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Research design:

Researchers will utilize the mixed-methods explanatory sequential research design which

consists of collecting quantitative data and then collecting qualitative data to help explain or elaborate

on the quantitative results. The mix method approach enables the researcher to gather quantitative

data that pertains to the determination of the level of learning in the HyFlex modality and the level of

clinical competency of student nurses. In addition, the qualitative data will provide a more thorough and

meaningful understanding of the experiences that student nurses have in the clinical environment when

utilizing the HyFlex modality as an approach to education.

Population and Locale of the Study


1. Level II, III, IV student nurses, both male and female who are enrolled for the school 2023-2024.

2. Should be a regular student.

3. Willing to participate in the study.


The Survey System Sample Size Calculator will be used to determine the sample size. In addition,

stratified random sampling will be utilized to guarantee that particular subgroups are included in the

sample and to provide precise estimates of the characteristics of each group.

Data gathering tool

The researchers will employ a closed-ended questionnaire as a tool for the quantitative

dimension and will be done through google forms. For the qualitative aspect of the study, data will be

collected through one-on-one semi-structured interviews employing open-ended questions.

Data gathering procedure

• Closed- ended questionnaire will be used for the quantitative

• Semi-structured interview will be utilized as the data gathering tool for the qualitative

• Ask permission from the Lorma CON

•Researchers will send an invitation letter to the selected student nurses

• Obtain the participant's consent

• Briefing of the participants regarding the topic

• Floating of questionnaires via google forms

• The interview process will be conducted on ground

• Conceal the identity of the participants

• Data gathering process will be stopped until saturation has been reached

• Completeness and relevance of the data will be checked

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