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Module 5 : Digital Systems 7 Hrs

Binary arithmetic; Number base conversion;

Boolean algebra: simplification of Boolean
functions using K-maps; Logic gates; Design of
basic combinational circuits: adders,
multiplexers, de-multiplexers

CO4: Design basic combinational circuits in digital


07.11.23 Lecture 1_Module 6_BEEE102L 1

• Signals in the instrumentation of physical
systems is analog in nature.
• Analog to digital converter
• Computers or other digital circuits can be used
to process this information.
• Logic 1 and logic 0 – binary system
• Complex digital circuits can be built easily by
IC technology

07.11.23 Lecture 1_Module 6_BEEE102L 2

• Positive logic: The higher amplitude in a
binary system represents 1 and the lower-
amplitude range represents 0.
• Negative logic: The higher amplitude in a
binary system represents 0 and the lower-
amplitude range represents 1.

• The logic value 1 is also called high, true, or

on. Logic 0 is also called low, false,or off.
07.11.23 Lecture 1_Module 6_BEEE102L 3
• A single binary digit, called a bit, represents a
very small amount of information.
• A byte is a word consisting of eight bits.
• A nibble is a four-bit word.

07.11.23 Lecture 1_Module 6_BEEE102L 4

Binary system
• Digital circuits are (almost always) designed to
operate with only two symbols 0 or 1, it is
necessary to represent numerical and other
data as words composed of 0s and 1s.

07.11.23 Lecture 1_Module 6_BEEE102L 5

Binary to decimal system
• Binary number system: 1101.1
• Its equivalent decimal number = (13.5)10
(1101.1)2 = (13.5)10
To convert binary number 1101.1, convert its integral and fractional part
individually and then add them to get the equivalent decimal number, as below:

In integral part of binary number, multiply ones place with 2^0, tens place with
2^1, hundreds place with 2^2 and so on from right to left.

In the fractional part of binary number, multiply tenths place by 2^-1,

hundredths place by 2^-2 and so on from left to right

Add them all together you got from step 1 & step 2 to get decimal equivalent of
07.11.23 Lecture 1_Module 6_BEEE102L 6
Decimal to Binary system
• Decimal number system: 743.2
• Its equivalent binary number = (743.2)10
(743.2)10 = (1011100111.0011001100)2
The decimal number is repeatedly divided by two
until the quotient reaches zero. The binary equivalent
is read as the remainders in reverse order.
The fractional part of the number is repeatedly
multiplied by two. The whole part of each product is
retained as a bit of the binary equivalent. It will be
stopped when the desired degree of precision has
07.11.23 reached. Lecture 1_Module 6_BEEE102L 7
Binary system
• Number of distinct words with 3 bits
• Number of distinct words with n bits
Convert the decimal integer 343 into binary
(343)10 = ( )2
Convert the decimal fraction 0.392 into binary
(0.392)10 = ( )2

07.11.23 Lecture 1_Module 6_BEEE102L 8

Binary system
Convert the following numbers into binary
(a) (23.75)10
(b) (17.25)10
Convert the following numbers into decimal
(a) (1101.111)2
(b) (100.001)2
Add the binary numbers
1000.111 and 1100.011.

07.11.23 Lecture 1_Module 6_BEEE102L 9

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