Meyer Et Al JIBS 2023 IB in The Digital Age and Global Strategies in A World of National Institutions

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Journal of International Business Studies (2023) 54, 577–598

ª 2023 Academy of International Business All rights reserved 0047-2506/23


International business in the digital age:

Global strategies in a world of national

Klaus E. Meyer1, Jiatao Li2, Abstract

Digital technologies are changing how businesses strategize and organize
Keith D. Brouthers3 and Ruey- internationally. They not only enable cost reduction in businesses crossing
Jer ‘‘Bryan’’ Jean4 national boundaries but also enable novel types of products and business
models. Yet, barriers to cross-border businesses persist or even re-emerge, such
Ivey Business School, London, ON, Canada; that the study of international business remains important in the digital age,
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, but may have to shift focus. We argue that businesses operating internationally
Kowloon, Hong Kong; 3 King’s College London, develop digital business strategies that are interdependent with their
London, England; 4 National Taiwan University,
internationalization strategies. In doing so, they have to account for
Taipei, Taiwan
differences across national contexts including informal institutions, formal
Correspondence: institutions, and resource endowments. We offer a conceptual framework
KE Meyer, Ivey Business School, London, ON, linking external and internal antecedents to digital business and
Canada internationalization strategies. We focus in particular on three digital
e-mail: strategies: owning digital platforms, participating in digital platforms, and
transforming traditional businesses for the digital world. On this basis, we
discuss the contributions of the papers in this special issue and conclude by
outlining an agenda for future research.
Journal of International Business Studies (2023) 54, 577–598.

Keywords: digital economy; digital transformation; platform strategies; digital market-

ing; institutional framework

Digital technologies are changing the way international business
(IB) is conducted. Internally within multinational enterprises
(MNEs), digital technologies enable the disintermediation of
processes, enabling them to become faster, cheaper, and more
responsive to changing needs. Externally, changes in government
laws and regulations, a renewed focus on social concerns, and
changes in buying behaviors (recently propelled by the COVID-19
crisis) create new opportunities to deliver digital technology-based
solutions for purchasing, production, marketing, logistics, and
communications across national borders. Businesses are thus
developing digital strategies to create new business models and
Received: 12 October 2022 shifting costs and activities from their own firm to complementors,
Accepted: 21 December 2022 customers, and other stakeholders at home and abroad.
Online publication date: 4 April 2023
International business in the digital age Klaus E. Meyer et al.

Digitalization is changing businesses not only in Our paper offers three sets of contributions to the
technologically advanced nations but also in literature. First, we begin to develop theory to
emerging economies, providing opportunities for explain how and why national context still matters
catching up on business creation and expansion in the digital age, suggesting that historic and new
(UNCTAD, 2017). Despite inequalities in the access contextual factors impact digital internationaliza-
to technologies, even in developing countries dig- tion strategies in different ways. Second, we outline
ital technologies enable firms to disrupt sales and three strategies that different firms may develop to
distribution systems, change consumer buying enhance their competitive position in a digital
behavior, and alter demand for products and world, and discuss their interdependence with
services. Firms may benefit from digitalization internationalization strategies. This analysis
through, for example, greater access to resources, includes both traditional MNEs (often referred to
increased market reach, and faster/more effective as brick-and-mortar firms), born digital firms whose
communications. However, downsides also exist business models from the outset rely on digital
through the faster erosion of competitive advan- technologies for their competitive advantage, and
tage, new sources of risk, and a shift in power to digital users (firms and individuals) who use digital
buyers and platforms (Jean, Kim, & Cavusgil, 2020; channels to engage with business partners or
Verbeke & Hutzschenreuter, 2021). customers around the world. Third, we offer an
Despite these changes, scholarly understanding integrative framework and suggestions for future
of how digitalization impacts IB has not kept pace. research that may serve to guide future scholarly
Traditionally, IB theory explores international endeavors at the interface of digital and interna-
strategies such as location choice, speed of inter- tional business.
nationalization, entry mode choice, the interna- We proceed as follows. In the next section, we
tional transfer of knowledge, as well as the introduce our organizing framework for structuring
performance of international operations. As high- discussions on IB in the digital world. Then, we
lighted in the review by Chabowski and Saimee discuss aspects of the national business environ-
(2020), only recently have IB scholars focused their ment that impact both traditional and born-digital
attention on the influence of digital technologies businesses, focusing on specific aspects of informal
on these international activities to assess the suit- institutions, formal institutions, and national
ability of existing theories, and where appropriate resource endowments. On this basis, we explore
to develop new concepts to extend or modify them. the challenges and opportunities of three types of
We take the perspective that digital technologies firms participating in the digital transformation of
allow mature and new firms to expand interna- the global economy – namely digital platform
tionally, capturing opportunities in foreign coun- firms, users or complementors of international
tries without the same financial burdens and risks digital platforms, and traditional firms transform-
traditionally associated with foreign investments ing for the digital age. We then introduce the
(Brouthers, Chen, Li, & Shaheer, 2022). We argue papers in this special issue and identify directions
that digital technologies lead businesses to recon- for future research to advance our understanding of
sider the arguments that shape their international- IB in the digital world.
ization strategy. On the one hand, digitalization
facilitates IB by drastically reducing transaction and
coordination costs, thus facilitating globally inte- WHAT IS ‘‘IB IN THE DIGITAL WORLD’’
grated business models. In fact, many entrepre- The Internet and related digital tools have
neurs of ‘‘born digital’’ firms start from a ‘‘global by increased our ability to collect, store, analyze, and
default’’ mindset (Birkinshaw, 2022). On the other share information, thereby reshaping how goods
hand, most digital firms still have to deal with and knowledge spread across national boundaries.
national formal and informal institutions that they They enable new models of IB and transformation
may be able to leverage to create an advantage, but of traditional MNEs.
that may also become an obstacle to implementing In particular, digitalization provides new oppor-
a global business model. Moreover, national tunities for firms to engage with foreign customers
endowments with resources supporting digital and to reduce capital investments needed to effec-
businesses shape decisions about where firms locate tively compete in a foreign market. For example,
which activity. virtual entry modes such as firm-specific websites or
complementors in a platform enhance exporting

Journal of International Business Studies

International business in the digital age Klaus E. Meyer et al.

opportunities, vastly increasing the potential scope Similarly, businesses have been sourcing raw
of customers a firm can reach (Brouthers et al., materials and intermediate products abroad for
2022). Industry 4.0-related technologies enable the centuries. Yet, in recent decades, the sourcing of
collection and analysis of large volumes of data on knowledge and knowledge-based assets has become
factory operations and value chains, thereby trans- more important (Cantwell & Mudambi, 2005; Luo
forming internal and inter-firm coordination & Tung, 2017), and this trend has been accelerated
mechanisms (Dachs, Kinkel, & Jäger, 2019; Lee, by the advent of digital technologies. For example,
Kim, Choi, & Jiménez, 2023; Strange & Zucchella, digital communication channels have reduced the
2017). Virtual communication tools enable instant costs of recruiting and interacting with employees
cross-border information sharing via for example based in other countries to the extent that it is now
social media or video conferencing. Augmented feasible to recruit individuals based in other coun-
reality or additive manufacturing (also known as tries in a phenomenon known as ‘work from
3D printing) enable firms to serve foreign markets anywhere’ (Choudhury, Foroughi, & Zhu, 2021).
without establishing physical facilities in the coun- It is even feasible (and cost efficient) to tap into
try (Laplume, Petersen, & Pearce, 2016). human capital in distant locations for specific
The challenge for IB scholars thus is to integrate projects, such as logo designs (Kumar, Deodhar &
strategizing on digital technologies and on interna- Zaheer, 2023).
tionalization (Figure 1). Many traditional research Beyond the transformative reduction in transac-
questions in IB thus merit revisiting (Brouthers et al., tion costs, digitalization enables entirely new tech-
2022). For example, historically, non-equity modes nologies and social activities, of which Table 1 gives
of doing business, such as exports or licensing, have some examples. Technologies such as video stream-
been basic building blocks of IB (Czinkota & John- ing or augmented reality enable formats of product
ston, 1983; Young Hamill, Wheeler, & Davies, 1989). and service delivery that have not been feasible
Recent advances in the digital economy have led to before the digital age. New types of social activities
dramatic reductions in transactions costs that inter- leverage digital technologies, such as social net-
national businesses have historically been struggling works, e-sports (Lin, Xu & Xie, 2023) and crowd-
with thus enhancing opportunities for firms to funding (Kumar et al., 2023) to create opportunities
engage with non-equity modes (Birkinshaw, 2022; for entirely new types of business.
Hennart, 2022). As a consequence, the relative For some firms, known as digital firms, digital
importance of geography in shaping international technologies are at the core of their business model.
trade has been reduced, although it continues to play These include firms providing physical products/
a substantive role in explaining patterns of trade services via digital ecosystems (including the shar-
(Hortascu, Martinez-Jerez & Douglas, 2009; Kim, ing economy) as well as firms providing digital
Dekker, & Heij, 2017). products or services within a digital ecosystem
(Mahnke & Venzin, 2003). Digital products here are

Figure 1 Digitalization of international business.

