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Ali Gaber Salem

+201116619986 | | Fisal – Giza – Egypt | Military Status: Completed as Reserve Officer (April 2014 – Oct 2016).


Years of experience: 6+ years

Programming and Frameworks: Java (SE/EE), Hibernate/JPA, Spring Core, Spring Boot, Spring Data,
Spring Security, Docker, Jenkins, Linux, Angular 2+, HTML/CSS, SQL, Git, Maven, RESTful.

Languages: Arabic is my native language, very good with English,

Personal Qualities: communication, leadership, innovation, fast learner, willingness to learn,
detail-oriented, team player, and enjoys programming.


Sep2009 – Jun2013:
o B.Sc. computer science department, Faculty of Computers and Informatics, Suez Canal
o Grade: very good in total.


Full Stack Java Developer at ELM KSA (outsource)(Aug 2023 – Present):

Member of development team targeting revamp ‘NUSUK' system from JSF to spring boot and angular I
worked as architect ,development and support, backend and front developers.

Full Stack Java Developer at Segmatek (Nov 2019 – Present):

I worked architecting, developing, and deployment of both frontend and backend services
Communicating with the customer.
deployment of both frontend and backend services
Working as full stack developer
Lead juniors employees to learn and develop

Backend Java Developer at NTG Clarity (Feb 2017 - Nov 2019):

Backend java developer for Product Company (Stage)
Responsible for creating backend business and DB management
Solving old issues and enhance coding

E-Care –Telecom Egypt (MY WE).

It’s a telecommunication e-care system for telecom Egypt .
We revamp its frontend with new angular structure and design. Updated
and added new features in backend.
I was involved as full stack developer.
Technologies: Spring Boot, Spring Data, Spring REST, Spring Security, JPA, Oracle DB, Linux,

E-Care – Mauritania (Mattel):

It’s a telecommunication e-care system for Mattel in Mauritania,
User can recharge, see call history, view the consumption, subscribe to offers and services and do
other different telecom-related functionalities.
I was involved mainly in the backend here as the front was mainly mobile-based. Technologies:
Spring Boot, Spring Data, Spring REST, Spring Security, JPA, Oracle DB, Linux.

E-Care – Mali (Malittel):

it similar to (my mattel) but web app as portal I
was involved as full stack developer.

I was involved mainly in backend
Technologies: Spring Boot, Spring Data, Spring REST, Spring Security, JPA, Oracle DB, Linux.

GIS –Project.
It’s a management system for Egypt GIS contain clinic,news and maps modules
Technologies: Spring Boot, Spring Data, Spring REST, Spring Security, JPA, Postgre BD Linux.

Stage Cherry for Vodavone (Remedy Replacement)

It is Egyptian General Intelligence project to manage workflow tasks
I was involved as full stack developer(Backend , frontend,deployment). Technologies:
Spring Boot, Spring Security, JPA, Postgrs DB, Linux, angular11.

Stage (Zain KWT)
mange telecommunication workflow
portfolio and project management for telecom companies Manage
companies, organizations, groups, users (foundation) I was involved
mainly in backend
Technologies: java SE , Postgress DB

Mahsoly :
I t is android mobile application for Agricultural marketing (free lancing project). It already on
Google play store.
I was involved mainly in backend
Technologies: Spring Boot, Spring Data, Spring REST, Postgress DB

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