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Questin no 4 ,q1

How to share ami ?

One service not able to communicat to another service ?

User not able to upload image in s3 ?

Whats the diff between security group and Nacl ?

Sg is stateful (you don’t have create bidirectional traffic rules ,you just create for one and other is taken
care of ) Nacl is stateless (create rules for both side of traffic)

How would you ensure your private subnet instances can access internet ?

(adding a nat device (nat gateways in public subnet which will connect to igw gateway inside the vpc )

What are transit gateways

Transit gateway interconnects

Shell scripting


How would you integrate sonarqure in ci/cdpipeline

Maven lifecycle ?


How is docker file diff from docker compose

Whats the max no of container you can run per hosts

What are diff docker networking drivers

How is entrypoint in dockerfile diff from Run instrctin

How can I see env variables of a running container

How can I execute a command without attaching toa container

How can I mapp a volume to a container and how can I see the logs of a container


Do you know about br_netfilter module ? why do we enable it ?

Whats the work of api server

What happens when a master node fails and what happened when a worker node fails

Hiw would I debug a pending pod

What is a ingress controller

How do I expose a service outside a cluster to host


What protocla asible uses to communicate

How to create a role .structure inside a role

How handlers work in task execution in ansible explain with example

How do I escalate my priviladge when ansible logs to a machine ?

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