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I'll come in from far away.

A few years
later, I was inspired by a book.. This book was written by Russian writer Leo Tolstoy. Now it is n
ot very relevant to talk about Russian writers, but this one will be an exception. Tolstoy
mocked the people of Russia, although he himself came from there. He wrote suchpleasant line
s for us: "It was not hatred, but non-recognition of these Russian
dogs as people and suchdisgust, ugliness and wonder before the senseless cruelty of these cre
atures, that desire toexterminate them, as the desire to exterminate rats, poisonous spiders and
wolves, was as natural afeeling as a sense of self-
preservation." So, he wrote my favorite novel "Anna
Karenina". And I decided to paint this picture. As for me, it conveys all the pain of love. It shows
us all the bad sides, all thedisadvantages.

"what can you see in this picture?"

I keep asking my friends or acquaintances this. Everyone sees

differently. Some do not even distinguishcolors there, but there are very creative natures who s
ee themselves, their lives or their mistakes there.

I depicted in this picture the end of the novel and the end of Anna.
Looking at this piece, I can say that Isee an adult, confused and strong woman who committed
a childish act. Sometimes I see myself there, I see my life experience, although it is not great, b
ut it is. I feel this picture and what is put into it.

I have very mixed feelings about this picture, but still it is my favorite.

I wrote it in 3-4
hours. By the way, much faster than others, because surely sadness and pain are
easier for us to express. It was written on November 24.

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