1199c - Lesson Plan 18 2

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Lesson Overview

Topic Lesson Information

Lesson Title: Lesson 18: Yes and No Questions
Lesson Author: Kalonji Johnson
Date Created: 11/15/2023
Lesson Timeframe: 9:30 am – 12:00, 11/15/2023
Content Area(s): ESL
General Topics/Skills Covered: ● Forming yes/no interrogative questions.
● Answering interrogative yes/no
NRS Level(s): 2-3

Objectives, Materials, Vocabulary, and Culturally Responsive Teaching

Topic Your Objectives, Materials, Tips/Questions to Consider
Vocabulary, and Culturally
Responsive Teaching
Lesson ● Check it with SMART. (Is it
Objective(s): ● SWBAT form yes/no Specific, Measurable,
questions related to the Achievable, Relevant, and
previous vocabulary Timely?)
words that they have

● SWBAT respond to yes/no

questions that are relevant
to their personal identity
in terms of their likes,
dislikes, habits and
personality traits.

Texts, Materials, ● Pencils ● Are the recommended texts at

Resources: ● Pens the appropriate complexity
● PPT. levels, relevant to adult
● Writing Paper learners, culturally
● Audio File responsive, and useful for
● Listening Transcript building knowledge and
● Listening Worksheet achieving the objectives?
Topic Your Objectives, Materials, Tips/Questions to Consider
Vocabulary, and Culturally
Responsive Teaching
● ‘To Do’ yes/no question
● ‘To Be’ yes/no question
Lesson Vocabulary: (All vocabulary was learned in ● Include 5 -10 vocabulary
previous lessons): terms.
● Running ● Include instructional
● Playing Soccer strategies below for teaching
● Walking the vocabulary.
● Cleaning
● Working
● Studying English
● Singing
● Cooking
● Listening to Music
● Watching TV
● Dancing
● Kind
● Punctual
● Mean
● Organized
● Unorganized
● Sick
● Hungry
● Tall
● Short
● From Haiti
Target ● Verb ‘To Do’ ● Include new grammar, or
Grammar/Language ● Verb ‘To Be’ language forms, that is
Forms: ● Subject-Pronoun Verb relevant to the context of the
Agreement lesson.
● Include new or unfamiliar
grammar or language forms
found in the text used for the
Topic Your Objectives, Materials, Tips/Questions to Consider
Vocabulary, and Culturally
Responsive Teaching
Culturally ● The students will be able to ● Is it evident that students will
Responsive Teaching connect the lesson content to connect content to their own
Notes: their own lives in terms of lives and to what they already
being able to ask and answer know?
yes/no questions related to ● Do the student resources
their likes, dislikes, and regularly include authors,
habits, and personality traits. images, and ideas from a
range of racial, cultural,
linguistic, gender, and
(dis)ability representations
and backgrounds, especially
those of our students?
● Do cultural representations
and varied perspectives seem
to be fair and accurate? Are
stereotypes avoided?

Instructional Activities
Topic Lesson Information Tips/Questions to Consider

Lesson ● T provides Ss with the agenda ● Explain how the lesson

Introduction: for the lesson. objectives will be
● T introduces Ss to the goals of shared with learners.
the lessons with Ss. ● Make connections to
learners’ goals and
prior and future

Lesson Body: ● Provide enough detail

that another instructor
could teach this lesson
based on the
Lead In ● T elicits yes/no responses from Ss information in this
by using pictures in the PPT. lesson plan.
- E.g., T- “Look at the ● Include how the
picture. Does she like students will be
pizza?” grouped, approximate
- E.g. Ss – “No” or “No, timeframes for each
she doesn’t.” activity, and how
technology will be
Topic Lesson Information Tips/Questions to Consider

Meaning-Focused ● T provides an explanation of the ● Describe how and

Input upcoming listening exercise: where in the lesson
- “Listen to two people sequence, the instructor
having a conversation in will model the target
a classroom.” skills and/or tasks for
- “Circle, ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ the learners.
based on what you hear.”
● T provides Ss with the listening
exercise worksheet and plays the
audio file twice.
● T reviews the answers with Ss and
refers to the transcript if Ss show
signs of not understanding.

