Project English 1

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Does hearing neighbors/parents having sexual intercourse affect a child’s development?

- unfortunately, there isn’t a study that can tell us the exact answer and we aren’t sure if
there is one, considering the child’s age and awareness (towards sexual intercourse) the
effects or questions can be different
- we have found an article that explains the reactions depending on the child’s age:
Toddlers: Some young children may be oblivious to sex, while others may need reassurance.

“Children sometimes think something violent or frightening is happening, and that should
be addressed,” says sex therapist Margie Nichols. “When my son was a toddler, he thought
his stepdad was ‘hurting’ me because, well, we were way too loud and even very late at
night my son could hear us.”

Explain that you and your partner were having a private moment and that you weren’t
hurting each other, and leave it at that unless your child has more questions.

Elementary-age children: Kids this age have some curiosity about sex, but at the same time,
they generally want to steer away from the subject.

“Always follow your child’s lead on what they can handle,” suggests Klein. “If they get too
uncomfortable with sex talk, save it for some other time.”

Tweens: By this age, many kids know what’s going on and may even make noises of loud
disgust if they walk in on you by accident. Yet it’s a great time to give your child the idea
that sex is a private, enjoyable activity that takes place in adult relationships, says Nichols.
Teens: “Older kids are sometimes amused when they guess that their parents have been
sexual, but if it’s in their faces too much of the time, it can create discomfort and anxiety,”
says Klein.
A good basic message is that sex is a private thing that grownups do with each other to feel
good together and express their love. You can explain that this kind of expression of love is
different from the way parents and kids show affection.
“Teens can better handle the idea of their parents as sexual beings, but they really don’t
need to see it. Ask any teenager: They’ll tell you themselves whether they want to see their
parents getting it on. I promise you, the answer is no.”

What to do after an affair

But these days, you don’t just have to worry about your child walking in on a private
moment – you may also have to explain other things encountered in or out of the home,
such as sex toys, self-pleasuring and even pornography.
-an object or device used for sexual stimulation or to enhance sexual pleasure
-to pleasure oneself; masturbate
-Masturbation is defined as stimulation of the genitals with the hand for sexual pleasure (it's
like, you're visualizing sexually arousing things in your head while going handsy)
printed or visual material containing the explicit description or display of sexual organs or
activity, intended to stimulate sexual excitement
The phrase "explicit content" is written as a warning that media (pictures, films or music)
contains adult content. This is often sexual or pornographic. It may be bad language. The
explicit content warning is for parents who want to sensor what their children see.

Parental Advisory is a warning label introduced by the Recording Industry Association of

America in 1985 and adopted by the British Phonographic Industry in 2011

“The average age a kid sees porn is 10, but some could be late birds and start around the
age of 13 or 14 .It’s everywhere and it’s naive to think your kid won’t see it.

“Tell them about porn before they stumble across it: ‘Sometimes people look at pictures or
videos of people having sex. This is called pornography, or porn. It’s not for kids, and your
heart and mind aren’t ready to see something like this. You won’t be in trouble if you do,
but I need to make sure you are OK.’”

Why is porn not for kids?

Exposure to pornography harms children and youth by normalizing sexual violence, creating
unrealistic expectations for intimate partners and relationships, and increasing the risk of

Evidence reveals a high correlation between porn addiction and psychiatric conditions,
specifically mood, anxiety, and personality disorders. Studies have indicated that
pornography viewers have higher levels of depressive symptoms and a poorer quality of life.

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