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Casey Gardiner ( 248 ) 943 2789

Graphic Design Projects for 2011: Year of the Rabbit

A showcase of client commissions and personal creative endeavors in graphic design, print and digital layouts.

tell THE WOODS OF At least, that's what wewith the ourselves when faced myriad supertasks we must and over is their perform in our day-to-day antique joy... existence, with an everincreasing amount of When Yeats penned these superhuman efficiency, lest we words in The Song of the lose our own security, for Happy Shepherd, the world of ourselves and those we care humanity and civilization was about. The well-oiled undergoing the traumatic birth- machinery of the past century pangs of the next century's is beginning to break down Industrial Revolution. Now, No machine lasts forever And some one hundred and twenty in it's place, what? Where are five years later, as we struggle we headed now? What great to find new relevance in postpantheon of innovators will modern, post-industrial postpropel us out of these society, the same words can economic and apathetic still give pause, as we must ask doldrums? Who's steering this ourselves, Great Scott! Is the thing? old boy right? Well, maybe in 1866 that's Well, we all are, if we want it. how'd we say it Nowadays Are you ready to take the the whole question might be wheel? I am. ignored altogether when propped up next to our Feel free to join me. high-definition lives. -C. Casey Gardiner As it stands, the terrible secret of the world is this: Nobody cares.



One of the good, timeless tricks to logo design is this: It should believe in itself. That is to say, a decent logo behaves as if it has every right in the world to be where it is. If it looks like it has always been around, people will treat it that way. Example: this sticker design for Blue Rabbit Games behaves like a vintage label from the late seventies and early eighties, the golden age of tabletop games, but in fact it's brand spanking new.

Similarly, the brand image for this bicycle company startup aspires to compete with the likes of GM and Ford. Will it succeed? Only time and reason will tell.

Above: Not a logo, but this custom spinner for the board game Pazuzu: Secret of the Wind exudes the thrill of exploration and the terror of getting lost, two very strong and timeless themes in its Lovecraftian-style gameplay.


One of the world's universal themes is the fall of man from grace. Centuries of artistic, scientific and martial pursuits have been to restore humanity's dignity and bring back a more idyllic time. If we can just find the Holy Grail, balance the budget, and discover cold fusion, we reason, everything will be perfect.

This universal pursuit of a more lasting treasure is what inspired Hunters and Haunts, a semi-abstract board game where not even Death will stop you from reaching your goal.

Opposite: Sketches of the game's Hunter, Haunt, Defender and Treasure piece designs.


In the semiotics concept of tacity, every manmade object has a primary purpose, to store and communicate an idea. Once that idea is understood, only then does the object become useful, because people can understand its use. In truth, they're nothing more than a placeholder, a sort of shorthand for times and ideals of different places and eras. To use a certain china pattern over another means that one has bought into and finds emotional reassurance in its borrowed message of prestige. In the end, no In this light, typography can matter how it's packaged, be understood as a pseudo- it's just plates and cups. language, something that augments a message to Tacity teaches us that bolster itself against other buildings and cookware messages. Swirly script and propaganda posters alludes to elegance and and Helvetica are all femininity, bold lettering fundamentally the same in invokes power and their first purpose. The world authority. Within their is a book, and if we can assumed context, we learn pay attention, we will know to trust certain letterforms how to read it, and perhaps and shun others, because even re-write it. they do not communicate to our beliefs.

When we look fondly on old games and hobbies, it's part of a never-ending cycle of returning to halcyon days, and finding new diversions to occupy ourselves with. The world of advertising understands this, and they depend on it. Sell us something that reminds us of how happy we were when we had it, and we'll confuse that happiness with the product itself.

Nostalgia is a powerful force that can alter memories and affections. Was Kansas the best Oldest trick in the industry. band of its generation? Did the Volkswagen vans really live up to their owners' transcendental dreams? Which was the better movie Revenge of the Sith or Matrix Revolutions? To say these are irrelevant questions is to miss the point entirely. Hindsight may not always be 20/20, but it is always a complete circle.

Above: This pixel art piece (shown at over four times its original size) serves as a small tribute to an irreplaceable American innovator. A testimony for the depth of his influence is that he doesn't even have to be named to be recognized -- The apples do it for him. The man is synonymous with his brand.

Above: Zelda and the Unibrows' Blissful Cessation is exactly what it looks like, a cheerful song about death and endngs. The unexpected juxtaposition of the two themes are what inspired this radiant album cover design, loaded with covert death imagery. As an obscure reference to Weird Al Yankovic, the group retains a small obsession with the number 27. This motif has been hidden in the illustration a grand total of 18 times.


--R E S U M E-Computer Software knowledge: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Quark XPress, Adobe Pagemaker, MS FrontPage, MS Publisher, MS Office Suite Commercial and Cinematic Storyboarding Typographic Design and Layout Screen Printing Experience Camera skills as well as digital restoration of images EDUCATION: Macomb Community College June, 2008 to Present Media and Communication Arts Major with Concentration in Art for Advertising, coursework including advertising art, typography and spatial development, digital layout and design courses. Oakland Community College Associates Degree in General Studies June, 2006 Concentration in Business and Graphic Arts EMPLOYMENT: Art for a Cause 2007 to 2009 As artist for Birmingham, Michigan company, did production painting and designed graphics for publication and packaging. Goofy Face Caricatures 2006 to 2008 Worked in a fast-paced environment creating original caricatures in pencil, ink and pastels. Fine Lines Graphics 2005 to 2007 As Production Apprentice for Royal Oak, Michigan graphics design studio and sign shop, assisted with the design and production of many different vehicle and store graphics, including vehicle wraps, wall menus and hydroplane decals. Holcomb's Knowplace 2005 to 2006 As Keyholder for Troy, Michigan educational supply company, performed customer service, cashiering, and management duties. Hollywood Video 2003 to 2005 As Guest Service Representative for Royal Oak, Michigan movie rental and retail store, performed customer service, cashiering, and open/closing duties. Caesarland Enterprises 2002 to 2003 As Customer Service Representative for Clawson, Michigan children's entertainment center and pizzeria, performed customer service, cashiering, food preparation, fixing machines and managed the prize counter.

Thanks for looking!

C. Casey Gardiner ( 2 4 8 ) - 9 4 3 - 2 7 8 9

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