Journal of International Business Studies

International business in the digital age Klaus E. Meyer et al.

Table 1 Examples of innovation enabled by digitalization

Innovation Applications in IB

Technological Audio/video streaming (e.g., Spotify, Netflix) Delivery of songs, movies, or music internationally
innovations Industry 4.0 and Internet of Things Enhanced efficiency of coordination within global operations and
value chains
Video conferencing software (e.g., Zoom, Multi-locational meetings with employees or customers
Teams, Tencent Meeting)
Artificial intelligence (e.g., IBM Watson, Analysis of (potential) customers in foreign countries. Better
Amazon Web Services) matching of product mix in different countries
Additive manufacturing (3D printing) (3D Localization of manufacturing of single products in multiple
Systems, Stratasys) countries
Augmented reality (Apple, Alphabet) Maintenance services to remote locations
Social Social networking (e.g., Facebook, LinkedIn, Instant communications over long distances. Improved customer
innovations WeChat) feedback and input to new innovations
Crowdfunding (e.g., Kickstarter, Indiegogo) Accessing funding from dispersed micro-investors
Online gaming (Tencent, Activision Blizzard) Games based on an interface located in another country
e-sports (TSM, FaZe Clan) Competition of international teams with other international teams

understood as products that exist without a phys- This distinction is important for ana-
ical form, such as apps, software, and social media. lyzing the challenges digital platforms face when
With the help of digital technologies, some tradi- aiming to internationalize their scope.
tional physical products have been converted or Figure 1 outlines how these novel aspects of
replaced by digital products, including music strategizing interact with the external and internal
(records and CDs), photos, greeting cards, or factors that continue to shape strategy. As we detail in
design. Beyond digital products, additive manufac- the next section, the national environment in each
turing even replaces the transfer of physical prod- country of operations influences digital strategies of
ucts with transfers of software codes that then are firms. In terms of organizational characteristics, a key
used locally to ‘print’ the physical product. distinction is between digital firms that develop a
One of the most visible icons of the digital world digital strategy from scratch, and mature firms that
is the emergence of digital platforms, referred to start from their existing structures and resources.
here as interfaces that facilitate multilateral trans- With respect to organizational heritage, emergent
actions and exchanges among users and providers factors shaping digital strategies are the access to
of complementary products and services, i.e., complementary digital resources, and existing IT
‘‘complementors’’ (Li, Chen, Yi, Mao, & Liao, infrastructure that may actually become a source of
2019). Digital platforms can potentially transform inertia as shifting from one software platform to
entire industries by creating new forms of inter-firm another requires considerable organizational change.
cooperation with platform-centered ecosystems
(e.g., Kretschmer, Leiponen, Schilling, & Vasudeva,
2022) and network effects that can be international THE INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS
(Brouthers, Geisser, & Rothlauf, 2016). Some plat- ENVIRONMENT IN THE DIGITAL WORLD
forms (e.g., social networks like Facebook) operate At the early stages of the Internet, many observers
entirely on data flows and digital products; they predicted a diminishing role of nation-states as
can technically serve foreign markets without a digital communication and digital products could
local presence. Other platforms operate as multi- cross national boundaries seemingly unconstrained
sided markets for goods or services that have to be (e.g., Kotha, Rindova, & Rothaermel, 2001; Quelch,
physically delivered (e.g., Amazon, Alibaba). They 1996). Indeed, leaders of companies born in the
bundle physical assets and operations with Internet digital age often adapt a ‘global by default’ mindset
communications, and require a local presence in (Birkinshaw, 2022; Nambisan & Luo, 2022). How-
foreign markets (Birkinshaw, 2022) to support the ever, arguably, national influences on IB never
delivery of physical products or services required in really went away (Kobrin, 2001). Recent years have
the country – with notably exceptions in the tour- seen the re-emergence of national factors in shap-
ism industry (e.g., Airbnb, and some ing businesses, even in the digital economy (Stal-
export-oriented e-commerce platforms (AliExpress, lkamp & Schotter, 2021).

Journal of International Business Studies

International business in the digital age Klaus E. Meyer et al.

IB scholars have a long tradition of studying Douyin, has not been as successful. Below we
national contingency factors affecting businesses, discuss three aspects of informal institutions par-
and cross-border transactions in particular. How- ticularly relevant for the digital economy: social
ever, these contingencies may have to be recon- trust, attitudes to technology, and general norms
ceptualized for the digital world. For example, and values.
digitalization is triggering social changes that may First, social trust within a society and towards
influence informal institutions. Moreover, law foreign partners may be of particular importance
makers become aware of (perceived) gaps in their with respect to service providers on the Internet
regulatory frameworks that digital firms try to because Internet transactions are normally not
exploit, and thus aim to remedy them, thus embedded in social relationships, which weakens
changing formal institutions. Hence, in Figure 1, many informal enforcement mechanisms. For
we have included a feedback loop between digital example, Clemons, Wilson, Matt, Hess, Ren, Jin
strategies and the national context. Here we and Koh (2016) find that differences in social trust
explore key informal institutions, formal institu- across nations translate into variations in online
tions, and resource endowments of the digital age. shopping behaviors. Moreover, cultural differences
have been observed to influence online lending
Informal Institutions (Burtch, Ghose, & Wattal, 2014) and the adoption
Informal institutions are defined as the typically of mobile payment systems (Kumar, Nim, & Agar-
unwritten but socially shared rules and constraints wal, 2021; Pelletier, Khavul, & Estrin, 2020). Inter-
that generate social behavior expectations (Dau, nationally operating digital businesses may be
Chacar, Lyles, & Li, 2022). These include shared particularly concerned about the association of
norms, customs, traditions, sanctions, and reward trust and national identity, which contributes to
structures (Helmke & Levitsky, 2004; North, 1990). preferences for domestic service providers as
Every society has norms and traditions with which observed in studies of cross-border e-shopping
members of the society have to align. Informal (Kim et al., 2017) and online programming (Gefen
institutions serve as the invisible threads that & Carmel, 2008). In this issue, Kumar, Deodhar,
connect the fabric of social groupings, making Zaheer (2023) explain this phenomenon by focus-
them a critical element in the study of IB, but also ing on cognitive biases that lead firms sourcing
challenging to capture both theoretically and creative services online to prefer providers from
empirically (Dau et al., 2022). In recent years, this their own or nearby countries.
includes, in particular, expectations of appropriate On the other hand, digital technologies acceler-
social and environmental practices that all busi- ate the growth of global virtual teams and commu-
nesses have to address. For internationally operat- nities of practice. Extant research suggests that
ing businesses, this implies some degree of despite cultural diversity, such virtual teams and
adaptation in each of the countries where they communities can actually be fairly successful at
operate (Kostova & Roth, 2002). Such adaptation developing trust (Bouncken & Barwinski, 2020;
includes for example culturally sensitive marketing Breuer, Huffmeier, Hibben, & Hertel, 2020). Along
practices, standards for protecting the local envi- these lines, in this issue, Lin, Xu, Xie (2023) show
ronment, and respectful treatment of the labor how e-sport teams create cognitive common
force. ground that helps leveraging cultural diversity to
In the digital economy, such informal institu- enhance team performance.
tional pressures persist but have become more Second, societies vary in their attitudes to new
diffuse because internationally operating firms are technologies, including pace of technological
simultaneously exposed to institutional pressures change and protection of personal data, which in
from multiple countries (which may not be turn affect how and how quickly consumers engage
aligned). At the same time, certain changes in with new technologies (Smith, Deitz, Toyne, Han-
norms may disseminate quickly across the Internet, sen, Grünhagen, & Witte, 2013). In this issue,
but not necessarily across groups within the same Madan, Savani and Katsikeas (2023) show that
society. For example, TikTok, a social networking people’s responses to data breaches in the digital
app, rapidly diffuses content among teenagers and space are associated with traditional concepts of
young people, including over 100 million users in national culture, specifically power distance and
the US alone. Yet, its diffusion across age groups in uncertainty avoidance. Such national variations in
its home country China, with its Chinese version of consumer attitudes can be expected to influence

