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Prepared by Suwandi, S.T., M.T.

Scoring System

1. Kehadiran minimal 70%

2. Tugas & Kuis
3. Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS)
4. Ujian Akhir Semester
5. Note : Bagi yang terlambat mengumpulkan
tugas tidak mendapatkan nilai Tugas
Learning Schedule

1. Preface and Introduction

2. Grammar focus and conversation (dialog)
3. Simple present tense
4. Present Continuous Tense
5. Past Tense
6. Future Tense
7. Present perfect Tense
8. Modal and Auxiliary
9. Preposition and Gerund
10. Adjectives Clauses and Passive Voice
11. The Comparison Of Adjective
12. Conditional Sentence and Taq Question
13. Assignment : Presentation or Speech
14. Assignment

1. Be Dare
2. Confidence
3. Don’t afraid make mistake
4. Memories vocabulary
5. Reading and listening
6. High motivation
7. Repeat, repeat and repeat
8. Action, action, action

Tell your name?

Where do you live/ address?
Where do you work?
What is your motivation continue to study/ university?
Why choose TE, TI, or TM?
Tell about your family?
Tell about your hobby?
Tell about your spare time/ free?

Hello, My name is Tony Andreas

Please call me Tony
I am from Australia

Hello, I am Mr. Sato

I’m from Osaka, Japan

Hi! My name is Andre Parker

I’m from California, USA
Please call me Park
Belajar Bahasa Inggris tidak terlepas dari dua hal
1. Statement (pernyataan)
2. Question (Pertanyaan)

Statement (Pernyataan) kalimat digunakan untuk memberikan

informasi tentang suatu hal (statement disebut juga dengan
kalimat berita).
Dalam statemen dibagi 2 hal yaitu :
1. Kalimat Aktif (Active sentence)
Adalah kalimat subyeknya melakukan tindakan.
 They have returned their book to the library
 She puts the dictionary on the table
2. Kalimat Pasif (Passive sentence)
Adalah kalimat yang subyeknya dikenai pekerjaan
 Her car been parked in front of her house
 His pen was stolen yesterday

Question (kalimat Tanya) atau kalimat yang berfungsi untuk

menanyakan apapun kepada lawan bicara.

Terdapat 3 macam kalimat Tanya dalam Bahasa inggris yaitu:

1. Yes/No question
2. WH question
3. Taq Question
Yes/No Question

Yes/No question adalah bentuk pertanyaan yang

membutuhkan jawaban Yes/No.
Contoh :
 Does she always invite you? Yes, she does
 Did they submit their assignment? No, they did not

Note: Cara membuat pertanyaan Yes/No question

adalah dengan memindahkan auxiliary (kata kerja
bantu) ke depan subjek.
WH Question

WH question adalah bentuk pertanyaan yang berfungsi

untuk menanyakan secara spesifik. Spesifik
seperti Siapa, Apa, Dimana, Kapan, Bagaimana,
mengapa dll.

 Where did he go yesterday? He went to his office
 What is your hobby? My hobby is playing football
Taq Question

Taq question adalah bentuk pertanyaan pendek yang

terletak di akhir kalimat, dan berfungsi untuk
meminta penegasan lawan bicara.

Dalam Bahasa Indonesia diterjemahkan dengan kata


 You will visit me tomorrow, won’t you?
 She takes her correction pen, doesn’t she?

• Introducing your self

• Tell your daily activity

(Collect next 3 week by email to :

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