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Power of Gúlith you take that damage as well, halved.

You can use this

A power that is passed down, sometimes even skipping feature once every short rest.
At 14th level you can use this ability twice a short
generations, Power of Gúlith does not influence the rest.
unworthy. You controll the very essense of life and
death with a specialty in nechromatic and nature spells.
Death Takes
14th-level Power of Gúlith feature
Living Dead Spells
1st-level Power of Gúlith feature You’ve given so much, it’s time for you to claim your
You learn additional spells when you reach certain reward. As an action you can steal the life essence of
levels in this class, as shown on the Living Dead table. plants and vegetations around you. You can choose up
Each of these spells counts as a sorcerer spell for you, to five living vegetation within 120ft. that can fit into a
but it doesn’t count against the number of sorcerer 5ft. square, to steal life essence from, spending sorcery
spells you know. points. The vegetation withers away and you gain
Whenever you gain a sorcerer level, you can replace hitpoints and additional benefits. (see Life Essence
one spell you gained form this feature with another spell table)
of the same level. The new spell must be a necromancy If a plant or vegetation has any aditional effects in it’s
or a conjuration spell from the sorcerer, druid, or ranger raw form, positive or negative, you gain those effects as
spell list. if you ingested that vegetation.
Life Essence
Living Dead Spells
Sorcerer Level Spells Vegetation Effect Healing Points
1st Entangle, Inflict Wounds Grass You gain advantage on your next 1d8 1
3rd Healing Spirit, Wither and Bloom attack. For two 5ft. squares of grass
5th Create Food and Water, Summon Undead you gain a point of inspiration as
7th Blight, Death Ward well. With three 5ft. squares of
9th Afterlife Shell, Wrath of Nature grass you only gain double
advantage on your next attack.
Bush You gain an aditional 10ft. (+5ft. 2d6 2
Death Protects
per withering bush) of movement
1st-level Power of Gúlith feature for 1 minute.
Death is a natural part of life, but if you are dead you Sea You can breathe underwater for 2d6 2
cannot protect the living. Every time you’re dealt 5d6 minutes.
damage reduce it by 1. Vines As an action you shoot out a length 2d8
of vine. You can ether root a target,
The damage reduced is increased by 1 when reaching
use it as a grappling hook or
certain levels: 4th, 8th, 12th and 15th level.
consume it for 2d6 Hitpoints
Tree You gain 1 AC for each 5ft. of tree 2d10 2
Vines Share no Lungs you wither for 1d6 minutes.
6th-level Power of Gúlith feature Fungi On your next hit you deal an 2d8 3
aditional 5d8 poison damage for
You are now one with nature, their defences are in your each group of fungi you wither, to
core. You gain resistance to poison and you are immune your target. The target must save a
to diseases. spell DC check or be poisoned for
1d3 turns.

Vine Stairs
6th-level Power of Gúlith feature
Summon Shambling Mound
18tt-level Power of Gúlith feature
You can feel the power of the ground underneath you, it
wants to do your bidding. As a bonus action you bring The ground beneth you feels alive, you have the right to
fourth a thick vine from under your feet. The vine can bring it forth. As an action you an summon a trio of
move you 40 ft. in whichever direction you choose, after Shambling Mounds. They attack everyone by their own
you’ve erected the vine you can no longer controll it. instinct unless you tell them otherwise. They stay
The vine has 20 hitpoints, an armour class of 13, around for 3 hours, untill their HP reaches 0 or untill
resistance to cold and fire, is immune to psychic and is you comand them to leave.
vunrable to lightning. If the vine is struck by lightning You can use this feature once a long rest.

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