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International business in the digital age Klaus E. Meyer et al.

cybersecurity protocols firms adopt, and the ability employment law, critical questions pertain to
of digital businesses to internationalize. the status of employees, i.e., when are workers
Third, national cultural traits are likely to employees under the law, and when are they
influence interactions in digital space as they independent contractors for whom minimum wage
influence traditional communities. For example, and various other labor standards do not apply? For
Thompson and Brouthers (2021) find that both businesses contracting large numbers of low or
between- and within-country cultural differences medium skilled people, these are critical questions.
significantly impact the effectiveness of online For example, to what extent is the competitive
advertising and consumer clicking and sharing advantages of Amazon based on paying less to
behavior. Specifically, the pace of adoption of new warehouse workers and delivery drivers than usu-
technologies is likely related to cultural traits such ally unionized (at least in Europe) traditional
as uncertainty avoidance, which shape not only retailers do? To what extent is the advantage of
digital entrepreneurship but also platform users’ platforms such as Uber based on individuals offer-
willingness to experiment with new offerings and ing services earning less than national labor stan-
technologies (Park & Jun, 2003). Such cultural dards would require? The more protection of
differences challenge the ability of digital busi- employees is embedded in national institutions,
nesses to successfully expand in foreign markets. the more likely new forms of organizing labor using
digital platforms is conflicting with both formal
Formal Institutions institutions and interest groups operating under
Formal institutions include the laws and regula- these institutions.
tions that govern business transactions (North, Second, consumer protection and health and
1990) and have been widely explored in the IB safety standards apply to all businesses. Yet, digital
literature (Doh, Rodrigues, Saka-Helmhout, & platform businesses have been able to circumvent
Makhija, 2017; Meyer & Peng, 2016). Such formal certain rules, e.g., non-discrimination standards, by
institutions, notably legal frameworks, are defined referring decisions to algorithms or to platform
by national authorities or their sub-entities; only in service providers. Thus, for example, males repre-
a few exceptions do nation-states coordinate their senting the ethnic majority in their location may
legal frameworks internationally through for exam- consider it safe and cost-effective to travel using
ple the WTO or the EU. This means that firms Uber, but it is less clear that this applies to other
operating on the Internet find themselves con- demographics, or for travelling with children (Fer-
fronted with a range of barriers arising from guson, Gosk & Schapiro, 2019; Tang, Guo, Tang, &
differences in national regulations (Stallkamp, Wang, 2021). Further, manufacturing and selling of
2021). Many digital firms aiming to develop glob- counterfeit products has become easier with the
ally integrated operations thus view legal and growth of digital platforms. For examples, Alibaba
regulatory differences as obstacles to their interna- faced serious allegations of selling counterfeits
tional expansion, and hence complain about being across its various websites (Jin, Yang & Hosanagar,
‘locked out’ by national rules (Cusumano, 2014). 2022).
The reassertion of national sovereignty vis-à-vis National and local legislators thus have intro-
global companies was to be expected (and pre- duced laws to extend the protection of potentially
dicted, e.g., by Kobrin, 2001). What businesses may vulnerable users buying products and services
see as opportunities to overcome bureaucratic through digital platforms. Legislators in several
obstacles may be seen as legal loopholes by countries have put pressure on retail platform firms
national authorities and policy makers (and as such as Amazon or Alibaba to prevent the sale of
unfair advantages by local businesses that have to fake brands or illegal products. Other examples of
follow all the laws of the country). Many institu- online service providers facing national regulation
tions have been developed in the pre-digital age, to protect consumers include financial services,
and do not fit the demands of a digital economy. online gambling, or the sale of weapons and
Thus, the regulatory framework is co-evolving with prescription drugs.
the digital economy as policy and law makers Third, nation-states (and their sub-entities) levy
respond to activities they observe in the digital various taxes on businesses and citizens, including
economy. corporate tax and sales or value added tax. This
Many spheres of national law potentially affect creates considerable challenges for digital busi-
digital businesses (Table 2). First, in the sphere of nesses that operate across national borders (Kobrin,

Journal of International Business Studies

International business in the digital age Klaus E. Meyer et al.

Table 2 National law and regulation impacting digital businesses

Sphere of formal institutions Concerns Examples

Employment When is a contractor an employee? Employment status of delivery drivers for online
What are the minimum standards (work hours, shopping sites (Amazon, T-Mall), car sharing
pay, etc.) for employees? (Uber, Lyft) and food delivery platforms
(DoorDash, Deliveroo)
Consumer protection What is the liability of the platform operator for Fake brands sold via Alibaba Express or Amazon
faulty products delivered via the platform, or for Sexual harassment by drivers using ride sharing
outright fraud by platform users? platforms
Rules aimed at preventing addiction to gambling
Taxation Where is corporate tax due for services delivered Amazon warehouses serving multiple countries
across borders? Do platforms have to ensure License fees paid to Regional HQ in low-tax
platform users pay taxes they are liable for? location
Privacy What rights do individuals have on their personal Facebook collecting user data and using them for
data? What are companies allowed to do with third party targeted advertising (incl. political)
data collected from consumers?
National security What spheres of the economy does the TikTok access to data of US-based users
government consider national security? Geographic data in China – car navi system must
license from local partner
Censorship What is illegal to say in public? Historical reports and political opinions (Facebook,
What is illegal to promote? Google and others in China)
Advertisement for harmful substances or activities
(alcohol, gambling, pornography, guns)
Competition policy What criteria apply to M&A of digital firms? Approval of acquisition of start-ups by big-5 digital
What practices of dominant platforms represent firms
abuse of market power? Google search prioritizing services of associated
Intellectual property rights How can we globally utilize IP rights that are Spotify and Netflix streaming music or videos need
defined nationally and owned by different rights to negotiate with rights holders in each country

2001; Olbert & Spengel, 2017). Digital businesses personal data. GDPR applies to all businesses col-
have been adept at minimizing their tax burden lecting data on individuals in the EU, including
(Ting & Gray, 2019), for example by registering firms without a physical presence in the EU that
their business in a jurisdiction with low corpora- collect data from website users in the EU (Marelli &
tion tax, paying high brand license fees to units in a Testa, 2018). Globally operating digital companies
low-tax jurisdiction, or using other transfer pricing such as Facebook and Google thus have been
schemes (Nebus, 2019). Such practices have conse- repeatedly in conflict with EU authorities over their
quences for the tax burdens of other citizens and handling of user data (Water, 2018; Kuchler, 2018).
businesses in these countries (i.e., immobile people Data protection regulation has also been enacted in
and assets get taxed higher, while mobile assets California, while other jurisdictions contemplate
may be moved to low-tax locations), and poten- similar actions. Globally operating businesses, such
tially increase social inequality within countries. as banks, prefer globally standardized processes,
Thus, national legislators have amended tax rules. which implies that these national rules potentially
For example, online shopping platforms collect affect businesses far beyond their national
VAT or sales tax on behalf of governments, as boundaries.
otherwise their shipments would be held up in Fifth, most countries have censorship laws
customs to pay taxes and fees. regulating what can be shared in public. For
Fourth, privacy laws protect individuals from example, pornography or advertising for harmful
usage of their data by third parties and from undue substances such as cigarettes or alcohol are regu-
exposure to the public. For example, the EU lated to a great extent in many countries. National
introduced the General Data Protection Regulation regulators aim to prevent foreign Internet content
(GDPR), which establishes extensive protection of providers from bypassing such regulation. In

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International business in the digital age Klaus E. Meyer et al.

