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rn ee a Nuclei venue QINTS. TO "REMEMBER 1. Composition of Nucleus The atom consists of central nucleus, containing entire positive charge and almost entire mass According to accepted model the nucleus is composed of protons and neutrons. The proton was discovered by Rutherford by bombardment of a-particles on nitrogen in accordance with the following equation: " + fe — "Yo + x scope) fe para ote Fie ‘The superscripts (on the top) denote the mass number and subscripts (in the base) denote the atomic number. Symbolically a nuclide is written as 4X or 2X4, where A is the mass number and Z is the atomic number. ‘The neutron was discovered by J. Chadwick by the bombardment of a-particles on beryllium in accordance with 9 ‘Be 0+) fe = (seryiuny (o-panicl) {carbon (Seton) A neutron is neutral (zero charge) particle and its mass number is 1. ‘The number of protons in a nucleus is called atomic number (Z) while the number of nucleons (e., protons + neutrons) is called the mass number (4). In general mass number>atomic number (except for hydrogen nucleus where A = Z). Since neutron is neutral, itis used for artificial disintegration. 2. Size of Nucleus According to experimental observations, the radius of the nucleus of an atom of mass number 4 is, R= RA" where Ry = 12x10" m= 1.2 fm ae! = ae | Wn = ) ZS) ma i a ES es] mn a 3. Atomic Masses The masses of atoms, nuclei, etc., are expressed in terms of atomic mass unit represented by amu or ‘u’. For this mass of G-12 atom is taken as standard, by = Mass of C-12 atom 12 = 1.660565 10°" kg mass of proton (mj) = 1.007276 u mass of neutron (,) 008665 u mass of electron (7,) = 0.000549 u 4, Isotopes, Isobars and Isotones The nuclides having the same atomic number (Z) but different mass number (4) are called isotopes. ‘The nuclides having the same mass number (4), but different atomic number (Z) are called isobars. ‘The nuclides having the same number of neutrons (AZ) are called isotones, e 10. . Mass Energy Equivalence Relation According to Einstein, the mass and energy are equivalent i¢., mass can be converted into energy and vice-versa. The mass energy equivalence relation is E = me’. Accordingly, 1 kg mass is equivalent to energy = 1 x (3 x 108)? = 9 x 10'° joules and Lamu = ame massis equivalent to energy 931 MeV. . Mass Defect Iis observed that the mass ofa nucleus is always less than the mass of constituent nucleons (i. protons + neutrons). This difference of mass is called the mass defect. Let (Z, A) be the mass of nucleus, m, = the mass of proton and m, = mass of neutron, then the mass defect ‘Am = Mass of nucleons ~ Mass of nucleus = Ziyt(A~Z)m,— M, Binding Energy per Nucleon This mass defect is in the form of binding energy of nucleus, which is responsible for binding the nucleons into a small nucleus. +. Binding energy of nucleus = (Am) c* (amy and Binding energy per nucleon = . Nature of Nuclear Forces The protons and neutrons inside the nucleus are held together by strong attractive forces. These auractive forces cannot be gravitational since forces on repulsion between protons > > attractive gravitational force between protons. These forces are short range attractive forces called nuclear ‘forces. The nuclear forces are strongest in nature, short range and charge independent, therefore the force between proton-proton is the same as the force between neutron-neutron or proton- neutron. Yukawa tried to explain the existence of these forces, accordingly the proton and neutron do not have independent existence between nucleus. The proton and neutron are interconvertible through negative and positive n-mesons, ie., =. Neutron The existence of meson give ise to meson field which gives rise to attractive nuclear forces. ‘The mass of r-meson = 273 X mass of electron. ). Nuclear Reaction When a beam of monoenergetic particles (¢g., a-rays, neutrons etc.) collides with a stable nucleus, the original nucleus is converted into a nucleus of new element. This process is called a nuclear ypical nuclear reaction is, atX>¥tb where a is incident energetic particle, X is target nucleus, ¥ is residual nucleus and b is outgoing particle, This reaction in compact form is expressed as X (a, ¥ In a nuclear reaction mass number, electric charge, linear momentum, angular momentum and total energy are always conserved. The energy of reaction is Q=(M, + Myc (M, + Myc Nuclear Fission The splitting of heavy nucleus into two or more fragments of comparable masses, with an enormous release of energy is