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Quality improvement report

BMJ Qual Saf: first published as 10.1136/bmjqs-2019-009923 on 3 October 2019. Downloaded from on December 12, 2023 at Hosp Severo Ochoa Consortia.
Reducing peripherally inserted
central catheters and midline
catheters by training nurses in
ultrasound-­guided peripheral
intravenous catheter placement
Benjamin Galen ‍ ‍,1 Sarah Baron ‍ ‍,1 Sandra Young,2 Alleyne Hall,2
Linda Berger-­Spivack,2 William Southern1

►► Additional material is Abstract significant proportion of central-­line asso-

published online only. To view,
ciated bloodstream infections (CLABSI).3
Background Training nurses in ultrasound-­guided
please visit the journal online peripheral intravenous catheter placement might
(http://​dx.​doi.o​ rg/​10.​1136/​ CLABSIs prolong hospital stay and are
reduce the use of more invasive venous access devices
bmjqs-​2019-​009923). associated with an estimated US$2.68
(peripherally inserted central catheters (PICC) and midline
1 catheters). billion excess cost each year in the USA.4
Department of Internal
Medicine, Division of Hospital Methods We implemented an abbreviated trainingUsing ultrasound to place a peripheral
Medicine, Albert Einstein intravenous catheter is a technique that
in ultrasound-­guided peripheral intravenous catheter
College of Medicine and has gained popularity among physicians
placement for nurses on an inpatient medical unit and
Montefiore Medical Center,

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provided a portable ultrasound device for 10 months.
in emergency medicine and critical care
Bronx, New York, United States Results Nurses on this unit placed 99 ultrasound-­
Deparment of Nursing, medicine, particularly in patients for
guided peripheral intravenous catheters with a high
Montefiore Medical Center, whom peripheral intravenous catheter
level of success. During the implementation period,
Bronx, New York, United States placement is challenging.5 6 Ultrasound-­
PICC and midline catheter placement decreased from a
guided peripheral intravenous catheter
mean 4.8 to 2.5 per month, meeting criteria for special
Correspondence to
Dr Benjamin Galen, Department
placement was recommended in recent
cause variation. In the postimplementation period, the
of Internal Medicine, Division of national guidelines for venous access ‘to
average catheter use reverted to 4.3 per month on the
Hospital Medicine, Montefiore intervention unit. A comparison inpatient medical unit
facilitate placement of peripheral intra-
Medical Center, Bronx, NY without training or access to a portable ultrasound device
venous catheters in arm veins that are
10461, United States; experienced no significant change in PICC and midline
​bgalen@​montefiore.​org difficult to palpate or visualise’.2 Our
catheter use throughout the study period (mean of 6.0
per month). research group recently demonstrated
Received 12 June 2019 that ultrasound-­
Conclusions These results suggest that an abbreviated guided peripheral intra-
Revised 11 September 2019
Accepted 15 September 2019
venous catheter placement is an effective
training in ultrasound-­guided peripheral intravenous
Published Online First catheter placement for nurses on an inpatient medical
tool to reduce central venous catheter
3 October 2019 unit is sufficient to reduce PICC and midline catheters.
use on the inpatient medical units when
performed by an investigating physician.1
Previous research on nursing use of this
Introduction technology was limited by the extensive
Hospitalised patients for whom the tradi- training required for the intervention,
tional technique of peripheral intrave- which may limit adoption on a busy inpa-
nous catheter placement is unsuccessful tient medical unit. Therefore, we sought
may undergo peripherally inserted central to evaluate the use of this technology
catheters (PICC) and midline catheters by training nurses in ultrasound-­ guided
(short PICCs) solely for venous access.1 2 peripheral intravenous catheter place-
While PICC and midline catheters might ment in an expedited fashion. Our aim
© Author(s) (or their
be necessary in some cases, they are inva- was to determine if potentially inappro-
employer(s)) 2020. No
commercial re-­use. See rights sive, posing potential risks during place- priate short-­term PICC and midline cath-
and permissions. Published by ment (eg, bleeding, arterial puncture, eters could be avoided in patients with
BMJ. haematoma, air embolism, arrhythmia) difficult venous access. We hypothesised
To cite: Galen B, Baron S, and during their use (eg, catheter-­ that the intervention would be associated
Young S, et al. BMJ Qual Saf related thrombosis and infection). Infec- with a reduced number of newly placed
2020;29:245–249. tions associated with PICCs represent a PICC and midline catheters because

Galen B, et al. BMJ Qual Saf 2020;29:245–249. doi:10.1136/bmjqs-2019-009923    245