authoritarian states, such censorship can include, Jenny, 2021; Khan, 2017). Notably, digital platform
for example, critique of government policies or firms may attain overwhelming market power vis-à-
political leaders and the sharing of facts that vis platform users. Competition authorities may
contradict the authorities’ worldview. Companies not object to such market power when their
such as Google and Yahoo have in view of such competitive advantages are developed organically
restrictions decided that they cannot provide their and driven by innovation. Yet, they still monitor
services in China as the national rules on censor- platforms to prevent practices with anti-competi-
ship and data sharing conflicts with their corporate tive effects. For example, in many locations, busi-
values (Stevens, Xie, & Peng, 2016). nesses like Uber or Amazon may have monopolistic
Sixth, nation-states prohibit certain international bargaining power vis-à-vis small businesses, drivers,
transactions in the interest of national security or delivery staff. Thus, in 2021, the US government
(Hasnat, 2015; Luo, 2021). Traditionally, such rules took several initiatives to reduce the power of firms
applied to military equipment and to technologies to limit the efficiency of labor markets through
of direct or indirect use for the military. However, anti-competitive practices (Cater, 2021). Mean-
the concept has been broadened over the past while, the Chinese authorities have taken measures
decade to include for example data of interest to to constrain the power of Alibaba, Tencent and
the military, including data on people, infrastruc- other digital economy firms dominating their mar-
ture (5-G networks) and geography (Hasnat, 2015; ket segments (Chorsempa, 2021).
Lai, 2021). At times of war, national security is Finally, intellectual property rights (IPR) are
enforced and applied particularly selectively and usually defined under national law. This means
rigorously. Digitalization creates new challenges to that the IPR to a brand, an image or a song may be
the enforcement of such regulations given the ease held by different entities in different countries. The
with which users can access information from result is that companies using a brand or trademark
almost any location online (Luo, 2021). In response globally may face problems in countries where
to these challenges, countries such as China have someone else already registered the same name,
introduced digital firewalls that inhibit access to image or song. Thus, companies such as Spotify or
websites based outside the country while countries Netflix need to negotiate with right holders in each
like the US and UK restrict the nationality of country to attain the rights to broadcast a song or a
investors in digital infrastructure projects. movie; they cannot simply offer their services
Seventh, competition law for digital economy internationally based on the rules and IPR in their
firms has moved up the policy agenda around the home country (Athreye, Piscitello, & Shadlen,
world (Philippon, 2019). This includes the approval 2020).
of M&As in the digital economy. For example,
competition authorities are concerned about the National Resource Endowments
wave of acquisitions of technology start-ups by In addition to informal and formal institutional
leading players in the digital economy, such as differences between countries, countries vary in the
Google, Meta, and Amazon (Argentesi, Buccirossi, availability and organization of resources accessible
Calvano, Duso, Marrazzo, & Nava, 2021). These to businesses. Businesses providing digital products
firms have in recent years acquired many young may be less concerned about traditional infrastruc-
technology start-ups complementing their product ture, but they depend on resources such as tech-
offerings, thus enabling them to gradually expand nological infrastructure, innovation, and
their market power into related business segments. entrepreneurship eco-systems. However, firms sell-
In other cases, known as ‘killer acquisitions’, dom- ing physical products via online channels still
inant firms acquire a potential competitor before depend on transportation infrastructure such as
they even emerge (Cunningham, Ederer, & Ma, roads, railroads, and ports, as they rely on these
2021). National and EU competition authorities are resources for the execution of their strategy, espe-
in the process of developing criteria for assessing cially the speed and quality of product delivery.
such M&As, and these initiatives are not always First, the deployment of digital technologies
aligned (Jenny, 2021). depends on a nation’s technological infrastruc-
Similar controversies have emerged with respect ture, such as access to mobile phones, wireless
to the implementation and enforcement of rules to networks, and broadband – also known as digital
ensure fair competition in view of dominant firms infrastructure (Andrews, Nicoletti & Timiliotis,
in the digital economy (Jacobides & Lianos, 2021; 2018), which vary considerably across and within

Journal of International Business Studies

International business in the digital age Klaus E. Meyer et al.

countries, notably being weaker in many emerging strategies that firms develop with respect to digital
economies (other than China). On the other hand, technologies and business models. Thus, in this
weaknesses in traditional infrastructures may pro- section we explore three common strategies for the
vide opportunities for digital service providers to digital economy: the internationalization of digital
leapfrog stages in economic development; for platforms, the use of digital platforms as interna-
example, mobile money services are adopted tional sales and marketing channels, and the digital
rapidly where they fill a gap in existing banking transformation of traditional MNEs. As illustrated
infrastructures (Kumar et al., 2021; Pelletier et al., in Figure 1, the opportunities and challenges for
2020). As a result, the way firms employ digital firms contemplating these strategies vary not only
technologies to provide digital products and ser- with their national context (as discussed in the
vices varies across countries. previous section) but also with their organizational
A related question is how resources are organized, heritage. In particular, firms pursuing a digital
which organizations control resources, and how strategy from the outset face fewer challenges in
they coordinate among each other. Is critical digital organizational transformation yet may face greater
infrastructure controlled by competing private barriers from national contexts.
firms, de-facto monopolistic firms, or government
agencies? For example, high market concentration Internationalization of Digital Platforms
in telecom services in the US leads to higher Platform businesses rely on networks of complemen-
charges for basic digital service in the US than in tors. Therefore, when expanding into a foreign mar-
many other countries (Philippon, 2019). Elsewhere, ket, they need to attract a critical mass of users and
governments own or tightly regulate telecom complementors in the host market. Yet, this task faces
infrastructure, which may result in biases in favor several challenges. First, their new business models
of domestic service providers. Thus, businesses may not be immediately understood by users or
expanding abroad need to not only identify and service providers in the host market, which results in a
evaluate the quality of resources available, but also deficit in cognitive legitimacy (Garud, Kumaras-
assess the key players in the local ecosystem and wamy, Roberts, & Xu, 2022). They also need to
develop appropriate partnering strategies to access engage different groups of stakeholders with diver-
complementary resources. gent values or interests (Logue & Grimes, 2022). Thus,
Second, several studies of the internationaliza- a platform operator may experience a liability of
tion of digital businesses highlight the importance foreignness abroad because it lacks knowledge about
of innovation and connecting with local entre- local users, has to overcome cultural distance and
preneurial ecosystems (Sussan & Acs, 2017). communication barriers, or even faces regulatory
Such knowledge clusters help sharing new ideas, discrimination in the foreign market. Recent studies
recruiting talent, identifying potential new com- show that the network effects of platform participa-
petitors, and acquiring new innovative resources. tion vary by country-level institutional and cultural
Countries with more active entrepreneurial ecosys- factors (Chen, Li, Wei, & Yang, 2022; Kumar, et al.,
tems and digital human resources tend to be more 2021). In addition, in new foreign locations, weak or
receptive to new technologies and digital innova- peripheral network positions of a platform in the host
tions (Grimpe et al., 2023; Sahut, Iandoli, & country may lead to a liability of outsidership, which
Teulon, 2021). Hence, country differences in inno- further hinders access to local users and complemen-
vation and entrepreneurial resources can provide tors (Brouthers et al., 2016; Li & Fleury, 2020).
either barriers or opportunities for the expansion of These issues may not be sufficiently addressed by
firms relying on digital technologies. conventional IB theories. Internalization theory
suggests that the growth of MNEs is driven by the
exploitation of firm-specific advantages by combin-
EXEMPLAR DIGITAL INTERNATIONAL ing them with local advantages in host societies
BUSINESS STRATEGIES within the boundaries of the MNE (Buckley &
Firms engaging in the digital economy internation- Casson, 2020; Narula, Asmussen, Chi, & Kundu,
ally have to develop both their digital business 2019). In the case of digital platforms, a key
strategies and their internationalization strategies. competitive advantage is their large user base and
IB scholars have extensively analyzed internation- complementary assets owned by external comple-
alization strategies; yet in the digital economy mentors rather than the platform company itself
these strategies are interdependent with the (Li et al., 2019). However, these complementors

Journal of International Business Studies

International business in the digital age Klaus E. Meyer et al.

