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Bangladesh Civil Service Administration Academy

Shahbagh, Dhaka

Part- 1

1.1 The Academy

Bangladesh Civil Service Administration Academy (B.C.S.A.A.) is the core training institute
for the members of Bangladesh Civil Service Administration Cadre. The Academy is
mandated to impart training for the newly recruited civil servants of Administration Cadre. It
also offers a one-year long Masters program titled ‘Masters in Public Policy and
Management’ (M.P.P.M.) and Six Months long Foundation Training Course for Probationary
Officers of different cadres of Bangladesh Civil Service (BCS).

The Academy began its journey on 21 October 1987 as an attached department under the
erstwhile Ministry of Establishment (now Ministry of Public Administration). The premise of
the Academy used to house Gazetted Officers Training Academy (G.O.T.A.) till its renaming
as the Civil Officers Training Academy (C.O.T.A.) in 1977. G.O.T.A. and C.O.T.A. were
assigned to train up the officers of all Cadres of Bangladesh Civil Service.

In the beginning, the function of this Academy was confined to training of the entry and mid-
level officers of B.C.S. Administration Cadre only. Later on, the Academy used to impart
training to the officers of B.C.S. Foreign Service too until the establishment of a separate
Foreign Service Academy in 1997.

Since its inception, the Academy has offered a total number of 393 long and short courses
with about 10,311 participants up to June, 2016.

The post of Director General was re-designated as ‘Rector’ on 31 March, 2013. ‘Additional
Director General’ was also renamed as ‘Member Directing Staff (M.D.S.).

1.2 Location

The Academy is situated on 2.35 acres of land in the Shahbag Avenue of the Dhaka
Metropolitan City. The location of the Academy is in the heart of the metropolis and gives

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the trainees an opportunity to have access to different Ministries, Offices of the various
Government Departments, Corporate Bodies, Universities, Training Institutes and other
centres for learning and research and medical facilities like Bangabondhu Sheikh Mujib
Medical University (B.S.M.M.U.) and Bangladesh Institute of Research and Rehabilitation in
Diabetes, Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders (B.I.R.D.E.M.).

Google Map:

1.3 Academy’s Vision, Mission and Goals

Academy’s vision is to become a national hub of excellence for accomplished, competent and
pro-active professional civil servants. Its mission is to build up efficient, capable and upright
civil servants through effective training and research. In the light of attaining the vision and

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mission, academy has set certain activities as its goals. The vision, mission and goals of
Bangladesh Civil Service Administration Academy have been presented in the following

Chart: Academy’s Vision, Mission and Goals

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1.4 Organogram of the Academy

The Rector, with the rank of a Secretary to the Government of Bangladesh, is the chief of the
Academy. There are posts of one Member Directing Staff (M.D.S.), four Directors, six
Deputy Directors, one Senior Librarian, one Programmer, four Assistant Directors, one
Research officer, one Publication officer, one Medical officer and one Accounts officer and
supporting staffs. While the M.D.S. assists the Rector in overall matters, four directors
supervise four departments of the Academy. They are- a) Administration b) Training c)
Planning and Development and d) Information Technology. Currently, a total of 120 officers
and staffs are working in the academy. A proposal is under government’s consideration for
further expansion of the present organogram.

 Organogram

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1.5 Members of the Faculty

This Academy has a contingent of very committed and competent faculty members. Presently
there are 23 faculty members. All of them hold masters degree from reputed universities.
About one-third of them have acquired 2nd masters degree from countries like England,
Australia, America and Japan. In addition to that, B.C.S.A.A has a pool of knowledgeable
resource persons including professors, current and retired civil servants, barristers, political
leaders, and eminent civil society personalities. The Academy invites famous academics of
reputed universities as well as noted civil servants to conduct classes on various topics.
Besides, members from the civil society and political leaders are also invited in accordance
with the nature and needs of the courses. Also, every year the list of the resource persons are
updated to meet up new curricula of specific courses. Besides, trainees evaluate the resource
persons separately in the prescribed form titled ‘Course Evaluation Form’ on the basis of the
following criteria: knowledge of the subject, ability to present ideas clearly, ability to involve
activity with the audience, ability to handle the questions and ability to manage the time.

1.6 Training Courses

1.6.1 Offered Courses and Participants

The Academy offers various types of courses to the junior and the mid-level officers of B.C.S
Administration and other cadres. Besides, the academy is conducting a one year long special
Master’s degree course called Masters in Public Policy and Management (M.P.P.M.), in
collaboration with the Northern University Bangladesh. The following table illustrates the
courses offered by the academy:

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Table: Training Courses offered by B.C.S.A.A.

