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E3S Web of Conferences 406, 01034 (2023)


Polymer Materials in Daily Life: Classification, Applications, and

Future Prospects
Jiamin Lu1,*
1College of Material and Energy, South China Agricultural University, Wushan, Tianhe, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China

Abstract. As science and technology continue to advance, the field of polymer chemistry has become a
highly researched area. Polymer materials are now widely used in various aspects of our everyday lives,
showcasing the versatility and practicality of this discipline. As people's lives become more affluent, their
reliance on polymer materials has also grown stronger. This article aims to provide a brief overview of
polymer materials, including their classification and applications. By exploring the various uses of polymer
materials, the goal is to identify new opportunities for their application and contribute to enhancing people's
quality of life.

1 Introduction Table 1. Classification of polymer materials.

As society advances and people's expectations for a high
quality of life grow, synthetic polymer materials have Name Characteristic
become essential products in people's daily lives, Based on polymers, various additives and
providing convenience and fundamentally changing Plastics fillers are added to form plastic materials or
many aspects of daily routines. This paper delves deeper rigid materials after processing
into the classification of polymer materials and their close Slender and soft filament, at least 100 times
relationship with people. Additionally, it discusses the Fibre
the length of the diameter
current limitations of these materials and presents
Highly elastic material with reversible
suggestions for future research and development Rubber
directions. Through this exploration, the hope is to further
Polymer material coated on the surface of
understanding of polymer materials and their potential for
Paints an object that forms a tough film and plays a
improving our lives. decorative and protective role
A polymer material that can join more than
2 Definition and classification of two objects together by bonding
polymer materials Function Fine polymer materials with special
al functions and uses, but not in large
Polymer materials are high-molecular-weight polymers quantities
compounds, which are synthesized by a series of Which is the largest feature of metallic materials
chemical reactions. These polymer materials are more such as iron, copper, and non-metallic inorganic
widely used in the market, and depending on their materials such as calcium carbonate and magnesium
application characteristics. Summarized in Table 1, sulphate, which are widely available around people, is
polymer materials include mainly plastic, rubber and that they are mass-heavy and inconvenient, while the
fibre, which are the three parts. In addition, polymer also most obvious characteristic of polymer materials and the
includes some coatings, colouring and other functions of above materials is that polymer materials are composed
molecular composite materials[1]. Nature is made up of of elements such as C, H, O, and N. The relative
many similar polymeric substances, such as proteins, molecular mass of these elements is small[2], therefore,
starch, wool, silk, and so on, which are the basic most polymer materials are light in mass, and this feature
substances that make up living organisms. In the early also This characteristic makes polymer materials widely
days of relatively low technology, human beings started used in everyday life. Polymeric materials are available
using these polymeric substances to improve their lives in a vast array of materials from diverse sources and can
such as keeping warm by making clothing out of wool be manufactured at a low cost, making them an attractive
and so on. option for a wide range of manufacturers to incorporate
into their production processes.

* Corresponding author:

© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
E3S Web of Conferences 406, 01034 (2023)

