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D: ¡Hello!
M: ¡Hi!
D: What do you do in your free time?

M: I usually get up at 11:00, take a shower, have

breakfast and go out to the square with my dog while I
listeng to music.

D- Cool, what´s your dog’s name?

M- Her name is Cassy.
M- Excuse me, and what do you do in your free time?
D- I usually wake up at 11:00, take a shower and vist my
girlfriend. Then we go shopping and go to the movies.
M- Oh nice, where do you buy?
D- I buy clothes in nike and jordan.
M- Jaja cool, and what is your favorite movie?
D- My favorite movie is fast and furious 3
D- And what music do you listen to?
M- I like to listen to reggaeton.
D- Really? I also like reggaeton, what is your favorite
M- my favorite band is Plan B.
D: Nice band… ok bro, see you soon
M: Ok, bye.

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