SP22 MATH-182 Project

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When an object near the Earth’s surface falls, the force of gravity causes it to

accelerate. If gravity was the only force acting on the object, all objects would fall
at the same rate. Your experience should show that this is not the case. To see
this, hold a rock and a piece of paper at the same height and then drop them at the
same time. You will almost certainly see the rock hit the ground before the paper.
The motion of the rock and the paper (and any other falling objects) is described by
Newton’s Second Law:

This statement is that an object of mass will accelerate at a rate determined

by the sum of forces acting on the object. Therefore gravity, with a

magnitude , would cause all objects in a vacuum (where gravity is the only
force) to accelerate at the same rate: .
Because all falling objects don’t accelerate at the same rate in air, there must be
some other force acting. This force is air resistance. This force is difficult to
specify exactly because the force due to air resistance depends on the mass of the
falling object, its shape, its orientation as it falls, its flexibility, and various other
Earlier in this course you learned that the accumulation theorem can be used for an
object moving in one dimension, such as an object falling straight downward. If the

initial velocity is , measured downward from the point of release of the

object, and if the object is accelerated only by gravity, , then the

velocity is given by

You won’t be able to use this formula for this project because the acceleration
depends on the velocity. Instead you will need to solve a differential equation.
If we let the unknown force due to air resistance be , then Newton’s Second Law
gives the net downward force and acceleration as


For this project you will use two simple models for air resistance:

Notice that the constants of proportionality are not the same in these two models.
Both of these models predict that the velocity of a falling object will level off,
approaching a limiting velocity called the terminal velocity. The formula for the
terminal velocity depends on which model is used:

and , respectively.
As you work this project you will first identify an example of a falling object
reaching terminal velocity. You will then use the terminal velocity you find to
compute the two values of the constants, and . You will then use a computer
algebra system, such as wolframalpha.com or MATLAB, to explore the motion of
this falling object assuming that the air resistance is given by the first model. You
will produce a graph of v(t) and use your computer algebra system to confirm the
terminal velocity for your example. You may copy the commands from your
computer algebra system code for the first model and modify them, just slightly,
for the second model. Also for the second model you will produce a graph and
confirm the terminal velocity using your computer algebra system.
At the end of the project you will upload two files to your Canvas assignment.
You will need one file with the commands you used in this project, and you will
need a “PDF” file, which will contain a report on your work and what you find.
Your report should describe, briefly, the steps you take in your computer algebra
system. Your report must be submitted as a PDF file. Use an equation editor for
any equations you include in your report. Your report should not be much more
than about two pages, excluding any equations, figures, tables, etc. you may
include. Be sure to save your work regularly. Google docs might be a good place
to store it, so that you can access your work from anywhere.
1. First do some research and identify a real example where you can determine
both the mass and the terminal velocity of some real falling object. The
object could be a skydiver or a parachutist, or it could be an object falling
through a fluid. Make note of the value of the mass, , of the object and the
terminal velocity, , for your example. Write a couple of paragraphs
describing your example. Be sure to cite your source(s).
As the skydiver falls he gains downward acceleration, gaining speed after
every second. As the speed increases, air resistance (drag force) increases as
well. This force of air resistance counters the force of gravity. As the
skydiver falls faster and faster, the amount of air resistance increases more
and more until it approaches the magnitude of the force of gravity. Once the
force of air resistance is as large as the force of gravity, a balance of forces is
attained and the skydiver no longer accelerates. The skydiver is said to have
reached a terminal velocity. A skydiver's terminal velocity is roughly 220
km/hr in the spread-eagle position and 320 km/hr in the head-down position.
A skydiver's terminal velocity is sensitive to air density, which changes with
altitude: at 10,000 meters, a terminal velocity of 77 meters per second is
projected, but at 1,000 meters, only 45 meters per second (iop.org, 2020).

2. For the force model , the acceleration is . In this

equation, , , and are constants. This equation is a separable
differential equation, something covered near the end of the second unit.
Your first task will be to use your computer algebra system to determine the
general solution to this differential equation. You will next use your
computer algebra system to produce the particular solution for an object that

is dropped far above ground, with . Use the mass and terminal
velocity from your research to compute the value of . Use a computer
algebra system to graph and confirm the terminal velocity by examining the
limit of the particular solution. You may also want to solve this differential
equation by hand for comparison. Be sure to copy the graph for your
example into your report. Write a couple of paragraphs describing the
results for your example in your report.
For the force model R = kv
We have,
dv kv
dt m
Therefore, m dt = mg – Kv
At terminal velocity V = VT, the force of the particle of mass m is zero, so,
0 = mg - KVT
VT =
To solve the differential equation,
m dt = mg – Kv
m mg−Kv = dt
- K log (mg – Kv) = t + c
Whereby c is the integration constant.
Putting the value of c in the equation;
m m
- K log (mg – Kv) = t - K log (mg)
- K [log (mg – Kv) – log (mg)] = t
mg−Kv Kt
Log [ mg ]=- m
Mg – Kv = mg exp (- m )
Kv = mg [1 – exp (- m )]
mg Kt
V = K [1 – exp (- m )]

3. For the force model , the acceleration is . Your

next task will be to use your computer algebra system to determine the
general solution to the second separable differential equation. The main
changes from the commands used for your first model will be related to the
differences between the two models, and , the differential

equations, and , and the terminal

velocities, and . You should keep the same mass and

terminal velocity from your research, which you used in with the first model.
Use your computer algebra system to determine the general solution to this
differential equation. You then next use your computer algebra system to
produce the particular solution for an object that is dropped above ground,

where . Use the mass and terminal velocity from your research to
compute the value of (for the model ). Use a computer algebra
system to graph and confirm the terminal velocity by examining the limit of
the particular solution. You may want to solve this differential equation by
hand for comparison. Be sure to copy the graph for your example into your
report. Write a couple of paragraphs describing the results for your example
in your report.
m ∫ t

K 0
( √ mgK ) 2−v 2 - ∫ dt

From the above equation, we know,

dx 1 a+ x
∫ a 2−x 2 = 2 a log ( a−x )

[ mg Log (
)] = t

K 2√ mg
K −v

√ m
Log (

)] = t
2 √ gK mg

( √m )
2 √ gK
exp t −1
√ K [ exp( 2 √√mgK t )+1 ]

4. Write a one or two paragraph summary of what you learned from this
Terminal velocity is defined as the highest velocity that can be achieved by an object that
is falling through a fluid, such as air or water. When terminal velocity is reached, the
downward force of gravity is equal to the sum of the object's buoyancy and the drag
force. An object at terminal velocity has zero net acceleration.
iop.org. (2020). Terminal velocity: skydivers and raindrops. Retrieved from IOP Institute of
Physics: https://spark.iop.org/terminal-velocity-skydivers-and-raindrops
Rubric, 100 points:
Computer algebra system commands: 50 points
5 points Runs without error; 1 point deduction for each minor error
5 Use correct values for mass and terminal velocity to compute
5 Correct general solution (I)
5 Correct particular solution (I)
5 Correct graph and limit (I)
5 Use correct values for mass and terminal velocity to compute
5 Make needed changes to commands for R=K v^2
5 Correct general solution (II)
5 Correct particular solution (II)
5 Correct graph and limit (II)

Report, PDF file: 50 points

5 points Selected an appropriate example
5 Identify Values of m and v_T
5 Cite source
5 Write results (couple paragraphs) (I)
5 Include graph of v(t) in report (I)
5 Couple paragraphs describing results for first solution
5 Citation(s)
5 Include graph of v(t) in report (I)
5 Couple paragraphs describing results for second solution
5 Summary of what you learned

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