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Steedley 1

Clara Steedley

Teressa Jackson



Communicating with Parents

When you are a teacher, you have to be able to communicate with parents.

Communication helps everyone get to know each other and get along with each other.

Communication can also help benefit parents and students. Being able to communicate helps

grow a relationship with them. There are different methods that teachers should use and there

are even the least effective methods. The message will be different because of what is being

communicated, whatever method you use, will be the same for all ages and races.

All methods for communicating with parents are different from each other, teachers

also use different ones too. One method may be speaking to parents in a nice manner. Parents

will listen to you if you are respectful to them and their children. Parents and teachers get along

best if both are respectful to each other. Another method is communicating daily, this means

just asking each other how their day is. The third method is letting the parent talk even if you

disagree with what they are saying. Letting parents talk about their opinions helps you see what

you need to work on. There are also least methods that you should not do. One is to not ignore

parents when they are stating their opinion on something. Parents should feel like they matter,

you should thank them for their feedback. Another least effective method is sending negative
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messages about their child every day. You should at least message something positive in that

message to them. It causes fear when teachers keep messaging parents' negative things about

their child, but that doesn’t mean negative conversations should be avoided. It just means

conversations with parents should be in a positive attitude.

There are different techniques for different ways to communicate. Each situation is

different, so that means not all methods work best for the situation. One student may be

talking too much, and you need to message their parents. This is not a big situation, so you do

not need to come at their parents in a negative way, that’s not a reason to send them to the

front office. If it was something like cussing the teacher out, then that would be a different

method. Whatever the child did you should always speak to their parents in a nice manner.

Speaking in a nice manner makes the situation to not get worse. Age has no impact on any

methods that I describe in the second paragraph. However old you are, you should always be

respectful to your parents. Races have different methods; students may speak different


There is importance of confidentiality, when you are a teacher, you cannot tell anyone

about something that has to do with a student. You can only share it with other teachers, the

students' parents and administrators. This is important rule to follow, because you could get in

serious trouble. My local school expects you to speak in a kind manner to students' parents.

The school don’t want to have a bad reputation. If speaking about a student to other teacher, it

should be in a kind manner. The confidentially of a student is when you know something about

them, and you can’t tell anyone.

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In conclusion, being a teacher is a very Important job. There are stressful times but also

happy times. Being a teacher comes with learning how to communicate with coworkers,

students and parents. When messaging parents, you should do it in a good tone, and don’t text

negative things to parents every day.

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