Writting Angles

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This COVID-19 pandemic is a new situation for all of us and obviously there are many points

of view about how we are now and how we are going to be after the cuarentine, there is the
positive people, that thinks that we are going to be okay and the other ones that are the
negative ones.

One one hand there are the benefits , we can spend time with our familly, we can work from
our home, we have a lot of free time so we can spend this time learning new things or
training... After the cuarentine we are going to enjoy more the simple things.

On the other hand there are the disvantatges, fristly and the worst thing is the economic
impact, a lot of people will lose his job, a lot of companys will break...Then I think that an
other bad thing is that we are bored and when we are bored we eat a lot, we spend a lot of
hours watching netflix, chatting, or playing videogames, and that isn't healthy.

In my opinion this situation is bringing good and bad things, we must be careful about what
we do every day, i thing that follow a rutine is the best way to beeing distracted, but i think
that there is going to be more disvantatges than benefits after the cuarentine, because the
partys are cancelled and another events that i want to go, probably the travels will be

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