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BEE3143 POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS LAB 1 Title Learning Outcomes At the end of the experiment, student should be able to: i. Determine the methods of solving power flow problems. ii. Solve and computes the power flow analysis using MATLAB programming. iii. Discuss the results obtained from the analysis. iv. Explain the importance of power flow studies in power system operation and planning. : Power Flow Analysis

Part A: Gauss-Seidel Method Instructions: 1. Open the MATLAB programming window by double click the MATLAB v6.5 icon. 2. Update the MATLAB search path to include the directory of Power System Toolbox. 3. To understand the power flow programming using MATLAB, see example of power flow analysis for 2 bus power system. >ex2bus_gauss 4. Open a new m-file and solve the power flow analysis using Gauss-Seidel method for 3 bus power system in Figure 1.

Part B: Newton-Raphson Method Instruction: 1. To understand the power flow solution using Newton-Raphson method, see example of power flow analysis for 2 bus power system. >ex2bus_newton 2. Open a new m-file and solve the power flow analysis using Newton-Raphson method for 3 bus power system in Figure 1.

Power System Analysis: BEE3143

N. Md. Saad

Part C: Fast-decouple Method Instruction: 1. To understand the power flow solution using fast-decouple method, see example of power flow analysis for 2 bus power system. >ex2bus_decouple 2. Open a new m-file and solve the power flow analysis using fast-decouple method for 3 bus power system in Figure 1.

Figure 1: One line diagram for 3 bus power system

Questions: 1. What are the factors need to be considered in choosing the methods of solving power flow analysis? 2. Construct the power flow diagram and show the directions of line flow and losses. 3. What is your observation and conclusion from this experiment?

(Should you have any problem, please refer to your instructor)

Format Lab sheet as discussed at PSL: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Title Learning outcomes Instructions Circuit diagram or Block diagram Result Analysis Conclusion

Power System Analysis: BEE3143

N. Md. Saad

Appendix: Power flow solution for 2 bus test system using Gauss-Seidel Method
basemva = 100; accuracy = 0.001; accel = 1.8; maxiter = 100; % 2-BUS TEST SYSTEM % Bus Bus Voltage Angle ---Load---- -------Generator----- Static Mvar % No code Mag. Degree MW Mvar MW Mvar Qmin Qmax +Qc/-Ql busdata=[1 1 1.05 0.0 115 31 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 2 0 1.0 0.0 10 10 0.0 0.0 0 0 0]; % Line code % Bus bus R X 1/2 B = 1 for lines % nl nr p.u. p.u. p.u. > 1 or < 1 tr. tap at bus nl linedata=[1 2 0.0 0.1 0.0 1]; lfybus lfgauss busout lineflow >> % form the bus admittance matrix % Load flow solution by Gauss-Seidel method % Prints the power flow solution on the screen % Computes and displays the line flow and losses Power Flow Solution by Gauss-Seidel Method Maximum Power Mismatch = 0.000903402 No. of Iterations = 29 ------Load------ ---Generation--- Injected MW Mvar MW Mvar Mvar 31.000 124.910 10.000 0.000 41.000 124.910 41.253 0.000 41.253 0.000 0.000 0.000

Bus Voltage Angle No. Mag. Degree

1 1.050 0.000 115.000 2 1.040 -0.528 10.000 Total 125.000

Line Flow and Losses --Line-- Power at bus & line flow from to MW Mvar MVA 1 2 2 9.910 10.253 14.259 10.075 10.130 14.287 --Line loss-- Transformer MW Mvar tap 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.185 0.185 0.185

-10.000 -10.000 14.142 1 -10.075 -9.945 14.156

Total loss

Power System Analysis: BEE3143

N. Md. Saad

Power flow solution for 2 bus test system using Newton-raphson Method
clear % clears all variables from the workspace basemva = 100; accuracy = 0.001; accel = 1.8; maxiter = 100; busdata = [same as in ex2bus_gauss] linedata = [same as in ex2bus_gauss] lfybus lfnewton busout lineflow >> % form the bus admittance matrix % Load flow solution by Newton-raphson method % Prints the power flow solution on the screen % Computes and displays the line flow and losses Power Flow Solution by Newton-Raphson Method Maximum Power Mismatch = 3.17264e-005 No. of Iterations = 3 ------Load------ ---Generation--- Injected MW Mvar MW Mvar Mvar 41.182 0.000 41.182 0.000 0.000 0.000

Bus Voltage Angle No. Mag. Degree

1 1.050 0.000 115.000 31.000 125.001 2 1.040 -0.525 10.000 10.000 0.000 Total 125.000 41.000 125.001

Power flow solution for 2 bus test system using Fast-decouple Method
clear % clears all variables from the workspace basemva = 100; accuracy = 0.001; accel = 1.8; maxiter = 100; busdata = [same as in ex2bus_gauss] linedata = [same as in ex2bus_gauss] lfybus decouple busout lineflow >> % form the bus admittance matrix % Load flow solution by Newton-raphson method % Prints the power flow solution on the screen % Computes and displays the line flow and losses Power Flow Solution by Fast Decoupled Method Maximum Power Mismatch = 0.00042768 No. of Iterations = 3 ------Load------ ---Generation--- Injected MW Mvar MW Mvar Mvar 41.197 0.000 41.197 0.000 0.000 0.000

Bus Voltage Angle No. Mag. Degree

1 1.050 0.000 115.000 31.000 124.957 2 1.040 -0.525 10.000 10.000 0.000 Total 125.000 41.000 124.957

Power System Analysis: BEE3143

N. Md. Saad

The output of the line flow and losses is the same as the line flow and losses output of ex2bus_gauss dictated by Gauss-Seidel method.

Power System Analysis: BEE3143

N. Md. Saad

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