Sl. No. Name of the course Duration Participants

01. Law and Administration 05 months Asstt. Commissioner- Astt.
Course Secretaries
02. Foundation training course 06 months Officers of different B.C.S Cadre

03. Development Administration 04 weeks Newly promoted Deputy Secretaries

and Management of other than .B.C.S (Administration)
04. Public Procurement 02 weeks Asstt. Commissioners- Asstt.
Management Course Secretaries to Deputy Secretaries
05. Orientation Course for Fit- ” Fit-listed Upazila Nirbahi Officers.
listed UNOs
06. Public Procurement ” Asstt. Commissioners/Sr. Asstt.
Management Course Commissioners, Asstt. Secretaries to
Deputy Secretaries
07. Course on Negotiation 04 weeks Asstt. Commissioners- Asstt.
Secretaries to Deputy Secretaries
08. Course for Executive 02 weeks Executive Magistrates of different
Magistrates levels
09. Masters Course in Public 01 (one) members of B.C.S. (Administration)
Policy and Management Year Cadre who have completed 10 years
(M.P.P.M.) of service
10. Public Relation Management 04 weeks Asstt. Commissioners/Sr. Asstt.
Course Commissioners, Asstt. Secretaries to
Deputy Secretaries
11. Building Inspection & 03 week Asstt. Commissioners/Sr. Asstt.
Monitoring Course Commissioners, Asstt. Secretaries to
Deputy Secretaries
12. Project Management Course 06 weeks Asstt. Commissioners/Sr. Asstt.
Commissioners, Asstt. Secretaries to
Deputy Secretaries
13 Course on budget 04 weeks Asstt. Commissioners/Sr. Asstt.
management and audit Commissioners, Asstt. Secretaries to
dsiposal. Deputy Secretaries
14 Course on etiquette and 01 week Asstt. Commissioners/Sr. Asstt.
manner Commissioners, Asstt. Secretaries to
Deputy Secretaries
15 Innovation in Public service 04 weeks Asstt. Commissioners/Sr. Asstt.
Commissioners, Asstt. Secretaries to
Deputy Secretaries
16 Orientation course for the 01 week Spouse of Deputy Commissioner and
spouse of Deputy Additional Deputy Commmissioner
Commissioner and Additional
Deputy Commmissioner

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Apart from the above courses the Academy also organizes-

a) Workshops/Seminars on different aspects of Law, Administration and Management;

b) Lecture programs by senior members of the Administrative Service on topics of

National and International importance;

c) Special training and orientation course for different levels of government officers as
and when assigned by the government;

1.6.2 Degree/Certificate conferred

In each and every training course, B.C.S.A.A awards the successful participants proper
certificates. Besides, there are provisions of foreign tour for the best participants as incentive.
In recent past, the Academy has sent best participants to Australia, Thailand, China, Vietnam,
India, Singapore, Malaysia to gather practical knowledge and experience of what is
happening in the government sector beyond our country.

1.7 Importance of Training and Training methods in the Academy

1.7.1 Importance of Training

Training is an effective tool to widen knowledge and improve skills and update knowledge of
the officers. In the age of globalization the need to be well equipped with modern
management tools and techniques cannot be overemphasized. Moreover, democratic practice
in the country demands a culture of democratic value in government organizations. To
respond to the current needs in the ever-changing world, government officers should serve
the people with competence, sincerity and utmost transparency. B.C.S.A.A attaches supreme
importance on moral teaching as well as technical and technological capacity building as its
main goal and strategy of training. Participants become more motivated, more responsive,
more efficient as well as more competent after they go through these training courses.
Training curricula are regularly evaluated and updated to cope up with the changes in
government policies and practices. They are updated and exposed to the new vision and ideas
regarding administration and management.

1.7.2 Training Methods in the Academy

The academy is keen to maintain the appropriateness and effectiveness of training programs.
Designs of both short and long term training courses are constantly improved and tailored to
meet institutional needs and goals. The methods followed are based on more practical work

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than on theoretical discourses. Attachment with different organizations and training
institutions and study tours are arranged for the trainee officers. There are some variations in
the training method based on the nature and the purpose of the training course. With some
exceptions, the academy generally follows the following methods:

a) Lecture,
b) Participatory discussion,
c) Case study,
d) Role-play,
e) Workshop/Seminar,
f) Field Visit,
g) Brain storming,
h) Simulation,
i) Group exercise, etc.
B.C.S.A.A. analyzes the training methods of similar training academies worldwide and
updates its own training methods accordingly. The Academy is successfully maintaining
regional/Asian standard in this regard.

