalty that is germane to conscience of civilized persons,
purpose of the penal law is not such as genocide, rape with
cruel and inhumane. Lastly, a homicide, murder, rebellion, and
penalty must be acceptable to the treason, especially when
contemporary society. Ancient committed against the innocent
forms of punishment, such as and helpless. With compelling
pillory, disembowelment, and reasons, Congress may impose
crucifixion, which are already death penalty since it is
considered barbarous practices, proportionate to the atrocities
are cruel and inhumane. If a committed; (b) This form of
person, for instance, is paraded penalty still has currency in the
around town naked with a tag on contemporary time. Death by
his neck saying “I am a thief; do lethal injection is prevalently
not imitate me,” the form of practiced by many countries for
punishment is cruel and inhuman; the punishment of heinous
it is barbarous and so ancient that offenses; and (c) Death by lethal
it is no longer acceptable to the injection is not cruel and
present-day society. The present inhumane because it does not
provision abolishes death penalty, prolong suffering or inflict
although with a reservation that excruciating agony to the person
the Congress can subsequently punished. In truth, it only induces
pass a law imposing it for the person to sleep through a
compelling reasons involving lethal substance injected in the
heinous crimes. The constitutional bloodstream which thereafter
provision on death penalty or painlessly put the person to death.
capital punishment does not Section 20. Right against
explicitly mention that it is cruel imprisonment for debt “No person
and inhumane. In fact, the shall be imprisoned for debt or
Constitution allows the Congress non-payment of a poll tax.” A debt
to impose death penalty for the as intended to be covered by the
right reasons. It could even be constitutional guarantee, means
argued that extinguishment of any liability to pay money arising
human life is not cruel and out of the contract, express or
inhumane for the following implied. If by reason of poverty or
reasons: (a) It is proportionate to lack of money a person cannot pay
the nature of the offense. Death his debt, he cannot be imprisoned
R.R.Pedere ‖ Human Rights Education
by reason thereof. The creditor to another prosecution for the
only has himself to blame if he same act.” The right against
voluntarily agreed to lend money double jeopardy means that when
to someone who apparently a person is charge with an offense
cannot pay or whom he thought and the case is terminated either
could pay but did not. by acquittal or conviction or in any
Nevertheless, although the debtor other manner without the express
cannot be imprisoned, his property consent of the accused, the latter
may be taken or attached by the cannot again be charged with
court, and then sold at public same or identical offense. When a
auction in payment of his debt to person, for instance, has been
the creditor. A poll tax is a tax of a charged of homicide and the court
fixed amount imposed on acquitted him of the case, he can
individuals residing within a no longer be prosecuted for the
specified territory, whether citizens same offense or act. He can now
or not, without regard to their invoke his right against double
property or the occupation in jeopardy. There are two types of
which they may be engaged. double jeopardy. The first happens
Community tax or residence tax is when a person is put twice in
an example of poll tax. As far as jeopardy of punishment for the
poll tax is concerned, non- same offense, and the second
payment is not punished by the happens when an act is punishable
government in consideration of the by a law and an ordinance at the
plight of the poor who cannot even same time, in which case the
afford to pay it. Poverty could conviction or acquittal in either
never be a reason for a person’s one of them constitute as bar to
imprisonment. It must be another prosecution for the same
emphasized, however, that as act.
regards other forms of taxes, non-
payment may be a cause of Section 22. Right against ex post
imprisonment. Failure to pay facto law and bill of attainder “No
income taxes is considered a crime ex post facto law or bill of
(tax evasion), and punishable attainder shall be enacted.”
