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Article #1:

Student allegedly raped by drinking buddies in Cagayan de Oro City

By: Jigger J. Jerusalem - @inquirerdotnet Inquirer Mindanao / 07:52 PM August 07, 2019

Student allegedly raped by drinking buddies in Cagayan de Oro City | (

CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY — Five young men in this city were facing a complaint for allegedly
raping a college student, who reportedly joined the 21st birthday celebration of one of the suspects,
police reported Wednesday.

Major Even Viñas, the city police spokesperson, said the alleged gang-rape of a tourism
management student reportedly happened inside the celebrator’s boarding house where she had been
invited to join the drinking session.

Police also said that in the middle of the drinking session, the victim allegedly became drunk
and took a nap on the celebrator’s bed before going home. But upon waking up, she realized that two
of the suspects allegedly took turns in violating her, while another one was taking a video of what was
going on and the other two acted as lookouts.

Police said three of the suspects had been arrested, while one remained at-large. Another
suspect, who is a minor, was likewise held by the arresting team.

Viñas identified the suspects as Jemboy Toñacao, 21; Clint Caballero, 18; Jason Veter, of legal
age; Junel Pabingwit, 24; and a 17-year-old.

In a radio interview, the alleged video taker claimed he was with the group but had to rush
back to school to attend his classes.

He also claimed that when he returned later on to the boarding house, he already saw the
other suspects molesting the woman. He further said he was just asked to take the video footage.
Viñas said most of the suspects were classmates of the victim.
“We believe it happened due to the effects of the alcoholic drink that they consumed,” he said.

1. 1While reading the article, how does it affect you? Explain.

I can say that the article had a major effect on me. Since the aforementioned issues are prevalent in today's
society, I became more aware that this scenario could happen to us. This essay serves as a reminder to
me as an adolescent to act more responsibly and refrain from drinking or attending late-night parties.

2. What are the risk factors and injuries?

The risk factors are involvement with drugs, alcohol, and tobacco; poor behavioral control; poor monitoring
and supervision of children; and association with delinquent peers. On the other hand, the injuries include
shock, fear, or disbelief, and the long-term effects include anxiety, fear, or post-traumatic stress disorder.

3. What are the common causes of these intentional injuries?

The most common cause of rape is involvement with drugs, alcohol, and tobacco, but there is no excuse
for sexual violence. The main cause is the rapist itself; their unjustifiable action may be due to anger, unjust
sexual desires, and such.

4. What can you do to prevent this incident?

There are numerous ways to stop this from happening. These include showing intolerant behavior towards
deviance, having an optimistic social orientation, avoiding engagement with drugs or substances, and being
responsible with my behavior.

Article #2:

Teens condemn suicide of cyberbullied “Fil-Am” girl

Phil Star / 12:00 AM / May 26, 2013

CEBU, Philippines - Some teen web users condemned the death of 12-year-old Gabrielle
Molina, a Filipino-American in New York who killed herself in her room after allegedly being a victim
of cyberbullying by her classmates.

Gabrielle Molina was found dead inside her room after her classmates allegedly uploaded a
video on YouTube showing her being beaten up by a former friend.

Mary Antonniette Enojo, a high school student from Dumaguete City, blasting authorities of
Molina’s school for not taking quick action on the issue.

She also urged school authorities to act fast and accordingly once they hear rumors or
suspicions about students getting bullied, whether physically or online.

1. While reading the article, how does it affect you? Explain.

It had a significant impact on me as it made me aware of how widespread this problem is among youths,
many of whom use social media. I was more aware of the drawbacks of internet platforms.

2. What are the risk factors and injuries?

Risk factors include a history of violent victimization, high emotional distress, and associations with
delinquent peers. On the other hand, injuries that are experienced by the victim include mental health
issues, stress, depression, anxiety, and even death.

3. What are the common causes of these intentional injuries?

Bullying, excruciating pain, severe sorrow, depression, and anxiety are some of the common factors that
lead to suicide.

4. What can you do to prevent this incident?

I may avoid this situation by checking in on my friends and the people around me to see how they are. I'd
also offer to help them.

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