called nuclear fission. For example, when slow neutrons are bombarded on ogU™, the fission takes place according to reaction By + ly —— Ba + 2Kr + 3¢n) + 200MeV (slow teatro) In nuclear fission the sum of masses before reaction is greater than the sum of masses after reaction, the difference in mass being released in the form of fission energy. Remarks: 1. Itmay be pointed out that itis not necessary that in each fission of uranium, the two fragments Ba’! and Kr™ are formed but they may be any stable isotopes of middle weight atoms. The most probable division is into wo fragments containing about 40% and 60% of the original nucleus with the emission of 2 or 8 neutrons per fission. 2. The fission of U"™* takes place by fast neutrons. |. Nuclear Fusion ‘The phenomenon of combination of wo or more light nuclei to form a heavy nucleus with release of enormous amount of energy is called nuclear fusion. The sum of masses before fusion is greater than the sum of masses after fusion, the difference in mass appearing as fusion energy. For example, the fusion of wo deuterium nuclei into helium is expressed as, 2H + 2 —+ de + 21.6MeV. Thus, fusion process occurs at an extremely high temperature and high pressure as in sun where temperauure is 10” K. Remarks: I. For the fusion to take place, the component nuclei must be brought within a distance of 107" m. For this they must be imparted high energies to overcome the repulsive force between, nuclei. This is possible when temperature is enormously high. 2. The principle of hydrogen bomb is also based 3. The source of energy of sun and other star is nuclear fusion. There are two possible cycles: (@) Proton-proton cycle: IH + JH —~ 3H + (B + v. (Neutrino) + Energy tH + lH — 3He + lat Energy SHe + 3He— {He + IM + !H + Energy Netresultis 1H + 1H + 1H +!H —— fHe + 298 + 2v + Energy (26.7 MeV) (© Carbon-nitrogen cycle: le 15 IH + 2¢ — 8N + Energy SN —> jC + {B + v (neutrino) c+ 1H —+ MN + (Energy) “N+ !H — ¥o + Energy Bq —. SN + ,B? + v (neutrino) WN 4 tH — Yo + tHe + Energy Net result is |H + |H + |H + |H ——> $He + 278 + Qv + Energy (26.7 MeV) The proton-proton cycle occurs at a relatively lower temperature as compared to carb nitrogen cycle which has a greater efliciency at higher temperature, At the sun whose interior temperature is about 2X 10° K, the proton-proton cycle has more chanees for occurrence. le Choice Questions Choose and write the correct option(s) in the following questions. 1, The size of the atom is proportional to @aA @ ae @ as @ ate 2. The gravitational force between a H-atom and another particle of mass m will be given by Newton's law: {NCERT Exemplar) ®M 4B = 136eV) (© Mis not related to the mass of the hydrogen atom. I ©) M=Mcon* Maden ~ 3 (IV |= magnitude of the potential energy of clectron in the H-atom) 3. Ifradius of the {Al nucleus is taken to be Rai, then the radius of ';3Te nucleus is nearly us B 13 5 @ FRa (ss) Ra (i) &a 4. The mass density of a nucleus of mass number A is (CBSE 2023 (55/1/1)) (@) proportional to A! (®) proportional to 45 (©. proportional to 4% (@) independent of A 5. The nuclei of the isotopes of an element contain the same number of a certain particle. What is this particle? (@) Electron (® Neutron (©) Nucleon (@) Proton 6. How much energy will approximately be released if all the atoms of 1 kg of deuterium could undergo fusion? [Assume energy released per deuterium nucleus is 2 MeV] (a) 2 107kWh gx 10 J () 6x 10” calorie @) 9 x 10 MeV 7, A nuclear reaction is given below. The masses in amu of reactant and product nuclei are given in brackets: A + B —— © + D +QMev 902)" a.909 (4.000) 4.008) ‘The value of energy Qis, (a) 1.234 Mev () 0.91 Mev (©) 0.465 Mev (@) 1.862 Mev 8, The curve of binding energy per nucleon as a function of atomic mass number has a sharp peak for helium nucleus. This implies that helium nueleus is [CBSE 2023 (55/2/1)] (@) radioactive @) unstable (0) easily fissionable (2) more stable nucleus than its neighbours 9. Fusion reactions take place at a high temperature because (a) atoms are ionised at high temperature (@) molecules break up at high temperature (©. nuclei break up at high temperature (@ kinetic energy is high enough to overcome repulsion between nuclei 10, If M(A, Z), Mpand M, denote the masses of the nucleus 4X, proton and neutron respectively in units of u (Iu = 931.5 MeV/c?) and BE represents its binding energy in MeV, then (a) M(A,Z) = ZM, + (A4-Z)M,-BEl® (6) MA, ZM, + (A-Z)M, + BE (© M(A,2)=ZMp+(A-2)M,-BE — (@) M(A, 2) = ZMp + (A-2)M, + BE? ‘The average binding