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Introduction to Computer

Lesson – 1.1 (Page 14)

Analytical Questions

 Describe the components of a computer

A computer is used to process data and a data processing system must consist of more than just machines. A computer
system must contain:
a) Hardware
b) Software
c) Human ware
d) Operational procedures

I. Hardware
Hardware generally refers to the machine or physical equipment that performs the basic functions of the data
processing cycle. In addition to the computer itself, other hardware devices are also required. A printer is an
off-line device and a keyboard is an on-line device

II. Software
A program is a sequence of instructions which directs a computer to perform certain functions. Programs are
referred to as software. Software is generally categorized as either system software or application software.

a) System software
Consist of programs that easier the use of computer by a user. These programs are sometimes referred to
as utility programs. They perform such standard tasks as organizing and maintaining, scheduling. Of all
the systems software, the most important one is known as the operating system.

b) Application software
Consist of programs to perform specific user applications. A computer program giving instructions for
the steps involved in preparing results of a public examination is an example of applications software.
III. Human ware
Human ware refers to the persons who design, program, and operate a computer installation. There are
numerous categories of jobs, but the three principal positions required in a large computer installation are
system analyst, programmer, and computer operator.
People in each of these areas generally perform special-purpose tasks under the supervision of a director or

a. The main task of the system analyst is to study information and processing requirements. A systems
analyst defines the applications problem, determines systems specifications, recommends hardware and
software changes.

b. A programmer requires a comprehensive knowledge of one or more programming languages and

standard coding procedures. A programmer's principal job is to code or prepare programs based on the
specifications made by the systems analyst.

c. A computer operator generally performs a series of well-defined tasks that will keep the computer
operating at maximum efficiency. The operational efficiency of a computer installation is dependent on
the quality and abilities of the operational staff.




IV. Procedures
A data processing center needs well-defined procedures for its core operations. These functions generally
include obtaining, preparing, and entering data into the computer, processing jobs, initiating new programs
and changing or deleting old ones etc.

 Write the importance and limitations of a computer

The word “computer” comes from the word “compute” which means to calculate. So a computer is normally considered
to be a calculating device that performs arithmetic operations at enormous speed.

Modern Definition of computers:

A computer is an electronic device which is used to perform operation on raw data as per instruction given by user. All
the Plugged with computer system (keyboard, mouse, CPU) is called hardware, the language, instruction, and data are
the called software. It has some importance and also some limitations

1. Speed:
The computer takes a fraction of seconds to perform any operation. The speed of computer is measured in micro
seconds (10-3), Milliseconds (10-6), nanoseconds (10-9) and even Picoseconds (10-12).

2. Accuracy:
The accuracy of computer is very high and the degree of a particular computer depends upon its design. Errors
can occur in a computer but these are mainly due to human rather than technological weakness.

3. Storage Capacity:
Computers can store data and instruction with a lot of volume and very high efficiency.

1. Diligence:
Unlike human being a computer is free from tiredness, lack of concentration etc. and can work for hours
together without creating any error.
1. Versatility:
Versatility is one of the most wonderful things about the computer. One moment it can do any one operation
and next moment if can perform any other operation.


1. It has no any intelligence quality or thinking power. It has no brain for thinking as man can does.
2. Because computer is only a machine, it has no feeling like human being.
3. It required power to operate.
4. Problem may occur due to system breakdown.

Importance Limitations

The speed of computer is measured in Milliseconds, Nanoseconds

It has no any intelligence quality or thinking
and even Picoseconds and
The accuracy of computer is very high

Computers can store data and instruction with a lot of volume Because computer is only a machine, it has no
and very high efficiency feeling like human being

A computer is free from tiredness, lack of concentration etc. and

It required power to operate
can work for hours

It can do any one operation and next moment if can perform any
Problem may occur due to system breakdown
other operation
 Explain different types computer based on size
The computer is classify into four parts based on size and capability. The classification of computer according to size
and capability of computer is given below:
1. Micro Computer
2. Mini Computer
3. Main frame computer
4. Super Computer


A microcomputer, often simply referred to as a "micro," is a small-sized and relatively low-cost computer designed for
personal or small-scale use. It typically consists of a (CPU), memory, storage, input/output devices, and is commonly
used for tasks like word processing, web browsing, and running various software applications. Microcomputers are the
most common type of computer used by individuals and in small office/home office (SOHO) settings.
There are different types of Microcomputer:
I. Desktop Computer
A computer that fits on a desk is called a desktop computer.