Learning ● T provides explanations and
examples of how Ss can form yes/no
questions using the verbs ‘to do’ and
‘to be’ using the PPT.
● T emphasizes the importance of
subject-pronoun verb agreement
when forming yes/no questions and
answering them.
● T invites Ss to try and form yes/no
questions directed to T.
● T asks Ss yes/no questions in order
to elicit appropriate responses from

Meaning-Focused ● T provides Ss with an explanation of

Output the writing and speaking output task:
- Ss are provided with a
worksheet related to
forming and answering
questions with the verb
‘to do’.
- Ss form questions in the
middle column using the
activities in the left
- Ss ask their partner the
questions using the
Topic Lesson Information Tips/Questions to Consider

questions they have

- Ss write down their
partner’s responses in the
right column in
adherence to
subject-pronoun verb
agreement rules.
- Ss respond to their
partner’s questions.
● T provides Ss with an explanation of
the second writing and speaking
output task:
- Ss are provided with a
worksheet related to
forming and answering
questions with the verb
‘to be’.
- Ss form questions in the
middle column using the
activities in the left
- Ss ask their partner the
questions they have
- Ss write down their
partner’s responses in
adherence to
subject-pronoun verb
agreement rules.
- Ss respond to their
partner’s questions.
● T invites Ss to practice asking and
answering yes/no questions in front
of the class.

Differentiation: ● Provide Ss with a transcript of ● How can you and/or

the audio for the listening other teachers adapt
exercise. this lesson to support
learners with varying
levels or needs (e.g.,
texts at different levels,
broad topics, or
compelling tasks that
Topic Lesson Information Tips/Questions to Consider

allow teacher/student
● What kinds of choices
are students able to
make within the lesson
plan (e.g., text
selection, project
topics, or products)?

Digital Literacy N/A ● Are sufficient

Integration: instructions given to
students around the use
of digital tools, and is
sufficient time
provided to practice
using the tools?
● Do students use digital
tools to create and
present products (e.g.,
papers, presentations,
● Are students provided
with an opportunity to
select and use
appropriate technology
to solve problems in

Lesson Conclusion: ● Ss demonstrate the ability to ● Review lesson

form yes/no or questions using objectives.
the verbs ‘to do’ and ‘to be’. ● Provide an opportunity
● Ss demonstrate the ability to for student reflection.
answer yes/no questions ● Connect to prior and
future learning.

Assessment: ● The degree to which I reduce the ● Describe the ongoing

amount of scaffolding will formative assessments
inform me of students’ that will be used to
progression throughout the check learners’
lesson. progress toward the
● At the end of the lesson, I will lesson objectives.
ask Ss two yes/no questions; ● Describe the
with one using the verb ‘to do’ cumulative
and the other using the verb ‘to assessments that will
be’. I can base Ss understanding measure the extent to
Topic Lesson Information Tips/Questions to Consider

of the lesson content by their which learners met the

ability to answer the questions lesson objectives.
by providing relevant
information and adhering to
subject-pronoun verb agreement

Lesson Extension, ● N/A ● Include opportunities

Homework: for learners to practice
skills outside of class

Lesson Extension, N/A ● Include opportunities

Additional for learners to extend
Enrichment/Practice their learning through
Opportunities: additional resources
(print and online),
readings, and practice
of skills.
Instructor Reflection Before the Lesson
● Because the students are familiar with forming and answering ‘wh’ questions I don’t
anticipate that they will struggle too much with forming and answering yes/no questions.
Instructor Reflection After the Lesson
● Overall, the lesson went well. The students enjoyed engaging with one another during the
pair work activities. However, some of the students struggled with subject-pronoun verb
agreement. This is something that I will continue to address throughout my lessons.

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