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supercentenarian korrekorder
a person who has reached the age of 110 years

longevity hosszú élet, magas kor long existence or service

gernotológus study the mental, physical, and social changes

gerontologists (idősgyógyász) in the aging population.
fat from the abdomen of a pig that is rendered
lard disznózsír, háj and clarified for use in cooking.
Gerontology Research Group Gerontológiai
(GRG) Kutatócsoport -

School of Public Health Népegészségügyi Osztály -

Pakistan split from India: division based upon
partition felosztás religious affiliation
look after and provide for oneself, without any
fend megvéd help from others

matriarch matriaraka, családfő anya a woman who is the head of a family or tribe.

big blow nagy csapás a defeat, loss, reduction or failure

always on the go mindig mozgásban volt very active or busy.

a state in which food and other essentials for

privation nélkülözés well-being are lacking.

frail törékeny, gyenge (of a person) weak and delicate.

arthritis izületi gyulladás joint inflammation

any disease marked by inflammation and pain

rheumatism reuma in the joints

Take away thoughts:

It's a combination of genetics, luck and maybe some lifestyle choices, but when you get to
those extreme old ages, I don't think lifestyle has much of an impact.

122 ys - Will the record be broken? Probably." And we will also see more supercentenarians,
he says – not particularly because of medical advancements or improved lifestyles, but
because there are just more people in the world.
a sudden powerful forward or upward
surge hullámzás movement, especially by a crowd or by a
natural force such as the tide.
arousing awe through being impressive or
awe-inspiring fenséges, félelmetes formidable.
structure of the earth's crust and many
associated phenomena as resulting from the
tectonic plate boundaries lemeztektonikai határok interaction of rigid lithospheric plates which
move slowly over the underlying mantle.
Cirkumpacifikus- is a path along the Pacific Ocean characterized
Ring of Fire (Circum-Pacific Belt) hegységrendszer by active volcanoes and frequent earthquakes.

trench árok e.g. Mariana Trench

the outermost shell of a terrestrial planet

(Earth’s) crust (föld)kéreg
the movement of the plates that make up
tectonic shift lemezmozgás /kéreg- Earth's crust
a collapse of a mass of earth or rock from a
landslides földcsuszamlás mountain or cliff
precipitously meredeken
wave is a called the crest, and the low point is
wave’s crest hullám(hegy)csúcs/-taréja called the trough
a group of waves of equal or similar
wave train hullámszéria wavelengths travelling in the same direction.
Pacific Tsunami Warning Csendes-óceáni Szökőár-
System figyelmeztető Központ -
relating to earthquakes or other vibrations of
seismic szeizmikus/földrengési the earth and its crust.
the number of deaths resulting from a
death toll halálos áldozatok száma particular cause.
adjacent szomszédos/környező
the action of widely spreading and promoting
propagation terjedés/szaporodás sthg..

Take away thoughts:

80% - Pacific Ocean’s “Ring of Fire”

caused by: - tectonic shifts

- volcanic eruptions
- underwater landslides
- earthquakes
Blue zones

longevity hosszú élet, magas kor long existence or service

a group of similar things or people positioned

cluster csoport(osulás), raj or occurring closely together
an extensive group of islands
archipelago szigetvilág/tenger
a food that makes up the dominant part of a
staple food alapvető élelmiszer population's diet
a plant of the daisy family, with aromatic
divided leaves that are dark green above and
mugwort (fekete)üröm, zsályacserje whitish below, native to north temperate
a bright yellow aromatic powder obtained from
turmeric kurkuma the rhizome of a plant of the ginger family
talk with excessive pride and self-satisfaction
boast dicsekszik, büszkélkedik about one's achievements, possessions, or
wheat or any other cultivated cereal used as
grains gabonafélék food.
the condition or process of deterioration with
senescence öregedés age
the length of time for which a person or animal
lifespan élettartam lives or a thing functions
megfiatalosodás, the action or process of giving new energy
rejuvenation megújulás or vigour to something
special human cells that are able to develop
stem cell (therapy) őssejt (-kezelés/terápia) into many different cell types
slash sugar out of your diet
slash vágás, hasítás
a round root with white or cream flesh which is
turnip fehérrépa eaten as a vegetable and also has edible leaves
a cabbage of a variety that does not develop a
collard amerikai kelkáposzta heart.
in a restricted or infrequent manner;
sparingly takarékosan
in small quantities

Netflix: Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones

- Nuoro Province, Sardinia, Italy
- Okinawa Prefecture, Japan
- Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Icaria, Greece
- Loma Linda, California, United States
Fukushima nuclear disaster

another term for power station

power plant atomerőmű
apparatus employed to keep the temperature of
cooling systems hűtőrendszer a structure or device from exceeding limits
imposed by needs of safety and efficiency
radioaktív szennyező occurs when radioactive material is deposited
radioactive contaminants anyagok on or in an object or a person.
an interconnected network for electricity
electrical grid (villamos)energia-hálózat delivery from producers to consumers.

A substance circulated through a nuclear

reactor to remove or transfer heat.
nuclear reactor coolant atomerőmű hűtővize

the action of keeping something harmful under

containment visszatartás control or within limits.
kiégett üzemanyag- An underwater storage and cooling facility for
spent fuel pools tároló medence spent (depleted) fuel assemblies that have been
removed from a reactor.
neutron express the likelihood of interaction between
neutron cross-section hatáskeresztmetszet an incident neutron and a target nucleus
extremely hard boron–carbon ceramic, a
boron carbide bór-carbid covalent material used in tank armor,
bulletproof vests, engine sabotage powders,
thick steel containers that hold nuclear fuel
reactor pressure vessels nyomástartó edény (rpv) when the reactors operate.
a device that supplies power to a computer or
other electrical equipment on a continuous
backup generators tartalék generátorok basis when electricity from the primary power
source is lost or degraded.
heat that remains or lingers after something has
residual heat maradékhő been hot or heated up.
The central portion of a nuclear reactor, which
contains the fuel assemblies, moderator,
reactor’s core aktív zóna neutron poisons, control rods, and support
A long, slender, zirconium metal tube
fuel rods üzemanyag-rudak containing pellets of fissionable material,
which provide fuel for nuclear reactors
A structured group of fuel rods
fuel assemblies fűtőelemek
International Nuclear Event Nemzetközi Nukleáris -
Scale (INES) Eseményskála
Tokiói -
Tokyo Electric Power
Company (TEPCO) szolgáltató Vállalat
radioactive particles that are carried into the
fallout radioaktív csapadék atmosphere after a nuclear explosion and
gradually fall back as dust or in precipitation.
an accident in a nuclear reactor in which the
meltdown zónaolvadás fuel overheats and melts the reactor core or

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