1.8 Facilities

1.8.1 Physical Facilities

The Academy is well equipped with various types of physical facilities for conducting state
of the art training programs. It has two multi-storied buildings. The old building is five-
storied. The nine-storied new building started functioning in 2001 and is equipped with
modern facilities. The following Table depicts floor-wise distribution of facilities in the old
and new building:

Table: Floor-wise distribution of facilities in B.C.S.A.A.

Old Building New Building

Ground Floor: Auditorium, Ground Floor : Reception, dining halls, kitchen, executive
Medical Centre, Library dining hall and generator room

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1st Floor: Library, Cyber 1st Floor : Rector’s office, office accommodation for other
Cafe, Dormitory officers, conference room with video conferencing facilities
and Store room
2nd Floor: Dormitory, 2nd Floor : Classrooms, syndicate rooms and office
Computer lab accommodation
3rd Floor: Dormitory and 3rdFloor: Classrooms, computer lab, syndicate rooms and
Game centre office accommodation
4th Floor: Dormitory 4th Floor : Syndicate rooms, Examination Hall
5th Floor : Dormitory
6th Floor : Dormitory
7th Floor : For Multipurpose Usage
8th Floor: Rector’s suite, Language lab, Syndicate room,
Guest room and Multipurpose rooms

With these facilities, B.C.S.A.A. has the ability to run 4 to 5 courses at a time. Moreover, the
Academy has a residential complex for both the officers and the staffs situated at Nilkhet.

1.8.2 Computer Lab and IT Facilities

There are two computer labs and one cyber centre in the academy. One lab is housed on the
3rd floor of the new building and the other one is on the 2nd floor of the old building. The
cyber centre on the first floor of the Library building has internet facility which remains open
till 9.00 p.m. on working days for trainees. Wi-Fi connection is also available in the
classrooms. Moreover, in recent past, e-learning platform has been introduced in B.C.S.A.A.
as a pilot project with the assistance of Access to Information (A2i) program of Prime
Minister’s Office. The participants are getting all sorts of information regarding the
Academy, course related materials, i;e handouts, notice, course contents e.t.c.

1.8.3 Library

The Academy library has about 45 thousand plus books on various subjects and a number of
reputed journals. It regularly procures 22 copies of Daily leading news papers and important
local and foreign magazines. Besides these, the library received a good number of books,

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journals, research reports, annual reports, news-letters, magazines as complimentary copies
from different national & international organizations through exchange programs. The New
York Times, the Economist, The Time and the Readers Digest (monthly) are among the list
of the foreign magazines that the Academy subscribes regularly. Recently a separate corner
for Liberation War books has been established in the library. The library remains open from
8:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. during weekdays.

1.8.4 Language Lab

To facilitate language learning Bangladesh Civil Service Administration Academy

(B.C.S.A.A.) has set up a state-of-the-art Language Lab as part of the academy’s drive for
capacity building. It is situated on the 8th floor of the new building and can accommodate 40
participants at a time.

1.8.5 Games and Recreational Facilities

Very recently the Academy has establisehed two new courts for Badminton and Basketball
besides a Volleyball ground and a Lawn Tennis court. Altogether now the Academy has four
courts. 120 participants can play at a time in these courts. The Academy also has indoor
games and exercise facilities. As part of their training, the participants can make best use of

The academy has a well-furnished recreation room embellished with TV, music system, etc.
The trainees are provided with musical instruments including Harmonium, Tabala, Guiter etc.
These are used for rehearsal and stage performance during cultural functions.

1.8.6 Medical Facilities

The Academy has a full-time Medical Officer and a Pharmacist for primary health care of the
participants. Before registration the trainees are to undergo a routine medical check-up by the
Medical Officer. If any trainee falls sick during his/her stay, the Academy takes measures for
his/her primary treatment.

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1.9 Research and Publication

B.C.S.A.A. has a research and publication wing. It publishes a highly acclaimed annual
academic journal titled “Bangladesh Journal of Administration and Management”. First issue
of this journal came to light in January, 1989. Till date, 14 volumes of this journal have been
published. Over the years the academy also published a few books and conducted research on
gender, training, governance and cultural issues.