under the law by imprisonment. An ex post facto (after the fact)
law is one which, operating
Section 21. Right against double retrospectivity which makes an act
jeopardy “No person shall be twice done before the passage of a law,
put in jeopardy of punishment for innocent when done, criminal, and
the same offense. If an act is punishes such act; or aggravates a
punished by a law and an crime or make it greater than
ordinance, conviction or acquittal when it was committed; or
under either shall constitute a bar changes the punishment and
R.R.Pedere ‖ Human Rights Education
inflicts a greater punishment than increasingly sympathetic to the
what the law annexed to the rights of criminal defendants. In
crime, when committed; or alters siding with Miranda, the court
the legal rules of evidence, and majority invoked the Fifth
receives less testimony than or Amendment to the Constitution,
different testimony from what the which said that no criminal suspect
law requires at the time of the could be forced by government to
commission of the offense, in be “a witness against himself. As
order to convict the offender. A bill for Miranda, he was tried and
of attainder is a legislative act convicted again, without using the
which inflicts punishment without confession against him. In 1976,
a judicial trial. Its essence is the Miranda was murdered in a fight at
substitution of a legislative for a a Phoenix bar. Some news reports
judicial determination of guilt. stated that he had several
“Miranda cards,” containing the
police warning his case had
Miranda Rights ‘You have the inspired, in his pocket when he
right to remain silent” is a phrase died. The “Miranda” ruling has
familiar to anyone who watches been adhered to by our Philippine
police or courtroom dramas. Supreme Court in several cases
Recited by police before they (People v. Villamor, L-41493,
interrogate suspects, the December 14, 1981; People v.
admonition is the direct result of Alegria, GR 80764, September 26,
one of the best-known and most 1990; etc.). This doctrine has
controversial decisions in the been amplified by the New
United States Supreme Court’s Constitution (Article III, Bill of
history, Miranda v. Arizona (384 Rights, Section 14) under which
US 436). In 1963, Ernesto the counsel to be provided the
Miranda, was arrested in Phoenix, accused must be competent and
Arizona, by kidnapping and rape a independent, and must be one
young woman. He denied any preferably of his (accused’s) own
involvement at first, but after two choice. If the accused cannot pay
hours of police questioning, he his counsel because of poverty, he
confessed. Police did not tell must be given with one (who is
Miranda that he had the right to competent and independent) for
have an attorney present, so at free a case of de oficio counsel).
trial his lawyer said the confession These rights (right to be informed
should not be admitted into to remain silent and right to
evidence. It was, and he was counsel) cannot be waived except
convicted. Miranda’s appeal in writing (contemplating an
reached the Supreme Court at a express waiver) and in the
time when the justices were presence of counsel. The
R.R.Pedere ‖ Human Rights Education
incompetence of counsel may be accomplished. No custodial
shown by the surrounding investigation shall be conducted
circumstances (as when he failed unless it be in the presence of
to take legal steps ordinarily counsel engaged by the person
expected of a counsel of ordinary arrested, by any person on his
intelligence) and when it is proven behalf, or appointed by the court
that such counsel is incompetent upon petition either of the
(or is not independent), any detainee himself or by anyone on
confession made by the accused his behalf. The right to counsel
even with the supposed assistance may be waived, and shall not be
of such kind of counsel may be valid unless made with the
inadmissible in evidence. The assistance of counsel. Any
counsel must assist actively the statement obtained in violation of
accused. Thus, it was ruled that the procedure herein laid down,
any confession obtained from a whether exculpatory or
suspect in the absence of counsel inculpatory, in whole or in part,
and without his assistance shall be shall be inadmissible in evidence.
inadmissible in evidence against (People v. Penillos, et al., GR
him (People v. Alegria, GR 80764, 65673, January 30, 1992). The
September 28, 1990). The only Miranda doctrine has been
exception is where the right to honored more in breach than in
counsel is categorically waived, observance by our police officers.
and such waiver is made in writing We live in dangerous times when
and in the presence of counsel. the suspect is shot/killed even
At the time a person is arrested, it before arrest. Sadly, “the right to
shall be the duty of the arresting remain silent,” these days, is taken
officer to inform him of the reason literally and to its extreme,
for the arrest, and he must be silenced forever has become the
shown the warrant of arrest, if norm!
any. He shall be informed of his
constitutional rights to remain
silent and to counsel, and that any
statement he might make could be
used against him. The person Prisoner’s Rights
arrested shall have the right to The following Basic Principles for
communicate with his lawyer, a the Treatment of Prisoners was
relative or anyone he chooses by adopted and proclaimed by
the most expedient means—by General Assembly resolution
telephone if possible—or by letter 45/111 of 14 December 1990.