often are not internationally transferable. What is barriers, Khanagha, Ansari, Paroutis and Oviedo
transferable are digital assets such as data analytics (2022) propose a mutualistic strategy in which a
and software along with a reputation that may new platform first complements the existing dom-
precede direct market entry. To compete success- inant ones, and then gradually gains support from
fully (i.e., profitably) in a foreign market, these target members while neutralizing resistance from
digital assets need to be combined with local other key actors. This approach could reduce the
complementors in each local market. To reach a competitive tension between new and incumbent
critical mass of users, platform companies have to platforms and help new entrants gain a competitive
accumulate and manage numerous complementors position in the host market.
and users, which is quite different from traditional Digital platform entrants also face competition
practices of managing local suppliers and cus- from non-platform incumbents. For instance, a
tomers of a foreign subsidiary (Brouthers et al., ride-hailing platform also competes with the tradi-
2022). tional taxi industry in the host country, whereas a
The platform literature has begun to provide digital commerce platform serves the same market
insights on these issues. For instance, platform as offline brick-and-mortar stores. The entry of a
companies such as Uber may leverage their user foreign platform can trigger strategic responses by
base in a yet unregulated market to lobby regulators incumbent traditional firms. For example, Chang
to design the regulatory framework in their favor and Sokol (2022) find that following the entry of
(Birkinshaw, 2022; Garud et al., 2022). Moreover, Airbnb into Taiwan, high-quality hotels further
Chen, Shaheer, Yi, and Li (2019) suggest that to increase the prices and investment in quality,
mitigate the liability of outsidership, platform hence repositioning themselves into a higher end
companies can first penetrate high-clout countries of the market. Entrants thus need to constantly
and then expand on a wider scale. High-clout monitor the competitive actions and counterac-
countries are those with greater economic power tions of their digital and traditional rivals to make
and social connectivity relative to other countries. timely adjustments.
Having established operations in such high-clout Finally, platform companies differ from tradi-
countries can encourage user participation else- tional companies in the governance of their ecosys-
where in the world. Platform companies also have tem, which carries critical implications to their
to pay close attention to the evolution of their internationalization process. Traditional compa-
platforms and user preferences in the host market. nies usually feature clear boundaries and hierarchi-
For example, they may face a tradeoff between cal structures, but the function of a platform
innovativeness (quality) and size (quantity) and the requires coordination of multiple semi-au-
ecosystem. Although network effects generally tonomous participants whose interests are not all
increase with the number of complementors, a aligned. The platform thus needs to set up rules
congestion cost – that is, the presence of too many regarding platform access and control, create incen-
complementors – could discourage their innova- tives to direct participant behavior, design struc-
tion and therefore reduce the quality of the tures and interfaces to facilitate efficient
platform (Panico & Cennamo, 2022). communication, balance coopetition with comple-
Platform owners compete with rival platforms as mentors on the platform, and manage the ever-
well as with traditional non-platform firms in the increasing interdependencies and risks (Kretschmer
host market. Dushnitsky, Piva and Rossi-Lamastra et al., 2022). These decisions require critical trade-
(2022) identify several archetypes of platform offs. For example, open platform access can
strategies based on the pricing and design of the increase network effects, but it may also raise
platform and propose that a platform firm’s choice quality concerns, reduce complementors’ incentive
of strategy is a function of environmental factors to innovate, and eventually lower platform quality
such as users’ preference heterogeneity and infor- (Boudreau, 2010; Zhang, Li, & Tong, 2022). Design-
mation asymmetry regarding offerings’ quality. But ing appropriate governance structures is even more
to gain competitive advantages, entrants may have challenging in international contexts, because both
to differentiate themselves from incumbents. Many the number and diversity of participants increase
platform markets rapidly concentrate leaving only greatly.
one or two dominant platforms accumulating a Moreover, global platforms are embedded in
large number of users and complementors, thus more complicated relationships due to their con-
creating high barriers to entry. To overcome these nections with both home- and host-country users,

Journal of International Business Studies

International business in the digital age Klaus E. Meyer et al.

partners, and regulators. These dependencies Wang, 2021; Lanzolla & Frankort, 2016; Lehdon-
expose them to multiple sources of risk, such as virta, Kässi, Hjorth, Barnard, & Graham, 2019).
reputational, operational, legal, and digital security Institutional environments shape the nature and
risks (Luo, 2022; Nambisan, Zahra, & Luo, 2019). availability of information and hence the extent of
Managing these risks requires a combination of information asymmetry, which in turn, determines
global standards and modular structures allowing the value of platforms as signals. For example, Jean
for flexibility and cultivating fluid and loosely and Kim (2021) find that exporters make more use
coupled relationships (Kretschmer et al., 2022; of services offered on digital platforms to signal
Nambisan & Luo, 2021). In summary, successful their capabilities and credibility when facing high
internationalization requires platform companies formal institutional distance and hence high infor-
to create and continuously upgrade their ecosys- mation asymmetry between home and host coun-
tem-specific advantages which enable them to co- tries. Similarly, signal credibility is more important
create value with external partners and to keep when differences in uncertainty avoidance are
interests aligned (Li et al., 2019). large.
Third, the integration of online and physical
Users of International Digital Platforms channels may shape the effectiveness of firms’ use
The Internet, and digital platforms in particular, has of the Internet as a marketing channel. Traditional
empowered countless firms to internationalize exporters may experience virtuality traps when
rapidly. Thus, born globals and born digitals have relying too much on digital internationalization
become common phenomena in contemporary busi- and lacking physical presence in foreign markets.
ness (Monaghan, Tippmann, & Coviello, 2020). For For example, Sinkovics, Sinkovics and Jean (2013)
example, traditional small and medium sized expor- show that the use of the Internet as an alternative
ters can leverage digital platforms as alternative to a physical market presence does not lead to
channels to connect with foreign buyers. In addition, higher export performance. Moreover, traditional
firms selling digital products – such as software firms adopting digital platforms as part of their
(Wentrup, 2016), mobile apps (Chen et al., 2019), foreign distribution channels face potential chan-
and digital platform services (Jean & Kim, 2020) – can nel conflicts between direct online exports and
distribute their products entirely through digital their traditional foreign distributors (Houghton &
channels, and thus penetrate international markets Winklhofer, 2004). Thus, exporters adopting digital
and acquire foreign customers rapidly (Chen et al., platforms experience weaker export performance
2019; Shaheer, Li, & Priem, 2020). due to conflicts with established distributors (Jean
While digital channels create major opportuni- et al., 2020).
ties, they also create critical challenges for the In summary, while digitalization makes initial
growth of small and medium-sized firms. First, entry easier for many firms, traditional exporters
digital platforms attract many users on both sides, using online channels such as digital platforms as
and therefore create far more intensive competition alternative international marketing channels still
than traditional markets. For example, more than face significant challenges due to competition,
100,000 different sellers supply the electronics institutional differences and lack of physical pres-
category at, and they offer seemingly ence. Successful (i.e., profitable) internationaliza-
very similar products (Anwar, 2017). As another tion in most cases requires digital users to
example, millions of apps have been launched on understand institutional differences in foreign mar-
Android or iOS platforms, yet less than 5% survive kets and to develop adaptive strategies and non-
after their launch. Thus, Jean and Kim (2020) find digital resources to complement their digital
that exporters’ ability to leverage a platform to resources.
internationalize depends on the competitive inten-
sity on the platform. Digital Transformation of Traditional Businesses
Second, the effectiveness of digital platforms as Digitalization affects not only digital firms. Tradi-
channels for internationalization may be affected tional firms with established organizational struc-
by institutional differences between home and host tures and processes face the challenge of digital
countries. Recent studies highlight how firms use transformation (Furr, Ozcan, & Eisenhardt, 2022).
digital platforms as signaling mechanisms which It presents different challenges in different indus-
help reduce information asymmetry and signal tries and no generally agreed definition exists.
product quality and credibility (Deng, Liesch, & Fitzgerald, Kruschwitz, Bonnet and Welch (2014:

Journal of International Business Studies

International business in the digital age Klaus E. Meyer et al.