energy per nucleon is maximum for the nucleus (@) 3He (Ome) © 7BU @ BFe 12. O, molecule consists of two oxygen atoms. In the molecule, nuclear force between the nuclei of the two atoms (@) is not important because nuclear forces are shorteranged 1. (0) is as important as electrostatic force for binding the two atoms (©) cancels the repulsive electrostatic force between the nuclei (@) is not important because oxygen nucleus have equal number of neutrons and protons Which of the following statements is not true for the nuclear force? (a) Ivis attractive in nature. () This charge dependent. (© Itis short range. (@) It decreases very quickly with distance between two nucleons. 14. Fig. shows a plot of binding energy per nucleon £,, against the nuclear mass M.A, B, C, D, E, F correspond to different nuclei. Consider four reactions: (wors} 13. @AtBoCte Wi) COAtBte (ii) D# ESF te (i) FO D+ Ete where ¢ is the energy released. In which reaction ¢ is positive? @ @and @) () @ and (ii) © @and Go) @ Gi) and Git) 15. The energy in nuclear reactor is obtained due to (@) nuclear fission @) nuclear fusion (©) phowelectric effect (@) spontaneous radioactive decay 16. Heavy stable nuclei have more neutrons than protons. This is because of the fact that INCERT Exemplar] (@) neutrons are heavier than protons. (0) electrostatic force between protons are repulsive. (9. neutrons decay into protons through beta decay. (@ nuclear forces between neutrons are weaker than that between protons. Ina nuclear reactor, moderators slow down the neutrons which come out in a fission process. ‘The moderator used have light nuclei. Heavy nuclei will not serve the purpose because INCERT Exemplar] 1. (@) they will break up. (0) clastic collision of neutrons with heavy nuclei will not slow them down, (6) the net weight of the reactor would be unbearably high. (@) substances with heavy nuclei do not occur in liquid or gaseous state at room temperature. 18, 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24, Pick out the possible fusion reaction from the following: @ ,Ch+,H'—,ct+43Mev @) HI — gn! + Bo +y © ,N“ +H! —,0%+7.3MeV (4) gq QU? gut — ggXe' ‘The minimum kinetic energy needed to separate a proton from a nucleus containing Z proton and N neutrons is (m, = mass of protons) F ggSt™* + 2(n') + 7 +200 MeV (a) (Mgt +m, — Mz) © (Mf Ms —m,)e ©) (Mg! +m, - MA) <2 (@ 8 Mev The binding energy per nucleon in jLi and }He are 7.06 MeV and 5.60 MeV respectively, then in the reaction: + Li = 2({He) the energy of proion must be (@) 28.24 MeV (@) 1.46 MeV (@) 17.28 MeV (@) 39.2 Mev INGERT Exemplar] When two nuclei (4 5 10) fuse together to form a heavier nucleus, the [CBSE 2020 (55/2/1)] (@) binding energy per nucleon increases. (W) binding energy per nucleon decreases (0) binding energy per nucleon does not change. (@) total binding energy decreases. ‘The energy required to release a nucleon from a nucleus is E,, and that required to release an electron from an atom is F, then (@) E,=E, @) E,>E, © E, 2M, © M, > 10(m, + m4) @ M, < 20m, +m) Answers L® 8.) 15. (a) 22. (b) 2.0) 9.) 16. (6) 23. (6) 3.@) 10. (a) 17.0) 24. (d) 4.@) 11.) 18. (), @) 5.(d) 12. (a) 19. (©, @) 6. () 13.) 20. (b) 7d) 14, @) 21. (a) Assertion-Reason Questions In the following questions, a statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason (R). Choose the correct answer out of the following choices. (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A. (6) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A. (0) Ais true but R is false, (d) Ais false and R is also false. 1, Assertion (4) + The nucleus 5X is more stable than the nucleus 4Y Reason (R) : 3X contains more number of protons. [CBSE 2023 (55/3/1)} 2 Assertion(4) + Neutrons penetrate matter more readily as compared to proton. Reason (R) + Neutrons are slightly more massive than protons. 3. Assertion(4) : Energy is released in nuclear fission. Reason (R) : Total binding energy of fission fragments is larger than the total binding energy of the parent nucleus. 4. Assertion(4) : Forces acting between proton-proton (fy), proton-neutron (fj,) and neutron neutron (fy,) are such that fay < fon = fn Reason (R) + Electrostatic force of repulsion between two protons reduces net nuclear forces between them, (aus 2015) 5. Assertion(4) + The elements produced in the fission are radioactive. Reason (R) + The fragments have abnormally high proton to neutron ratio, 6. Assertion(4) : The fusion process occurs at extremely high temperatures. Reason (R) : For fusion of two nuclei, enormously high kinetic energy is required. 