II. Laptop
A laptop is a portable computer. Portable means that can carry and use the laptop computer very easily anywhere.

III. Smartphone
The smartphone is also a type of microcomputer, using which you can do everything that you can do with a laptop
computer. Smartphones are also known as feature phones because the hardware and connectivity capabilities of
those mobiles are many times more than that of normal mobile phones.

IV. Notebook
Notebook computers are smaller in size as compared to laptop computers. Notebook computers are similar to
laptop computers in appearance.

V. Tablet
A tablet computer is a wireless computer. The tablet computer screen is touch that can run the tablet computer
only by touching it.
These all are examples of microcomputers. The common Characteristics of Micro Computers are:-
1. Cheap and easy to use.
2. Have a limit input and output device.
3. Have a low storage capacity.
4. Limited range of software can be use.
Mini Computer

A minicomputer is a medium-sized computer that used to be popular in the past. It was in between big mainframe
computers and small personal computers. Minicomputers were used for tasks like math, business work, and controlling
machines. They were smaller and cheaper than mainframes but more powerful than personal computers. Nowadays,
microcomputers and servers have taken their place, but minicomputers were important in the history of computers.
There are different types of Mini Computers:

1. Mainframe-Compatible Minicomputer:
These minicomputers were designed to be compatible with mainframes, allowing them to run similar software
and perform tasks such as data processing and scientific calculations.

2. Workstation Minicomputer:
Workstation minicomputers were designed for technical and scientific applications, including computer-aided
design (CAD), computer-aided engineering (CAE), and scientific research.

3. Industrial Control Minicomputer:

Minicomputers were often used in industrial settings to control manufacturing processes, monitor sensors and
devices, and automate various tasks.

4. Educational Minicomputer:
Minicomputers were used in educational institutions to introduce students to computing and programming.
They played a significant role in early computer education.
These all are examples of minicomputers. The Main Characteristic of Mini Computers are:-
1. Moderate Computing Power
2. Mid-Range Size
3. Cost-Effective
4. Versatility
5. Reliability
6. Multi-User and Multi-Tasking
7. Expandability
Mainframe Computer

A mainframe computer is a powerful, big-scale machine built for complex tasks. It's super reliable and secure, can
handle many users and tasks at once, and is commonly used by big organizations, government agencies, and banks.
Mainframe computers come in various types, each designed for specific purposes. Here are some common types of
mainframe computers:

1. General-Purpose Mainframe are versatile mainframes used for a wide range of computing tasks
2. Transaction Processing Mainframes specialize in handling high-speed transaction processing tasks
3. Scientific and Engineering Mainframes are designed for scientific and engineering applications, including
simulations, research, and complex calculations
4. Cloud providers have offered mainframe services in a virtualized and scalable form. Users can access cloud-
based mainframes.

Mainframe computers are known for several key characteristics that distinguish them from other types of computing
systems. These characteristics include:

1. High Performance and Reliability

2. Multi-Processing and Multi-User Support
3. Virtualization and Centralized Management
4. Legacy System Support and Security
5. Cost-Effective and High Availability
6. Long Lifecycle and Specialized Software
7. Large Memory Capacity and High Input/output

A supercomputer is an extremely powerful and fast computer designed for tackling complex and computationally
intensive tasks, like scientific simulations and large-scale data analysis. It excels in processing speed and is primarily
used in research, government, and industries requiring immense computing power to solve intricate problems and make
scientific advancements.
Supercomputers come in various types and configurations to address specific computational needs and applications.
Here are some common types of supercomputers:
1. Vector Supercomputers:
These supercomputers are designed for tasks that involve mathematical calculations and simulations. They
excel at handling large datasets and performing complex mathematical operations.