3 Common polymer materials 4 Applications of polymer materials in

daily life
3.1 Plastic
4.1 Application of polymer materials in clothing
Plastic is the most common polymer material in
everyday life, but plastics are not only made up of Clothing is the oldest application of polymers in people's
polymer materials, to ensure the normal use of plastic, in lives. As early as thousands of years ago, clothing was
the manufacturing process it is also necessary to add a made using animal hair for warmth, and animal hair is
few external excipients including lubricants, stabilizers, currently what we refer to as fibre polymer material.
colouring agents, et al[3]. Packaging bags, snack bags, With the continued development of polymer research
and so on are all made up of plastic and can be seen and development technology, people are now reducing
everywhere. Plastics are widely used in everyday life the natural polymer cotton, wool, hemp, and so forth
because they are lightweight and do not change shape from nature as the production of clothing materials, the
with temperature change, and they are impermeable to more synthetic means of natural materials are used for
some degree to ensure the dryness of the contents of the processing and manufacturing, for example, most
package. However, it should be noted that plastic cannot clothing worn by people is made from synthetic means
be degraded, which brings certain harm to the bad of manufactured fibre, as small as the stockings we wear,
environment, and, once burned, plastic will produce a as large as the winter coats we wear, and so on, are
large amount of toxic gas, which brings certain harm to inseparable from the polymer materials. Moreover, some
people's health. of the attachments on people's bodies are also
inseparable from the polymer materials, such as artificial
3.2 Fibres leather and plastic compound[5] shoes and belts; brooches,
buttons, et al. are made from unsaturated polyester fibre
Fibre is another commonly used polymer material in in addition to artificial bead pigments.
everyday applications. There are two categories of fibres:
naturally occurring cellulose and chemically synthesized
4.2 Application of polymer materials in diet
cellulose. Natural cellulose is mainly found in fruits,
seeds, plant hairs, and other cellulose-rich vegetables in Polymeric materials are widely used in the food industry.
the wild. Chemical cellulose refers to products made Firstly, we consume various types of food, such as
through chemical processing, and chemical fibres are vegetables, meats, and staple foods, which are essentially
often used in the textile and clothing industries. made up of polymers classified based on their molecular
Nowadays, most people's clothing is made from weight. Secondly, plastic takeaway boxes and bags are
synthetic cellulose. popular in the food industry because they are lightweight,
non-toxic, and inexpensive, making them highly
3.3 Polymer film convenient for people's daily diets[6]. Mineral water and
snack bags are also commonly produced from plastic.
Polymer membranes have become essential components Overall, it is clear that polymer materials are closely
in people's lives, promoting an increase in their standard intertwined with people's dietary habits, and as such,
of living. The SEM image of the polymer membranes is they have significant impact on our daily lives.
shown in Figure 1 below. By using filtration, polymer
membranes allow purification of water resources, which
4.3 Application of polymer materials in
is important for maintaining the freshness and purity of
drinking water. This plays a vital role in safeguarding
people's health by eliminating various harmful impurities With the advancement of the economy and technology,
present in water[4]. Moreover, the development of people have access to various means of transportation.
polymer membrane technology has brought about The use of automobiles, planes, ships, trains, and other
significant economic progress in China and increased the modes of transport has significantly improved everyday
value of this technology. life, and polymer materials have played an integral role
in this industry. For example, rubber is used to produce
vehicle tires and various polymer resins are used for
external paints. PVC plastic is used for flywheels and
other polymer materials are used throughout
transportation vehicles to enhance their efficiency[7].
This highlights how polymer materials are intertwined
with the transportation industry and its ability to function

Fig. 1. SEM electron microscopy scan image of polymer


E3S Web of Conferences 406, 01034 (2023)

4.4 Application of polymer materials in medical sports equipment, pavements, phones, computers, and
care other electronic devices—making it virtually impossible
to go a day without interacting with polymer materials.
Polymeric materials play a crucial role in the medical The wide range of applications of polymer materials has
field. Medical gauze is an essential tool in medical brought exceptional convenience to people. Therefore, it
treatment, as it helps to stop bleeding, has anti- is safe to say that polymer materials have become an
inflammatory effects, and isolates external essential part of human life in modern society.
microorganisms. Gauzes consist of fibres made of
polymeric materials[8]. Engineered organs are also
crucial for treating patients with defects or other medical 5 Superiorities and limitations of
complications, and such organs also rely on polymeric polymer materials application
materials. Medical tools, devices, dressings, and other
products are also made of polymer materials. These
materials contribute to improving the medical 5.1 Superiorities of polymer materials
environment and reducing patients' potential pain during Polymer materials have numerous crucial advantages
treatment[9]. Overall, polymer materials play a vital role over other materials. Firstly, polymer materials are tough
in the medical field, helping to enhance patient care and and highly wear-resistant, making them ideal for
treating various medical conditions. producing items like automobile tires that operate for
long periods without wearing down. Secondly, polymer
4.5 Other aspects materials demonstrate high levels of corrosion resistance
and can withstand exposure to various harsh
Polymer materials are an essential part of people's daily environments, unlike many other materials. Lastly,
lives, appearing in various applications like clothing, polymer materials are lightweight and come in a wide
food packaging, housing materials, and modes of range of forms, making them versatile materials with
transportation. They provide numerous benefits such as widespread applicability across multiple fields[10].
durability, flexibility, and light-weighting, that allow for Overall, the unique properties of polymer materials have
unique design solutions and cost-effectiveness in many made them indispensable in modern society. As shown
different industries. The widespread use of polymer in Table 2, it introduces that different polymer materials
materials highlights their importance in modern-day can exhibit different properties due to differences in their
society. Additionally, they are used in the production of molecular weight.
Table 2. The molecular weight of H—(CH2)n—H and properties