7. Assertion() : A neutrino is chargeless and has a spin. Reason (R) + Neutrino exists inside the nucleus. 8. Assertion(A) : Mass is not conserved, but mass and energy are conserved as a single emtity called mass-energy. Mass and energy are inter-convertible in accordance with Einstein's relation, = me. [41M 2018} 9. Assertion(A) : Thermonuclear fu the mankind. Reason (R) n reactions may become the source of unlimited power for Reason (R) : A single fusion event involving isotopes of hydrogen produces more energy chai enengy fron Rietear hasten of EU: [aims 2017) 10. Assertion(4) : The large angle scauer ‘of a-particle is only due to nucle. Reason (R) + Nucleus is very heavy as compared to electrons. Answers L © 2.) 3.@ 4 @) 5. @) 6. @) © 8. (a) 9%.) 10. (0) Read the paragraph given below and answer the questions that follow: Nuclear Holocaust: A nuclear holocaust, nuclear apocalypse or atomic holocaust is a theoretical scenario where the mass detonation of nuclear weapons causes globally widespread destruction and radioactive fall out. Under such scenario, large parts of the earth are made uninhabitable by nuclear warfare, potentially causing the collapse of civilization. Ina single uranium fission about 0.9 x 235 MeV (+ 200 MeV) of energy is liberated. If each nucleus of about 50 kg of *8°U., undergoes fission, the amount of energy involved is about 4 x 10! J, This energy is equivalent to about 20,000 tons of ‘TNT, enough for a super explosion. Uncontrolled release of large nuclear energy is called an atomic explosion. (Ina nuclear reactor, moderators slow down the neutrons which comes out in a fission process. ‘The moderator used have light nuclei. Heavy nuclei will not serve the purpose because (a) substance with heavy nuclei do not occur in liquid or gaseous state at room temperature () the net weight of the reaction would be unbearably high (©) clastic collision of neutrons with heavy nuclei will not slow down the neutrons (2) they will break up (ii) In an atomic bomb, the energy is released due to (a) chain reaction of neutrons and U2! (0) chain reaction of neutrons and Uz3* (©) chain reaction of neutrons and UZ? (@) chain reaction of neutrons and Uggs? (iii) Energy released in nuclear fission is due to (a) total binding energy of fragments is more than the binding energy of parental element, @) total binding energy of fragments is less than the binding energy of parental element © total binding energy of fragments is equal to the binding energy of parental element (d) some mass is converted into energy (iv) Solar energy is mainly caused due to (a) gravitational contraction () fusion of proton during synthesis of heavier elements (©) fission of uranium present in the sun (2) burning of hydrogen in the oxygen OR Heavy stable nuclei have more neutrons than protons. This is because of the fact that (a) electrostatic force between protons are repulsive (@) neutrons decay into protons through beta decay (©) nuclear forces between neutrons are weaker than that between protons (@) neutrons are heavier than protons Explanations (© For elastic collision masses of both must be equal so that they can exchange the velocities, To slow down the speed of neutron, substance should be made up of 1 proton for perfectly elastic ie., we need light nuclei not heavy. In heavy nuclei only direction will change and not the speed. 88 @) (@d) Inan atomic bomb, the energy is released due to the chain reaction of neutrons and U33 nuclei. (ii) (@) Energy released in nuclear fission is due to the fact that total binding energy of fragments is more than the binding energy of the parent nucleus. Gi) W) Solar energy is mainly caused due to the fusion of protons during the synthesis of heavier elements oR (a) Electrostatic force between proton-proton is repulsive which cause the unstability of nucleus. So, more neutrons are needed to maintain the gap between protons and to stabilize the nucleus, CONCEPTUAL QUESTIONS Q. 1. Write two characteristic features of nuclear force which distinguish it from Coulomb's force. [CBSE (AD) 2011) Ans. Characteristic Features of Nuclear Fore: (@ Nuclear forces are short range attractive forces (range 2 to 3 fin) while Coulomb's forces have range upto infinity and may be attractive or repulsive, (i) Nuclear forces are charge independent forces; while Coulomb's force acts only between charged particles. Q.2 The nuclear radius of ?7Alis 3.6 fermi. Find the nuclear radius of $Cu. [CBSE 2020 (55/1/1)] 4 Ans. As we know, R= Ro(4)? 