2. Scalar Supercomputers:
Scalar supercomputers are optimized for tasks that involve sequential processing. They are used in applications
where a high clock speed is more critical than vector processing capabilities.

3. Distributed Memory Supercomputers:

Distributed memory supercomputers are composed of multiple interconnected nodes or clusters, each with its
own memory and processing capabilities. They are highly scalable and suitable for applications requiring large-
scale parallel processing.

4. GPU-Accelerated Supercomputers:
These supercomputers utilize Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) in addition to traditional CPUs to accelerate
specific calculations, particularly in fields like artificial intelligence (AI), deep learning, and molecular

5. Quantum Supercomputers:
Quantum supercomputers are an emerging type of supercomputer that use quantum bits or qubits to perform
calculations. They have the potential to revolutionize computing by solving problems that are currently
intractable for classical supercomputers.
Supercomputers are characterized by several key features that set them apart from other computing systems. These
characteristics include:
1. Exceptional Processing Power and Parallel Processing
2. Large Memory and High-Speed Interconnects
3. Specialized Hardware and Custom Software and Energy Efficiency
4. Reliability, Redundancy, Security Measures High Network Bandwidth
Supercomputing technology continues to evolve, pushing the boundaries of computational capabilities
 Explain different types computer based on generation

Computers can also be categorized based on the generation of technology they use. These generations are typically
characterized by significant advancements in hardware and architecture. Here are some of the key computer
First Generation (1940s-1956)
Key characteristics of first-generation computers
1. Vacuum tube technology for circuitry and magnetic drums for memory
2. Large, expensive, and unreliable.
3. Examples include the ENIAC and UNIVAC (first commercial computer)
Second Generation (1956-1963)
Key characteristics of first-generation computers
1. Transistor technology.
2. Smaller, more reliable, and faster than first-generation computers and less heat generation
3. Wider commercial use
4. High level programming language like FORTRAN or COBOL was developed in this generation
5. Computational time was microseconds
6. Examples include IBM 1401 and IBM 7090.

Third Generation (1964-1971)

Key characteristics of first-generation computers
1. Integrated circuits (ICs) and early microprocessors.
2. Smaller in size compared to the previous generation
3. Faster, and more energy-efficient, lower heat generation and less power required
4. Computational time was reduced from microseconds to nanoseconds
5. Maintenance cost was low because of hardware failure was rare
6. Better portability and Used for commercial applications
7. Examples include DEC PDP-11 and IBM System/360.

1. Air conditioning is generally required for large systems
2. Highly sophisticated technologies are required for manufacturing of IC Chips

Fourth Generation (1971-Present)

Key characteristics of first-generation computers
1. VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) technology.
2. Smaller in size because of high density components in a small chip and Microprocessors
3. Computational time was reduced from nanoseconds to picoseconds
4. Minimum maintenance is required and Improved portability
5. Very low heat generation and Increased affordability and accessibility.
6. Examples include Apple II, IBM PC, and Commodore 64.
1. Highly sophisticated technologies are required for manufacturing of LSI of VLSI
Fifth Generation (Present and Beyond)
Key characteristics of first-generation computers
1. Advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), Quantum computing, and biotechnology.
2. Focus on improving human-computer interaction and machine learning.
3. Examples include advanced AI systems like AlphaGo and quantum computers from companies like IBM and
Google, supercomputers like Cray-2 and modern PCs.
The idea of computer generations is not as strict today because technology advances more continuously. Also,
advancements have led to overlap in features across generations. Nonetheless, these categories help give a broad
historical view of computer technology progress
 Distinguish different types computer based on size
Computers can be categorized into different types based on their size and form factors. Here are some common
categories of computers based on size:

