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Ramzaan College Of Nursing and Paramedical Sciences

Galender Pampore

Class: GNM 2nd Year Max Marks: 75

Sub: MSN II Time: 3 hrs. 1 (2+6+5= 13 marks)

a) Define cancer.
b) Write down the pathophysiology and clinical manifestations of cervical cancer?
c) Write down the medical and nursing management of cervical cancer? 2 (2+5+6= 13 marks)

a) Define atherosclerosis.
b) Explain the pathophysiology and etiology of coronary atherosclerosis.
c) Explain in detail about second degree heart block and its pathophysiology. 3 (2+5+5= 12 marks)

a) Define diabetic retinopathy.

b) Explain the pathophysiology and risk factors of diabetic retinopathy.
c) Write down the management and diagnostic testing for diabetic retinopathy? 4 (2+5+5= 12 marks)

a) Define metastasis.
b) Write down the pathophysiology and clinical manifestation of larynx cancer?
c) Write down the surgical and nursing management of larynx cancer? 6. Write short notes on any five? 5x5=25 marks

a) Breast self-examination
b) Chronic myeloid leukemia
c) Color blindness
d) Glaucoma
e) Entropion and ectropion
f) Classification of arrythmias

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