27 Q.3. Which one of the following cannot emit radiation and why? Excited nucleus, excited electron INCERT Exemplar] Ans, Excited electron cannot emit radiation. This is because energy of electronic energy levels is in the range of eV only not in MeV and y-radiation has energy in MeV. Q.4. Inpair annihilation, an electron and a positron destroy each other to produce gamma radiation. How is the momentum conserved? INCERT Exemplar] Ans, 2y-photons are produced which move in opposite directions to conserve momentum. Q.5. He and }H nuclei have the same mass number. Do they have the same binding energy? [NCERT Exemplar] {HOTS} Ans. No, the binding energy of }H is greater. This is because }He has 2 proton and 1 neutron, whereas 3H has | proton and 2 neutron. Repulsive force between protons in 3H is absent Ans. G7 Ans. Q8. Ans. Four nuclei of an element undergo fusion to form a heavier nucleus, with release of energy. Which of the two — the parent or the daughter nucleus — would have higher binding energy per mucleon? ‘The daughter nucleus would have a higher binding energy per nucleon. ‘The mass of H-atom is less than the sum of the masses of a proton and electron. Why is this, so? (NCERT Exemplar] [HOTS] 2 is B lence gives E = mc*. Thus the mass of an H-atom is m,-tm, ——y Einstein's mass-energy eq} where B = 13.6 eV is the binding energy. Ic is less than the sum of masses of a proton and an electron. Write two distinguishing features of nuclear forces. [CBSE 2019 (55/3/1)] Nuclear force: (@) The nuclear force is much stronger than coulomb’s force. (@) The nuclear force between two nucleons falls rapidly to zero as their distance is more than few fermto metres, (ii) Nuclear force does not depend on the electric charge. Very Short Answer Questions Each of the following questions are of 2 marks. Qi. Ans. Qe Ans. Draw a graph showing the variation of binding energy per nucleon as a function of mass number A. The binding energy per nucleon for heavy nuclei (4 > 170) decreases with the increase in mass number. Explain. (CBSE 2023 (55/3/1)) = is 2 | | = 0 § soft 1 1 7} 1} 2 40 z | B a0 & 20} ae gf —|—_|— j—— oo) 892049 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 Mass Numbe-—> The binding energy per nucleon for heavy nuclei (4 > 170) decreases with the increase in mass number because of more coulomb force of repulsion between protons of heavier nuclei. This results in less stability of heavier nuclei. (@ What characteristic property of nuclear force explains the constancy of binding energy per nucleon (BE/A) in the range of mass number ‘A’ lying 30 Z,, Mg has greater binding energy than Na. ‘Two nuclei may have the same radius, even though they contain different number of protons and neutrons. Explain. [CBSE 2022 (55/3/3), Term-2] n Ces Radius of 4 quriai L Qsven by ee ee & one R= ane As moss we number pf the purl fee ee =No_s% qutleoia inthe ___ t zs et Ditioue ep ter two Qutle: oo Were A “and 4 | A has 0, “RRB and, lege -——} A _has_9,—nosinas_sind_ fyb —_—_ aie fet, Cae = re = | bot #f ba sie have Semé mass cummed |__| __ithey wotaid nave "PEiee radios sa [Ans dence two ucle-“hauing Ali Stenanl umber at = Peotons Ree gty pyden ons an hive the sume | “rnd inss sum the Aomner aé 4 —| __ pgtnkar anh Zana ig_-bath st _thom xe Sine! = ee [Topper’s Answer 2022) Short Answer Questions Each of the following questions are of 5 marks. Q.1. Ina typical nuclear reaction, e.g, *H +?H —— 3He + n+ 3.27 MeV, although number of nucleons is conserved, yet energy is released. How? Explain. [CBSE Delhi 2013] Ans. In nuclear reaction 2H 42H —> 3He+n 43.27 MeV Cause of the energy released: (@ Binding energy per nucleon of 3He becomes more than the (BE/A) of 7H. Gi) Mass defect between the reactant and product nuclei AE = Amc? = [2m@H)- mGHe)+ m(nye Q.2 @ In the following nuclear reaction a+ 38 —-Mpa + AX+3n, assign the values of Z and A. (®) If both the number of protons and the number of neutrons are conserved in each nuclear reaction, in what way is the mass converted into energy? Explain. [CBSE Guwahati 2015] Ans. (@) n+*3U —+“Bat AX +3n, ervation of atomic number 2436 > 7= 92-36 =56 From law of conservation of mass number, 14235 = 144+443x1 A= 236-147 = 89 Ans. Ans. < BE of (44Ba + 2X) and due to difference in BE of the nuclides. A large amount of the energy will released in the fission of $3°U. (i) Mass number of the reactant and product nuclides are same but there is an actual mass detect. This difference in the total mass of the nuclei on both sides, gets converted into energy, ie., AE= Ame”. Draw