n Molecular Weight Characters Name Use

Gas, and boiling point is -
1 16 Methane Natural gas
Volatile liquid, and boiling Short-chain
6~8 86~114 Solvent
point is 90~120℃ alkanes
Semi-solid, grease-like,
18~22 254~310 and boiling point is more Vaseline
than 300℃
Solid, and melting point is
20~30 282~422 Paraffin Candle
Strong solid, and melting
2000 ~ 20000 28000~280000 Polyethylene Membrane
point is 110~137℃
making them difficult to degrade, which means that the
5.2 Limitations of polymer materials excessive use of polymer materials could contribute to
environmental deterioration, in conflict with current
Although polymer materials have numerous advantages
trends in sustainable development. Overall, while
over other materials and have found wide use in daily
polymer materials have significant advantages,
life as well as high-end industries, some major
addressing their negative environmental impact and
shortcomings specific to China have emerged. The
expanding research into high-end polymer materials is
demand for polymer materials has risen significantly as
critical to ensuring continued economic and societal
their use has become more widespread, especially in
high-end industries like aerospace and electronics
technology. However, China's research on polymer
materials is currently limited, particularly when it comes 6 Prospects for future applications of
to research on high-end polymer materials. This has polymer materials
resulted in many companies being unable to import
foreign materials, limiting research opportunities in the
field and, in the long run, may hinder China's economic 6.1 Enhancement of function and performance
Moreover, polymer materials can have a significant Polymer materials have become an indispensable part of
environmental impact. They are corrosion-resistant, people's daily lives. As society continues to develop,

E3S Web of Conferences 406, 01034 (2023)

people's needs for polymer materials are becoming more degradation research[12]. Such advances in research will
diverse and demanding. The future trends in polymer play an essential role in future social and economic
materials development involve perfecting their functions development, and their potential value cannot be ignored.
and enhancing their performance to expand their Ultimately, the development of smart, sustainable, and
potential application in more fields. With extensive degradable polymer materials represents a crucial trend
ongoing research and development in polymer chemistry for the continued improvement and expansion of
and physics, we can expect the emergence of more high- polymer materials, to better meet the needs of the
performance molecular materials that will significantly contemporary world and ensure a harmonious human-
improve China's economic strength and scientific nature coexistence, as is related to Figure 2.
technological level. Ultimately, the goal is to ensure that
the extensive potential of polymer materials will be fully
realized to help meet the needs of an advanced and
expanding society.

6.2 Composite polymer materials

While the performance of polymer materials is already
impressive and meets many basic needs, the use and
economics of polymer materials can be further improved
through research and development in composite polymer
materials. The trend towards enhancing composite
polymer materials will make them widely applicable in
various fields, including aerospace and aviation, marine Fig. 2. Development of new polymer materials.
bioengineering, and electronic technology[11]. High-
strength, high-performance, and excellent heat-resistant 7 Summary & outlook
composite polymer materials will lead to further
improvements in China's scientific and technological Polymeric materials have become increasingly vital in
level, and their use will address multiple social modern-day living, bringing convenience and enhancing
development needs. In summary, ongoing research into people's quality of life. These materials have contributed
polymer composite materials is a significant trend that to economic development and advancements in science
promises to further unleash the potential of polymer and technology in various countries. They possess
materials in the future. unique properties that allow them to serve as a
fundamental component in many different applications,
6.3 Intelligent and green ranging from consumer goods to high-tech industries.
Therefore, it is essential to note the significant role that
In line with the rapidly-evolving society, the significance polymer materials play in society, from facilitating daily
of smart technology is becoming increasingly crucial. It tasks to fuelling economic growth and scientific
is therefore essential that future polymer materials advancements. However, we cannot ignore the
possess the ability to self-diagnose and self-care to limitations of polymer materials. There is still a
minimize the need for manual intervention. This feature significant gap between the level of research in polymer
would significantly enhance the durability and reliability materials in China and that in other countries. Moreover,
of polymer materials, enabling them to perform research into polymer materials inevitably leads to
optimally in the dynamic environments of modern-day pressure on natural resources and environmental
applications. This will open up new applications for protection. Therefore, more research and development of
polymer materials and make them suitable for use in high-performance polymer materials is needed.
high-profile industries. Furthermore, considering the We believe that with the continual improvement of
growing emphasis on promoting harmonious human- China's national power, future polymer materials will be
nature coexistence, it is imperative that future more intelligent, green, high-performance, and
developments in polymer materials align with the trend composite. This development will resolve the current
of promoting environmental protection and sustainability. issues and provide people with more practical
Hence, sustainable and eco-friendly development must applications. As researchers and developers in this field,
be a significant focus in the future development of we will continue to foster the study of materials and the
polymer materials. The advancement of science and physics of polymers. This will extend research ideas,
technology should not come at the expense of improve R&D technology, and provide technical
environmental degradation, and it is crucial for polymer guidance for a more comprehensive development of
materials to adopt sustainable production practices for polymer materials.
the benefit of society and the planet as a whole. In the near future, the potential for the development
Currently, most polymer materials are not easily of polymer materials is enormous. Polymer materials
recycled, and degradability issues arise. In the future, we will not only meet people's everyday needs but also
can expect a growing trend towards developing provide supportive support to a variety of industries and
degradable polymer materials through regenerative promote the healthy development of each industry.

E3S Web of Conferences 406, 01034 (2023)

Overall, we believe that polymer materials hold great

promise for helping people live better, more efficient,
and sustainable lives.

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