1.10 National and International Linkages

B.C.S.A.A. maintains good relations with other training academies and institutions of the
country, including Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre (B.P.A.T.C.), National
Academy for Planning and Development (N.A.P.D.), Land Administration Training Centre
(L.A.T.C.) etc. Besides, it exchanges cooperation in training programs with prestigious
institutions like Asian Institute of Technology (A.I.T.), Thailand; Lal Bahadur Shastri
National Academy of Administration (L.B.S.N.A.A.), India; Japan International Cooperation
Agency (J.I.C.A.); Yamaguchi University, Japan; and Korean International Cooperation
Agency (K.O.I.C.A.). This collaboration with foreign institutions contributes to the capacity
building of the academy.

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Salient Features of the Course on Law and Administration


Law and Administration Training is the basic training program for the Assistant
Commissioner & Executive Magistrates organized by B.C.S Administration Academy. As the
name of the course suggests, the training program aims at imparting training most relevant
for the young officers of the B.C.S Administration cadre. The curriculum of the course is
designed and updated on the basis of problems and issues faced by officers at field level. In
order to acquaint the participants with essential laws and concepts of modern management
and administration, the course focuses on both theoretical and practical aspects of the subject
matter. On the one side, participants come across resource persons' deliberation on various
topics. On the other, they participate in the discussion, group works and visit different places
for first-hand experience.

Apart from curricular activities, trainees take part in extracurricular activities such as games,
cultural programs, cultural competition, debate, publication etc. These activities, although
sometimes part of the evaluation system of the course are meant to cultivate the creative
faculty of the young professionals so that they can develop themselves.


The objectives of the course are to enable the participants in-

1. Understanding the norms and values of civil service;
2. Performing the magisterial and administrative functions efficiently;
3. Acquiring good understanding and knowledge on land management system;
4. Ensuring good governance and administration for development;
5. Team building;
6. Earning good command on communication, research and presentation skills


Contents of Law and Administration Course are designed and updated through a regular
process of review by the academy based on feedbacks from trainees. Opinions from

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professionals and guest-speakers are also incorporated. The syllabus is divided into 24
modules. Details of the modules, topics, numbers of sessions etc. are described in the Course
Guidelines (to be provided later).


Each course is organized under the supervision of the Rector who is the Course Advisor.
However, the Course Director, Course Coordinator and Assistant Course Coordinators look
after ongoing daily functions. The Rector holds review meetings and works with the faculty
to assess the impact of the course. He also meets the trainees in order to get feedback from
them. Module Director of each module prepares questions for evaluation and keeps the
course management informed about the progress of the module. For any matter, the
participants are supposed to meet with their Course Coordinator/Assistant Course
Coordinators first. If the issue persists, it may be referred to the Course Director or to the
Course Advisor in due process.


Participants are also part of the Course Management. Every day by rotation, a ‘Manager of
the Day’ (M.o.D) is nominated from the trainees. M.o.D is the representative of the class for
the day. M.o.D performs the following tasks:
(a Receives the guest speakers of the day at the lobby and takes them to the classroom,
thanks them on behalf of the class at the end of each session and sees them off.
(b Ensures the class is ready for the sessions. If someone is absent in any session
(including games and P.T), the M.o.D informs the course management.
(c Maintains liaison with the course management and submits a brief written report
about daily sessions to the Course Coordinator.

2.5 Training Methodology

The faculty members and the guest speakers conduct the sessions. Their vast knowledge and
practical experiences shared in the training sessions enhance the knowledge and skill of the
trainees. The following methodologies are applied in the training courses:
 Lecture
 Lecture followed by discussion
 Group discussion
 Role-play
 Brainstorming

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 Syndicate discussion
 Field visit
 Book Review
 Simulation exercise etc


3.1 Seminar/Workshop/Presentation

Trainees are required to participate in seminars, workshops and syndicate discussions.

Special emphasis is given on practical, specific and contemporary topics related to
development administration and magistracy. They are also required to present different
reports and assignments via multimedia. The main objectives of these activities are to instill
self-confidence in the young civil servants, to develop their ability in public speaking,
especially in English and to equip them with the tools and techniques of organizing seminars,
workshops and group works.

3.2 Report Writing & Exercise

Given the importance of written communication, during the five-month course participants
will be required to write a number of reports, seminar papers and assignments on issues
related to their profession and academic needs. In doing so, it is believed that participants will
develop the necessary skills of writing working papers, notes and reports. Underlying this
purpose is the caution that participants do not copy from any previous report, published
materials available on net or in printed form, or resort to any sort of unfair means. Plagiarism
is strictly prohibited and will be considered as professional misconduct.