a graph showing the variation of potential energy between a pair of nucleons as a function of their separation. Indicate the regions in which the nuclear force is (i) attractive, (i) repulsive. Write two important conclusions which you can draw regarding the nature of the nuclear forces. [CBSE 2019 (55/4/2), 2020 (55/3/1)] Conclusions: (@ The potential energy is minimum at a distance ry of about 0.8 fi. (i) Nuclear force is attractive for distance larger than to. al | " \ | repusne ‘ D Gate G 2 3 4 ©) (ii) Nuclear force is repulsive if two are separated by distance less than ro (tv) Nuclear force decreases very rapidly at y,/equilibrium position. ol 100 ‘The Q-value of a nuclear reaction A+B—C+D is defined by Q = (im, + mg ~me~ my) where the masses refer to the nuclear rest masses, Determine from the given data whether the following reactions are exothermic or endothermic. @ ln+in-tn+in @) Bo+Ba—BNet {He Atomic masses are given to be: m(H) = 1.007825 u mGH) = 2.014102 u GH) = 3.016049 u m(2C) =12.00000 u mG. Ne) = 19.992439 u m@He) = 4.002603 u Take In =931 MeV [NCERT] (@) Nuclear reaction is ee JH+3H7H+7H+Q Mass of LHS = mGH)+m (PH) = 1.007825 + 3.016049 = 4.025874 u Mass of RHS = m(?H)+m(H) = 2.014102 + 2.014102 = 4.028204 u Q= [lg + my - me, - mp) in kg] x c” joule = [Omg + mg —me—my)u] x 981 MeV {mj H) + mf HY} = (m (FH) + mPH)}] x 931 MeV = [4.023874 - 4.028204] x 931 MeV ).00433 x 931 MeV = - 4.031 MeV. As Qis negative, energy must be supplied for the reaction; hence the reaction is endothermic. Gi) Nuclear reaction: 26-+ 26 Q= [lm (20) + mCZC)}— Lm GSNe) + m SH) Xe? joule = [(12.000000 + 12.000000) ~ (19.992439 + 4.002603)] x c* joule = (24,000000 - 23.995042) x 931 MeV = 0.004958 x 981 MeV .616 MeV As Qs positive, the energy will be liberated in the reaction, hence the reaction is exothermic. Q.5. (@) Distinguish between nuclear fission and fusion giving an example of each. (ii) Explain the release of energy in nuclear fission and fusion on the basis of binding energy per nucleon curve. [CBSE 2023 (55/2/1)] Ans. (?) Nuclear fission: It is a process in which a heavy nucleus when excited (say on bombarding by a slow moving neutron) splits into two lighter nuclei of nearly comparable masses with a release of large amount of energy. Example of nuclear fission ty + 28577 887M 4 89, 1 An + 28 — 28 Ba + Kr + Bln + Q ‘Nuclear fusion: It isa process in which two lighter nuclei fuse (at extremely high temperature) to form a heavy nucleus and large amount of energy is released. Example of nuclear fusion () tHe HQ, (@) 2H 43H 3H, +n 4Q (3) 2H +TH— TH+ H+ Q, Gi) The binding energy per nucleon of the products in the nuclear reactions (nuclear fission and nuclear fusion) is greater than that of the reactants. Long Answer Questions Each of the following questions are of 5 marks. Q.1. Draw the graph showing the variation of binding energy per nucleon with the mass number for a large number of nuclei 2< A < 240. What are the main inferences from the graph? How do you explain the constancy of binding energy in the range 30 < A < 170 using the property that the nuclear force is short-ranged? Explain with the help of this plot the release of energy in the processes of nuclear fission and fusion. ICBSE (AD) 2010, 2011, Chennai 2015, South 2016, 2020 (55/5/2)) oR Draw a diagram to show the variation of binding energy per nucleon with mass number for different nuclei and mention its two features. Why do lighter nuclei usually undergo nuclear fusion? [CBSE 2023 (55/2/1)] Ans. The variation of binding energy per nucleon versus mass number is shown i figure. Inferences from graph 1, The nuclei having mass number below 20 and above 180 have relatively small binding energy and hence they are unstable. 2, The nuclei having mass number 56 and about 56 have maximum binding energy - 8:8 MeV and so they are most stable. 3. Some nuclei have peaks, g., 3He, °C, 4°03 this indicates that these nuclei are relatively more stable than their neighbours. (@ Explanation of constancy of binding energy: Nuclear forccis short ranged, so every nucleon interacts with its neighbours only, therefore binding energy per nucleon remains constant (i Explanation of nuclear fission: When a heavy nucleus (A 2 235 say) breaks into two lighter nuclei (nuclear fission), the binding energy per nucleon increases ie, nucleons get more tightly bound. This implies that energy would be released in nuclear fission. ot | wakes = 70 Nt 2 | = call | 5 salt | aa_{ 1 z 5 | B 30) T T = rot} | | ++} 1 = 0.0! | ‘0-20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 