or messenger. It shall be the
responsibility of the arresting 1. All prisoners shall be treated
officer to see to it that this is with the respect due to their
R.R.Pedere ‖ Human Rights Education
inherent dignity and value as thereto, as well as such
human beings. other rights as are set out in
2. There shall be no other United Nations
discrimination on the covenants.
grounds of race, color, sex, 6. All prisoners shall have the
language, religion, political right to take part in cultural
or other opinion, national or activities and education
social origin, property, birth aimed at the full
or other status. development of the human
3. It is, however, desirable to personality.
respect the religious beliefs 7. Efforts addressed to the
and cultural precepts of the abolition of solitary
group to which prisoners confinement as a
belong, whenever local punishment, or to the
conditions so require. restriction of its use, should
4. The responsibility of prisons be undertaken and
for the custody of prisoners encouraged.
and for the protection of 8. Conditions shall be created
society against crime shall enabling prisoners to
be discharged in keeping undertake meaningful
with a State's other social remunerated employment
objectives and its which will facilitate their
fundamental responsibilities reintegration into the
for promoting the well-being country's labor market and
and development of all permit them to contribute to
members of society. their own financial support
5. Except for those limitations and to that of their families.
that are demonstrably 9. Prisoners shall have access
necessitated by the fact of to the health services
incarceration, all prisoners available in the country
shall retain the human rights without discrimination on the
and fundamental freedoms grounds of their legal
set out in the Universal situation.
Declaration of Human 10. With the participation
Rights, and, where the State and help of the community
concerned is a party, the and social institutions, and
International Covenant on with due regard to the
Economic, Social and interests of victims,
Cultural Rights, and the favorable conditions shall be
International Covenant on created for the reintegration
Civil and Political Rights and of the ex-prisoner into
the Optional Protocol
R.R.Pedere ‖ Human Rights Education
society under the best 4. Every child has the right
possible conditions. to a balance diet, adequate
11. The above Principles clothing, sufficient shelter, proper
shall be applied impartially. medical attention, and all the basic
physical requirement of a healthy
Rights of a Child in the and vigorous life.
Philippines 5. Every child has the right
Under the Presidential to be brought up in an atmosphere
Decree no. 603 otherwise known of morality and rectitude for the
as “Child and Youth Welfare Code” enrichment and the strengthening
Article 3: Rights of a Child states of his character.
that all children shall be entitled to 6. Every child has the right
the rights herein set forth without to an education commensurate
distinction as to legitimacy or with his abilities and to the
illegitimacy, sex, social status, development of his skills for the
religion, political antecedents, and improvement of his capacity for
other factors. The 12 rights of service to himself and to his
child according to Save the fellowmen.
Children Philippines (2018), are 7. Every child has the right
the following; to full opportunities for safe and
wholesome recreation and
activities, individual as well as
social, for the wholesome use of
1.Every child is endowed his leisure hours.
with the dignity and worth of a 8. Every child has the right
human being from the moment of to protection against exploitation,
his conception, as generally improper influences, hazards, and
accepted in medical parlance, and other condition or circumstances
has, therefore, the right to be born prejudicial to his physical, mental,
well. emotional, social and moral
2. Every child has the right development.
to a wholesome family life that will 9. Every child has the right
provide him or her with love, care to live in a community and a
and understanding, guidance and society that can offer him an
counselling, and moral and environment free from pernicious
material security. influences and conducive to the
3.Every child has the right to promotion of his health and the
well-rounded development of his cultivation of his desirable traits
personality to the end that he may and attributes.
become a happy, useful and active 10. Every child has the right
member of society. to the care, assistance, and proper
protection of the State,
R.R.Pedere ‖ Human Rights Education
particularly when his parents or contribute to the political,
guardians fail or are unable to economic, social, and
provide him with his fundamentals cultural development of the
needs for growth, development, nation as well as those
and improvement. which shall provide them
11. Every child has the right equal access to ownership,
to an efficient and honest management, and control of
government that will deepen his production, and of material
faith in democracy and inspire him and informational resources
with the morality of the and benefits in the family,
constituted authorities both in community, and society.