3.3 Study Tour

As part of the training program, trainee officers will visit B.A.R.D in Comilla/R.D.A in
Bogra/ Bangladesh Rural Development Training Institute (B.R.D.T.I) in Sylhet and/or other
parts of the country. The visits are not mere pleasure trip but purposeful. These are intended
to provide a first-hand experience of the outcome of various action researches undertaken in
the field of rural development by local institutions. The trainee officers submit individual/
group-report on their learning from the study tours and present them in the classroom upon

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3.4 Visit to Poverty Alleviation Projects/Upazila Attachment

As part of Upazila Attachment Program, the trainees spend a few days at designated Upazilas
to study poverty alleviation programs. They collect data and analyze them to submit report
and present it in the Academy.

3.5 Study Groups

Participants will be divided into few study groups with different names. These study groups
participate in debates, seminars, workshops, group discussions, presentations and
brainstorming sessions. Study groups are evaluated and graded by the Academy on the basis
of their performance in academic and extra-curricular activities. Members of the study group
elect a Chairperson each month for smooth coordination of the activities of the group.

3.6 Mentoring
From the beginning of the Course, a faculty member will be attached to each study group as
mentor. A mentor is a ‘friend, philosopher and guide’ of the participant. The participants of
the group will keep in touch with mentor for advice and guidance on any academic issue.

3.7 Debate
As part of group exercise, the trainees participate in English debate competition. Debate
enhances the skill of public speaking and overcome audience shyness. The debate
competitions are professionally adjudicated.

3.8 Committees
At the outset of the course, a number of committees are formed comprising volunteers from
the participants. The committees help smooth running the course. Major committees are Mess
Committee, Cultural Committee, Study Tour Committee, Discipline Committee, Souvenir
Committee, IT Committee, Wall Magazine Committee, Outfit Committee, Environment
Committee and Sports Committee. Each committee is comprised of 4/5 members and is
headed by a convener. There will be a new Mess Committee headed by a P.M.C (President of
Mess Committee) every month. The terms of references of each committee will be let to
know by the Course Management.

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3.9 Cultural Activities
Participants with assistance from cultural committees arrange cultural programs on Mess
Nights every month. The course management also arranges cultural competitions.
Participation in extracurricular activities is specially appreciated and is duly reflected in the
overall performance evaluation of individual participant. Trainees also bring out wall
magazines and publish souvenir during their stay in the Academy.

3.10 Tea-attachment with Rector & Faculty member

At tea break in the morning, the trainees sit in study groups with a member of the Faculty.
The purpose of the tea time attachment is to have an interaction between the trainees and
Rector & the faculty. The trainees can get an opportunity to come close to members of the
faculty & Rector and try to communicate if they are having any difficulty with the course.
They might also let the members know any of their opinion as well. Later the attached
faculty informs the course management about the group and their comments and observations
are incorporated in the overall performance appraisal of the participants.3

3.11 Going Digital

Given the current impetus for going digital in the public offices, the Academy puts much
emphasis on I.T-based learning. Most of the classroom sessions are presented via multimedia.
Participants also use multimedia while presenting their reports and assignments. Participants
are provided with course materials electronically. In order to improve on their I.T skills,
participants are provided with laptops. Participants can also use computer labs and cyber
center beyond office time. An I.T Committee is also formed to oversee and facilitate the
activities of I.T learning.


The course management expects the participants to follow the norms and values of the civil
service. The course management ensures that the participants maintain strict ethical and
disciplinary norms and rules. Late attendance in the sessions; improper dress-up; discourteous
behavior especially with faculty, guest speakers, colleagues; any kind of embezzlement;
unauthorized leave; academic dishonesty or cheating; plagiarism etc. are deemed as
misconduct and subject to penalty.

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Any violation of discipline will result in issuance of show cause letter to the participant
concerned. Such issuance in three occasions at the maximum may result in expulsion of the
participant from the course, withholding certificates and/or undertaking departmental
proceedings. However, the authority believes that participants are mature enough to be
guided by their conscience.