160 200 220 240 Mass Number» (ii) Explanation of nuclear fusion: When two very light nuclei (4 < 10) join to form a heavy nucleus, the binding is energy per nucleon of fused heavier nucleus more than the binding energy per nucleon of lighter nuclei, so again energy would be released in nuclear fusion. Q.2 (Define the following term (a) Nucleons, (6) Atomic number, (c) Mass number, (d) Nuclear mass (ii) What are (a) isotopes, (6) isobars and (c) isotones? Ans. (@ (a) Nucleons: The constituents of nucleusie., protons and neutronsare considered as nucleons, () Atomic number: The number of protons present in the nucleus is called the atomic number of the element. It is denoted by Z. (¢) Mass number: The total number of nucleons i., sum of protons and neutrons present in a nucleus is called the mass number of the element. It is denoted by 4. (@) Nuclear mass: The total mass of protons and neutrons present in a nucleus is called the nuclear mass. Gi) (@) Isotopes: The atoms of an element having same atomic number (Z) but different mass numbers (A) are called isotopes. (6) Isobars: The elements having same mass number (A) and different atomic number (Z) are called isobars. (© Isotones: The nuclei containing the same number of neutrons are calles ntones. Q.8. (i) What is nuclear fission? Gi i) (@) What ive one representative equation. nuclear fusion? Give one representative equation. (6) State the necessary conditions for nuclear fusion to occur. Ans. Nuclear fission: The phenomenon in which a heavy nucleus (4 > 230) when excited splits into two smaller nuclei of nearly comparable masses is called nuclear fission. For example, when a uranium target is bombarded by slow moving neutrons, a %3U nucleus gets exci d by capturing a slow moving neutron and splits into wo nearly equal fragments like 141 Baand {2kr alongwith the emission of $ neutrons. The nuclear reaction involved can be written as BU tin— SU Bat Kr +3in+Q Fission does not always produce barium and krypton. A number of other pairs are formed. For example, "U+}n SU —'sb+¥Nb+3n +Q 8 + bn EU Xe + Mr + On + Gi _(@) The phenomenon of combination of two or more light nuclei to form a heavy nucleus with relea: of enormous amount of energy is called the nuclear fusion For example, the fusion of two deuterons into a triton takes place as follows: \H? +H? H+ 1H + 4.0 MeV energy Alternatively the fusion of three deuterons into an a~ particle can take place as follows jH? +H? — ,He® + gn! + 3.3MeV energy He? +,H® — ,Het +,’ + 18.3 MeV energy () The necessary conditions for nuclear fusion are: High temperature: The high temperature is necessary for the light nuclei to have sullicient kinetic energy so that they can overcome the repulsion force between them. High density: High density or pressure ncreases the frequency of collision of light nuclei and hence increases the rate of fusion, 1. Choose and write the correct option in the following questions. (® How does the binding energy per nucleon vary with the increase in the number of nucleons (a) decrease continuously with mass number ()) first decreases and then increases with increase in mass number (©) first increases and then decreases with increase in mass number (@) increases continuously with mass number (i) Two spherical nuclei have mass numbers 216 and 64 with their radii R, and R, respectively. a The rao, i equal io (a) 3:2 (b) 1:3 (91:2 @ 2:3 (ii) If number of nucleons in nuclei increases, the binding energy per nucleon (a) increases () decreases (© first increases and then decreases (@ remains unchanged (i) A nucleus disintegrates into two nuclear parts, which have their velocities in the ratio 2 + 1 ‘The ratio of their nuclear sizes will be @ 1:3” @ 1:28 (2) The difference in mass *X nucleus and total mass of its constituent nucleons is 21.00 u. The binding energy per nucleon for this nucleus is equal to the energy equivalent of [CBSE 2023 (55/4/1)] su () 35u 70 @ Qu 2. In the following questions, a statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason (R). Choose the correct answer out of the following choices. (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A. (6) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A. (©) A is true but R is false. (@) Ais false and R is also false. Assertion (A) : Density of all nuclei is same. Reason (R)+ The radius of nucleus is directly proportional to the cube root of mass number. 3. A nucleus with mass number A = 240 and BE/A = 7.6 MeV breaks into two fragments each of A= 120 with BE/A = 4, Two nuclei have mass numbers in the ratio 2 : 5. What is the ratio of their nuclear densities? 