Quality improvement report

BMJ Qual Saf: first published as 10.1136/bmjqs-2019-009923 on 3 October 2019. Downloaded from on December 12, 2023 at Hosp Severo Ochoa Consortia.
some of these catheters would no longer be necessary The primary outcome was the monthly count of newly
following successful placement of ultrasound-­guide placed PICC and midline catheters for the study units
peripheral intravenous catheters. during the study period. Newly placed catheter counts
were obtained from interventional radiology billing
Methods records as interventional radiology is the only service
This was a quality improvement project aimed at that places these devices. Number of catheters were
reducing the number of newly placed PICC and midline examined for a 21-­month pre-­implementation period,
catheters on the single inpatient medical unit. The a 10-­month implementation period and 7 months
number of newly placed catheters was extracted for after the intervention stopped (postimplementation).
21 months pre-­implementation, during the 10-­month Catheters placed within 2 days of hospital discharge
implementation of the intervention, and followed for were excluded from the analysis given the likelihood
an additional 7 months after the end of the implemen- that these catheters were placed for postdischarge use
tation period (postimplementation). rather than for venous access during hospitalisation.
In addition, we recorded the number of ultrasound-­
Intervention guided peripheral intravenous catheters placed by
The study consisted of two components: manda- nursing staff using a logbook affixed to the ultrasound
tory nurse training in ultrasound-­ guided peripheral device. Unsuccessful attempts were noted. Requests
intravenous catheter placement followed by access for refresher training in ultrasound-­ guided intrave-
to the ultrasound device for use in peripheral intra- nous catheter placement were also tracked.
venous catheter placement. The complete curriculum
for training is provided in online supplementary file. Statistical analysis
Briefly, after an introduction, bedside nurses on a The characteristics of the intervention and comparison
single inpatient medical unit were shown an instruc- units were compared using the Mann-­Whitney U test.
tional video on ultrasound-­ guided peripheral intra- The monthly number of PICC and midline catheters
venous catheter placement and then given an in-­ser- on the intervention unit were recorded and plotted
vice on the use of the study device: SonoSite S2 with on a C-­ type statistical process control chart, for

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vascular probe L25 (FujiFilm SonoSite, Bothell, Wash- Poisson distribution (‘count’) data, using the Shewart
ington, USA). Trainees were then required to practice method.9 10 The mean catheter count during the pre-­
ultrasound-­ guided peripheral intravenous catheter intervention period was used as the centerline, which
placement using a mannequin with physician over- was carried forward into the intervention period until
sight. After completing two successful 20 or 22 gauge special cause was detected. Upper control limits were
standard length ultrasound-­ guided peripheral intra- calculated as 3 SD from the mean of each time period.
venous catheter insertions (transverse technique) on Criteria for detecting special cause variation were
the mannequin, the trainees were considered certified predefined: 1) six points in a row all below or above
to use ultrasound for peripheral intravenous catheter the centerline, 2) six consecutive points either rising
placement on patients. Total training time for each or falling, 3) a single point outside the control limits
trainee was <60 min. All 29 full-­time nurses on the and 4) two points out of three close (outer third) to
intervention unit were trained. None of the nurses had the control limit. When special cause was detected the
prior experience using ultrasound to place peripheral centerline was moved at the first point that defined
intravenous catheters. The study device was provided special cause and a new mean was established.9 10 The
to the intervention unit for the duration of the imple- success rate for ultrasound-­guided peripheral intrave-
mentation period, and was removed from the unit at the nous catheters placed by nurses during the study period
start of the postimplementation period. Trainer assis- was calculated as a ratio of the number of successful
tance for the placement of intravenous catheters was intravenous catheters/attempted intravenous catheters.
available on request. A same-­sized inpatient medical In a sensitivity analysis, we constructed similar statis-
unit with similar patients was chosen for comparison tical process control (SPC) charts including all cathe-
and the nurses on this unit underwent no training and ters placed during each admission (i.e., not excluding
did not have access to an ultrasound device for periph- the predischarge catheters).
eral intravenous catheter placement. The intervention
and comparison units used identical, standard length Results
intravenous catheters placed in forearm veins during Characteristics of intervention and comparison units
the entire study. In the year leading up to this study, the intervention
and comparison medical units had similar numbers
Measures of discharges during the study period (1874 vs 1925,
To compare the intervention and comparison units, the respectively). The intervention and comparison units
number of patient discharges, their lengths of stay and had similar mean lengths of stay (6.58 vs 6.35 days,
case-­mix index for each unit during the study period p=0.32) and similar mean case-­mix indexes (1.38 vs
were extracted from the clinical information system. 1.42, p=0.13).

