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TSWBAT understand and explain what public officals (president/govener) do to affect their day to day lives.

5.3.2.E-Describe situations in the state or nation when having an elected official represent the people is beneficial.
Remember: Every learning experience provided during the lesson is for the purpose of developing or nthe
stated objectives.

Describe the step-by-step series of input procedures. Plans for a teacher-directed

lesson should generally follow the sequence:
1) Introduction (Anticipatory Set) – Present to the class the opportunity to present laws/rules ro make changes
to the classroom
a. Allow students to break up into 5 groups and allow each group to think of 3 rules they want to
change for the classroom.
b. Have each group present a group their rule and you deside if it will become a real rule or not
2) Development - input procedures such as modeling, describing, giving examples,
checking for understanding, etc.
i. Explain through that at the state and national level the govener/ president/local offical
does the same thing, receive rules from people and make the final decision on the rules.
ii. Ask the students why it would be important that they would want a
president/governer/local offical that likes the same things you do?
1. Present the idea if a student was the final decision maker would that change any
rules to be passed or denited
iii. Present to the class that these people in office(govener/president/local offical) can affect
them indivually by passinng laws (skittles ban in california).

2) Guided and Independent Practice/Assessment

a. On a exit ticket ask the class to write why it would be important to have someone in public office
to think like them
4) Closure - Draw attention to the end of the lesson by consolidating and reinforcing
major objectives.
Have a few students share their anwsers and go over as a class the reasons it should be important
to have someon in office thinking simullary.

List the instructional materials to be used during the lesson. Briefly describe
teacher-made or commercially produced instructional materials (i.e. Xeroxed
sheets, transparencies, manipulative materials, pictures, internet sites, videos, etc.).
Include name(s) of the texts or workbooks as appropriate.

Describe adaptations made for your students with special needs.
Any adaptions can be made through the lesson

1) Formative – How will you assess the students throughout the lesson to check for understanding? (Include
points that the assessment is worth, if applicable.)
a. The questioning throughout the activity.
2) Summative – How will you assess the students’ overall performance for the unit? (Include how many
points the assessment is worth.)
a. Exit ticket to check for understanding

1) Write an assessment of the students’ performance and mastery in terms of each stated objective.
a. Did the students meet the standard?
b. Did the students grasp the concept?
2) Write a general self-evaluation including explanation for success or lack of it.
a. Did I convey the information correctly?
b. Did I limit misunderstandings?

Discuss what changes might have produced better results and

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