5. What is the nuclear radius of ‘1, if that of “Al is 3.6 fermi? [CBSE (Al) 2008) .5 MeV. Calculate the released energy. 6. a 8 9. 10. iy em 13. 14 Write the relationship between the size of a nucleus and its mass number (A). [CBSE (F) 2012] ‘Two nuclei have mass numbers in the ratio 1 : 2. What is the ratio of their nuclei densities? [CBSE Delhi 2009] ‘Two nuclei have mass numbers in the ratio 1: 8. What is the ratio of their nuclear radii? [CBSE (Al) 2009} A heavy nucleus X of mass number 240 and binding energy per nucleon 7.6 MeV is split into wo fragments Yand Z of mass numbers 110 and 130, The binding energy per nucleon in ¥ and Z is, 8.5 MeV per nucleon. Calculate the energy Q released per fission in MeV. [CBSE Delhi 2010] A heavy nucleus P of mass number 240 and binding energy 7.6 MeV per nucleon splits into two nuclei Q and R of mass number 110, 130 and binding energy per nucleon 8.5 MeV and 8.4 MeV respectively. Calculate the energy released in the fission. [CBSE 2020 (55/5/1)) ‘The figure shows the plot of binding energy (BE) per nucleon as a function of mass number A The letters A, B, C, D and E represent the positions of typical nuclei on the curve. Point out, giving reasons, the two processes (in terms of A, 8, G, D and £), one of which can occur due 10 nuclear fission and the other due to nuclear fusion. > Wass Number Calculate for how long will the fusion of 2.0 kg deuterium keep 800 W electric lamp glowing. Take the fusion reaction as [GBSE 2020 (55/5/3)) 3 21+ 2H Het hn $3.27 MeV (@) The density of the nuclear matter is tremendously larger than the physical density of the material, Explain, (@) The nuclear forces are not coulomb forces between nucleons, Explain. (©) Draw a plot of the potential energy between a pair of nucleons as a functions distance bevween them inside a nucleus. [CBSE 2020 (55/3/1)) When four hydrogen nuclei combine to form a helium nucleus, estimate the amount of energy in MeV released in this process of fusion. (Neglect the masses of electrons and neutrinos) Given: (@) mass of |H = 1.007825 w Gi) mass of helium nucleus = 4.002603 u, | u = 931 MeV/c [CBSE (F) 2011) 15. 16. 17. 18, 19. 20. a1 22, (@) Distinguish between isotopes and isobars, giving one example for each, (®) Why is the mass ofa nucleus always less than the sum of the masses of its constituents? Write (CBSE 2019 (55/5/1)) one example to just (@ Classify the following six nuclides into (isotones, i) isotopes, and (ii) isobars: 26 Sree Ht Bay, 2c, 3He, Hg. 3H, au, tC (©) How does the size of a nucleus depend on its mass number? Hence explain why the density of nuclear matter should be independent of the size of the nucleus. [CBSE 2019 [53/3/1)] (@) @ Depict the variation of the potential energy of a pair of nucleons with the separation between them, 1 the fission of a S°Fe into two equal fragments of “Al nucleus. Is the fission energetically possible ? Justi your answer by working out Q value of the process. Given:m (Se) =55:93404 u,m (Al) = 27-98191u, [CBSE 2022 (55/2/1), Term-2] Distinguish between nuclear fission and fusion. Show how in both these processes energy is released. Calculate the energy release in MeV in the deuterium-tritium fusion reaction: 2H 43H Het n Using the data: mGH) =2.014102u — m@H) = 3.016049u — mHe) = m,, = 1.008665 u lu = 951.5 Mew 002603 u Draw the curve showing the variation of binding energy per nucleon with the mass number of nuclei. Using it explain the fusion of nuclei lying on ascending part and fission of nuclei lying on descending part of this curve. [CBSE 2020 (55/5/2)) (@) In atypical nuclear reaction, eg, 2H4+?H —- tHe +n+3.27MeV, although number of nucleons is conserved, yet energy is released. How? Explain. (®) Show that nuclear density in a given nucleus is independent of mass number A. Obtain the binding energy of the nuclei {Fe and *{$Bi in units of MeV from the following data, my = 1.007825 u, m,=1.008665 u, m(S6Fe) = 55.934050 u, m(22Bi) = 208.980588 u, 1 u =931.5 MeV. Which nucleus has greater binding energy per nucleon? (NCERT] How long an electric lamp of 100 W can be kept glowing by fusion of 2.0 kg of deuterium? The fusion reaction can be taken as: {NCERT] [110TS} jH+;H ~$He+n+3.2MeV Answers LOO We (ai) (© @) @ 2. @ 3. 216 Mev adsl 81:2 9. 216 Mev 12, 1.9610! 14, 26.72 MeV 21. 8.79 MeV/nuelcon, 7.848 MeV/nueleon 22, 4.9 10* years @) @ 5. 6 fermi 10. 203 MeV 18. 17.59 MeV

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