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Hi, it’s a pleasure to meet you

About me:

I am Pedro Cedeño, I am 19 years old. I am studying systems engineering at Ecotec University. Third
semester. Regarding my hobbies, I love going to the gym, I like to learn more about the fitness
lifestyle, all of this helped me become a disciplined person, I learned to concentrate on fulfilling all
my responsibilities, organize myself to perform different tasks during the day and get away from
distractions to focus on achieving my goals, I also love playing basketball and enjoying time with my

Tell me about your family.

I live with my mom and dad. I don´t have any siblings. I’m an only child. My parents are in the real
state sector. They rent the first floor and rent a big place to a small supermarket called Tuti.

Have you ever been to the USA?

Yes, I have been a couple of times, I always went when I was too little. I have visited Chicago, Orlando
and my last time was seven years ago, I travelled with my parents to Miami.

Why do you participate in this program?

I’m participating in this program because I want to gain work experience, know about the American
culture, meet, and communicate with new people and improve my English skills.

Why do you do in your first 72 hours?

Notify that I am already at housing.

What is social security?

The social security must be obtained 5 days after arriving in the USA. I must take my passport and

Any concerns or worries about travelling abroad?

If a customer, asks me some question and I don’t know the answer what I would do?

If I had a coworker next to me, I could bring him to the customer If I don’t know the answer.

If you had a problem with your supervisor, what would you do?
I would talk with the supervisor to understand the nature of the problem and try to find a solution.

What position are you interested in and why?

I’m interested in being a salesclerk because I want to serve and communicate with the customers.

Do you know something about your job position?

 Offer the customers assistance in locating the products they want to buy.
 Check the expiration date of products and discard expired items.
 Make sure products are well organized.
 Process cash and credit card payments and maintain accurate sales records.

Which state would you like to go?

I would like to travel Los Angeles because I want to visit the Universal Studios in Hollywood and
made a tour of the Warner Bros Studio. Also, I want to visit the Arena to watch a Lakers

Would you like to work indoors or outdoors?

You have any Laboral experience?

I have no previous work experience, but my skills and qualities are suitable for the job. I learn quickly,
I know how to work as a team, and I focus on fulfilling all my responsibilities.

Why did you choose to be part of a fast-food crew member?

What do you know about our resort?

What are your available dates? (When you can start working)

I start on January 21 and I finish on April 21.

How long have you been studying? And why this amount of time?
I have been studying for a year and a half (right now I’m in third semester. It is because every year
there are two semesters at my university, so I stick to the pensum.

How did you find out about our agency?

Have you ever been to the USA?

Yes, I have been a couple of times, I always went when I was too little. I have visited Chicago, Orlando
and my last time was seven years ago, I travelled with my parents to Miami.

Do you have any family in the United States?

Yes, I had 2 cousins living there, one live in Chicago and the other live in Tampa.

How did you learn English?

I learnt English al school, also my school offered us the Cambridge certifications, so I took it every
year and when I graduated from school, I reach a b2 level. Also, I enjoy watching movies and series in
English, this improves my listening skills.

Why are you studying this career?

I have always been interested in technology because every year it improves, it gets better and
nowadays it is very important in every field, so I discovered programming, I loved knowing that I am
going to learn different programming languages to communicate and send orders to the computer
such as Java, Python or HTML so that why I decided to take this career.

How many subjects are you studying?

Right now, I’m taking 4 classes. OOP, Calculation II, Information Methodology, and computer

Have you volunteered for something?

When I was in high school one of my teachers asked me if I wanted to help build a garden in a
specific part of the school so that students, teachers, and parents could see a beautiful garden when
they pass around. So, I accepted and was part of that project.

How many subjects do you plan to take the next semester?

I’m going to take 4 subjects next semester.

How long do you plan to finish university?

How many subjects do you need to finish college?

What is your favorite subject?

My favorite subject is OOP (Object Oriented Programming). Here I’m learning to code with java. We
just started to code this week applying all the theory knowledge that we get the last few weeks but I
enjoy taking this class.

My favorite subject is Programming.

Who will pay you for the program?

Dejar que fluya = Let it Flow

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