2) consider digital transformation as ‘‘the use of transformation can trigger internal political ten-
new digital technologies (social media, mobile, sions between business units located in different
analytics or embedded devices) to enable major countries. An effective way to lead such change is
business improvements such as enhancing cus- to appoint a Chief Digital Officer to provide
tomer experience, streamlining operations, or cre- centralized guidance on implementing digital solu-
ating new business models.’’ Furr et al., (2022: 3) tions throughout the organization and can help
use the term more broadly to capture ‘‘the adoption MNEs deal with contextual differences between
of novel strategies and business models that are countries and disagreements between business
enabled by a myriad of new information technolo- units (Firk, Hanelt, Oehmichen, & Wolff, 2021).
gies.’’ Some firms have found digital transformation Successful transformation requires specific digital
to be an easy process that improves performance, transformation capabilities (Kane, Palmer, Nguyen-
while many others have found it difficult and Phillips, Kiron & Buckley, 2017). Day and Schoe-
fraught with problems (Fitzgerald et al., 2014; Kane, maker (2016: 65) argue transforming capability
Nanda, Phillips, & Copulsky, 2021). based on an entrepreneurial mindset that ‘‘is
Digital transformation encompasses not only the actively cultivated within, with a broad expansive
adoption of digital technologies but more impor- approach to external network-building as well.’’
tantly changes in business processes and practices They suggest that digital transformation requires
that help firms compete in the digital world renegotiating the external environment and the
(Fitzgerald et al., 2014; Kane et al., 2021). Its company’s ecosystem. In this process, digital trans-
implementation requires new sets of capabilities formation capabilities provide existing firms with
that enable not only organizational change, but the continuous strategic renewal of processes, pro-
new processes to employ digital technologies to cedures, and organizational structures needed to be
create and appropriate more value for the firm (Day responsive to the fast-changing digital environ-
& Schoemaker, 2016; Fitzgerald et al., 2014; ment. Yet several authors (Firk et al., 2021; Fitzger-
Matarazzo, Penco, Profumo, & Quaglia, 2021). ald et al., 2014; Kane et al., 2017) suggest that most
Extant research highlights that although technol- firms fail to develop the managerial and techno-
ogy is an important part of digital transformation it logical capabilities needed to realize the potential
is not the only area of focus (Hanelt, Bohnsack, of digital technologies.
Marz, & Antunes Marante, 2021). Talent manage- Building on the dynamic capabilities concept,
ment, corporate culture, strategy, company leader- researchers are beginning to identify specific capa-
ship, and organizational structure all play bilities that firms need to be successful at digital
important roles in the digitization of a company transformation. Dynamic capabilities are innova-
(Kane et al, 2021). Digital transformation requires tion based and provide the capacity to create,
firms to make changes to their inherited processes, extend, and modify a firm’s resource base (Schilke,
organizational culture, and business models Hu, & Helfat, 2018). The dynamic capabilities
(Fitzgerald et al., 2014; Hanelt et al., 2021; Matar- framework has become one of the most active
azzo et al., 2021). In this issue, Grimpe, Sofka and research streams in the strategic management and
Kaiser (2023) highlight the importance of provid- IB literatures. Yet, the development of dynamic
ing digital knowledge opportunities in retaining capabilities for digital transformation and value
subsidiary-level digital human resources. creation in digital contexts has received limited
Businesses operating in multiple countries face attention (Day & Schoemaker, 2016; Matarazzo
even greater challenges during digital transforma- et al., 2021). Recent studies link dynamic capabil-
tion, for several reasons. First, they need to resolve ities and digital transformation and suggest that
differences between existing international knowl- digital transformation capabilities need to help
edge and new knowledge created with digital firms to (1) navigate innovation ecosystems, (2)
technologies – including information overload redesign internal structures, and (3) improve digital
(George & Schillebeeckx, 2022; Yu, Flecher & Buck, maturity (Warner & Wäger, 2019). Specifically,
2022). Second, they need to coordinate transfor- dynamic digital transformation capabilities need
mation in multiple business units across multiple to enable four clusters of activities: sensing, learn-
national contexts, which increases the complexity ing, integrating, and coordinating (Matarazzo et al.,
of the process (George & Schillebeeckx, 2022). The 2021) or nimbleness, scalability, stability, and
more geographically diversified a firm is the greater optionality (Kane et al, 2021).
are such challenges. In particular, digital

Journal of International Business Studies

International business in the digital age Klaus E. Meyer et al.

The main purpose of digital transformation capa- ratio of both sales and purchasing of MNE sub-
bilities is to manage a wide range of tensions arising sidiaries. This suggests that Industry 4.0 helps firms
from balancing internal and external collaboration, develop certain digital capabilities that in turn
redesigning flexible and manageable governance enhance their ability to coordinate value chain
structures, and integrating externally recruited and relationships without owning the upstream/down-
internally promoted employees (Hanelt et al., 2021; stream partners. In other words, these Industry 4.0-
Matarazzo et al., 2021). However, so far, little related capabilities help reducing market transaction
empirical evidence exists to guide organizational costs. Lee et al. furthermore find that these relation-
development or successful employment of digital ships are amplified by both advertising and R&D
transformation capabilities (Magistretti, Pham, & intensity at both HQ and subsidiary level, with six of
Dell’Era, 2021; Warner & Wäger, 2019) and to their eight moderators being significant. Their the-
balance conflicts arising from differing institutional orizing offers explanations on what kind of relation-
contexts and inter-unit interests within the MNE. ships benefits more or less from complementary
One exception in this issue is Tatarinov, Ambos, and resources. An interesting methodological innova-
Tschang (2023) who identify the actions of interna- tion is their use of content analysis of companies’
tional partners as a key component of international annual reports to capture Industry 4.0 actions rather
digital transformation efforts. than intentions as had been common in earlier
Second, Tatarinov, Ambos and Tschang (2023)
PAPERS IN THIS SPECIAL ISSUE analyze how organizations related to the United
The papers in this special issue address a wide Nations implement digital solutions to address
variety of phenomena enabled by the digitalization wicked problems in their ecosystems, such as sup-
of business (Table 5). Three papers analyze chal- porting refugees or empowering impoverished com-
lenges of digital transformation in mature organi- munities. These organizations face challenges
zations and ecosystems: the impact of Industry 4.0 implementing and scaling novel digital solutions
(Lee et al., 2023), solving wicked problems (Tatari- not only internally but throughout their ecosystems
nov et al., 2023) and management of digital human of external partners in developing economies.
resources (Grimpe et al., 2023). Three papers ana- Tatarinov and collaborators conduct four in-depth
lyze digital strategy from a platform user perspec- qualitative, longitudinal case studies of such digital
tive, exploring how individuals and teams engage innovation projects. These projects employ tech-
with partners around the world, including e-sport nologies such as shared platforms, artificial intelli-
teams (Lin et al., 2023), crowdsourcing (Kumar gence, blockchains, and geospatial mapping.
et al., 2023) and cybersecurity (Madan et al., 2023). Theoretically focusing on the evolution of the
Corresponding with the variety of phenomena, ecosystems, the authors highlight distinct roles and
studies in this special issue vary in their unit of configurations of different partners in the processes
analysis from individuals, to teams, and to units of of scaling digital solutions, and identify properties of
the MNE. The studies offer theoretical contribu- digital solutions, such as modularity, generativity
tions primarily in form of defining or refining and affordances that help overcome traditional
constructs capturing aspects of IB that can be replication-adaptation dilemmas in scaling. They
integrated into existing theories. Thus, traditional infer that properties of both the digital solution and
theories are viewed as applicable to the new the ecosystem are key to explaining processes of
context, but need suitable interpretation and implementing digital solutions. Moreover, their
refinement to explain novel phenomena and rela- typology of four different types of international
tionships. An important opportunity arising in the scaling highlights variations in ecosystem versatility
digital economy is the emergence of datasets at the and local adaptations of the digital solution.
level of transactions that enable more fine-grained Third, Grimpe, Sofka and Kaiser (2023) analyze
theorizing and testing of the models of IB. the challenges MNE subsidiaries face in managing
The three papers on aspects of digital transforma- their digital human capital, that is employees with
tion explore different settings. First, Lee, Kim, Choi specialized skills related to digital technologies.
and Jiménez (2023) analyze the Industry 4.0-orien- They focus on the retention of individuals embody-
tation of MNEs as a driver of external business ing digital competences and argue that they are
relations at the subsidiary level. They find that motivated not only by financial incentives but by
Industry 4.0-orientation increases the external/total learning opportunities offered to individuals within

Journal of International Business Studies

International business in the digital age Klaus E. Meyer et al.

the subsidiaries. Integrating the concept of sub- Furthermore, they argue that foreign providers gain
sidiary-specific advantages into theoretical argu- international experience in prior online contests,
ments of voluntary employee mobility, Grimpe and and observe host peers in a live contest, which
collaborators argue that the opportunities for reduces the effect of liability of foreignness due to
acquiring new skills in subsidiaries with advanced the conceptual expansion of providers’ creative
digital expertise will reduce the odds of employees consideration sets. Similarly, the seeker’s cognitive
leaving the organization. They test their theoretical openness associated with technologies or with a
predictions for employees in MNC subsidiaries in physical international presence reduces the nega-
Denmark. They find enhanced retention effects in tive effect on providers’ success. Their empirical
subsidiaries with an internationally diverse work- analysis utilizes a novel type of dataset of paired
force or possessing patented technologies, factors transaction-level observations from an online plat-
that enhance learning opportunities. On the other form with solution-seeker firms in 102 countries
hand, the effect is reduced in locations where other and work providers in 124 countries.
employers offer alternative career development Finally, Madan, Savani and Katsikeas (2023) use
opportunities. an experimental study to examine how aspects of
Three papers analyze individuals and teams culture influence individuals’ attitudes to cyberse-
interacting with the digital economy. Again, the curity. They argue that individuals vary in their
variety of phenomena leads to a variety of theoret- responses to data breaches they experienced based
ical approaches and study designs, including anal- on their individual characteristics and national
yses of interesting novel datasets. First, Lin, Xu and value systems, specifically, power distance and
Xie (2023) analyze the role of cultural diversity in a uncertainty avoidance. They test their ideas in
new form of semi-virtual team, namely multi- multiple studies using archival and experimental
locational teams of e-sports players competing in data. They find that in countries with high power
global competitions. Specifically, they analyze distance, users are more willing to continue using
games played by multicultural teams in the League an Internet service after a data breach, which they
of Legends. They argue that e-sports communities attribute to an association between power distance
create cognitive common ground, which enables and the belief that the business, rather than they
the teams to overcome the frictions that tradition- themselves, owns the data. Further experiments
ally inhibit the effectiveness of multicultural teams. show that users with high power distance beliefs
They find empirical support for their argument that are more likely to continue using a service despite
cultural diversity improves the quality of team data breaches. In addition, prompting study par-
strategy when gamer identity becomes more sali- ticipants to believe that they (not the business)
ent. This effect is enhanced by contextual pressures own the shared data attenuates this effect, while
such as time constraints, social visibility and out- high uncertainty avoidance mitigates the effect.
come pressures, all of which increase the benefits
by activating digital-based shared identities unre-
lated to national cultural differences. DIRECTIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH
Second, Kumar, Deodhar and Zaheer (2023) Our review of the field in conjunction with the six
analyze how a key concept of IB, the liability of papers in this special issue suggests a new research
foreignness, applies in purely digital transactions. agenda for IB scholars (Table 4). We first review
They study crowdsourcing of creative work, a challenges arising from the interaction of digital
context where conventional sources of liability of strategies with core research questions of IB schol-
foreignness such as regulatory barriers and a need arship. We suggest that each of these strategies
for local knowledge do not apply because digital- impacts higher-level questions regarding (a) manag-
ization can mitigate traditional transaction-based ing international processes, (b) balancing tensions
frictions. However, other barriers to sourcing across between global integration and local responsive-
borders arise from the cognitive nature of creative ness, and (c) potential dark sides of digitalization.
work. Specifically, Kumar and collaborators argue Then we turn to the continued impact of national
that the cognitive home-country biases of providers contexts on global business in the digital world.
of creative work conflict with solution-seekers’
cognitive home biases. These biases manifest as Operating Digital Platforms
liability of foreignness, reducing the likelihood of Firms operating digital platforms face significant
foreign providers’ work being selected as winners. challenges building complementary ecosystems

