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Selected passage Analysis

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Opal Viola Victoria Bear In Foster’s How to Read Literature Like a Professor, Foster states that
Shield (pg 162-163, 165) sometimes the simplest of things can symbolize something. In There
There, Opal talks of spider legs. These spider legs have symbolic
meaning behind them. For Opal, she had found spider legs in her leg
after leaving the home that felt like a trap for her and her sister. The
removal of the spider legs was her introduction into adulthood, and
removing herself from a dangerous situation. The spider legs also are
used to referenced to Orvil, when he woke up and pulled out spider
legs too. The spider legs in his case could symbolize him growing to
love his culture and embracing his Native heritage.

Thomas Frank someone talking to him?

In Orange’s There There, Orange not only uses first and third person
perspective to narrate the story, but also uses second person
perspective as well. The use of third person gives the readers a
perspective of someone watching what is happening to the character
in the present, not allowing us to know much except what is
happening. The use of first person gives the reader the perspective of
the character itself, it’s inner thoughts, emotional connections—
almost giving us a window into their life like in Berry’s The Home
Child— further allowing the reader to connect. The use of second
person really challenges the reader to ask questions about the
character because the perspective is almost like someone narrating
what the character did to the character itself. Almost like recalling
the events at the end of the day, reminding a person what they did.
This challenges the reader to question why is the u

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