Name Size Purpose of Using

Very large and can fill entire rooms or Designed for performing complex
data centers calculations and simulations
Used for managing and processing vast
Large and require dedicated space,
Mainframe Computers amounts of data, such as banking
typically found in data centers.
Historically used for scientific and
Smaller than mainframes but still engineering applications, but modern
substantial in size. minicomputers are often used as servers in
Used for general computing tasks,
Personal Computers (PCs) Desktop PCs are larger and sit on a
including office work, web browsing,
desk, while laptops are portable
gaming, and entertainment
Often used as media centers or in scenarios
Mini PCs Extremely small and compact.
where space is limited

Very small, often single-board Commonly used in embedded systems and as

computers educational tools.

Handheld devices with varying screen Primarily used for mobile computing,
Smartphones and Tablets
sizes communication

These are some of the primary categories of computers based on size and form factor. Each type is designed to meet
specific computing needs and is chosen based on factors like processing power, portability, and the intended
Introduction to ICT
Lesson – 1.2 (Page 20)
Analytical Questions

 Explain a practical example of an ICT system in details

Not all systems need to produce an output every time. A monitoring system may not produce an output at all if
there is no need to inform a human. However, if there is a need, the output could be in the form of an alarm.
All information systems produce output.

The image shows an input-process-output (IPO) system that uses in-account transactions in a bank.

Here the input captures the PIN number of a customer, the processor identifies the PIN code and matches it to
the customer account, and finally, customer details and available balance are presented on the screen.
Feedback might then be used to affect another input into the same or a different system.

 Explain different components of an ICT system

An ICT system is made up of a number of components, these are people, data, hardware, software, procedure,
information, etc.

1. People
People are the user of an ICT system. In addition to the people, an ICT system is dependent on system
analysts and ICT support staff.

a) System analysts study the tasks that the system is required to undertake. They design the system
and oversee the development of software by computer programmers.
b) The ICT support staff is responsible for training ICT users and resolving any problems that they
experience when using the ICT system.
2. Data
Data is input into an ICT system. Data can be:

a) Entered manually using the keyboard,

b) Transferred electronically to the ICT system over a network or Internet,
c) Read from a smart card,
d) Scanned from a bar code,
e) Scanned from a machine-readable from etc.

3. Hardware
Hardware includes the physical devices that are needed by an ICT system to enter data for processing and
to display information in the most appropriate format. Hardware includes a keyboard or scanning device
for entering data, a microprocessor for calculating and processing the data into information, and a printer
to print.

4. Software
The software includes programs that store data such as names and addresses, rates and charges, and
instruct the processor to produce the results of the calculations.

5. Procedure
Procedures are the ways in which tasks should be done as required by the system of an organization. This
includes how data have to be used and how systems are developed to suit the requirements.

6. Information
An ICT system processes data to produce useful information which can be: viewed on screen, printout or
transferred to another ICT system over a network or the internet
 Write some ICT services in details which we use in our daily life
Commonly used ICT services are given below:

ICT services Uses

E-commerce It allows customers to purchase online. (

It allows users to have control over their account by viewing balances and making

E-government It provides better public access to government information (

M-commerce It is the buying and selling of goods and services through wireless handheld devices.

It consists of all forms of learning and/or knowledge transfer without direct teacher-
student contact via ICT

It is the cost-effective and secure use of ICT in support of health and health-related

E-mail It is the transmission of text messages via the Internet.

IM (Instant Messaging) service is used for instant message exchange and real-time
IM communication. Mostly used IM services are Windows Live Messenger, Skype, and

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) protocol enables audio/video communication

between users.

Really Simple Syndication (RSS) enables end-users who are monitoring their RSS feeds
to read new titles and access news summaries using appropriate software.

The blog allows legitimate users to re-post or write their opinion on any topic using the

A podcast (POD: Personal On Demand and broadCAST) is digital audio or video

content. It is distributed over the Internet using RSS technology.

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