their public and private lives. 2. Discrimination Against
12. Every child has the right Women refers to any
to grow up as a free individual, in gender-based distinction,
an atmosphere of peace, exclusion, or restriction
understanding, tolerance, and which has the effect or
universal brotherhood, and with purpose of impairing or
the determination to contribute his nullifying the recognition,
share in building of a better world. enjoyment, or exercise by
women, irrespective of their
marital status. on a basis of
Republic Act 9710 – Magna equality of men and women,
Carta of Women “An Act of human rights and
Providing for the Magna Carta fundamental freedoms in the
of Women” political, economic, social,
cultural, civil, or any other
The Magna Carta of Women field. It includes any act or
is comprehensive women’s human omission, including by law;
right law that seeks to eliminate policy, administrative
discrimination against women by measure, or practice, that
recognizing, protecting, fulfilling directly or indirectly
and promoting the rights of excludes or restricts women
Filipino women, especially those in in the recognition and
marginalized sector. promotion of their rights and
Definition of terms: their access to and
1. Women Empowerment enjoyment of opportunities,
refers to the provision, benefits, or privileges. A
availability, and accessibility measure or practice of
of opportunities, services, general application is
and observance of human discrimination against
rights which enable women women if it fails to provide
to actively participate and for mechanisms to offset or
R.R.Pedere ‖ Human Rights Education
address sex or gender- likely to result in physical, sexual,
based disadvantages or psychological harm or suffering, or
limitations of women, as a economic abuse including threats
result of which women are of such acts, battery, assault,
denied or restricted in the coercion, harassment or arbitrary
recognition and protection of deprivation of liberty. It includes,
their rights and in their but is not limited to, the following
access to and enjoyment of acts:
opportunities, benefits, or a. Physical violence refers to
privileges; or women, more acts that include bodily or
than men, are shown to physical harm.
have suffered the greater b. Sexual violence refers to
adverse effects of those an act which is sexual in
measures or practices. nature, committed
Provided, finally, That the against a woman or her
discrimination compounded child. It includes, but is
by or intersecting with other not limited to: Rape,
grounds, status, or sexual harassment, acts
condition, such as ethnicity, of lasciviousness, treating
age, poverty, or religion a woman or her child as a
shall be considered sex object, making
discrimination against demeaning and sexually
women under this Act. suggestive remarks,
physically attacking the
Republic Act 9262 – Anti- sexual parts of the
Violence Against Women and victim's body, forcing
their Children Act. her/him to watch obscene
Republic Act 9262 – Anti-Violence publications and indecent
Against Women and their Children shows or forcing the
Act. woman or her child to do
1. Violence against women and indecent acts and/or
their children refers to any act or a make films thereof,
series of acts committed by any forcing the wife and
person against a woman who is his mistress/lover to live in
wife, former wife, or against a the conjugal home or
woman with whom the person has sleep together in the
or had a sexual or dating same room with the
relationship, or with whom he has abuser; an acts causing
a common child, or against her or attempting to cause
child whether legitimate or the victim to engage in
illegitimate, within or without the any sexual activity by
family abode, which result in or is force, threat of force,
R.R.Pedere ‖ Human Rights Education
physical or other harm or activity, except in cases
threat of physical or other wherein the other
harm or coercion; and spouse/partner objects on
prostituting the woman or valid, serious and moral
child. grounds as defined in
c. Psychological violence Article 73 of the Family
refers to acts or Code; Deprivation or
omissions causing or threat of deprivation of
likely to cause mental or financial resources and
emotional suffering of the the right to the use and
victim such as but not enjoyment of the
limited to intimidation, conjugal, community or
harassment, stalking, property owned in
damage to property, common, destroying
public ridicule or household property and
humiliation, repeated controlling the victims'
verbal abuse and mental own money or properties
infidelity. It includes or solely controlling the
causing or allowing the conjugal money or
victim to witness the properties.
physical, sexual or
psychological abuse of a 2. Battery refers to an act
member of the family to of inflicting physical
which the victim belongs, harm upon the woman or
or to witness pornography her child resulting to the
in any form or to witness physical and
abusive injury to pets or psychological or
to unlawful or unwanted emotional distress. On
deprivation of the right to the other hand, battered
custody and/or visitation woman syndrome refers
of common children. to a scientifically defined
d. Economic abuse refers to pattern of psychological
acts that make or attempt and behavioral
to make a woman symptoms found in
financially dependent women living in battering
which includes, but is not relationships as a result
limited to the following: of cumulative abuse.