Staying at the dormitory of the academy is compulsory for the trainees of a regular residential
course. Rooms are allotted on arrival at the academy. Keeping the bed, personal cloths and
other belongings in disarray and throwing waste papers or trash on the floor of the room are
construed as unbecoming of an officer or misconduct. Causing any kind of damage to any
property of the Academy will result in imposition of penalty on the participant causing the
damage . The trainees are not allowed to live in the dormitory with their spouse, relatives or
any other guests. Taking the relatives or guests inside the dormitory is not allowed. The
trainees are not allowed to night out after 9:30 pm. They may enjoy their weekends or
holidays outside the academy with permission from the course management.

During the training course, no leave whatsoever is granted excepting on unforeseen

No trainee is allowed to leave the dormitory or the academy campus without registering at the
main exit. Trainees are bound to register their names, time out, time in and purpose in the
register kept in the security guard room.

Visitors are prohibited during training hours. Trainees are allowed to meet their visitors only
at the reception between 5.30 p.m. and 9.00 p.m. But during the conduct of any evening
session visitors are not allowed.

During the course the trainees should wear formal dress. Wearing full-sleeve shirt with
tie/sherwani and pants for male trainees and saree for lady trainees is mandatory during

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sessions. Male participants are to wear either color combination of black pants with white
shirts or sky blue shirts with gray pants along with black shoes. Female particiapnts are to
wear pink, maroon, brown, green and blue shades of saree along with black shoes during
sessions. Ceremonial functions must be attended by male participants wearing lounge (dark
colored combination) suit and by female participants wearing dark colored sarees . Shabby,
gaudy and casual dress-up is strictly prohibited during sessions. During P.T and games the
trainees must wear white T-shirt/track suit/salwar kameej and white trainer shoes.

Mess Management
The mess committees shoulder the responsibilities of mess management during their tenure.
A mess committee consisting of one president (P.M.C) and 4/5 members is authorized to run
the mess for one month. The course management coordinates with the mess committee about
management of meals. The mess committees are responsible for keeping and maintaining
proper accounts of the expenditure of the mess. The mess committee arranges breakfast, tea
(twice a day), lunch and dinner for the participants. The committee also organizes the dinner
on mess nights and guest nights. The expenditure is borne out of training allowances of the
participants. The mess committee may also need to contribute to the running of other

Mess Night/Guest Night

Every month or on expiry of the tenure of each mess committee, the trainees organize a Mess
Night. Distinguished guests attend such occasions as chief guest or special guests. On mess
nights participants put up cultural soirees which follows a formal dinner. On this occasion of
Guest Night towards the end of the training, a formal dinner is hosted by the course
management. The night is also featured with cultural function. On the concluding day of the
training course ‘Certificate Awarding Ceremony’ is held. Usually a dignitary attends the
program as chief guest and gives away certificates and awards to the successful participants.

Recreation and Cultural Functions

The academy has a well-furnished recreational room equipped with an LED T.V with cable
connection. Trainees can also enjoy video films supplied from the Library. Sometimes,
trainees organize film shows in the Academy auditorium. Trainees also bring out wall
magazines and organize indoor and outdoor games competitions.

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Physical Exercise, Sports and Games
Participation in physical exercises, games and sports is compulsory. Games however are to be
played on the basis of inter-group competition. Punctuality and interest in P.T, games, sports
are evaluated and are reflected in the overall evaluation of the trainees.

Wearing Name Badge

The trainees must wear the name badge on their left chest during class-room/games/evening
sessions/mess nights.

Carrying cell phone during sessions: Carrying of cell phone by any participant during
sessions is strictly prohibited. That will be deemed to be the violation of Academy discipline
to affect the evaluation of the participant concerned as well as leading to imposition of
appropriate penalties upon the participant.

The Academy is a smoking-free zone. The trainees are therefore expected to abstain from
smoking in the Academy premises. Trainees should not throw away litters and other wastes
here and there. Keeping the environment clean on the campus is considered a collective
responsibility. The Environment Committee of the trainees should look after the cleanliness
of dorms, playground and classrooms.

The course is fully residential. The day starts with P.T early in the morning. PT time is
changeable with rising of the sun. The exact time Academic sessions start at 09.00 a.m. sharp
and continue up to 04.35 p.m. The games session starts after the academic sessions.
Extension lectures occasionally comes about in the evening. Attending all the sessions is

To achieve the desired level of discipline during training ‘Discipline Committee’ is formed
from within members of the participants. Such committee would urge upon their fellow
trainees to maintain discipline in all phases of training activities both inside and outside the
Academy. Discipline, leadership, initiative, innovation etc. constitute the vital elements of the
evaluation of a trainee.

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