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Midterm Evaluation

Aula 12 – Evaluation

Test 1 – Aulas 1 a 8



São 8 exercícios, incluindo um de listening. Cada exercício vale 1.25 e cada alternativa/item dentro do exercício
vale 0.125 para te ajudar a somar e saber sua nota no final.

As respostas estão em outro arquivo para download chamado EVALUATION ANSWER KEY.

1. Match the columns.

a) Hey, Katie!
( ) ( )My full name is Joseph Smith.
How are

b) Goodbye,
( ( )They are great.

c) What’s your
( ) ( )Not much.
full name?

d) What’s up? ( ( )I’m good!

e) How are( ( )Nice to meet you too.


f) Nice to meet
( ) ( )Thanks!
you, Helena.

g) Thank you so ( )Bye!


h) Have a nice
( ( )Good evening, Mr. Williams.

i) Hello, good
( ( ) See you.

j) See you( ( )Have a nice weekend too.


2. Where are they from? What are their nationalities? Answer the questions below, follow the example:

Ex: Where is Mel Gibson from? What’s his nationality? (Australia/Australian)

He’s from Australia. He’s Australian.

Curso Junior Silveira º Aula 12 – Midterm Evaluation º

a) Where is Shakira from? What’s her nationality? (Colombia/Colombian)
b) Where is Arnold Schwarzenegger from? What’s his nationality? (Austria/Austrian)
c) Where is Junior Silveira from? What’s his nationality? (Brazil/Brazilian)
d) Where is Steven Tyler from ? What’s his nationality? (the USA/American)
e) Where is Justin Bieber from? What’s his nationality? (Canada/Canadian)
f) Where is Emma Watson from? What’s her nationality? (France/French)
g) Where is Charlize Theron from? What’s her nationality? (South Africa/African)
h) Where is Maradona from? What’s his nationality? (Argentina/Argentinian)
i) Where is Amy Adams from? What’s her nationality? (Italy/Italian)
j) Where is Adele from? What’s her nationality? (England/English)

3. Complete with “am”, “is” or “are”.

a) She____a girl.
b) He____my brother.
c) John_____late.
d) They_____angry.
e) It____hot today.
f) I_____tired.
g) It____very expensive.
h) Lourdes_____stressed out.
i) Ronny and I______great students.
j) My boss______happy with this project.

4. Read the dialogue and answer the questions.

Monica: Hi, Joseph, how are you this morning?
Joseph: I’m pretty good, Monica. And how about you?
Monica: I’m great. It’s very early. What’s your daily routine like?
Joseph: Well, I wake up at 6:00 a.m., after that, I brush my teeth, take a shower, and leave home for work
around 7 a.m.
Monica: What time do you start to work?
Joseph: I start to work at 7:45 a.m.
Monica: What do you do at work?
Joseph: Well, I reply to e-mails, I have meetings, and I talk to clients on the phone. At noon, I have a quick
lunch, and then I have a conference call with international clients and I write reports.
Monica: That’s a tough day! What time do you go back home?
Joseph: I go back home at 7 p.m.

Curso Junior Silveira º Aula 12 – Midterm Evaluation º

Monica: Are you very tired when you arrive home?
Joseph: Yes, I am. But I go to the gym every day and I play with my dog in the evening.
Monica: Wow! I’m impressed! You are a very hardworking person!

a) What are the names of the characters?

b) What time does Joseph wake up?
c) What does Joseph do at work in the morning?
d) What does Joseph do at work in the afternoon?
e) What time does he go back home?
f) Is he tired after work?
g) Does he go to the gym?
h) Does he watch TV at night?
i) Does he have a dog?
j) Is he a hardworking person?

5. Complete with “don’t” or “doesn’t”.

a) Dennis________ like Orange juice.
b) I really______ know the answer.
c) We______ like pop music very much.
d) Robert says he_______ understand.
e) Mr. Fillan _________ live in Seattle. He lives in New York.
f) He_______ go to university.
g) They are new here. We_____ know them.
h) The Shepard family is so rich. They______ need to work.
i) I have a TV, but I______ watch it.
j) My sister______ like to dance.

6. Put the verbs in the correct form to complete the paragraph about Lana Jones.

My name_______(1. be) Lana Jones. I______(2. be) 28 years old. I’m an architect and I work a lot every
day. I_______(3. work) from 8 to 6 p.m. I ________(4. have) many meetings and conference calls during
the day. I _______ _________(5. not-have) time to have lunch, so I just______(6. eat) a snack and I
______(7. go) back to work until 6 p.m. My boss_______(8. tell) me to write reports and
she_________(9. review) all of them with me. My day is very stressful but I ________(10. love) my job.

7. Unscramble the sentences.

a) time/ you/ get up/ What/ do/ in the morning?

Curso Junior Silveira º Aula 12 – Midterm Evaluation º

b) do/ What/ you/ do/ on the weekends?
c) Sheila/ work/ in the afternoon/ doesn’t/ a lot
d) Edward/ like/ to/ in the afternoons/ study/ doesn’t
e) has/ She/ breakfast/ at 7:30 a.m.
f) write/ I/ reports/ every day
g) Will/ play/ his dog/ with/ doesn’t/at night
h) Maureen/ in/ clocks/ on time
i) Bonnie/ the elevator/ takes/ to arrive/ at her office
j) drives/ home/ Tom

8. Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.

Brian: Hello, Miss Olivia. How are you?
Olivia: Hi, Brian. I’m wonderful!
Brian: Oh, really! Why?
Olivia: Because now I live close to work, and I have much more free time in the morning. I wake up at 8:30,
instead of 7. I have time to go to the gym and take a shower.
Brian: Do you have breakfast at home?
Olivia: No, I have breakfast here, at the cafeteria. Food here is delicious.
Brian: I agree! The blueberry pancakes are my favorite!
Olivia: Absolutely! See you at the meeting in the afternoon.
Brian: See you!

a) What are the names of the two characters?

b) What are the sentences they use for greeting each other?
c) Why is Olivia so happy?
d) What time does she wake up?
e) Does Olivia go to the gym in the morning?
f) Does Olivia have breakfast at home?
g) Where does she have breakfast?
h) What’s their favorite cafeteria food?
i) What time is the meeting?

Curso Junior Silveira º Aula 12 – Midterm Evaluation º

j) What are the sentences they use for saying goodbye?

Curso Junior Silveira º Aula 12 – Midterm Evaluation º

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