Schedule A Risk Matrix Table

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This Schedule is pursuant to the Risk Management policy and procedure.


People Health Wellbeing and Safety Financial Environment and Community Brand and Reputation Compliance Delivery of Service
• Single or Multiple Fatalities • A net financial impact of >$100M • Significant harm with widespread effect • Long term impact • Systemic non-conformance or misconduct • Cessation threat to ongoing operations
• Severe injury or illness, resulting in • May attract adverse findings from external • Irreversible widespread impact on • Council attention required resulting in loss of TEQSA license, other key • University strategic objectives not able to be met
permanent injury/ disability or ill regulators or auditors environment and community relations • Major international and national media license or accreditation that requires cessation • Irreparable impact on relationship with critical partners
health to one or more persons coverage of activity / collaborators

• Extreme stress and an inability to • Major national and local political attention • Significant prosecution and fines almost certain • Serious threat to achieving student, teaching or research
perform work duties in the • Total internal and external community • Potential for litigation including class actions targets
foreseeable future outrage • Future funding / approvals / registration / • Serious reduction in research activity/ output
• Staff industrial action licensing in jeopardy • Loss of a Faculty
• Unrest/ protest/ violence • Interruption to critical key services, operations and/or
• Smartraveller Alert Level 4* processes for > 1 month
• Major or Multiple injuries resulting in • A net financial impact between $20M - • Significant harm with local effect • Localised, long term impact with • Systemic non-conformance or misconduct • Cessation of major critical business systems or Education
temporary disability or ill health to $100M • Major long term environmental impact > 5 manageable outcomes notification resulting in suspensions or / Research programs
one or more persons • Requires significant adjustment to years and compromised community relations • Vice Chancellor and University Executive conditional licenses at Faculty level • Major impact on University strategic objectives
• Significant Lost Time Injury (LTI) approved / funded projects / programs attention required • University Council / staff prosecuted without • Significant impact on research activity over a sustained

impact (>or equal to 10 days) • Adverse national media coverage being imprisoned period
• Major stress and an inability to • Major national and local political attention • Legal/ financial penalties or regulator sanctions/ • Major problems meeting teaching or research targets
perform work duties in the medium • Major internal and external community attention/ reduced funding • Major loss / reduction in student enrolment / retention
to long term anger • Investigation, prosecution and / or major fine • Loss of a key school
• Dangerous near miss or threat likely • Interruption to critical key services, operations and/or
• Threat of industrial action/ protest processes between 2 to 4 weeks
• Smartraveller Alert Level 3 or
combination of 3 and 4*
• Injury or illness requiring medical or • A net financial impact between $10M - • Moderate harm with possible wider effect • Localised, long term impact but • Serious once off non-conformance resulting in • Loss / interruption / compromise of critical business
psychological treatment to one or $20M • Significant environmental impact, medium manageable suspensions or conditional licenses at School/ systems or Education / Research program for a
more people • Impact may be reduced by reallocating term 1 - 5 years and strained community • University Executive and Senior Course level protracted period of time
• Lost Time Injury (LTI) impact (<10 resources relations Management attention required • University Council / staff being subject to legal • Substantial impact on University strategic objectives
days) • Some national and state wide media proceedings • Significant loss / reduction of number of students in a

• Significant stress and a noticeable coverage • Financial penalties or regulator action possible course
reduction on ability to perform • Moderate local political attention • Loss of a key course
regular duties in the immediate • Isolated community, stakeholder and • Moderate impact on research activity over a sustained
future internal student/ staff complaints period
• Smartraveller Alert Level 2 or • Significant problem meeting teaching or research
combination of 2 and 3* targets
• Significant but short term damage to partnership
•Interruption to critical key service, operations and/or
processes between 1 to 2 weeks
• Minor injury, first aid treatment • A net financial impact between $5M - • Localised within campus boundaries. Recovery • Localised, short term impact • Once off non-conformance • Loss / interruption / compromise of critical business
required. No lasting impact $10M within 1 year • Senior Management attention required • University receiving formal warning or other systems or Education / Research program for tolerable
• Minor concern and some reduction • Requires monitoring and possible • State-wide and local media coverage notice from regulatory authority to rectify non- period but at an inconvenient time
in ability to perform regular work corrective action within existing resources • Minor local political attention conformance • Minor impact on University strategic objectives
duties in the short term • Some student, local community, • University receives an enforceable undertaking • Local service or Education / Research program delivery

