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Asslamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Honorable to head master, honorable to the teacher, honorable to

the ladies and gentlemans, and all my friends who l love.
Firstly l want say thanks to Allah SWT who have given us
blessing and mercy until we can meet here to standing in front of you
all. Shalawat and Salam to our prophet Muhammad SAW, to his family,
to his friends, and to us as his people.
Thanks to ladies and gentlemans for talking the time separation
party sixth class. Ladies and gentlemans, let me to introduce my self,
my name is NISA ALYA RAMADHANI, let me make litle speech
about farewell sixth class. Me and friends to thanks as much as possible
to the teacher who has taught for six years. Our apologizes to the teacher
for our attitude which hurt teacher’s feeling. We also say thank to them
because pray and help us to process for continuing study at Junior High
School. We just advice to younger sibling of our school in order to study
hard, so all of you can achieve your ideas.
I think enough.I’m sorry if any wrong from saying. Thanks for
your attention, See you next time, Good bye.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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