Journal of International Business Studies

International business in the digital age Klaus E. Meyer et al.

Table 3 Papers in this special issue

Authors Digital economy Focal theoretical Unit of Data International context

phenomenon constructs analysis

Lee, Kim, Choi & Industry 4.0 (Internet of Industry 4.0 Subsidiary of Archival, firm level Korean MNEs
Jiménez Things) orientation the MNE
Tatarinov, Ambos & Digital solutions Scaling, Innovation Qualitative data of UN-related
Tschang (blockchain; geospatial ecosystem, project four innovation organizations
data engagement platform; wicked projects operating in multiple
AI platform) problems developing countries
Grimpe, Sofka & Digital human capital Digital human Individual Employer– Denmark
Kaiser capital; employee employee register
employee data (national
leaving a firm database)
Lin, Xu & Xie e-sports Cultural Team Online team Global
diversity, shared game outcomes
identity in virtual
Kumar, Deodhar & Crowdsourcing Liability of Solution Transaction-level Global
Zaheer foreignness seekers on a data from a major
digital platform
Madan, Savani & Attitudes to data breaches Power distance, Individual Experimental National stereotype
Katsikeas uncertainty user of scenarios given to
avoidance digital subjects in experiments

Table 4 Exemplar research questions for different types of firms

Operating international digital Participating in international digital Digitally transforming traditional

platforms platforms MNEs

Processes of How do new patterns of learning How do differences in costs and How can MNEs best take advantage
internationalizing about digital platforms influence benefits between traditional and of existing network relationships,
digital business platform owners’ integrative virtual marketing channels influence expand them to other foreign
capabilities and internationalization foreign customer acquisition and markets, and leverage them to
processes? international sales growth? increase their competitive
Balancing global How does the geographic scope of How can companies successfully How do MNEs develop a plan of
integration vs. externalities influence platform balance the adaptation and action, manage transformation
local adaptation owners’ choices with regard to standardization when adopting (both internally and externally), and
pressures? pursuing global integration or local digital platforms as international bring employees, customers, and
responsiveness? marketing channels? other stakeholders along the
The potential dark How do specific governance rules How do firms internationalizing via How can mature MNEs protect
side of digital IB? and technical designs of global digital platforms manage risks such themselves against risks in the
platforms influence ecosystem-wide as fierce price competition, digital economy, such as
social norms? increasing platforms costs and cybersecurity?
channel conflicts with existing
foreign distributors?

when they take their business into new geographies major learning processes enhancing their ability to
because of the sheer number of actors involved (Li coordinate the activities of and their relationships
et al., 2019). Their internationalization thus raises with external partners (Helfat & Campo-Rembado,
many research questions. First, they go through 2016). A distinct characteristic of platforms is that

Journal of International Business Studies

International business in the digital age Klaus E. Meyer et al.

the malleability of digital innovation allows for information, but also of ideologies and values. In
platform designs, governance rules and ecosystem an optimistic scenario, they may help the diffusion
scope to be altered after the platform has been of digital sustainability practices (George, Merrill, &
launched (Helfat & Raubitschek, 2018; O’Mahony Schillebeeckx, 2021). Yet, in a less optimistic
& Karp, 2022). This renders experimental learning scenario, they may disseminate extremist ideolo-
very valuable. Platform owners can identify the best gies and accelerate a race to the bottom of stan-
approach to improving complementarities within dards (Yi et al., 2023).
the platform as they go along. Such learning is The social impact at the national level moreover
often initiated in selected markets where a platform depends on how ecosystem governance interacts
owner can continuously run randomized con- with national institutions. Global platforms usually
trolled experiments to explore the outcomes of aim for globally integrated standards, yet may face
proposed changes (Eisenhardt & Bingham, 2017). idiosyncratic expectations from host-country plat-
This corresponds to some extent to asset-augment- form participants. Social responsibility scholars pay
ing investment and the reverse knowledge transfer much attention to the balance between integration
in traditional MNEs. However, so far, we know and responsiveness in MNEs (Durand & Jacquem-
relatively little about international learning pro- inet, 2015). How global platforms orchestrate social
cesses of digital platforms; future research thus practices and externalities within networks of
ought to examine the new patterns of learning by highly diverse stakeholders remains to be investi-
and within digital platforms and their implications gated. Moreover, a key question to be explored is
for platform owners’ integrative capabilities. how host-country institutional environments influ-
Second, digital platform operators, like tradi- ence the social impact of platforms.
tional MNEs, face choices between global integra-
tion and local responsiveness (Bartlett & Ghoshal, Participating in International Digital Platforms
1989). For instance, on a social network, user For firms and individuals using digital channels to
interaction and the content provided and con- reach international customers and suppliers, sev-
sumed may transcend national boundaries. Such eral research directions arise. First, while digital
firms may seek to build an integrated global technologies enable alternative marketing strate-
ecosystem that maximizes network effects and gies, many firms still rely on traditional interna-
draws users from many countries (Li et al., 2019). tional marketing channels and communications
Yet, advertising revenues – the most important such as trade shows or foreign distributors. The
revenue stream for platforms such as Facebook or question thus arises how and why costs and
Google Search – are inherently local to the users’ benefits vary between traditional and virtual mar-
location. Moreover, due to the variations in formal keting channels with respect to foreign customer
and informal institutions, digital platforms charac- acquisition and international performance. For
terized by fragmented local markets may have to example, how do exporters manage channel con-
configure their governance structures and ecosys- flicts with existing foreign distributors when using
tem design for local market conditions (e.g., local digital marketing channels in the same country
drivers in the case of Uber; and local logistics and (Houghton & Winklhofer, 2004). Moreover, how
payments in the case of do firms’ use of alternative channels contribute to
Third, the potential dark side of platform global- export performance under different formal and
ization has received far less attention. Dominant informal institutional environments? How do alter-
platforms potentially create negative social exter- native digital technologies such as digital platforms
nalities through, for example, market dominance or owned websites impact key performance out-
or spread of false news. Yet, so far, we observe a lack comes such as foreign customer acquisition and
of conversation between two prominent areas of IB export performance (Jean & Kim, 2020; Jean, Kim,
research, digitalization, and corporate social Zhou, & Cavusgil, 2021)?
responsibility (Yi, Li, & Chen, 2023). The social Second, while digital platforms as international
impact of platforms depends on the specific gover- marketing channels enable firms instantaneously
nance rules and technical designs that global to enter multiple foreign markets, they face the
platforms deploy in establishing and enforcing challenge of creating integrated marketing strate-
ecosystem-wide social norms (Asmussen & Fosfuri, gies that balance standardization and adaptation in
2019). Platforms, and social networks in particular, both traditional and virtual arms of their busi-
facilitate not only the dissemination of nesses. To date, most research on the

Journal of International Business Studies

International business in the digital age Klaus E. Meyer et al.

