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Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study

The bustling Philippine town of Tanza, Cavite, has seen a rise in both commercial activity
and population increase in recent years. Because of this, the town's roads, which could
previously handle light to moderate traffic, are currently plagued by ongoing traffic
problems, especially during rush hour. Antero Soriano Highway, Governor's Drive, and
other major thoroughfares frequently take the brunt of this increasing traffic. Although
these arteries were intended to accommodate a moderate volume of vehicle traffic, they
are currently under stress during rush hour, which causes notable delays and bottlenecks.

In addition, the variety of vehicles on the road—from motorcycles and tricycles to

private automobiles and public transportation—exacerbates the traffic problem. The
problem of traffic congestion is made worse by the inflow of vehicles coming from different
directions and the inadequate road infrastructure.

The everyday struggle of Tanza's commuters and citizens to maneuver through more
clogged roadways is shown in this scenario, which has an effect on travel times,
productivity, and general quality of life. It is now vitally necessary to address Tanza's traffic
issues in order to promote sustainable urban growth, ease commuter stress, and guarantee
more seamless transportation in this booming town.

Urban planning, traffic engineering, public transit enhancements, and technology

integration are frequently used in heavy traffic management efforts with the goal of
reducing congestion and improving the general effectiveness and safety of roads.
Implementing carpool lanes, modernizing public transportation, making use of intelligent
transportation systems, and encouraging alternate forms of mobility like walking and
cycling are some strategies.

Controlling excessive traffic is essential to preserving public safety, minimizing

environmental damage, keeping transportation networks operating smoothly, and
improving metropolitan regions' general quality of life.

1.2 Significance of the Project

 Location
The location of the project is at Cavite in the city of Tanza.
 Function

 Impacts of the Project

1. Traffic Relief: The main advantage of a different route is the instant
reduction of traffic on the current ones. By redistributing traffic, it
relieves congestion on heavily used highways and shortens commutes for
2. Better Traffic Flow: By offering an alternate path, traffic is more evenly
distributed, which facilitates more efficient traffic flow on major
thoroughfares. This may lessen traffic jams and bottlenecks during rush
3. Quality of Life: People who live in the impacted region could have better
quality of life. When there is less traffic, people commute for shorter
periods of time, which reduces stress and increases leisure time and
general well-being.
4. Environmental Benefits: An alternate route may minimize emissions from
idle cars caught in traffic by lessening traffic congestion. This results in
less pollution in the environment and better air quality.
 Development Prospects

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