Withdrawal of financial 3. . Stalking is an
support or preventing the intentional act
victim from engaging in committed by a person
any legitimate profession, who, knowingly and
occupation, business or without lawful
R.R.Pedere ‖ Human Rights Education
justification follows the temporarily to receive
woman or her child or the victim.
places the woman or her 6. Children refers to those
child under surveillance below eighteen (18)
directly or indirectly or a years of age or older but
combination. are incapable of taking
4. Dating relationship refers care of themselves as
to a situation wherein defined under Republic
the parties live as Act No. 7610. As used in
husband and wife this Act, it includes the
without the benefit of biological children of the
marriage or are victim and other children
romantically involved under her care.
over time and on a
continuing basis during
the course of the Instruction: Read and identify
relationship. A casual the following statements related to
acquaintance or ordinary Rights of accused and Rights of a
socialization between person under custodial
two individuals in a investigation. Use the following
business or social description for your answer.
context is not a dating
relationship. However, A, if the statement pertains
sexual relations refer to to Section12: Right of a
a single sexual act which person under custodial
may or may not result in investigation
the bearing of a common B, if the statement pertains
child. to Section 14: Rights of
5. Safe place or shelter accused.
refers to any home or C, if the statement does not
institution maintained or pertain to any of the above-
managed by the mentioned.
Department of Social
Welfare and 11.The accused shall be
Development (DSWD) or presumed innocent until
by any other agency or proven guilty.
voluntary organization 12. If you cannot afford an
accredited by the DSWD attorney, one will be
for the purposes of this appointed for you.
Act or any other suitable 13. No person shall be held
place the resident of to answer criminal offense
which is willing without due process of law
R.R.Pedere ‖ Human Rights Education
14. Any person has the right the United States agreed to hear
to remain silent. Miranda’s case. The decision in
15. No torture, force, Miranda vs. Arizona was handed
violence, threat, down in 1966.
intimidation, or any other
means which vitiate the free 1. Why did the confession of
will shall be used against Ernesto Miranda was held
him. valid in the Arizona
Supreme Court and
invalid in US Supreme
Activity 2: Case Analysis Court? Justify.
2. Does the police’s practice
Instruction: Read carefully the of interrogating
given case below and answer the individuals without
following questions. notifying them of their
Facts right to counsel and their
Miranda v. Arizona: Miranda was protection against self-
arrested at his home and taken in incrimination violate the
custody to a police station where Section 17 of Bill of
he was identified by the Rights? Justify.
complaining witness. He was not
informed of his rights prior to the
police interrogation. During the
two-hour interrogation, Miranda
allegedly confessed to committing
the crimes, which the police
apparently recorded. Miranda, who References
had not finished ninth grade and
has a history of mental instability, Books
had no counsel present. Nolledo, J. N. (2008). Student’s
At trial, the oral and written manual on the new constitution
confessions were presented to the with study helps. Mandaluyong
jury. Miranda was found guilty of City: National Books Store.
kidnapping and rape and was Garcia, C. D. (2015). Philippine
sentenced to 20-30 years history and government for college
imprisonment on each count. He students. Mandaluyong City:
appealed to the Arizona Supreme Books Atbp. Publishing Corp.
Court, claiming that the police had Tuzon, A. (2016). The Philippine
unconstitutionally obtained his Government and Constitution.
confession. The court disagreed, Philippines: Wiseman’s Book
however, and upheld the Trading Inc. The 1987 Constitution
conviction. The Supreme Court of
R.R.Pedere ‖ Human Rights Education
of the Republic of the Philippines.
Article III: Bill of Rights.

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R.R.Pedere ‖ Human Rights Education

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