• Dialogue required with industrial stakeholder and staff reaction and/or additional reporting problems
groups or student body • Financial penalties or regulator action unlikely • Moderate reduction in student enrolments / retention
• Smartraveller combination of Alert • Minor impact on research activity
Level 1 and 2* • Temporary problems meeting some teaching / research
• Interruption to critical key services, operations and/or
processes between 1 day and 1 week
• No treatment required • A net financial impact of <$5M • No impact on baseline environment. Localised • Localised temporary impact • Minor non-conformance/ breach rectified • Negligible impact on delivery of service
• No concern or slight apprehension • Unlikely to impact on budget or funded to point source. No recovery required • Management attention required internally • Minor reduction in student enrolments / retention

isolated to an event / situation and activities • Local media coverage and impact • Correspondence from regulators acknowledging • Negligible impact on research activity or achievement of
no impact on regular work duties • No political attention actions taken without further actions required teaching / research targets
• Smartraveller Alert Level 1* • Minor local community and staff reaction • No fines or penalties • No impact on University strategic objectives
• Interruption to critical key services, operations and/or
processes of up to 1 day

*Smartraveller alert-

Likelihood of events or consequences is determined by asking- has it happened before? If so how often (taking consideration of time-related factors and volatility)? What is
known or reasonably ought to be known about the risk. There may be data to assist. We can further gain an estimate of likelihood by not only asking the question in relation
to Deakin – but also the sector or similar institutions (dependent on effectiveness of existing controls).

Likelihood Rating Description

Almost Certain • Almost certain to occur/happen or is imminent, possibly frequently in a year. There is a history of regular occurrence at Deakin.

Likely • Will probably occur/happen, but not a persistent issue. There is a history in the recent past (within 3 years) of occurrence at Deakin.

Possible • Likely to happen occasionally and has a reasonable chance of occurring at Deakin.

Unlikely • Not expected to happen, but it is a possibility in the sector.

Very Unlikely/ Rare • Very unlikely this will happen.



Extreme Major Moderate Minor Insignificant

Almost Certain Very High Very High High High Medium

Likely Very High High High Medium Medium


Possible High High Medium Low Low

Unlikely High Medium Low Low Low

Very Unlikely/ Rare Medium Medium Low Low Low

How effective are the current controls in relation to reducing the likelihood or consequence of the risk?

Significant control gaps (controls associated with the risk are extremely weak and/or non-existent) that result in the control not influencing the
Not Effective
risk level.
Some controls are established however improvements/ further developments is required to remediate control gaps/ or there are factors outside
Mostly/ Partially Effective of our control. The control is influencing the risk level, however actions are needed to strengthen processes and documentation or further
understanding is required of external factors.
Controls are established and effective in mitigating risk; with no controls gaps. The control is influencing the risk level and there is evidence of
Effective adequate processes and documentation. Only monitoring is needed. The strength of this control environment means that if this risk eventuates, it
is most likely as a result of external circumstances outside of Deakin’s controls.


Risk Rating Mitigating Action Requirements

University Executive management responsibility. Cease or isolate source of risk. Immediate attention, response and treatment required prior to commencement or
continuation of work. Requires a risk assessment and risk management plan by the relevant Executive for approval (prior to work commencing or continuing) by the
Very High Vice-Chancellor, Risk oversight by Council, Audit and Risk Committee (ARC) or nominated Standing Committee.
The Risk must be escalated to the responsible University Executive member(s) immediately for full consideration and approval of risk mitigation/ opportunity measures
with the Vice-Chancellor.
Faculty General Manager/Director/Head of School management responsibility. Implementation of risk controls to be given appropriate attention, response and
demonstrably managed. Executive approved risk treatment required prior to commencement or continuation of work.
Risk must be escalated to the responsible Director, Faculty General Manager or Program/ Project Manager immediately. Vice-Chancellor informed by the appropriate
University Executive for consideration of risk mitigation measures to lower risk level.
Faculty General Manager/Director/Head of School responsibility. Assess the risk, determine whether current controls are reasonably practicable for the task/ work
area/ environment or if further action/ treatment is required. All risk mitigation factors to be explored and exhausted before proceeding. Monitor, review and
Medium document controls through regular business practices or local area meetings.
Risk must be escalated to the responsible Director, Faculty General Manager or Program/ Project Manager for consideration.
Local Management responsibility Faculty/Portfolio/Project management responsibility. Managed by routine procedures, monitor and review as required.
Managed within Faculty, Portfolio or Project by well-established routine processes/procedures with established controls.

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