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As black Friday arrives, the excitement and rage

surges inside the people’s emotions vividly.

Conversational questions about this day of

1. What is your general opinion about black

2. Do you think that it is normal to punch
someone or hit someone in order to get
what you want?
3. Why do you think Black Friday brings out
anger and rage into people?
4. Have you heard about Black Friday Cakes?
Would you think this could be a good idea,
Cakes on a massive discount?
5. Does Black Friday contribute to the
materialistic view on our society?
6. Does a materialistic view of life make a
happy way of living?
7. How do you feel in massive crowds of
people? Do you enjoy the excitement and
craziness of it or is this something that
makes your more nervous?
8. Do you think there is more criminality
during Black Friday?
9. Do you think that Black Friday actually
encourages others to buy things that they
don’t really need?
10. Do you believe on Black Friday there are
real deals, or it is just a commercial strategy?
11. Do you think we live in a world where
we value our materials too much?
12. Do you believe that it is better to have a
minimalist way of life or a materialistic view?
13. When do you call shopping an addiction?
14. What problems can this cause? An
addiction to shopping?

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