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SOCIOLOGY= scientific study of societies and the ways those societies influence the behavior beliefs and identities of

individuals in those societies

MICROSOCIOLOGY= daily interactions between individuals, face to face interactions (how we act at a jazz concert)

INTERACTIONIST PERSPECTIVE = society is constantly being created and transformed by interactions between individuals
(Max Weber)

MACROSOCIOLOGY= society as a whole, large social structures (art culture religion politics)

FUNCTIONALIST PERSPECTIVE= society is a structure made out of different interconnected parts where every part has a
function (R. Merton)

CONFLICT PERSPECTIVE= social change is the result of conflict, there wouldn't be any change in society without conflict (Karl

SOCIOLOGICAL IMAGINATION – C.W. Mills = problems of individuals and the issues found in society as a whole are
interconnected – unemployment

SEEING THE GENERAL IN THE INDIVIDUAL – P. Berger = society puts individuals into specific categories (old/ young male
/female) and that influences how the individuals behave think and feel

SOCIOLOGICAL NOMINALISM= society is only a name used for many individuals and their actions, it cannot do anything
influence anything or bring change, only living people influence other people

SOCIOLOGICAL REALISM= society is real more than some of its parts and it influences individuals based on its own laws

SOCIAL FACTS – Emile durkheim

- social factors come from the outside of the individual (society), they limit and influence how we think feel or act

e.g. language= can't understand other people from other countries, can't move from a developing to a developed country,
can't get a better job

GEMEINSCHAFT (zajednica) - group of individuals based on high levels of social solidarity, they know each other, they have
personal relationships (friends, family…) E.g. village life (connected, feel at home, comfortable)

GESELLSCHAFT (društvo) - large grouping with low levels of solidarity, people don't know one another (city life)

SOCIAL ACTION= type of action where we take into consideration the actions of others and modify our behavior accordingly -
> Social norms - we're looking at what other people do and the reactions to what they do (umbrella)

SOCIAL STRUCTURE - long lasting, stable relationships and interactions between individuals

SOCIAL POSITION = the place in the social structure, social status-the value given to a certain position a society - teacher,
student, president…

SOCIAL ROLE= the expected behavior of an individual based on his social position – mother= caring, patient, forgiving,
optimistic, selfless,

SOCIAL GROUPS = two or more individuals in a relatively stable and lasting interaction with a developed feeling of belonging
for that group and a common identity – organizations large social groups with their own social structure based on a common
goal E.g. school- staff students one school, not connected to the place or people

SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS = social activities done in a specific way, regulated by social norms e.g. school - all schools are
institutions, provode iste zakone

SOCIAL FUNCTIONS = positive consequences of our actions on a greater whole

Robert Merton – 1) MANIFEST SOCIAL FUNCTIONS – foreseen, expected consequences, we wanted or planned to achieve

2) LATENT SOCIAL FUNCTIONS – unforeseen, unexpected consequences, we didn't plan them

e.g. punishing a criminal – m. in prison, more security for society; l. people follow law more because they're afraid of
MULTIPLE CASUALTY = every social phenomenon has more than one cause and we need to take into consideration all of

FACTUAL QUESTIONS = facts about social phenomenas and social processes (what is the population of Croatia?)

COMPARATIVE QUESTIONS = comparing data (what's the population in Croatia and what is it in Spain?)

DEVELOPMENTAL QUESTIONS = what is the population of Croatia today and what was it 20 years ago?

THEORETICAL QUESTIONS = why something is happening, hypothesis (has the lesser number of three employment spaces
impacted the lesser population in Croatia in the last 20 years?)

MODERNITY (2ND HALF OF THE 18TH ) - sociology developed as a science in the 19th century - Auguste Comte

THE ENLIGHTENMENT (18TH ) - society and nature can be studied in the same way, they're both governed by the same laws

ROMANTICISM ( END OD 18TH BEGINNING OF 19TH ) - society in nature cannot be studied in the same way, they are not
governed by the same laws - society is a product of the human spirit

POLITICAL REVOLUTIONS - 1789 French Revolution - shown that people truly can change society the idea of citizens rights
and liberties; 1776 The US Declaration of Independence - individual rights

INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTIONS - from agrarian to industrial type, moved from villages to cities in search of work, few are getting
very rich and the majority of the workers is very poor, unions fight for workers rights

SOCIALISM - no social classes and no exploitation, unfair society becomes fair

URBANIZATION - fast growth of cities influenced by industrialization, problems: , overcrowding, waste management,
infrastructure, transport - Chicago school of Urban Sociology


SOCIAL STATICS - existing social structures, SOCIAL DYNAMICS - deals with social change

ANTIINDIVIDUALISM- the interests of the individual are not important in the interest of a society
conservatism- against alignment ideas and sees them as a negative philosophy and then creates sociology as a positive

POSITIVISM - society and nature can be studied in the same way with the same methods

EVOLUTIONISM – THEOLOGICAL (-1300, belief in religion, supernatural) , METAPHYSICAL (1300-1800 , belief in abstract
forces, nature) , POSITIVE (1800- , belief in science)


- sees society as a biological organism, meaning different parts have specific functions

MILITARISTIC SOCIETY - centralized state, subordination of the individual to the state, closeness and hostility towards other

INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY - voluntary cooperation, economic interdependence, acceptance towards other societies,
decentralization of power of the state

SOCIAL DARWINISM - SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST = states should not intervene with natural process of society, only the fittest
will survive and multiply adapting to the environment while the unfit will be wiped out


MECHANICAL SOLIDARITY - low degree of differentiation, integration of societies based on similarity

ORGANIC SOLIDARITY - develop division of labour, integration of societies based on interdependence

anomie - state in which individual desires are no longer regulated by common norms, individual is without moral guideposts
(rapid social changes)

IDEAL TYPE - thought construct that unites the important characteristics of the viewed phenomena emphasizing the
similarities and disregarding unimportant differences, doesn't exist in reality; e.g. three types of legitimate power of be
bureaucracy (traditional, rational-legal, and charismatic)

RATIONALIZATION - process in which most areas of our social life become influenced by calculation and prediction, negative
for individuals important for development of society

- iron cage


HISTORICAL MATERIALISM - the view that ideas and values are what is important in history, but the way people interact in
production, sees history as constant conflict of social classes

ALIENATION - state in which human beings lose their essence and beings of a production

SOCIAL STRUCTURE – BASE = interconnections between individuals in production

SUPERSTRUCTURE - all other social relationships and all other social organizations and institutions – e.g. law, religion,
finances… - ideology

THEORY OF REVOLUTION - the working class will rise up and take control from the capitalists in a revolution - they will create
a society without social classes – COMMUNISM (capitalist/burzoazijati I radnici)

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