standardization versus adaptation question (Kat- 2022). On the one hand, digital technologies
sikeas, Leonidou, & Morgan, 2000; Sousa, Martinez- provide decision makers at headquarters with far
Lopez, & Coelho, 2008) considers companies oper- more detailed data on their global operations, thus
ating in the physical marketplace. Future research enabling higher degrees of central decision making
can analyze how companies can successfully bal- and control. Doing so, however, might undermine
ance adaptation and standardization when adopt- entrepreneurial initiatives at lower levels of the
ing digital platforms as alternative international firm, such as foreign subsidiaries and their sub-
marketing channels. entities. On the other hand, making global data
Third, future research should also explore the available to innovative managers throughout the
dark side of using digital channels for international organization may trigger rich innovation. More-
marketing. Many firms have withdrawn from dig- over, virtual teams enable smooth cooperation
ital platforms after unsatisfactory performance between individuals associated with different units
outcomes due to fierce price competition and of the MNE. Thus, for example, Birkinshaw (2022)
increasing platform costs. Thus, future work may questions whether traditional concepts of head-
explore drivers and contingencies of firms’ discon- quarter–subsidiary relationships are still applicable
tinuation of digital channels in international mar- in the digital age. How MNEs manage the renewed
keting. Moreover, we encourage future research to tensions between global and local decision-making
extend and contextualize ecosystem-level impact in thus raises many important research questions.
the asymmetric relationship between focal MNEs Relatedly, digitalization is likely to lead to
and their startup partners, who benefit from growth changes in the geographic footprint of the MNE.
opportunities but may experience one-sided depen- For example, Industry 4.0 technologies enables
dencies in the longer run (Buckley & Prashantham, more geographic fine-slicing of value chains, and
2016). hence greater spread of productive activity (Strange
& Zucchella, 2017). At the same time, these tech-
Digitally Transforming Traditional MNEs nologies enable more effective fully automated
Many mature MNEs face the challenge to transform factories, which could lead to more ‘backshoring’
their brick-and-mortar operations to the digital as production activity is moved from Asia to Europe
world. So far, only a few studies analyze how firms or North America (e.g., Dachs et al., 2019). More-
can best implement digital transformation, which over, additive manufacturing in combination with
technologies are most useful, what capabilities digitally-transferable designs enable production of
enable the process, and how to manage the process smaller batches close to customers, and hence
(e.g., Firk et al., 2021; Fitzgerald et al., 2014). possibly reducing shipments of physical products
Hence, the first research challenge is to better around the world and enabling entry into smaller
explain change processes associated with digital markets. Overall, the implications of introducing
technologies. these and other digitally enabled business models
One advantage traditional MNEs have over new for the organizational structures and geographic
entrants is their existing networks of international footprint of MNEs are not yet well understood.
buyers, suppliers and partners which they can draw Third, future research ought to examine the
on for knowledge, resources and innovation. By potential risks associated with digitalization in the
transforming these networks through the applica- MNE (e.g., Jean et al., 2020; Verbeke & Hutzschen-
tion of digital technologies, traditional MNEs may reuter, 2021). Several papers in this special issue
create further advantages. Research analyzing the touch on potential roadblocks to making digital
digital transformation of MNE networks may help technologies work within global operations. In this
explain how to best take advantage of existing issue, Madan et al. (2023) analyze how differences
network relationships, how to expand them to in culture influence reactions to data breaches.
other foreign markets, and how to leverage these Similarly, language differences might impede the
networks to increase the firm’s competitive use of certain digital technologies or result in
advantage. misinformation or mis-communications, thus
Second, digital technologies enable new forms of reducing the benefit of such technologies for a
coordination between geographically dispersed mature firm. Another risk is that suppliers of digital
business units and teams. Thus, MNEs are reassess- technologies gain bargaining power vis-à-vis tradi-
ing the traditional tensions between global inte- tional firms, thus undermining their profitability.
gration and local responsiveness (Nambisan & Luo, Risk management thus has to be a core element of

Journal of International Business Studies

International business in the digital age Klaus E. Meyer et al.

Table 5 Exemplar research questions on digitalization and the international business environment

Operating international digital Participating in international digital Digitally transforming traditional

platforms platforms MNEs

Formal What formal institutions—and how— What formal institutions—and What traditional national regulatory
institutions facilitate or hinder global integration of how—facilitate or hinder foreign institutions facilitate or hinder digital
digital platforms? market entry using digital channels? transformation in MNEs?
Informal What informal institutions—and how— What informal institutions—and How do informal institutions facilitate
institutions facilitate or hinder global integration of how—facilitate or hinder foreign or hinder digital transformation?
digital platforms? market entry using digital channels?
National Which aspects of national resource Which aspects of national resource Which aspects of national resource
resource endowments are most critical to endowments are most critical to endowment are most critical to
endowments facilitate the effectiveness of globally facilitate foreign market entry using facilitate digital transformation?
integrated digital platforms? digital channels? Which endowments create barriers?

digital transformation, and future research ought to digital businesses. Values and norms influence
help explain how firms can best manage these risks. consumer behavior, and thereby impact the ways
firms use digital channels in interacting with
The International Environment of the Digital consumers in different countries. However, to our
Economy knowledge, little research has analyzed the impact
Many early commentators on the Internet pre- of informal institutions on organizational processes
dicted a diminishing role for nation-states. Yet underlying digital transformation or the growth of
recent evidence suggests that this is – with platform businesses.
notable exceptions such as e-sports – not the case. Third, national endowments with digital
Recent geopolitical tensions accelerate the reasser- resources and supporting infrastructure, especially
tion of national sovereignty, though they may not telecommunications, are important for the devel-
be the primary cause (Luo, 2021; Meyer & Li, 2022; opment of digital IB. Above, we anticipated likely
Meyer et al., 2023). However, it is not well under- changes in the organizational structures and geo-
stood how and why national contexts create barri- graphic footprint of MNEs. The presence and
ers or opportunities to the global digital economy. accessibility of complementary and reliable digital
Thus, research challenges arise regarding the types infrastructure is likely important. Yet, we know
of barriers that inhibit the internationalization of relatively little on the how and why.
digital businesses and the opportunities that differ-
ences between countries provide. Table 5 formu-
lates questions arising from the different aspects of CONCLUSION
the national business environment for the three Digitalization changes many strategic and opera-
types of firms discussed above. tional aspects of IB at the ecosystem, firm, team and
First, with respect to formal institutions, fine- individual level. This introduction could only
grained understanding of specific rules and regula- touch on some of the many issues arising. We
tions is important for the success of IB by digital found that theories of IB can explain major aspects
firms. Yet, most IB studies tend to analyze formal of digital strategies, but scholars face challenges in
institutions at high levels of aggregation rather interpreting and operationalizing key theoretical
than the specific rules that apply in a specific concepts in the digital economy. Often high-level
industry. Thus, to enhance our understanding of abstract concepts apply. Yet, to enhance our under-
the success factors of digital business along any of standing of actual business challenges, operational-
the types discussed above, a clear understanding of ization is key, and these operationalizations may
the specific relevant regulatory environment, and have to be different than for traditional businesses,
the interactions between digital businesses and the as we discussed notably for the formal institutions
regulators, is key. (Table 2). Moreover, when it comes to explaining
Second, we lack understanding of how and why new business models and their impact on firms,
informal institutions impact the introduction of competition, and society more generally different
digital technologies in both traditional and new

Journal of International Business Studies

International business in the digital age Klaus E. Meyer et al.

types of research questions and new theories may NOTE

be called for. The apparent paradox of direct-to-consumer ship-
Beyond businesses in a narrower sense, many of ping from China to the USA (rather than using
the challenges discussed in this paper also apply to local warehouses) is in part explained by the
not-for-profit organizations such as non-govern- institutions governing global postal services. The
mental organizations and multilateral organiza- fee scale that national postal services pay each
tions, as illustrated by Tatarinov et al. (2023). other under the rules of the Universal Postal Union
Digital technologies provide opportunities for soci- set in 1969 favors developing countries. In conse-
eties to address – in collaboration with busi- quence it has long been cheaper to post a small
nesses – the grand challenges global society faces, parcel from Beijing to New York than from Los
such as poverty, pandemics and climate change. Angeles, though these rules were modified some-
Thus, as a final note, we encourage IB scholars to what in 2019 (Cumming-Bruce, 2019).
relate their understanding of IB and digital tech-
nologies to develop new approaches to solving
societal challenges.

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Accepted by Alain Verbeke, Editor-in-Chief, 21 December 2022. This article was single-blind reviewed.

Journal of International Business Studies

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