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Repor ech

LLrt L r., t]-u ct t Ly VeL t., (

introductory verb direct speech reporled speech

'Yes, l'll lend you the money.' He agreed lo lend nre lhe money.
He claimed lo have seen the robbers.
'Give me the money. He deman.led to be given the money.
'Would you ke me 10 help you?' Ne orfered to help me.
'l'l relurn the book to you soon' He promised to relurn lhe book to me soor
'No. lwon'l call her.' He relused to call her
'Stop shouling or l'llpunish you.' Helhreatened lo punish her I she didn'tstop shout ng

'You should eat more irlrit.' Ne advised me lo eal more Ir! t
'You can go to the pairy He allowed me to go to the pa(y
'Could you do me aiavour?' He asked me to do him a favour
beg 'P ease. please don't hurr me. He begged them not to hurl hirn.
'Put your up.' He commanded them to pul lhe r hands Lrp
'You mustnl slay olrl late Ne forbade me to stay oul ate
'Wil you conre to my wedd ng? He inviled me to (go to) h s wedd ng
He ordered me to go to my room.
'Don',r forgel to buy some m lk He remincled me lo buy some m k.
'Don'l louch the ron' He warned me not to louch the ron

+ -lng lorm
'You com.nilted the cnme He accused her of commitlingr'having committed

radmii (lo) 'Yes, I gave away your secrel.' He admilled (to) giving/having given away my

apo ogise for He apologised lor being late

'l'm the best student n my class.' He boasted about/of being the best student in h s

I have noisy neighbours.' He complained of having noisy rerghbours.

No, ld dnt use your computer.' He denied using/having used my compLter
You musl I n sh by Friday.' He insisted on me/my linishing by Friday
rsuggesi 'Lefs go out to dinner He suggestecl going out to dinner.

exp ain to sb + how That s how t works.'

Ne explained to us how il worked

+ lhal - clause
I don t ke h m because he s rude. She explained lhat she didn t ke h m because he

'The results willcome out He inlormed us that the resu ts would come oul lhe

'What a glorious dayl' He erclaimed/remarked that it was a glor ous day

* Note: The verbs marked with an asterisk can also be lollowed by a thal - clause in reported speech.
e-g- He clained that he ha.l wan a prize He boasted that he was very nch
He prcmisecl that he would call. He complained that he didn'tearn enough money
He threatened that he waul.l leave. He clenied that he had taken the naney.
He teminded me that I had a meeting that afternaon He insisted that / fshojl.i) wotk an Saturday
He adnitted that he was wrons He suggested fhat ure lshould) take out a loan

11 'Don't go near lhe edge of the clitf,' Dad sa d to them.
152 comnrete tre sentences Dad ............. .............. . ihem not to go near lhe edge
of the cl;tt.
12 You must do your homework belore you go oui,'she
1 You shou d spend more lime sludying.' said to us.
The leacher advsed .. me Lo spend more t'inc She . ..... .............. on us do ng our homework before

2 'Don t forget to lock the door beJore yoLr leave.'

SdT re- _d"d ........
3 l'm sorry I forgot to cal you
Turn lh€ senrences into .eporaed speech
rrr dpolog sed
You never listen to me, Siuart.'
17l- using an appropriare introductory verb.
5 Shallwe go bowlng th s evening?' 1 'No.Iwon t do your homeworklor you, shesaidlome
.-.t. ..d. oo-,-o--" ,lo -"
6 'YoLr mustn t p ay near theload. 2 You lied lo me,'Denns tod Ann
I arner forbade
7 'Thls man sto e my walletl' 3 'l prom se I won'l le anyone your secrei,' Tara :aid 1o
l\,4r Brown dLLused D ana
8 l m the besl basketball payer in the schoo.'
S.e,e bo""I"d.... .... .. 4 Don't ioroet to post the eilers, I\4um said to me.
I 'Yes, look lhe lelter'
Ctd re ad_ rod 5 m o'y _"0 v.,: "r ,. "",";,;";';., ".
10 You must stay for lunch, Sarah.
Vrs Sra_p rqslpd . .... ... .... ... 6 No. d dn't use Tim s computer,'George said.
I I Plaase plao:F l"r ^ e borow yoL bily.lp
vairr b.qq"d , oo.ig"..oo, or",o.',:r': ;'.; -o.o r." n,io,",
12 Don't touch the oven. li's hot
\4o _er rar1.d 8 Let s have a party,' S mon sa cI

s rrip" ,' ,o ,',yo ' oq . " 1"", v' rl . o *i".

Fill in the gaps with one ot rhe inrroductory ""
16r vcrbs trom the list below in lhe past simple. 10 'll was me who broke ihe vase she said

deny suggest boast agree

11 Cou d I use your phone, please? Davld asked me
/rs/sr prcnise camplain
advise threaten remtnd
12 ."., ,.p,*^rr'-*".i ," ,". *.","r0"".
1 l'm the fastesl rlrnner on the team he sad
He ,rir.rt.J.. aboui being the fastest rlrnner on the '13 t/prJo-a .op ra -g vr lo-^ rod ll" lr.
2 I drdn L take your jacket,' he sa d to her. 14 ;"."- p",,"'0", i.- ""7".".0",1,.,'. i- ""
He ... ............................... takngherjacket.
3 You should go io the doctoas. [4um said to me
N/lum . me lo go to the doctoas. 15 'You shou d llo to the dentist s, she told her brother.
4 ll ca I you next week,' she sa d to h m.

She . ..... to ca h nr next week.
Yes. l' set the lab e for .l nner he said to her
16 cn'"*".,,*-' " i";;;. d 'o's)o

He . . .. .... .... ... .... . to set the tab e for dinner. 17 'Throw down vour weapons 'the poLiceman sa d to the
6 He always forgeis my blrthday,'she said.
She ........... ...lhalheawaysiorgotherbrthday.
7 Let's qo lor a walk she sa d 1a No, yolr may not slay out lale tonight, Dad sad to
She go ng lor a walk.
8 'Leave. or 'll shoot,' the man sa d to them.
Theman .......... ... ........toshootlhemifthey '19 You must wash vour hands before eat ng dinnel. she

9 Don t forget to leed the cat. she said to him

She ... ... him to feed the cat. 20 'Thafs the most beauliful neckace l've ever seenl
1o Yo- o'o." .n/ cD p"/-r.' ._e saro _o r ^
She.... ............. him oi breaklng her CD payer


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