246 Galen B, et al. BMJ Qual Saf 2020;29:245–249. doi:10.1136/bmjqs-2019-009923

Quality improvement report

BMJ Qual Saf: first published as 10.1136/bmjqs-2019-009923 on 3 October 2019. Downloaded from on December 12, 2023 at Hosp Severo Ochoa Consortia.
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Figure 1 (A and B) C-­type statistical process control charts. PICC and midline catheters placed each month on the intervention unit (A) and comparison
unit (B) for the 21-­month pre-­implementation period, 10-­month implementation period (denoted by blue lines) and 7-­month postimplementation period.
The centerline (solid line) was established using the mean of the 21-­month pre-­implementation period and the upper control limit was defined as mean+3σ
(dotted line). Both were recalculated when criteria for special cause variation were met. PICC, peripherally inserted central catheter.

Catheter placements PICC and midline catheters reverted to a mean of 4.3

During the pre-­implementation period, a mean number catheters per month (figure 1A). The comparison inpa-
of 4.8 PICC and midline catheters per month were tient medical unit utilisation of PICC and midline cath-
placed on the intervention unit (figure 1A). Starting the eters remained stable during all phases of the study and
third month of the implementation period, a shift in
variation in catheters per month (mean of 6.0) did not
the number of monthly PICC and midline catheters was
appreciated and met special cause criteria. The monthly reach special cause (figure 1B). In the sensitivity anal-
number of newly placed PICC and midline catheters ysis that included all catheters (ie, not excluding pre-­
was reduced to a mean of 2.5 on the intervention unit discharge catheters), the number of catheters placed
(figure 1A). In the postimplementation period, a second each month did not exhibit special cause variation
special cause was detected and the monthly number of throughout the study period (data not shown).

Galen B, et al. BMJ Qual Saf 2020;29:245–249. doi:10.1136/bmjqs-2019-009923 247

Quality improvement report

BMJ Qual Saf: first published as 10.1136/bmjqs-2019-009923 on 3 October 2019. Downloaded from on December 12, 2023 at Hosp Severo Ochoa Consortia.
Nurses on the intervention unit attempted 99 ultrasound-­ Conclusions
guided intravenous catheters during the 10-­month study Placement of peripheral intravenous catheters can be
period, with 96 (97%) noted to be successful. Trainer difficult in some hospitalised patients. PICC and midline
assistance was requested for 15 of these, all in the first 6 catheters are often used in this situation, even though a
months of the 10-­month implementation period. peripheral intravenous catheter would be sufficient. Nurse
training in ultrasound-­ guided peripheral intravenous
catheter placement was successful at reducing PICC and
Discussion midline utilisation on one inpatient medical unit.
In this study of nurse training and utilisation of ultrasound
to place peripheral intravenous catheters, we found the Contributors All authors contributed to study design,
intervention was associated with a decrease in the number implementation and manuscript revisions.
of newly placed PICC and midline catheters. A compar- Funding This study was supported by a grant from the
ison inpatient medical unit experienced no reduction in Hospitals Insurance Company / FOJP
the number of PICC and midline catheters placed. During
Competing interests None declared.
the implementation period, nurses on the intervention
unit attempted on average about 10 ultrasound-­guided Patient consent for publication Not required.
peripheral intravenous catheters per month, the over- Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally
peer reviewed.
whelming majority of which were successful. Our find-
Data availability statement All data relevant to the study
ings suggest that nurse training in the ultrasound-­guided are included in the article or uploaded as supplementary
peripheral intravenous catheter procedure and access to information.
an ultrasound device are valuable quality improvements
on the inpatient medical unit. Benjamin Galen http://​orcid.​org/​0000-​0001-​8172-​258X
Technicians have been successfully trained in Sarah Baron http://​orcid.​org/​0000-​0002-​5714-​3139
ultrasound-­ guided peripheral intravenous catheter
placement in the emergency department, but there is References
little research to guide programme development for 1 Galen BT, Southern WN. Ultrasound-­Guided peripheral

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results from a Multispecialty panel using the RAND/UCLA
included 8 hours of didactic training and 12 hours of
appropriateness method. Ann Intern Med 2015;163(6
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Other programmes have combined ultrasound-­guided 3 Chopra V, O'Horo JC, Rogers MAM, et al. The risk of
peripheral intravenous catheter training with PICC and bloodstream infection associated with peripherally inserted
midline training for nurses, which is also time inten- central catheters compared with central venous catheters in
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248 Galen B, et al. BMJ Qual Saf 2020;29:245–249. doi:10.1136/bmjqs-2019-009923

Quality improvement report

BMJ Qual Saf: first published as 10.1136/bmjqs-2019-009923 on 3 October 2019. Downloaded from on December 12, 2023 at Hosp Severo Ochoa Consortia.
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Galen B, et al. BMJ Qual Saf 2020;29:245–249. doi:10.1136/bmjqs-2019-009923 249

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