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In English, there are many ways of talking about events in the future. Many students
find it difficult to decide which form to use in a particular situation. This page
explains the differences between main forms which we use when talking about future

1. Basic meanings of the forms

Most students know that “will” and “going to” are used to talk about future time in
English. However, we also use the present progressive (“be” + ING) and the present
simple tense. Here are the basic rules.

Form Meaning / Usage Example

“Will” volunteering to do something Angelo: I need a pencil.

deciding at the time of speaking Sarah: I'll lend you mine.
to do something

“Going to” talking about something that is Angelo: Have you registered for
already decided the class yet?
Sarah: Not yet. I'm going to
register tomorrow.

Present talking about something that is Angelo: Do you want to go to

Continuous already arranged the movies tonight?
Sarah: Sorry, I can't. I'm playing

Present simple talking about a schedule, Angelo: What time does the next
timetable or program bus leave?
Sarah: It leaves at six.

2. Predicting the future

When you are predicting what you think will happen in the future, you should choose
the form based on how certain you are. If you're not too sure, it's fine to use “will”,
but if you're nearly certain about something, it's best to use “going to”.

I think it will rain.

(I'm not sure, but it looks like it might.)

It's going to rain.

(I'm sure it's going to rain — I can see black clouds in the sky.)
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1. Future « will »

In English, there are many ways of expressing future time. One of the most common
is using the modal auxiliary verb “will”. This page will explain the main meanings of
“will” and show you how to form the future with “will”.

1. Using “will” with verbs

“Will”, like all modal verbs in English, does not change its form, and it is followed by
the simple form of the main verb. “Will” is NOT usually used in first person
questions. Note also that will is often shortened to ’ll. This diagram should make the
situation clearer:

Subject Statement Question

I will stop smoking.

I [not usually used]
I'll stop smoking.

You will stop smoking.

You Will you stop smoking?
You'll stop smoking.

He will stop smoking.

He Will he stop smoking?
He'll stop smoking.

She will stop smoking.

She Will she stop smoking?
She'll stop smoking.

It will be hard to stop.

It Will it be hard to stop?
It'll be hard to stop.

We will stop smoking.

We [not usually used]
We'll stop smoking.

They will stop smoking.

They Will they stop smoking?
They'll stop smoking.

Negatives are formed with “will not” or “won't”:

He will not stop smoking.
He won't stop smoking.

2. The meaning of “will” future forms

“Will” is usually used in three situations:

Situation Example

"Will someone open the window for me?"

Volunteering to do something
"I'll do it!"

"I've made up my mind. I'll go to Whistler for my

Deciding to do something

Forcing someone to do "Dad, I don't want to clean my room!"

something. "You'll do it, and you'll do it NOW!"

“Will” is NOT usually used for fixed plans or scheduled events.

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2. Future « be going to »

In English, there are many ways of expressing future time. One of the most common
is the "be going to" construction. This page will explain the main meaning of “be
going to” and show you how to use “be going to” in sentences and questions.

1. How to form "be going to" sentences

To make a verb form with “be going to”, you first put “be” into the correct form to
agree with the subject, and then add “going to” + the simple form of the verb. Note
also that the “be” form is often shortened. This table lists the main forms:

Subject Statement Question Negative

I I am going to leave. Am I going to leave? I am not going to leave.
I'm going to leave. I'm not going to leave.

You You are going to Are you going to You are not going to
leave. leave? leave.
You're going to leave. You aren't going to
You're not going to

He He is going to leave. Is he going to leave? He is not going to leave.

He's going to leave. He's not going to leave.
He isn't going to leave.

She She is going to leave. Is she going to leave? She is not going to leave.
She's going to leave. She's not going to leave.
She isn't going to leave.

It It is going to leave. Is it going to leave? It is not going to leave.

It's going to leave. It's not going to leave.
It isn't going to leave.

We We are going to Are we going to We are not going to

leave. leave? leave.
We're going to leave. We're not going to
We aren't going to

They They are going to Are they going to They are not going to
leave. leave? leave.
They're going to They're not going to
leave. leave.
They aren't going to

2. The meaning of “be going to” future forms

“Be going to” is usually used when something is already planned or definite. Look at
the difference between these sentences:

I'll make the supper tonight.

(Making a decision/volunteering to do something.)

I'm going to make the supper every Wednesday.

(This is already planned and organized.)
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