Great Expectations Questions

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Chapter one

1. He threatens Pip and tells him he is going to eat his internal organs. Because
the mood is gloomy and almost boring the convicts startling appearance contrast’s
the mood
2. We learn that he is poor and almost his entire biological family is dead and the
origins of his name
3. The gloomy setting and pip almost seeming happy despite it all
4. He is most likely a convict and pip is exaggerating his appearance because of
his age
5. When he threatens pip with terrible things to scare him into obedience

Chapter two
1. Pip felt guilty about it but he he felt that he had to do it because he was
2. Pips cheerful and childish narration compared to the events surrounding him
3. He has feelings of guilt because he respects joe and his sister to some degree
4. He dilutes it with tar water
5. It means that pip was raised by a single parent but pip thinks the term comes
from his harsh upbringing
6. Her character is expressed as abusive and ugly
Chapter three
1. He had an intense fear of being caught
2. Because his environment starts to get more hostile as he walks to deliver the
asuppl;ies to the convict
3. Pip is originally curious but is frightened after the second convict threatens
4. That he is starting to cry and he has a soft side to him
5. He compares it to a dog because of how savagely he eats ands starts to view him
with compassion
6. I noticed that booth the convicts seem to dislike each other and theres is
history between then that must be explained further
Chapter four
1. They make pip feel uncomfortable and he is only comforted by joe giving him
2. That pip helping the convict will be found out
3. That he replaced the contents with tar water and my pumblechook finds it
4. That pipos secret could be found out
Chapter five
1. For his handcuffs to be repaired
2. Mr pumblechook's alcohol
3. The wine is a present given to the soldiers by pumblechook pumble chooks
selfishness is developed
4. They felt bad because the convicts gave them an out
5. They mention money so one most likely owes money to the other
6. The kindness from pip makes his throat click and the precautions he takes is
providing proof that he committed the crime
7. His age mostly relieves him of all his guilt and he shouldn't be tormented
because he is only around 8-10
8. That pip sent the convict to a better place
Chapters six
1. Because he is afraid joe will see him differently and doesn't believe joe top
have the same empathy that he has
2. No because joe is a genuinely kind person with loyalty towards pip
3. Because mr pumble chook is of a higher class than wopsle
4. To work on the farm
Chapter seven
1. To work with joe and become a blacksmith
2. The money that went towards his schooling
3. Pip learned how to read and write at a low level
4. That he isn't very educated and his family background isn't either
5. Because he respects pip and knows it's probably act of childishness
6. That a wealthy women wants to see pip
7. Because pip is starting to value things other than loyalty and commonness which
are strong in joes character
Chapter eight

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